Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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8131·9/1 Bridgehampton, NY 9114-15 Loudon, NH 1014-5 Loudon, NH Soulheast Region 5125-25 Bloo mingdale,GA 6122-23 Brasehon, GA 6129-30 Bloomingdale, GA mQ-21 Talladega, AL 8/17·18 Braselon, GA t 8131-9 ~oomingda le , GA /1 9114-15 Brasehon, GA Sou1hwest Region 6/1·2 Phoenix, AZ 8131-9/1 Las Vegas, NV 9121·22 Phoen~ , AZ 11 19-10 Las Ve NV gas, 11130-1211 Phoenix, AZ WERA Regional C'shipSeries 5ou1Il CentralRegion 6/1·2 CollegoSta tion, TX 6/7 -9 Hallett, OK 7/6-7 Henderson, TX 711 1·14 Clenmont, IN 1113-4 Colego Station TX , 8131-9/1 Halle OK tt, Soulheast Region 6/1-2 Faulkville, GA 6/15-16 Talladega, AL 7/11 -14 Clenmont,AL 9124-25 Talladega, AL 9128-29 Faulkville, GA Nor1h Central Regi n o 7/6-7 Mount Meridian, IN 7/11 -14 ClenmonL IN 1113-4 Fainmont City IL , 6/7-8 Grattan, MI 9128-29 Mount Me rienan, IN Nor1heasI Region 6129-30 Garrettsville, OH 7/11-14 Clenmont, IN 7IV-25 Garrettsville,OH 1113-4 Summrt Poim, WV 8131 -9/1 Ga rrettsville,OH 917-8 Grattan, MI 1015-6 Summit Po WV int, MId-Cen1raI Region 6/7-9 Hallett, OK 6/15-16 Talladega, AL 7/11·14 Clermont, IN 1113-4 FainmontCity IL , 8/24-25 Talladega, AL 8131 -911 Hallett OK , 9128-29 Mo t Meridian, IN un WERA Nat'l Challenge Series r.'24-26 Summit Po int,WV, And 3 6/7 ·9 South Haven, MI, And 4 6121·23 7/11-14 819-11 9/6-6 Grattan,.M And 5 I, Clenmont, IN, And 6 Moum Meridian, IN, And 7 • Memphis, TN, And 8 9120-22 College Station, TX, And 9 1019-13 Brasehon, GA. Final WERA Nal'l Endurance Series r.'25 6/8 6122 7/13 8/10 917 9121 1011 1 Summit Po , WV, And 3 int South Haven, MI, And 4 Grattan, MI, And 5 Clermom IN,And 6 , Mount Meridian, IN, An 7 d Memphis, TN, And 8 Colege Station, TX And 9 , Braselton, GA. Final WERA VintageSeries 6/1 • 612 6/7 ·9 6129 • 7/6 Faulkville,GA And 13 , Co llege Slation, TX And 14 , Hallett, OK, And 15 Garrettsville, OH, And 16 Mount Meridian, IN, And 17 7fT Henderson, TX And 18 , 7IV Garrelsville, OH, And 19 813 Summrt Point, WV, And 20 8/4 College Slation, TX And 21 , 8/24 Talladega, AL, And 22 8131 Garrettsville, OH,And 23 8131-9/1 Ha OK, And 24 llett, 917 Grattan, MI, An 25 d 9i28 Faulkville, GA, And 26 1015 Summrt PoinL WV, And27 1019-10 Brasehon, GA, Final • double point race tnfo 407 /831·7736 AHRMA Historic Cup Series 6/15-16 7119-21 819-1 1 9114 Grattan, MI Lexington,OH South Haven, MI Steamboat Sp rings, CO Talladega, AL 1014-6 Into 7151842·9699 AHRMA BMW Classic CupSeries 6/15-16 Grattan, MI 7/19-21 leXington, OH Info 7151842-9699 AHRMA Vinta geIron National MX Series r.'25 6/2 618 6/15 6129 7fT Tyler TX , San Be mardioo CA , New Be rlin,NY Grattan, MI Peoria IL , carlsbad, CA Lexington OH , Southwick, MA Steamboat Sp rings CO . , Hollister, CA 7120 8/10 9/13 10120 Inlo 715/ 42 6 -9699 AHRMA Speed & Sport Trials Series 6/1 San Bemardino, CA 6/2 Fred orna, KS 6/16 Grattan, MI 6130 Peo , IL ria 7/13 Nolden, CA 7121 Le xington, OH 9/12 Steamboat Springs, CO 10112 WhlteCity IL , 10119 Hollister CA , Inlo 7151842·9699 AHRMA Classic Bike Magazine Dirt Track Series 616 619 Budds Creek, MO Cumberland, MO 6/14 Lake Odessa, MI 6126 Peoria. IL· 6130 Peoria, IL 7IV Weedsport, NY 8/10 Harttord, MI 9/11 Hayden,CO Into7151842-9699 AHRMA Midwllst Regional MX Series 5126 Lamoni, IA 6/2• Fredonia,KS 6/15 Grattan, MI 6129 Peoria, IL 7/14 Milchell lN 7120 Lesingt n OH o, 9/1 Donmail<, WI 9121 Millington, MI 1015 Des Moines, IA 10119 casey, IL Inlo4141664-4331 AHRMA Western Regional MX Series 6123 Eugene, OA 9i22 Femley NV , 10113 carisbad, CA 11/3 Tulare, CA Into4081663-4014 AHRMA Western Regional Dirt Track Series 7/14 Brentwood, CA. And 6 7/19 Qu , CA, And 7 incy 8/16 Hollister, CA And 6 , 10110 Dol Mar CA. And 9 , 10111 Ramona, CA, And10 10/27 Tulare, CA Ands 11 & 12 , Into816/992-5343 NETRA Championsh ip Endu Series ro 6/2 619 . 6/2 3 7121 8/11 918 9i29 1016 10120 11/3 ' Wrentham, MA Somers, CT W, Greenrich, AI Oxlord, MA Granville, MA Wi dsor, MA n Wreltlam, MA Adams MA , Chester, CT Stafford, CT NETRA Champ hip ions HareSCrambles Series 6/16 6130 7fT 7/14 712B 8/4 8/18 8125 911 9115 9/22 10113 10/27 11110 Thomaston, CT Chelsea, VT Union, CT Windsor, MA E. Hampton, CT Searsport, ME Union, CT Ghoshre, MA W, Gloucester, AI Boyntonville, KY W Greenwich, AI . AssoneL MA AIIon, NH Cheshire County, NH NETRA Turkey Run Series 618-9 Loudon, NH 7120-21 Adams, MA 8125 Gardner, MA 9/8 9/15 N. HaverhiU, NH New Boston, MA 10113 10/27 Central Village, CT W~, MA AHRMA SOSIBOTIBEARS Series NETRA Championship Junior Enduro Series 6/15-16 Grattan, MI 7119-21 Lexington,OH 819-1 1 South Haven, MI 6/15 6122 7/6 813 8/10 1014-6 Talladega, AL Info7151842-9699 Thomaston CT , Southampton, NA Urnon, CT Searsport;ME Granvme, MA 8/17 8/2 4 9128 10112 10126 11/2 Union, CT So uthampton, MA Blimlield, MA AssonenL MA Ahan, NH Winchendon, MA Bestin theDesert Silver State Series 6122 9121 10/19 Pioche, NV Tonopah, NV Las Vegas, NV 12/7 Laughlin, NV Info7021457-5775 SERA Enduro Series 612 6/1 6 6130 8/11 9/15 1016 11/3 La urel, MS Fort Polk, LA _ n,MS Bree zyHill LA , Aocldord, AL Jemison, AL Maplesville, AL SERA Hare Scrambles Series 911 1011 9 11/17 1211 1119 212 219 _ n,MS McComb, MS Wantor, AL Maplesville, AL Maplesville, AL New Augusta, MS Wiggins, MS VDTRA VintageClassics IX Dirt Track Series 6/2 la Salle, IL 618-9 6/16 6123 WIChita, KS Indianapolis, IN Soda , MO l" 6129-30 Cambridge, MN 7/5 LakeOdessa, MI 7/13 Rapid City, SO 7/14 Gasper, WY 7/26 Norton, KS 712B OIdahoma City, OK 8/10 Sturgis, SO 8/12-13 StocI'_,LlUle Okle,Madm 19 96CMAlGR SprlngTlophy MX series FrI., ltay24 UltIe 1liIe, Madera, CA · Round 7 Fri, ltay31 UltIe 0Ide, Madera, CA· final CIIA Bouncy Hunter MX series Sat.. ltay25 lJs Bonas Round 3 {NW>l ....t _ Ra t _ Rat C909J 653-4042 A Rider For the Riders Sat. M

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