Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Dave Schultz lagged at th e sta rt of his first round m atch wi th Keith Freeman 's GSXR 1100, posting a 0.512 reacti on time, bu t scorched throu gh th e qua rt e r m ile in a nother track-reco rd 7.484 elapsed time. Schultz would line up in the next round agains t Paul Gast and the Fast by Gast Suz uki en try . Th e best top s peed o f the opening round was M att H in es ' 181.15 mph. Hines also ow ns th e quickest average re acti on time of th e current top 10 points leaders a nd ap pea red ready to take on Rick Ward's NCN Communications Suzuki in the quarters. The quarter-fin al round produ ced more red lights th an a three-alarm fire as Hines, Scali, and Showers all lit th e err or light on the tree. Paul Gast put in a valiant effort as he notched a 0.426 reaction time to beat Schultz off the line. The Sunoco rider w as up to the challenge, however, and passed by Gast to get to the semis. ' Rick Ward tripped the light jus t 0.003 second earl y, hand ing the win to Meyers . Sch u ltz found him se lf in a fam iliar position as Joh n Mafaro beat him off the line wi th a nearly perfect 0.409 reaction time. Th ings went so u r q u ick ly for Mafaro when h is bike wou ldn' t go in third gear. It was Mafaro's best result so far this year. Schultz and Me yers both got off to a great start with Schul tz making his best rea cti on-time effort of the day at 0.423 seconds an d Meyers right there at 0.433. The race was tigh t all the wa y through with the Sunoco Suzuki pulling slightly ahead on top end and finishi ng first by 0.02 second. DaveSchu ltz once again lowered th e track record elapsed time, to 7.471, an d Joh n Me ye rs pushed h is Sna p -on Suz uki to a 7.491, the fastest si de-by-si de Pro Sto ck Bike rac e in NH RA histo ry. n U Croom Trial hard to forget By Brock Salliemel er CROOMCYCLEPARK. FL, APR 21 The Cah ills Trials Club laid ou t an event th at will not soon be forgotten for round nine of the Florid a Tria ls A s.~od ati on Cha mp ionship series. Intens e su nshine and tem peratures push ing 90 degrees baked mos t , .the trac tion out of the clay and limestone hillsides and left rid ers looking for sha de and water. Sectio n tape blocked rider s fro m using eve ry dece nt line avail able, re.sul ting in lots of pu sh ing and lots of po ints . Add in a fou rth loop, and ev eryone ha d th eir hands full. Taking hom e the second-pla ce Beginne r tr<>- phy in his first-ever co" petition was Dennis m Ci",k Ir.lonathan Bell had what it takes to gra b the gold. You ha ve to ha nd it to these guys for fighting with small-wheel bikes that make every root or log look like a sh ow-s top per. St e v e Da ni e ls , another first -t im e rid e r, secured. second in the Novice ranks with a fine eight point total. Steve is a converted motocrosser and looks h ooked. Glen n Buzze ea rned the win by tallyin g the lowest score of the d ay, only six p oints. Rich ard Loman o returned to h is win ni ng ways in the Senior B ranks . He said a little extra pr act ice was payin g off. Bill Cat ogni too k his painfully stock nl25 to seco nd, only ' a sin gle point in front of Bob Vennel. Dave Hulse continues to shake up the Senior A class with yet anoth er first-place finish on his TR34. Th e air -cooled bikes got ho t enough to pro test on the big climb s a nd Hu lse had his bike singing and pin ging a w inning tune. Rick Pion secu red second with Dave Polson a single point back in third. The Intermed iat e cla ss h as b elon g ed to Dav id Henderson lately. His new JTR250 seems to agree wit h him and he claimed an unbelieva b le 22- po in t win ma rg in over Robi n Westbrook. Da vid should have th e class title in hand thi s season with Chri s Florin, his closest competitor, relegated to third for the day. Brian Jones shook off the effec ts of a hard ge t-off to claim the win in the Advanced class. The p ack was closely bu nch ed be hind with a single d ab se pa rating Jack Hutspn in secon d, and Doc Jen kins in third . The final stand ings in the Expert class will not be decided until the last round. Brock Sa tt elmeie r enjoyed a lO-poin t margin of victory over Marc Waller, who managed second by one poi nt over Jon Carroll . Results BEG: 1. Jonathon Bell (Yam); 2 Dermis Ci!lek, Jr. (Hon). NO V: 1. G lt"n Buue (Ap r); 2. Ste ve Dan i.. I!lo (Hon); 3. Bill Ha gen (lWt ); 4. Tom Molt (Yamt 5. Kim!'l'l (Yam). SEN B: 1. Ridurd Lomano (Hon); 2. Bill Ca wgoni (Hun); 3. Bob v eneet (Fan ); 4 Bill Shef field (kt); 5. Dick Bechard (Mon). SEN A: 1. Da ve H u l"iol" (lkt); 2. Rid Pion (Yam); 3. Dave PoI!iOn (Man); 4, Jim 8m'y (AprJ.; 5. ' effGurua ·(G-G). INT: 1. Dave Ht'Ud('f"lUl't (G-G); 2 Robin Westbrook (Ya m); 3. Ch m Florin (Mon); 4 , Lana H am (Bet ); S. Jimm y Pwree (Yam~ ADV: I. Brian JOOt'S (G-G); 2. Jad. Hctsoe (lkot); 3. Doc Jm kin (Be1) ; 4. SteveWal1n (8et); 5. Mik E'!kit (8et ~ .. EX: 1. Bruc k Sath!lm l"i ~r (Ik-t) ; 2. Mar c Wa llE'r (BE'I); 3. Jo n Ca rro l (Fan): 4. Ca rl Hall Jr. (lkt). Cooper captures Muddy Creek Motocross By Barbara Williams Photo by Loren Williams B LOUNTVILLE. lN, MAY 5 Motocross legend Guy Coop er finally made it to a race at Muddy Creek Racewa y. Th e veteran racer lived up to his reputation by smoki ng the competition in both the Over 25 A and Ove r 30 A classes. Suzuki-mou nted Cooper was in town to participate in the Tony D. Motocross School. run by form er na tional champion Tony DiStefano . Over 500 r iders enjo y ed near-p e rfe ct spring racing conditions, and the top five placings in A classes bank ed Mega5eri es-scale payoffs, whil e amateu r winners scored Fox prod u ct'> . The on ly moto Cooper did not win wa s the first round of Over 25 A. Although Cooper took the holesh ot, Yamaha pilot Kevin Walker was all ove r the Suzuki's rear plastic, followed. by Jim Chester, Gary Hin kle, returnee Randy Richard son an d the res t. Halfway through the first lap , Walker took the lead in the woods section and led from there to the flag. covered by Cooper. Chester, Richa rdson an d Bryan Adams rounded ou t the firstsed round top five. Hinkl e finished an embarras seven th p lace , ow ing to the fact that he had started with the wr ong class. However, Hinkl e followe d Ch ester in fourth for at least half the race, fendi ng off more-experienced Vet A-class race rs such as Adams and Rick Wright. Is th is the end of Hinkle's B-class career? Spo tted in his p its, the Yamaha rid er laughed but woul d not comment. Th e ret urn outing of the O ver 25 A class found Coop er heading the pa ck, h ounded by Walker, whi le Che ster, Richardson and Wright wrestle d for third. Playin g pu sh-m e-pull-you , Cooper and Walker qu ickly stretched out a com· fortabl e lead and proceeded to put on a sho w of speed and maneuvering . Wa lker cou ld ge t a whee l on Coope r, but could take it no fur the r, and at the finish Cooper prevailed . "1 watc he d his lines in the firs t mo to," gr inned Coop er. " And in the seco nd moto, I took them all away from him." Walker di dn:t care. "Now I can tell my kids much later - that I raced with Guy Coop er an d kept up with h im," Walker said . Coope r's first Over 30 A moto was relatively u neven tful , lead ing every lap from the first to the last. When the gate dropped on round two , Cooper let the field go, then got in some passing pract ice. By mid w a y throu gh , Co oper h ad wo rked past the other 10 riders and was again in command. Wright and Ron 'W irehead " Jones trad ed runn er -up position s, bu t Jones earn ed second ove rall by his bett er second-moto finish. " It felt good to come in ahead of Wireh ead in the first moto," said a smiling Wright. "One day I'll do it twice in a row . H Results 50 (4-6): 1. Cory Strickland (k"TM ); 2. Da vid Pria (LEM); 3. Brandon laf'g\" (LEM); 4 , Ca meron Stone (LEM); 5. Bradley p~ (KTM ; 50 (7-8): 1. Ja kt>Griffi s (CobJ.; 2. Justin Sipes (Cob ); 3. loK an Ikll (Co b); 4. Ch.a.w Bed (Cob ); S. Michael Ridl';e (Cob). 65 (7-9): 1. And ~ Ma tu se k (Kaw ); 2. Josh ua Dam(Ka w ); 3. Aie l( H u ntt"!' (Kaw ); 4. Jake Griffis (Kaw); 5. Phili p Ivers (Kaw ), 65 (10-11 ): 1. Wad E'Cordt>ll(Kaw); 2. Jeffrey Field s (Kaw); 3. ChaM'Robl' rts (Kaw); 4. Zaduiry Lundy (Kaw); S. Rob RiC E'(Kaw). 80 0 : L Joe Gui nn (Ka w ); 2. Brian Pa ce (Ya m) ; 3 . ' o lleph Ea r ha rt (Ya m); 4. Ru~ty Dock~ry (Ya m ); 5. Bra d le y Robertson (Yam). JR MINI : 1, Da n Tru m an (Kaw); 2. Ty lPl"Bu rn ette (Ya m ); 3. Brian G ray (Yam); 4. B.' . Huntliinger(Suz); 5. Jacob Say lo r (Ka w). SR MINI : 1. JE'ffG ibs o n (Ka w~ 2. Han s Ned (H on ); 3. Casey Barn es (Suz ); 4. ' .R Carter (Kaw); 5. Jon.Boy Monk (Hon). S f MI NI : 1, J*,ff,Ciblw.m (Kaw ); 2. Han s Nl"t'l (Hon); 3. Ca.wy Barnes (Suz ); 4. Ca ml'! Te!Jh (Ka w ); 5. Jon -Boy Monk (Hon). SCHB Y: I. Paul JU5tull (Yam ); 2. Jeff G ibson (Kaw) i 3. Jeffny Ryan (Suz~ 4. JO!lhua Ca pps (Kaw); 5. Daniel Tesh (Ka w). 125 A: 1. Jim N~ (H a n ); 2. Jim Cheste r (5 u z); 3 . KE'vin Walker (Ya m ); 4. Ja cob Dombr osky (Su z ); 5 . Ri chard Sch m id t (Su z ). 125 8: I. Jeff(Ol')' RY'1n (Suz); 2. Justin Gu th riE' (Ka w ); 3. Ma rcus HOc'drid. (Suz); 4. Jon Boruff (Hon); 5. Josh u a Ca p ps (K,;Iw). 125 C: 1. Jonathan Tucker (Suz ); 2. Timmy Milligan (Su z ); 3. Eric Leonard (; 4. Derid Hedrick (Suz ); 5. Darrt>lI Blanl.en.hip (Suz) . 125 D: 1. Jdson Row e (Suz); 2. Jared Osbo rn (Yam); 3. Billy Ho yl e (Hon); 4. John Ra)'IE'(Hon); 5. Mich ael Mood y (Sul ). 2. 0 A: 1. Kevin walker (Yam) ; 2. Jim N "f'll~ (H o n); 3. Jim ; Chester (5 u z); 4. Jacob Dombrosk y (Suz); 5. Richard Sc h m id t (SUl) . 2SOB: 1. Jo n Boruff (H e n ), 2. ' ustin G uth rie (Kaw ); 3. Preston RUSt'(Kaw); 4. Mar cu s Ht-drick (Suz); 5. Wes l••y McCoy (YOlm). 250 C: 1. Jason Ha rtn es s (; 2. Rebert And y Sm ith (I-f n ); o 3. Matt h~w Freed (Suz ); 4. Jay Tay lm (Hem); 5 . Ron CllStl! (Hem) . 250 D: 1. Adam Fleeno r (Hon ); 2. Mark Manuel (Suz); 3. G rt'l; Rabb (Yam ); 4. Cra ig Ctm nd ly (Hon); 5. Kyle G ra n t (Yam) . OPEN AM: 1. Darryl Aho nen (Ka w); 2. Ron Jun e!' (H on ); 3, N ic ho las Pine~ar (Hon); 4. Jeff To mlinson (Ho n); 5. Ken n e t h Sto we (Soz). 25+ A: 1. Guy Cooper (SU7.) 2. Kev m Wal ke r (Yam) ; 3 . Jim ; Cheste r (Suz); 4. Randy Richardson (Hon); 5. Ch uck Green Hensley (Suz); S. Leslie Belcher (lion). 25+ C: 1. Jim my Pitcock (Suz); 2. Jim m y Oendt"flin (Hon); 3. Rid Cuopt'T (Hon); 4. Billy H ar riso n (Hlm); S. Roy Lee Denme (H on ). 30 . A: 1. G uy Cooper (Suz); 2. Rol'\ Jont'S (Hon): 3. Rick Wright (Suz); 4. Bryan AdOl ms (Kaw); 5. 'ohn Lundy (Stu). JO+. B: 1. Albf' rt Jamie MlCoy (Yam) ; 2. Ml.lUlp Sarver (H an); 4. Pau l Hund t (Hon); 5. Tom my H ayle'S fSuz) . JO+. C: 1. Da\-id Tucker (Suz); 2. Billy Harrison (Hon); 3. Johnny Gi~ (Hon); 4. Wayne Boyd (Hem); 5. Al AlbJluor (Suz~ 35+: 1. Ron Jon es (Hon); 2. Rid. W rilo';ht (Suz); 3 . Timoth,· Smith (Sur); 4. Bryan Ad..-uru. (K.1w); S. Mo Guv (Yam). uk • 40+: 1. Ron jo n es (Hon); 2. Timot hy Smi"th (Suz); 3 . Steve lx"11l(Yam); 4. TE'l'WII Welborn (Suz) ;5. Johnny Cib';un (Hun). 48+: 1. Terrell welbo m (Suz ); 2 Peeer Harnson (H on ); 3. Ted Shortrid~l! (Hon); .$ Danny Elle r (K.lw) ; S. Mouk G.lrland (Kaw). . U fl. AM: 1. JamE'SMcConnick (Suz); 2. Jav Haves (Hlm );;\. Da nny La in (Ha n); 4. Sh d ne Jenkin!! (H o n ); Sh~ nt" Lawson 5. (KTM), Ady able at OMC MX By Phil Zemaitis BOISE, IDAHO, MAY 4 Tommy Ady topped the 250cc Pro class as OMC Raceway hosted its 42nd ann ua l Commotion at . the G ub, formerly known as IT-Weeke nd . More than 140 riders turned ou t for the first of tw o da ys of action-packed racing . Local Pro La rr y Jack son d esi gn ed the ne w m ot o cr oss course that fea tu red a combin at ion of su per· cross-style ju m ps an d a n atural terrain layo u t that pro vided some very challengi ng sections for the riders and great race action for the spltctators. Ady grabbed the ho lesh ot in the first mo to, followed closely by Blake Barrym ore on his YZ. For more than four laps Ady held off the hard charging Barrymore unti l the red flag came out due to an inju red ride r. Track officials called the race at this point with Ady taking the win. In the second mot o it was Barrym ore's tu m for the holeshot wit h Ady ho t on his tail, and for several la ps Ad y pu sh ed Barrymo re look in g for a place to pass. When the white flag came out Bar· rymore was in the lead , but somewhere on the back section of the track Ady was able to pa ss him for the double moto win . In the SOcc Beginn er class, Suzuki rider Jason Engle blasted off the start an d up Clu bhouse Hi ll to take a wire-to-wire win in the first mo to. Roun ding out the top th ree were Mike Harris on on a YZ and Neal Hoskovee on a KX. In the second moto it.was Harris on 's tum to lead the pack as h e gr abbed the holesh ol, but it was n 't long before the relentl ess Engle was back in the lead where he cru ised to !!te checkered flag. App are ntly , Har rison slip pe d and fell on a fr eshly wat ered. section, but wa s abl e to rem ount and ho ld on for second . Jacob Maupin finished a solid thir d . . During intermission a special' parade lap was made by many of the rider s in honor of longt ime OMC club rider Gabe Miller, wh o was killed in an automob ile accident in ea rly Ap ril. Cabe's close fri end M ik e carried a checke re d flag around the track as a fina l salute. Guy Cooper (50) leads the Over 30 class with Mark Guy (19), Donnie Foste r (295) and Danny Osborn (543) tra iling at Muddy Creek Raceway in Blountville, Tennessee. MI CRO A D Y: 1. Ja son H oll owa y (Kaw); 2. JOE'l Bamows k (Ka w ); 3. Brian CclOdn if;h t [Kaw] . WMN: 1. Ha ilE')'Leona rd (Hon); 2. Rechael Marti n; 3. A lvss ia . Stee lt"(Kaw); 4. Andi Boyd (Yam~ WMN: 1. Cendy jensen (H on ); 2. D aria Draper{yam). flO BEC 1. Jason Engle(Sw); 2. Mike Harri son (Yam);J.Jacub Mau pi n (Yam); 4. Man Berry (Han); 5. Neal Hoskovac (Kaw). 80 JR: 1. Doug Martin (Him); 2. Kyle- Leona rd (Yam); 3 . Kvle Kub itschok (yam); 4. Mar CU1Jt'1lkins (Yam); 5 . Oay Loh r (Yol l. .' m I'lOINT: 1. Brian Brandtm (Kaw). 125 BEG: 1. Jeremy Hoxie (Yam); 2. Ma rk Longstreet (Hon); 3. Willy WriK,ht (Suz); 4. Ot.-rd Peaf'!;OT\ (Hon); 5. Jt"'n ~t"n (Yam). : 125. JR 1. AIIE'Tl H en d e rso n (Hon); 2. Sach Evans (Suz); 3 . MikeSkmOPr (Yam); 4. JOKh Lt-nty (5uzJ.;.S. Lyle Boyd (Yam) . 125 I!\'T: 1. Ma n KE'rbs (Hon); 2. Craig Bart lE-tt(H on); 3 . Dmnis Randall (yam); 4. Bodia Bares (YDIl); 5. Adam Chitwuod (Suz). 125 EX: 1. Kris RourkE- (Hem); 2. J.-.on Rich (Hon); 3 . Andy Wilch (Hon); 4. Pat Ei~ur (Hon); 5. Kevin Bude. (Hun). 25+ EX: 1. Tommy Ady (K..w ). 250 BEG: 1. Derek Pearson (Kaw); 2. Chad Cr ank (Y.m); 3. Chris Docker (Kaw ); 4. Randy Schi~e (Kaw); S. Corey B.... z (lion, 250 JR: I. Jumn Doff (Yam); 2. Wn Mac MillilIn (5uz: ); 3 . Louie- Laf'!'101\ (Suz); 4. Rob Par kE'l'( Hon); 5. Dustin B.a (Suz). it 250 11\'1 : 1. Monte LaI'llOl1 (Yam); 2. unaoCh.lpm.m (Hon). 250 EXP:1. Tommy Ady (Kawl; 2. Blake B.arrymen (Yaw). OPE1 JR: 1. Dan Drapt"!' (Yam); 2. Ca~ Christt'fl!iO!R (Hon). '.J VET BEG: 1. Jes s Bu rch (l(aw); 2. Don Jen kins (Yam); 3. Dean C.oodnilo';ht (Kaw); 4. ROK"'f' C ruw (Suz); 5. John Moure (Yam) . VET JR; 1. Da vid Hoppuu (H an ); 2. Joh n Goodm dn n 'lon ); 3. Todd Henry (Yam); 4. KMn Guodman; S. Gor d on Skinnt-r (Yam). VET INT: 1. Ron WE'h r (l-ibg ); 2. Rod Reynold (Yam); 3. £d Dm (Yam); 4. Bob Bla nd (Ka w); 5. Tom Fik gerald (Yam) . i VET EXI': 1. Warren Hi ckman (Yam); 2 Derrid Per.lOndte (Ya m); 3. Blak e Harryman (Ya m). 4().0- 1. H~rb Nach tiga l (Ya m); 2. Bob Bloln 3. Don TOU : d; AAaint (Hem ). Hein hauls at Starwest MX By Tony Alessi 4 Results P / W BEG: 1. Du sty Howell (KIM); 2. Reo Eva ns (KTM) ; 3. Bria n Sch u ltz (Suz); 4. Christopher Schultz (Hon); 5. Brian Ro w an (Yam ). P /W 80: 1. Ju stin Lee (Yam); 2. Hai ko)' ~rd (Hon~ P / W AOV : 1. J0 5. C(1 h rson (KTM); 2. Br...n dun RassmU 8Sf"n (y ...m ). MI CR O BEG: 1. Elli ott Lyon (K.liw) ; 2. JOihua Good naur (Hon); 3 . Dylan Howen (Kaw); 4. Jos h Conan (Kaw); 5. Jend Bu t,",(Kaw). PERRIS, CA. APR. lJ Gary Hein was the ove rall w inner in the 250cc Beginner clas s durin g St a rw es t N ig h t Time Supercross in Perris. Hei n was h ot tonigh t and eas ily ou td istanced his competition in the first 250cc Begin n e r race . Ch ris Rob e rts sho wed im p ress ive speed as he recorded a solid seco nd in fron t of hard cha rging Vet-class winne r Bob Arthur. The secon d moto saw Arth ur pull a su rprise holeshot, then go on to lea d every lap of the race. Hein was as fast or faster then Art hur in most sections of th e track bu t, after a hardfought batt le w here Hein tr ied repea tedl y to pass, Arthur was able to hang on for the mo to win. When the dust settled Hein would claim the ' overall win wi th a 1-2 score ahead of Arthur's 3I and Roberts ' 2-3. Ch r is Rog e r s toppe d the charts in t he minibike ranks afte r d efeati ng Jona than Shimp in both the Supermini and SOcc (12-13) di visions. Sh imp had the sta rts wired and pu lled the h ol esho t in ea ch of t he ra ces o n hi s CEF/ Answer / Silkolene Oil-b acked Honda, bu t a string of cra shes held him at secon d in both classes behind the Dean Dickinson-tuned R&D Racing Suzuki of Roge rs . Newly crowned Pee Wee World Champion McCarthy set the record straight tonight after a convincing vict ory in the Pee Wee (4-6) clas s. Although McCarthy got the job done, Brandon Million was by far the most exciting rider on the track with his feet-off-the-pegs riding style. Million cras hed at t1ie start then picked h imself up and charged all the way to second . Then just as he b ega n to ca tch M cC a r th y anot her fall dropped him to third beh ind O'Neal rider Chase Takacs . Results Ll ttl~ STR TR (4 -6 ): 1. Ra ymond Valdez (UM ); 2. John Baltas (LEM't 3. Ga yton Pratt (KTM ); 4. Bla'" Bagt'tt (LEM); 5. Oayton MutrilloCLEM).

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