Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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the start of racing, however, a thunderstorm hit and brought rain th at would persist over the day's racing. By the time the 60cc riders took the gat e, the the track had developed some tou gh ruts . Robbie Conklin dashed away with the holeshot, followed by Brandon Goodman and Steve n Valutis. Conklin 's lead was short-lived, however, beca use when he tried. to change lines in the secon d tu rn he bobbled and crashed. Secondp lace Goodma n suddenly found himself with the lead. Good ma n held on for a few laps, but Bry an Rush ton was clo sing. Then Goodman augered into an uphill, giving the lead to Rushton. Valuti s, too, passed Good man onl y to crash 'on a sweeper to give the runner-up spo t back to Goodma n and thus set the finish orde r. With the steady ra ins. a ll th e au to mat ics except o ne decid ed to pack up and leave. The lone rider on the start was KTM-mou nted Rush ton. The referee told him that he wou ld give hi m a tro phy and he wouldn 't hav e to run , but Rushton rep lied : "I want to ride and ea rn it." With his solo first in the Autos and his win in 60cc class, Bryan joined Jacob Franklin as doubl e class winners . Results AUTO: 1. 8. Rushton (KlM ). 60: 1. B. Rush ton (KTM); 2. B. Coodmsn (Kaw ); 3. S. Valut1!1 (Kiiw) . SOJR 1. M. Zyllitrf' (Hon ). : 80 SR: 1. J. Franklin (Kaw l; 2. J. Cook (Ya m) ; 3. K. Hohn (Hon ); 4. J. jo hnson (Suz). (12- 15): 1.:1-Fra nkJm (K.lw ). (16-2.): 1. 0 8 ri'ricic (Hon). 125 8: 1. M.luc.b (Yam ); 2. D. Gri vicic::; 1. J. Love (Hon). 12.. C: 1. J. Sm ith (Kaw ); 2. D. 'i (Hon); 3. S. Gnvidc (Hon). 2SOA: 1. C . Waban (lion); 2. ~ . Copt'land (Kaw) . r 250 B: 1. C. WoIfr (Hon); 2. T. M....... (Hon). 250 C : 1. D . Thfl'w s (H on ); 2. S. Robertson (H o n); 3. T. SchoonwPld (Kaw ). 25+ 8: 1. M. Cbil den (Hon); 2. M. l uca s (Yam ); 3. A. Thomu nw-, (}lon , 30+ B: 1. S. R(lf;en (Hon); 2. L Ikocklt>himf'f(Yam ) 40+ : 1. R. Codon (Ho n); 2. M. gillt'ran (Ya m ); 3. G. Ponhu" (Suz). Bonello, Mason master Fairgrounds Supercross By Greg Rob ert so n LAlI/CASTER, CA. MAY4 Both Anthon y Bon ell o a nd Josh Mason u sed perfect J- J scores to w in th e 80cc a n d l25cc Beginner classes, resp ectively, during the opening round of Full Blown Promotio ns ' So Cal Supercross Seri es at the An telope Valley Fairgrounds. Th e 80cc Beginne r first-m o te holeshot belonged to Chri s Elliott, with John Simanovich and Nicholas Burson close behind. Bonello went from fifth to third du ring the first lap and was hand ed second place when Sima novich crashed a short time later. Bonello followed Elliott for a lap before taking control and pulling away with the win. Jesse Beard, Chris Barrett and Deuce Rutledge wo rked up to grab third- through fifthplace finishes , in that order. Bonello grabbed the second-mot o start over 20 ot her eager rid ers a nd proceeded to easily pull away for his second win. A good battle for second during the race between Elliott and Beard h ad Elliott com e out on top, but Beard earned the second-place trophy with consistent 3-3 finishes. Chaz Smith was quickest down the long start straight to lead jason Ebel and Mason early in the first l2Scc Beginner moto. Within a lap Ebel and Mason we re arguing over the lead as Q"az Smith held off Ray Smith for third. Ebel bobbled on a ju mp-filled stra ight an d Mason seized the op portunity to assume the lead that he would eventually stre tch to JO-seconds by the checkers. Ebe l took second and Ray Smi th kept Chaz Smith a t bay for third. Round two belonged to Mason from the drop of the gate to the finish- line triple jum p. Ray Smith ran in the nmner·up position until the final lap when Ebel fou nd a qu icker lin e through a series of whoops to steal the position. D.j. Sweany posted 2-J scores to take home the 2SOcc Pro p urse money over Todd Nelson . Tony Sulek w on the firs t moto over Sweany. Sulek went down on the second-moto start, but managed to reel in Sweany and Nelson in his bid for the overall, until a spectatular tri p ove r the ba rs by Su lek handed Sweany the win . Results P /W (0·6) : 1, Dyl .." Of/' Ca !>t ro (Ya ml; 2. Kt"vin O' Do n nt"1I (Yam),;3. 91 ..n. Rhin l'hart (Yam ); 4. A.I. Sch.lhf't'T(Yam) . r I W (7-9): 1. Ricky Ht"tnml' (Yam); 2. Migu¥'1 Romero (Yam~ S /ST K (0-6): 1. W~,I l!'Y P ~rrj ,h C LEM) ; 2. Kyle Bnnant z (k'TM ); J. Chad Corn (LEM); • . Brian St.Imbad (KTM); S. Brian Pt--I'"I (KTM}. I SISTI< (7" ~ I. ).). NooN- ( KTM); 2. O...t Col.- (KThI); 3. T,.. Ham " (KIM),;4. o.u ~ (LEM ); 5. Timm y Ri tz~ (KTM~ MOO (().9~ 1. Ric ......_ (lEM); 2. J""Y Noono- (lEM); 3. ky w <'Sly Po""" (I.EM); ' . Ch.d eo...; s. Mu.. M.... (lEM); 60 BEC: 1. Scott SUmNck (; 2. Mitch Abobrook ( ~w); 3. OfI'y", DtCastTO (K.l w); • . Noah H~ndn (K.lwt S. jushn Renwick (Kaw). 60 (0-8 ): J. Ridy HemmiP( Kaw ),; 2. Ryan Royba.I (Kl w); J. J.J. Noorw (Xaw); " . Cory RNft\Ns (~w }. 60(9.11): 1. ~ Collifor'(Kaw); 2. ~icholas Bunon (Kaw); 3Aaron Berga ntz (Klw}. 80 BEG: 1. An thony ~no "(.aw); 2. Iftlle o...rd (Yam ); 3. Chris Ellio tt (Yam); t . Nicholl, 8 UBOn (Suz.); 5. D!ucr Rudt'dgt' ~w).. 80 (0-11 ): 1. Scott HOWl" (Yam ); 2. Sea n Cotne r (KilW); 3. Shane Des" (Suz.);• . Qora rd Patin (Yam) . RO (11-13): 1. Jo na thdn Shimp (Ho n ); 2. Chris TlJCC'O (Suz); 3. Ch ris Rod gers (Su l.); 4. Justin Btmanno (Ya m). 125 BEG: 1. jo sh M.II!1On (Suz); 2. Ja!Km Ebt·1 (Hon); 3. Ray Sm ith (Yam); 4. Olaz Sm ith (Suz ); 5. Hank Urnan (Him ). 125 NOV : 1. Jasun Fnn.'lI"CD (Su z » 2. Jason How ard (Kaw); 3. Du sty Wa lte rs (Ya m) ; 4. Scott Pri pe een (Yam) ; 5. Tr a vi!! Sm it h (Kaw). 125 INT : 1. Cb ri.o; Nei tze l (Kaw) ; 2. Michari Collie r (Kaw ); 3. Mike Ci b!lon (Hon); 4. It> y ChaUll'lt' ( . wm 125 PRO: 1. D Swnny (Hon). .'. 250 BEG: 1. Rich Run~ait is (Suz); 2. Jon Crovflti (H!..n); 3. Rid Nolte ($uzl; 4. Phillip Zad.ri~ (Su.z) ; S. Cody Mf1t .... (Kaw ). ZSO SOY: 1. Tfil\·ilI Smith (Kaw); 2. Shanr MI"ttf1' (Ka w); 3. Dave Pafrow (Suz ). ZSONT: 1. Brian SWt"an (Hun). y :!SO PRO: I. D.J. Sw ean y (Hon); Z. Todd :-':elllOn (Suz ); 3. Tony Sulek (Yam );'. G.lbe Bolivar (Yam ). 500 BEC : 1. Darryl Sf_a rt ( KTM); 2. SI f'V~ Sm otht>rman (Hon); 3. Chn Stewart 'k'TM ) JR VET 8EC ; 1. Rob Edwardo; (Yam); 2. Brian Land (KaW); 3Richard Steinhunf (Hon); 4. Terry C rtlllby (H....... JR VET NOV : 1. J..ff Finch (HIm ); 2. MannyDeICampo(Yam ~ JR VET L''T : 1. Sha un DaV1!1 (Hon) . VET BEC: 1. Ste ve Kan;t l'n (Yam); Z. Tim Damon (I-hm);.3 Clyde Ada ms (Hon) ; 4. Brian Tubbert (Hon); S. Eric Farmer (Hon). VET NOV : 1. Jmy A'Iht> (Hem); 2. Eric Barr (Hon). r 5R NOV ; 1. Pete r Terracciano [ Ka w }, DUAL Sf'OR T: I. Cain S~ad (lCTM ). Dostal turns heads at Perris By Ton y Aless i PERRIS, CA. MAY 4 Two weeks after Jiri Dostal won the World Mini Grand Prix, he took h is winning ways to Perri s and po sted a d ouble moto sweep of the l2 5cc Intermediate class during GFI Super Saturday Mot ocross. Perha ps even more impressive than Dostal's class win was the fact that he also bea t both Eric Schnell and Mike Chamberlain. the tw o pr os in both motes. Dostal pulled the ho lesh ot in the first moto a nd w en t on to lead all IS laps o f th e ra ce . Dos tal rode with str ength and confi d ence and ope ned. up a six-second lead at the finish over Pro s Schnell and Chamber lain and Intermed iates Jason Abbott and Billy Clifton . The second mot o sa w Dost al ge t the jump once again on his Pro Circuit-prepa red. Suzuki, but a wiJd sea t-of-the-pants pass in tum two by j a son Abb ott left Do sta l seco n d a n d a b it da zed . Do stal re covered an d pa ssed Abbott ju st after the start of the second lap, and just like the first moto he set a pac e th at n o oth er rid ers, including the Pros, could match. Dostal went on to lead all the remaining laps despite a last-lap charge by Chamberl ain . In the end, Dostal proved his ability with the double mo to victory and pr oved that he ha s p rogressed to the next level and should be a rider to watch in the Pro ranks in J997. Bo m b e r Hernand ez swept both J25cc Novice-class motos after close racing with Gary Dellegatte and Core y Daly. The first moto saw Hernandez get stuck behind 250cc Novice-class leader Rud y Rodriquez for mo st of the rac e. Cory Daly was arguably the fastest rider on the track, and charged from a first-lap crash back to second place in the end behind Hernandez. In the final 125cc Novice race Herna ndez chased down Dellegatte late in the race to post the moto and overall win , white Daly was the one this time who was stuck behind Rodriq uez for most of the race. Daly finished a disappoin ting thi rd w hile How ey Erickso n and Dustin Ryley round ed ou t the top five. Results (,{) FT: 1. Ak-c Ha nk im (K.lw); 2. JaMm Corpodi..n (Kaw ~ 60 BEC: 1. Ja!lOl"l [lorn.lnn (K.Jw); 2. Bryan Mintt>r(Kiiw). 80 BEC: 1. Rod Hamby (Suz); 2. Micky C riffin (Yam) ; 3. Pal Tnty (Yam ).;• . Kevin KMw (Yam); S."'1f Alessi (Suz). 80 NOV: 1.}erPmy Kelp" (Suz ); 2. J.J. tuIl (Yam ). 125 BEC : 1_ Ryan Orr (5 uL); :. Jt'Tt'miah Puvogel lSuz); 3. Bonnie Warth (Suz); • . MijtUt> Andenon (Yam ); S. Tr.JV N_· l is man (Yam ). 125 NOV : 1. Bombft' Hll"m.J.nd ft IHon); 2. Gary D.Uf'gatte (Yam ); 3. Con-y Daly (Hon); • . Howf')' Ericbon (Hon); 5. DuMin Ryloy(Y...., 125 fi\.,. : I. l iri Oosul (Sur); 2. J.a~ Abbott (Suz); 3. Billy Oitton (Kawl; " . Jo Ne l!lOn(Hon). hn PRO: 1. Mike Chambm.m (Yam); 2. Eric Schrwu (Suz). 250 BEG: 1. Brandon Probm: (Ha n). 250 NOV: 1. Rudy RodnKUez (lI:.w ); 2. J.uon Awtin (Hon); 3. Bob Arth ur (Hon). 250 INT : 1. ""lIy PichPl (Kiiw); 2. Dann y Montoya (Su.z ). 500 BEC : 1. Nonn Schi,·1(Hon). BEG (25+~ 1. Mike Alvord (Yam); 2. Jl'H Kuykndall (Suz ); 3. Eric Wt>bl' (Suz ). r NOV (2S+~ 1. Of'I'tok Dum"an (Suz) ; 2. Bob Arthur (Hun). 8EG (30+) : 1. Michat> Marrin (Yam); 2. Bill G ray (}Caw); 3. JpH l Smith (Hon); • . Jon lundbt.-rg (Ya m);.s . Tounj Rict' (Kaw). NOV (30+ ): 1. Cou')' Hara da (Hon); 2. Rud y Cha vez (Hon) ; 3. Robert Pfet.zing (Hon ). n-..'T (30+): 1, Jim Dorn-nn (Kaw ); 2. Todd Gould (Su z ); 3. R.ndy SkinneT (Suz ); 4. Rt", l.awton (Suz ); S. Brian AUen (Su.z). PRO (30+ ): 1. Cnig Hofmei.'1 (Hon). lft" NOV (35+): 1. Pet. Vetrano (TM ); 2. M.nk C ranberg (Kaw ); 1. RobertPfetzing (Hon). L'o" (35+ ~ I . Ron Law.m (Suz). 1'T (40+ ): 1. Norm Sch CHon 2. Marino & stionrll . ' it"l ).; EX (40+ ): 1. ~ Kohler (Yam); 2. Randy Mintrl" (Kaw ); 3W.. yne Cummin s (Hon); • . lody Weisel (Suz ); 5. Chuck Minen (K.iw ). Grigg breaks Roebling Road RR record By Bob Applegate FAL 1.KVII.LE. GA, APR27 -28 After a slow start to his racing season, 27-yearold Steve Grigg picked thin gs up and shatte red a long-standing track record on Roebling Road 's twisting two-mil e road course during Sunday s Championship Cu p Series Expert Unlimited GP. Grigg was on his way to one of seve ral victories on the wee kend wh en th e recor d time of J:J4.4O came early in the eight-lap final. bettering the time of J:J5.50 held since J988 by Scott Russell. Grigg. a rookie expert, credited his su ccess to lots of practice lap s, a very stro ng Muzzy mo tor and excellent work by GMD ComputrackAtlan ta . Th e three-tim e a m a teu r ch ampion sa id: "Th is is the culmination of a lot of things, a lot of change s and a lot o f preparation ." Perfect weather conditions and light traffic during the race he lped ou t too . To further round out his record-setting weekend, Grigg picked up a win in Heavyweig ht Su per twins aboard a Ducati 916, and wins and prize money in GTO, Heavyweight Superbike, and Unlimited Superbike. Mari ett a Motorsports' Drew Lincoln had a banner weekend a s well, taking five wins agains t hot competition while brother William earned a checkered himself. Drew Lincoln did give one up to number-one-plate hold er Leslie Horne. Horne took Lincoln at the line by a half a wheel after a red flag and restart in Saturday's GTU race. Horne, six days away from being married, has eased off from his intense pace of ' 95 and rode a beau tifully prepared stock CBR600F3. Sou th Carolina's Mike Ciccitto seems to be picking up where Jamie Hacking left off in the Sou theast. The forme r motocrosser h as ha d no problem adapting to the asphalt and earned two big wins on his KWS Motorsport s / Lockhart Phillips /Lukes Honda CBR600. Results AM l /W SS: 1. Marc Kingslt')' (Yam); 2. Pat MOOIlt')'(Yam ); 3. James Crawford (Yam~ 4. Andrew Kilntor (Yam ); 5. Thoma. f\:obIe(l'a m ). EX l /W 55: 1. Georf;r Re.vi5 (Yam ); 2. Will Rownd (Yam ); 3Ron Prrty (Yam ).;4. Michat-l Polston ( AM M / W $ ; I. Bud Lawm (Hun); 2. David Cal bhan (HonJ; 3. Jexo K1uwn (Han ); • . Keit h Wil!Km (Hon); 5. Oa \;d George (Han, EX M / W SS: 1. Drrw lincoln (Hon); 2. Pat MOOJ1t')' (Hon); 3. Eric Cray (Han); ". Chri!l-Steek>(Han); S. Mark Mon~ (Kaw ). AM H /W SS: 1. Stt>van Sch m id t (Ka....); 2. Richard Pace lt. ( Kii....); 3. Brylm Barbour (Suz); 4. Marc Kinp;s1 (H on ); 5. Keith ey HOU gstd d (Hlm). EX f-II W 55 : 1. Drew linro ln (Hon); 2. Mikl' Ruditys (Suz ); 3. Stt> Rl'br (Suz); " . M.u k Hmry (Suz); S. Tt> Hic ks (Kaw ). vt> rT)' U/ l55: 1. Gt>tw Cburrn (Hem); 2. Terry Hicks (Kaw); 3. Shave Rekt'l' (Suz); ... Bn'tlt lynch (Suz ); 5. Keith Marq ut>z ($uz). AM l /W S / BK: 1. William Lincoln (Yam); 2. Doug Stroud (Hon); 3. Pat MlxJney (Ya m); 4. Matt B1a",hfield (Hon); 5. AndlYw Kan lor (Yam) . EX l /WS / BK: 1. Will Rownd (Yam ); 2. o,risCa!lt')'(Hon); 3. Michacl rol~1on (Ya m); 4. Kevin Moo re (Yam); S. I(Suz ); 5. Drew lincoln (Hun) . AM 125 CP: 1. Lau r.. Hardy. EX 125 G P: 1. Ma rk Brown (Hun ); 2. Brad Smi th (Hon ). EX US rw SPTS: 1. Fran k Strom.n. AM SPTSf\."J : 1. Craig Cagfll'r. l EX SPTSMN : I. Fr an k St ro ma n (Ka w); 2. Mark Sc hm i tt (Kaw); 3. Mich ael Con fo rti (KoIw); 4. R.ilph Dau ~ht' rty (M Z ); 5. Gt'o~e Re.vis (Kaw). AM l / W 51 : 1. C ra iR GiI~r (Kaw) ; Z. Doug Stroud (Hon ); 3. Blashfitoi (Hon); 4. ' U!ltin JOOf'l!lton (Han); S. Daniel Sha nd non(Hon). EX L /W 51 : 1. Cb ri, St('t'le (Hon);:' John Berry (Hon); 3. Frank Stroman (Ka w); .a , Chm Ca!'l"f (Ho n); 5. Mark Sch m itt (K.ow' AM H / W ST: 1. Marty Saul (Due); 2. Dou!\:Stroud (Hon~ 3. M. " Blashfie ld (Hon). EX H / W ST: 1. Sh-vt>Grigg (Kiiw); 2. Cltris u.<;ey (Hon ).;3. Frank Stroman (H -D ); 4. Mark Sch milt (Ka w); S. Ch ris St-w (Hon, AM SOLO GTU : 1. Mik" Cirotto (Hon); 2 William Ta yLor (H un); 3. David Ca lla ha n (Hon); • . Timot hy Godwin (H on); S. Ar~h Hao;hmaruJy (Hon). EX SO LO GTU: 1. l esl if' Ho m l! (Ho n) ; 2. Dr t'w linco ln (Hon~ 3. Jem Schrod t (Hon); • . Mich.el lehning (Hon) ; 5. Duncan Fal'illlh(Hon) . AM SOLO GTO: 1. Mikt' Cicottll (Hon); 2. Timothy God win (Ho n) ; 3. Da vid Ca l1a hiln (Hon) ; 4. Sle va n Sc hm id t (Ka w); 5. Ara~h f-I !ihmand y (Hon). O 1. St.. Vf' G riAA(1

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