Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVENTS (Left) Stefen Martin (93) prepa res to overtake early race leader Jeff Kilgore (96) ' In 60cc (10-11) race act ion at Devils Ridge MX. Mart in came away with both moto wins . (Below left) Roy Miller (81A) claimed his fi rst 600cc A-class win at Trail -Way Spped way In Hanover, Pennsy lva nia. 125 0 : 1. Danit>1 ~he ffie l d (Suz); 2. M.,k Murph y (Suzl; 3 . J..rm y McNabb [ Kaw ]: 4 . Ia n H amilt on (Hon) ; S. Jason Ma n n s (H Im ). 2.50 A: 1. Tild en Styron (Suz); 2. Bra ndon Tu rlin gton (5oz); 3. M ike Eas tw ood (Kaw); 4. Soott Sh iplev (Suz); S. Vann G ib!tOT\ (Ho n). • 250 B: 1. Ryan Schafer (Hon ); 2. Nelan McFarla nd (K.1 ); 3. w Lert (Soz). 250 C: I. Chris Ba ld w in (Su z ); 2. Steve Sch ryv er (HIm) . 250 D: 1. jcsepb Heb er (K.1w); 2. Barry C~ rpt'ntt' r (H on ); 3. Terry SatTit (Ya m); 4. Ca rl Plumley (Suz ); 5. Jeff Wa r lick (Hon). 25+ A: 1. Sco tt Sh tpley (Suz); 2. Mik e Ea stwood (Ka w); 3. Kirk Juh ni'lOn(Ya m); 4. Cr a lg Jt,hn.'on (Yam ). ; 2;;... B: 1. Nela n McFar land (Kaw ); 2. James Slo at (Suz); 3 . Da v id Ander son (H on) ; 4. John Sch a fe r (Suz) ; 5. Jimm y [ones (Yam ). 2.S+ C: 1. RUM Picket (Hon ); 2. Kyle Sto ver (Ydln). 30+ A: 1. Sco tt Sh ip le)' (5u z ); 2. Vann GibSllR (H un); 3. Jay Hauser (J-Ion) ; 4. Nick AlIt'11 (Hon); 5. Tim Langdon (yam). 30+ B: 1. Da vid Eller (K.1w); 2. Jim m y Johnson (H u n) ; 3. Jam .. s Sa nc h..z (Yam) ; 4. Jer ry Robertson (Kaw ); 5. Rick Rikard (5oz ). 30+ C: 1. Russ l'idt'tt (H on) ; 2. Ronald Wt'a\·t>r (Hon ). 35+: I. Darrell Hell (Hun); 2. Ni ck AJJ~"tl (H on ); 3. Gl'n . try (Ho n); 4. Ron.ald w ea ver (Hon) . 5. Mark Sm ith (Su z ). 40+: 1. DalTl'lI Belt (Hon); 2. Au m a n Parrish (Yam ); 3. Bob Ma ner (Han); 4.J im m y Eve rs (y am) . U /l.: 1. Nick M cAllister (Ka w ); 2. Ryan Sc he fer (H on ); 3. Michael Duke fSuz ); 4. Robert C uene (Kaw ); 5. [eremv ~kNabb (Kaw ). . Winsetts wallop Trail-Way ST By Len Breech ST RTR 7-R: I. Mrcbael Yardlll!y (LEM); 2. Daniel Moore (Yam) ; 3. Bt'ffishUI Cu nnn~ham (LEM ); 4. Jondthan Arana (Suz) ; 5. Keith Fro~ (KTM). P/W STK A: 1. Jon McCarthy CLEM); 2. Chase Takacs (KTM); LEM); 4. Brandon Million (LEM); S. Cody Longe3. Chdd (""" T('$ C nt'dt.'T (LEM ). r /w ST K B: 1. Cody Brlldpt'IlY (KTM) ; Kal itl Good su e (KTM); 3. M ik {' Meade (L EM) . . r /w BEC STK (4-6): 1. Bruce Rutherford (KTM ); 2. Tommy Trarbau gh (KTM ); 3. [ak e Hulett (VTM); 4. Brad y Huntley (KTM); 5 . An thuny Sa na bria (KTM) P /W STK (7-8) : 1. Mik a l Ove rma n (KT M); 2. Gera ld Rod riKUl' (KTM); 3. Chaz Diesel CLEM); 4. Thom as Haddad z (KTM); 5. Zac ha ry Johnso n (KTM). r JW MOD A : 1. Chad Go~ CLEM);:t JonMcCarthy CLEM); 3. [ usen Witaker (KTM ). r /w M OD B: I. Ka len Coodstte (KTM); 2. Kameron Sentt (LEM); 3. Mike Meade C LEM); 4. Travis Christenson (KTM). ~b in Tr ack 50 STK ( 1. McCarthy (LEM ); 2. Chase Takacs (K1'M ); 3. Brandon Millio n (l.EM): 4. Cody Longeeeckee (LEM); 5. Mike MO:'a ,Je (LEM). 50 STK (7 -9): 1. Chad Corell (LEM ); 2. ~rald Rodriguez (KTM); 3 . Co lkm 'iliffit- (KTM ); 4. Kf."ith Frogul!' C 'S KTM ). 5O( 1. tin Wlw leT (KTM ); 2. Travis Chri...teru;en (KTM ). 'on 'u.. SOSTK (7--8): 1. KaITleTOn Scott(LEM). 60 (6- 8): t. 'ustin Workman (Ka w); 2. Patrick PnminKton (Kaw ); 3. Erik Cokoman (Kaw ). 60 (9· 11): 1. Ja<;an Md in a ( Ka w ); 2. Kyl e Foltz (Kaw ); 3. Ju. .tin WiL'IOn (Ka w); 4. Eric Hod~ (Ka w). . 80 BEG: 1. KaOl' 'ameson (Yam); 2. .Bra d Robin.'IOl1 (Su z); J . Danny Mohr (K'TM); <1_Jimbo Bradbury (Hon); 5. 'eff Alessi (Suz). 80 (0.11 ): 1.]e-s......Casilla. . (yam ); 2. Dolton Bt-aver5 (Hon); 3. . Sha~ FOll(Hon). 80 (12-13): 1. Ouu Ragen (Suz ); 2. Jona than Shi mp (Hun); 3. Roslo Gun. (Ya m) ; 4. Da vid Sullins (Ya m ); 5. ~an O 'Connor (Yam ). 80 (1.-16 ): 1. Brandon Morgan (; 2. ~rl!'k lindl>t"1" (Hon). S / M IN I: 1. Chris Rogns (Suz ); 2. Jonathan Shimp (H on ); 3. Shant" FOll(Kaw); 4. Jeff A~si (Suz); S. Se an OConnor (Yam ). 125 BEG: 1. Jos h Ca va na ugh (Hon); 2. M ike Pow en (Suz) ; 3. Chad D.avili (Su z ); 4. Jeff Ch risman (H an ); 5. fl,hkt' Wa gn er (Hon ). 250 BEG: l. Gary H ein (Suz ); 2. Bub Arth ur (Hun); 3. Chrili Roberts (Ka w ); 4. Ga brid Bru rw (H on); 5. M il.e Conner (Kaw). 500 BEG: 1. G1t"fU\ Pillsbuft' (H on ). BF.G (25+t. 1. Bob Arthur (H im); 2. Derek Duncan (Suz). BEG (30+): 1. Tim Bra dbury (Ho n); 2, Jon l u ndbie>rg (Yam ); 3. Jl'ny Md (Ka w ); • . Jim Ma'l' (Kaw) ; 5. Chuck Minkl l!'(Hl m ). INT (30+) : 1. Rim CUlt'm iln (H on). , NOV (40+); 1. G ft'/; McCart hy (H on); 2 D.G. Stl"phen... (H Im). Martin masters DevilsRidge MX By Jay and Sharon Hauser SANFORD, NC, MAYS Kawa saki·mounted Stephen Martin took advantage of the per fect tr ack condition s to turn in some hot rides en rout e to-both mota wins in the 65cc (10-11) class at Devils Ridge Motocross on Michelin Tire Contingency day. In ad d ition to his winning rides in the 60cc class, Martin also had a stro ng showi ng in the SOcc 7-11 class where he finished second behind Bryan Nickelston in both motes riding his 60cc bike. . Martin blasted his KX60 ou t fron t of each 65cc (10-11 ) moto after a shor t battle with South Ca ro lina 's jeff Kilgo re. Kilgor e got out to the early lead each time out, but wou ld fall victim to the extre mely fast Martin before the end of the first lap . Matthew Myers kept the lead pa ir in sight in both of the Mini outings but just could not match the fast pace of the leaders, settling for third in both motos and third overall. Marti n, a past Loretta Lynn's SOcc Nationa l Champion, is turning into qui te an exceptiona l 60cc ride r as he proved with his performa nce in the 80cc (7-11) d ivis ion . Martin put h is 60cc machine up against the 80cc bikes and just about cam e away w ith his firs t BOce-class win ever. Martin wo rked pas t the Hond a of Blake Hovis in both motos and set out after race leader Bryan Nickelston. Ma rtin was able to run Yamahamoun ted Nicketsto n d ov." , in both motos bu t just couldn' t squeeze out eno ug h powe r down the stra ights . Nickelston nabbed a pai r 01 firsts, and Martin followed him across the line in both motos. Hovis ro unded out the top three over jackson Gosnell and Matthew Myers. Results 50 (406): 1. Eric Wood (lEM) 50 (7 -8): 1. Ryan Fitzwater (Cob); 2. Stephen Cookl!' (KTM); 3. Keith Sturdivant (LEM); 4- M.lItth_ Q'Quinn ("'I M ); 5. Robf.rt . Danian (lEM). 65 (7-9 ): 1. Samuel Fitzwater (Kaw); 2. Jack.-.on Gos nt> (H on); . II J . Ca ll!'HdYes (Kaw); 4- Dusti Myl!'~ (1<.lw); 5. Olris No rrili (K. w ). _ 6S (10-11): 1. Stephen Marti n (Kaw); 2. ,..ff Kilgore (Ka w ); 3. M yel'll ( Ka w); 4. Dt>rrick GauSt' (Ka w) ; 5. Sonny TibbinJ (Kaw ). 80 (7-11 ): 1. Bryan Nicke lston (Ya m); 2. Stt>pht>n Martin ( Ka w ); 3. Blake Norris (Hon); 4. Ja d .lion Go s nell ( Hon ); 5. Matt h_ My~ (H on ). 80 (12·15): I. Derrick Bell (Hon); 2. Olris Roberts (Hon); 3. William M ye rs (H o n ); 4. Ja so n Bryant (Yitm ); 5. Ri el. Rikard (Kaw). 80 D: 1. Et h an Peace (Ya m) ; 2. Eri c COll (Hon); 3 . JUliti n Grubbs (Hon) ; 4. Bra n do n r-:ance (Ho n); 5. Ch ris Neil l (Sw:). 51M IN I: 1, Barry Carpenter (Hon); 2. Dt'nick ne ll (Hon); .l . C h r is Ro bl' r ts (Ho n) ; 4. W illiam Mye rs (H o n) ; 5. Rick Rika rd (Ka w ). SCHBY : 1. Marti n Pt> nce (Kaw); 2 Ste ven Willdrd (Suz); 3 . Bryan WeOi lherly (Ka w); 4. Brandon H a n ki n t'l (Yam); 5 . Ryan Hawkins (Yam) . 125 A: 1. Bra ndon Turlin~ (Suz ); 2. Tildl"R Styron (Su z ); 3. Ch uck Shir lt")'(Yam ) 125 B: 1. Nicholas McAlli srer (Kaw); 2. Joe Sanwick (Su z); 3. Stoner ROSll (H on); 4. Chriss Gillespie (Su z ). 125 C: 1. Stn't"R Willard (Suz); 2. Mi chael Duke (Su z); 3 . Brya n W..atherly (Kaw); 4. Martin Pence (Ka w); 5. Robbie Poole (Hanl . HA.\lOVER, PA, MAH ' The Winsett dan dominated the proceedings as Trail-Way Speedway hosted ove r 100 riders who would rather race than specta te at the Delaware National. Rick Winsett easily took the small 600 Pro final and also the Sportsman final. Cousin john borrowed Will Russell 's Suzuki barely to beat Bruce Ingram in the 250cc A final. Whi le this class is normall y won by the "you ng lions," the 600cc A has long belonged to riders with a few gray or missing hairs, So far this season, however, it looks like the youngsters are coming of age as Roy Miller became the third different "kid" to win the class. Not to take any thi ng away from age and experience. as Don Prevost becam e the first B ride r to win three classes in the same eveni ng, as he started the evening off with the Over 40 w in, then pulled to the line in the very next race to take the 600cc B, and after some time to catch his breath, he later won the 250cc B. Roy Miller was first ou t of the gat e in the 250cc A fina l, with john Winsett, Bruce Ingram and Rusty Eves right behind . As they came ou t of the second tum on the third lap, Winsett go t in Iront, with Ingram coming alon g. In the late laps, Ingr am closed the gap, but lost to Winsett in their battle lor that first Expert -class wi n. Roy Miller survived a red flag to clai m his first 600cc A w in. He led both sta rts, with jim Hollister, Tim Eades and Tom McGrane Jr. staying close during the rest of the fina l. With on ly two Pro rid ers signing in, they were comb ine d with the Over 30 class, whic h gave Jim H oUist er ideas of seeing how goo d Rick Wi nse tt mi gh t be. H ow ever, as per the rules they started.on sepa rate lines, with Winsett and Ace Phillips using their advantage to jump in front of Hollis ter, Nick Taylor and Brian Eckhart. A red flag about halfway had them starting single file, with Hollis ter in second, bu t Winse tt was untoucha ble. Results 750 A: 1. OUencf' Bull (Vitm); 2. S ick Taylor (y .am ). 40+ : 1. Don Pre vost (Hun ); 2. Steve Anglebergl"l' (1<.lw); J. Tom Vond~ (Ka w ). 600 B: 1. Don Prevosl (Hon); 2. Bryon CermeT (Hon ); 3. Brad C.alcu tt (Rb: ); 4. Sa m Winttono(Yam); 5. Mitch Sn yder (Hon). 55 (4-~ ): 1. Chad Uhler (Yam); 2. Dale- T.J!>l.. r Jr. (; 3, e Evan Da.... (Yam); 4. Brandon Robi ni'lOll(Yam ); 5. Jeff Ha ldt'man (Yam). (,()(J PRO 1. Rid W infot"tt Jr. (Rtx) ; 2 Ace Ph illips (Rtx), 30+: 1. Jim Holl ister (Rtx) ; 2. John Ht'11der.'lOn(Rtx ); 3. Bridn Eckha rt (Rtx ); 4, Nick Taylur (Yam ); 5. Dt-an Sullivan (Hon). 250 A: 1. John Win. In J;ram (Yam ); 3. Roy Mi lle r (Hon ); 4. Jim H aas (Kaw); 5. Ru sty F.\ 't"S (y am ). 55 (7- 8): 1. lero y Bu sse y ( ; 2. Jo hn Ditvis (M -M) ; 3 . Randy Shank (Ya m ); 4. Nichol.l~ H t>nd t'Tson (M· M ); 5. Shawn Wt"aver (Yam). Sf'TSMN: 1. Rick Winse tt Jr. (Rtx ); 2. ACt-' Ph ill ips (Rt,, ); 3. Ken Yode r (Rtx ); 4. Tom McCrant" Jr. (Rb ); 5. Don Mu llt>n " (Hon) . 250 B; 1. Don Pre vo st (H on); 2. K.!-n Miller Jr. (Yam); 3. Mi ke Cha lfan l (Yam) ; 4. Bru(1! Miller (Yam ); 5. Will Rus~ 1I (Suz). 65: 1. ' a wd Mt"e.'I (Ka w); 2. Shawn FOlitt>r (Kaw ); 3. Bryan DuuJ;l~ (Kaw); 4. Ton y Kra uS4'Jr. (K.ow); 5. leroy Ru.lSt"f(Ka w). ' fiOO A; 1. Roy M iller (Rbt); 2. Jim Holli srer (Rtx ); 3. Tim Eadd (Rtx ); 4. Tom McG rane Jr. (Rtx ); 5. BnJno Inr;;ram (Rtx ). 85: 1. CoreyHormes (Hon); 2. Bryan Dougla!i (Yam ); J . Chris KIint'felter (Hon); 4-. Brian Phillips (Yam ); 5. Shawn Fas tt'f (Hon ). 125 A: 1. Joe Zy diru;ky (Hon). 125 B: 1. Ben MilleT (ya m); 2. Raun Wood (Yam~. Beatty blasts Barona Oaks MX By Homer Enbanks RAMONA, CA. APR. 20 Tim Beatty took home top honors in both the 12Scc (16-21) and the 125cc Intermediate class during a makeup motocross ev ent a t Barona Oaks . A total of 126 riders racing in 32 classes pr~ duced plenty of action . After a three-week layoff all the riders were anxious to race, but Beatty, Ron Loftin, Byron Fros t and j oh n Hop kins turned out to be the big winners of the day . Wilson Nichol s mad e Beatty earn his Intermediat e-class wins in both motos. Every time N ichols was able to get around or pull up even. Beatty was able to jump righ t back into the lead . Nichols had to se ttle for second overall' w ith Mann y Arias and Frank Dato trailing . In th e first 125cc (12-15) mo lo Ron Loftin qu ickly es tab lished himself as the lead er. He and Steve Yurkov ic wrest led th ro ughou t the mota but Loftin was able to take the w in. At the flag Yurkov ic ha d d rop pe d to thi rd behind Trav is Frink. In the second mota Yurkovic got off the line first and mad e Loftin chase him thro ughout the moto. Loftin he ld the second spot and with Yurko vic's third -place finish in round one Loftin wo n the overall. The 125ec Beginner class brough t out some very heated battles. David Tay lor was able to jump ou t for th e early lead but found Byron Frost righ t on hi s ta il. Frost cou ld n' t put it together to take the lead and had to settle for second . In the second mota thing s got turned around for Frost. Frost served notice right off the gate, which pu t the pre ssure on Taylor, who was trailing , Frost he ld on for the win to take the overal l. .Taylor ended up second in the moto and second overall . Resu lts 1:-.ITR TO MX: 1. Rafat!'l lzaguirre (Ka w); 2. Robl'I"I Gamer O (Hon); 3. Ke v in Fa va (Kitw); • . Kl"R y Ve.o;S4'I!O (Su z). 5. Bobby n Romero (Kaw). P / W F / T: L Molan Sh ul tz (Yam); 2. Clayton Muri llo (lEM); 3. Ra ymond V.ildez (KT M); • . Albt>rto H t'red ia (K f M); 5. Cody l Valenzuela (y am ). r r« STK «(kl): 1. Cha..... Tau Cll(KTM ). P /W ST K (7 -8 ): 1. Bra d M a st t> (LE M) ; 2. Kevin Wade fS . (LEM); 3. Zachery joh nson (KTM). JR CYQ.E 5TK (0.8): 1. Jake Bi--.n llt"tte (Ka w); 2. Iva n Shultz (Ka w); 3. Marc Abt>mat hy (Kaw) ; 4. Kyl e Spa u l dln~ (Ka w); 5. Mdtt Rose (Ka w). JR CYCL E M OD (0--8): L Ph illip Bru !lC'E"lIa (Kaw); 2. Patri ck Pennington (Ka w ); 3. d ia- Mutshagt'1\ (Ka w ). JR CY CLE ST K (9·1 1): 1. Ryan Beat (Ka w ); 2, C as Sw i ft (Kaw ); 3. Shaun Connd ly [Ka w ], 4. Z OiC W rity (Ka w). 5. Ch ris Moore [Ka w ]. HO 8£C: 1. JO!ihua Nav arro (Kaw ); 2. ja so n Ca rlto n (Suz); 3. Sco tt Graham (Kaw); 4, Peter Scully (Yam); 5. Nick Tyree (Yam) . 80 STK ('~·Il ) : 1. JelU S Ca s illo.'!(Yam ); 2. Ryan Bt-al (Kaw ); 3. Clinton Pierre (Suz ); 4. Sh a un Connelly [Kaw] : 5. Da vid Meyees (KilW). BO MOD : 1. Ant hony BnJliCt'lia (Suz) , RO NOV : 1. fIilly Lenmovich (Ya m ); 2. Ja kl' Elkins (Kaw); 3. Matt Condon (Yam) ; 4. Tr a vis Bem is (Ho n); 5. Brandon Ha m lett (Kaw). &lINT: 1. Joh n H op k ins (Suz ). S / MIN I: 1. lohn Ho pk i Sw: ); 2. Jesus Casillas (Yam); 3. Jake Elkin s (Ka w ); 4. Billy I.aninovich (Yitm ); 5. Anthony Broscdla (Suz ). 125 BEG ; 1. By ron Fr o st (S uz ); 2. David Ta ylo r (Yam) ; 3 . Byron Kukla (Kaw); 4. Dt-nni ll Baron (Suz); 5. Josh Santil (Vitm). 125 (12-15): 1. Ron Lofnn (Hon).: 2. Steve Yurkovic' (Kaw); 3 T ravis Fri n k (Kaw); 4 Dru Blocker (Su z); 5. Bra ndon Vit"lg u th (Kaw ). 125 (1().2I) : 1. Tim Beatty (Yam ). 125 NOV : 1. Ron Loftin (H on); 2. Travi. Frink (Ka w); 3. Geoff Walten (Soz ); 4. Jerem y Stt'R~ (Suz.); S. Dru Blocker (Suz ). 125 NO V MOD: 1. Steve Yurlovic (K.1w). 125 C'.l: 1. Tim Beatty (yillm) ; 2. W ilson ="lichols (Hon); 3. Manny Aria s (H on) ; • . FroJnk D.1to (Su z ). 2SO BEQ 1.JOt'Y Rus~ (Suz); 2. Malt Hagstrom (Yam). 250 NOV: 1. Aaron McDonou~ (Yam ). :!SO I~T: 1. Tim Bt>atty (Ya m ); 2. Coll in Ebt'rly (Ho n) ; 3 . Shawn lreland (Hon). 2SO PRQ 1. Gabt>Bolivar (Yam ); 2.lan Eric ..... Mm (Hon). r OP A (26-29 ): 1. Frankie Brundd~ (](Aw); 2. Roy B.asin (Yam ); 3. Lanc e Johnson (Y am ). A po.. 34): 1. Chn.. Swift (}-ton); 2. Don Ca nnt'lly (Suz ); 3. Scott laRo.';h (Hon); 4 . Scott Riche!lon (Ka w). OP A (35-39 ): 1. Tim M.arsh (H on); 2. Bob Hu m ph us (Yitm); 3. Cu rti.. Tyree (Yam ). OP A (40+): l. David Chunn (Suz~ OPB (25-29): 1. John Washbum(Kaw); 2. Don Brown (K.1 ). w OP B (30-34 ): 1. Chrn Semon (Hon); 2. Abernath y (Hon ); 3. Da vid Reynolds (Yam ); 4. aa)' John!lOrt (KT M ). O P B {35-39): 1. Gr t>g Myel'll (Ka w); 2. Richard Townsend . (H on); 3. Ron PattE.'TSOn (Ho n); • . David Fa v.a (Ho n ); S. JOS4'ph Gonzala!i (KTM ). B (40+ ): 1. Bill Bacon (Su z ); 2. Tom EbO:'rly (Hun) ; 3. Chuck FOll: (Su z); 4. Pat Ireland (Yam ); 5. Wa ltt'r Portn (Suz ). or or Rushton takes Leisure Time GP By Don Bro wning MODARYVILLE, IN,MAYS Bryan Rushton braved ruts and foul weather to tak e th e 60cc win at RPM ' s se ason- ope n ing Leisure Time Grand Prix in Modaryville, Ind iana . The tra ck has undergone a few refinements, includ ing the ad dit ion of stadium-style jumps, since th e state cham pio nshi p that was held at Leisure Time last year, and at the beginning 01 p ractice rid ers laced a well-groomed track. By

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