Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVENTS E dited by ScottRousseau (Left) On a nearly stock Ducatl 916 borrowed from his neighbor. Sean Sweeney (136) stuffs his way past ZX7mounted Steve Moriarty (7) to take the lead In the Heavyweight Superblke race at New Hampshire International Speedway. George Tarrlcone (1) trails . (Above) Dave Schultz scored his seventh consecutive Fram National win at Atianta Dragway. Loudon Road Race Series: Round 2 The new guard By Joh n Flo ry LOUDON, NH, MAY 4-5 ast w inter's retirement of tw o of the Loudon Road Race Series' top road racers - Marc Smith, wh o ruled the 750cc-and-up classes for several years, and Russ Katzenberger, a top contender on his ZX6 in both Middl eweight and Heavyweight classes has led to intense speculation about wh o th is year's top racers would be. This weekend's round-two results ma y ha ve resolved th at questi on. CycleWork s team mm a te s Richard Alexander and Eric Wood completely dominated the Heavyweight and Middleweight classes, respectively. Alexander won five races: Unlimited and Heavyweigh t Supersport (which paid Su zuki contingency money), Unlimited Superbike, Unlimited GP , and Solo GTO. In every ca se, Alexander simply rode away from the field (reminiscent of Marc Smith), whether the track was wet (Saturday) or dry (Sun day). Wood, who won three LRRS championships in 1995, dominated the Mid dlew eigh t races in a similar fashion, handily winning Mid dleweight Supers port a nd Su p erbi ke and Solo GTU. Sean Sween ey p ro du ced a p air o f impressi ve rid es to win Hea vyweigh t Su pertwins and Heavyweight Superbike - on his neighbor's Ducat i 916. In a gestu r e th at red e fin e s th e te rm "good neighb or," this sain t offered to lend his personal stree tbike to Sweeney every race weekend until Sweeney's '96 916 arrives. Sweeney puts on his own bodywork, whee ls, race EPROM chip, and a sligh tly .m od ified stock pip e and th en removes them afte r th e weeke n d. His Heavyweight Sup erbike win w as pa rticularly n oteworthy because he tracked d own and pa ssed earl y leaders George Tarricone and Steve Moriarty, both on fu lly kitted Kaw a sa k i ZX 7R' s v s, Sw eeney' s 916 with stock motor, suspensi on and gearing. They were pulling 150 yards on him on the fro nt straight bu t he would m or e th an re gain it by d int of inspired riding in the tight portion of the track from turns three to 12. The Slickest Mo ve of the Weekend L Aw ard go es to John Sch ee h ser fo r a spectacu lar three-rider pa ss in turn 10 on th e la st lap o f th e He a v yw eight Supers port ra ce . Scheehser - on his CBR600F3 in this event for 750s - had worked his way up from fourth, passing Buck Miller for third and closing up on the tail of second-place Rick Doucette as they began the fina l lap. Wh en they cam e up on two lapped riders in turn nine Doucette hesitated slig h tly and Scheehser pou nced, tak ing an ou ts ide lin e th rough turn 10 to p ass Doucette and both lapped rid ers. In the p rocess, he moved both ba ckm ar kers inside so that th ey blocked Dou cet te, who w as aiming for the more normal ins ide pass at the apex of 10. By the time Doucette got by the slower rid ers, Scheehser had too big a lead for Doucette's extra 150cc to eat up on the drag race from turn 12 fN to the finish line, Results UIL SlSPRT EX: I. Rich ar d Alexander (Suz); 2. Seth Hahn (Suz); 3. Rich ard Doucette (Suz); 4. Noel Brown (Suz); 5. Rick Maron (Suz) . UIL SlSPRT JR: I. Steve Wh itney (Suz~ HIW SJSPRT EX: 1. Richa rd Alexa nder (Suz); 2. John Scheehser (Hon); 3. Richa rd Douce tte (Suz ); 4. Brett Metzger (Suz); 5. Charles Mtller (SUZ). HW S/SP RT JRi I. JaM Salemi (Kaw); 2. Herbert Zaroogian (Ka w): 3. Joe Henri qu es (Kaw); 4. Kevi n Perry (Ho n); S. Benjamin Du gd ale (Yam). HIW S/SPRT AM : I. Brian Sco tt (Han); 2. Richard Au de t (Suz) ; 3. Do minic Castl evetro (Hon); 4. Steve n Clark (Kaw); 5. Joseph Deagezic (Kaw]. MIW S/S PRT EX: I. Eric Wood (Ka w); 2. Ch arles Chouinard (Ka w ); 3. John Scheehse r IH on ): 4. Scott Greenwood (Hon); 5. Jeffrey Curtis (Kaw ). MIW S/5PRT JR: 1. Jason H olmes (Hon); 2. Enz o Assa inte (H o n ); 3 . Rich N e enan (H o n ); 4. Bren t Cam pbe ll (H a n ); 5. Sco tt Schank (Ha n). MIW S/SPRT AM : I. Scott McMill an (Ha n); 2. Tim Watkins (H on ); 3. Eoin Smith (H o n) ; 4. Chris to phe r Young (Hon); 5. Halvor Foss (Hon). UW S/5PRT EX: 1. Brett Guye r (Yam ); 2. Philip DiGregorio (y am ); 3. Michael Campbell (yam ); 4. Jim Fas o (Suz); 5. Russel l Grimes (Yam) . sin UW SlSP RT JRi I. Colin Bald win (Yam); 2. Brian G re gory (H o n); 3. John Donald (Ya m) ; 4. Ale xander Barba (Yam ); 5. Steven Pa rolin (Yam ). UW S/SPRT AM : I. j ohn Ga ng (Yam); 2. Ch ris Arbo r (}(aw); 3. Chad Gasi orek (H on ); 4. Wi1liam Berry (Yam); 5. Brian Dutra (Yam ). HIW PROD AM: I. Kevin Johns (Suz~ MIW PROD AM: 1. Scott McMillan (H on ); 2. Q,az Roscow (Ho n); 3. Gerald Provencher (H on); 4. Dan ial Bergeron (Kaw) ; 5. Marc Cardullo (Kaw ). UW PROD AM: 1. Kevin Binsfield (Kaw ); 2. Marc Cardello (Kaw ); 3. Ch ad Gasiorek (H on ); 4. Brian Dutra (Yam); 5. John Lear (Kaw). U/L S/B K EX: 1. Richa rd A le xand er (Suz); 2. Charles Sma ll (Suz); 3. Richard Do ucette (Suz ); 4. Stev e Moriarty (Kaw) ; 5. Des Conboy (Hon). UIL S/BK JR: 1. Tim Geo rge (Suz ); 2. Jo n G ru e lle (Suz ); 3. Matt hew Shea rer (H on ); 4. Benjamin Kry gier (Hon~ HIW S/ BK EX: 1. Sean Sween ey (D ue ); 2. Steve Moriarty (Kaw ); 3. George Tarricore (Kaw ); 4. Charles Small (Kaw ); 5. Brett Metzger (Suz) . HIW S/ BK JR : 1. Enzo As saint e (Hon); 2. Tony lannarelli (Hon); 3. Tim George (Suz); 4. Joe H en riques (Kaw) ; 5. Vincent Rivera (Kaw ). H IW S/ S K AM : 1. Mi chee! Finn (Suz); 2. Ric h Aude t (Suz ); 3. Tim Watkins (Hon) ; 4 . C a rm ine DiPietrantorrie (Kaw t 5. Malcomb Bradsher (Suz). M /W S/ BK EX: 1. Eric Wood (Kaw); 2. John Scheehse (Hon); 3. Jim Lester (Hon); 4. Scott Greenwood (Hon); 5. je ffrey Curtis [Kaw). MIW SIBK JR: 1. Matthew Shearer (Hon); 2. JaS('lO H ol mes (Hon); 3. John Salemi (Kaw ); 4. Christopher Macki n (Han); 5. Brent Campbell (H on ). MIW S/BK AM: 1. Glen Go ld amn (Hon); 2. Brian Sco tt (Hon ); 3. Do na ld Fagan (Hon); 4. Steven Clark (Kaw); S. Michael Scott (Ho n). lJW S/BK EX: 1. Philip DiGregorio (Yam); 2. Brett G uyer (Yam); 3. Ma rtin Limpe rt (Yam); 4, M ich ae l Vaug han (Yam); 5. Shawn McCormick (Yam) . L/W S/BK JR : 1. To m Ro lf e (Yam); 2. Jo h n Kebacinski (Kaw); 3. Colin Baldwin (Yam); 4. Steve Courant (Kaw) ; 5. Rod ney Helsens (Yam) . lJW' SIBK AM : 1. John Gang (Yam); 2. Scott Barley (Ka w); 3. Bob Galli (Yam); 4. Ro be rt Gages (Hon) ; 5. Charle Sandoz (Suz). s UIL GP EX: I. Richard Alexander (Suz); 2. Charles Miller (Suz); 3. Brett Metzger (Suz); 4. Charles Small (Kaw ); 5. Richard Do ucette (Suz~ UIL GP JR: I. Herbert Zaroogian (Kaw) ; 2. Murphy Anderson (Yam); 3. Charles Johnston (Suz). MW G P EX: 1. Ji m Le s t e r (H o n ); 2. Chris Cummings (H a n ); 3. Pe ter Illich (Han); 4. Charles Chouinard (Kaw); 5. Jeffrey Curtis (Kaw) . MW GP JR : 1. Ke vi n Pe r ry (Hon); 2. Ch r is Desimone (Ho n); 3. Christoph er Sweeney (Ho n); 4. John H ummel (Hon); 5. Murphy And erson (Yam) . MIW GP AM: 1. Eoin Sm ith (Ho n); 2. John Ca rlin (Hon); 3. Ch ristop he r Yo u ng (H on); 4. Brian Sco tt (Han); 5. Micha el Clark (Han). UW G P EX: 1. Fred dy Maruca (Yam) ; 2. Timo thy O'Connor (Yam ); 3. Philip DiGr eg orio (Yam); 4. Martin Umpert (Yam); 5. Brett Guyer (Yam ). lJW GP JR: 1. Murphy Ande rson (Yam); 2. Co lin Baldwin (Yam); 3. Step hen Velotti (Yam); 4. Alexandru Barba (Yam) ; 5. Phili p Lava llee (Yam), UW GP AM: I. 10M Ga ng (yam); 2. Micha el Clark (Hon); 3. Ken dell Ed wards (Ka w) ; 4. Chad Gas io re k (Han); 5. Davi d Desh aies (Kaw). SPTS~'l EX: 1. Lawrence H anlon (Yam/Hon); 2. Allen H ep le r (Kaw); 3. Ron a ld Tay lo r (Ka w); 4. Scott Schneider (Kaw l; 5. Nathan Sanel (Yam~ SPTSMN JRi I. JaM Babacinski (Ka w); 2. Jeffre y Jennin gs (Yam); 3. Philip Lavallee (Yam); 4. Rob ert Bauer (Kaw ); S. David Sa rgen t (Kaw ). S PTS MN AM : 1. Miroslav Spireng (Kaw ); 2. Ke vin Binsfield (Kaw ); 3. Kendell Edward s (Kaw ); 4. Richard Martin (yam ); 5. David Deshaies (Kaw). MIW PROD TW EX: I. jerry Wood (Kaw) ; 2. Allen Hepler (Kaw ); 3. Jeff Wood (Kaw) ; 4. Richa rd Stratton (Kaw ); S. Terry Baron (Kaw ). MIW PROD TW JRi I. joseph Rickard (Kaw) . MIW PROD TW AM : 1. Marc Cardullo (Kaw); 2. Ta o Tak eda (Suz); 3. Chuck Fultz (Ka w ); 4. Thomas Welch (Kaw ); S. Ted Markut (H on). UIL SG L EX: 1. Jerry Wood (Due); 2. Nathan Sanel (Yam); 3. Victor Landau (Yam ). UIL SG L AM: I. Kurt Norris (Ka w). H /W srrw EX: 1. Sean Swee ney (D u e); 2. Paul G iandinot o (Due); 3. Bob Robbins (Due); 4. Timothy Kisieleski (Duc t 5. Jerry Wood (Du e). HIW SITW JR: 1. Ru s s Da ncho (D u e); 2. Andre Grasso (Hon); 3. Roger Binkerd (Du e). HIW S ITW AM : 1. Er ik Mad sen (Due ); 2. Sco tt Barl e y (Kaw ); 3. Gordon Th a ch (D ue); 4. Ra ymond Swenton (Du e); 5. Hector Sanchez (Due ). UW snw EX: I. Jim Lester (Due ); 2. O1ad Heal y (H a n) ; 3. Daniel Frisbie (Kaw); 4. Timothy Kisieleski (Du e); 5. john Aksel (Due ). U W SITW JR : 1. Jeff Robinson (Due); 2. Jo h n Kabacin sk i (Kaw); 3. Steve Co urant (Ka w); 4. Keith Daigl e (Ouc) ; 5. Brian Gregory (Hon). LIW s/rw AM : I'. Erik Ma d sen (D u e ); 2. Chris Arbor (Kaw); 3. Scott Barley (Kaw): 4. Mlroslav Spireng (Kaw); 5. James M. Callahan (Hon). SOLO GTO EX: 1. Richard Alexander (Suz); 2. Paul Gian dino to (Due) ; 3. Brett Metzger (Suz); 4. Kyle Zazzi (Yam ); 5. Stephen Soh! (Kaw). SOLO e T O JRi I. Ton George (Suz ); 2. Jon Gruelle (Suz); 3. Jeffrey Jennings (Du e); • . Steve Whitney (Suzt S. Vincen t Rivera (Kaw). SO LO GTO AM : I. Michael Finn (Su z); 2. Rich Audet (Suz); 3 . Fred Stu eky_ (D u e); 4. Malcolmb Bradsher (Suz ); 5. Juli o Zoeiro (Hon). SO LO GTU EX: 1. Charles Chouinard (Kaw ); 2. Jim Leste r (Han); 3. Peter I llich (Hon); 4. Eric Wood (Kaw ); 5. Jeffrey Curti, (Kaw). SOLO GTU JR : 1. Benjami n D ugda le (Ya m); 2. Brent Campbell ( Hon) ; 3. Jo hn Sa le mi (K aw): 4. Christopher Sweeney (H on); 5. Mi tsu Koshima (Yam). SOLO GTU AM A: I. Christo pher Young (Hon); 2. Brian Scott (Hon) ; 3. Dona ld Fagan (H on); 4. Ger ald Pro venc he r (Ho n); 5. John Ca rlin (H on ). SO LO GTU AM B: 1. Sco tt McM ill an (Hon); 2. Dam on Petrie (Hon); 3. Michael C lark (Hon); 4. Eoin Smit h (Hen): 5. Chad Casiorek (Han) . NR H AFram Nationals Schultz rolls a s in A even tlanta By George Roberts ATLANTA, GA. APR. 21 ave Schu ltz continued his domina tion of the NHRA's Fram Nationals at the Atlanta Dragway, racking up his se venth co nsecu tive Fram National win and eighth overall by defeating John Meyers in the finals. The two have met ea ch other in the final round of th is even t six times with Schultz p rodu cing a perfect 6-0 record. The win gives the 5-time NHRA Champion a 332-311 advantage in the season points ra ce over current number-on e plate holder John Meyers. Schultz post ed a track-r ec ord run with an elap sed time of 7.489 seconds on the Sunoco Suzu ki GSXR 750. Schu ltz had set the previous record in last year's match. Hector Arana p iloted his Lucas Oil Suz u ki to a top speed record of 182.26 mph in the same Friday qualifying session and was still running over 179 mph on Saturd ay. "Our 60-foot time needs to come d own, " Ara na sa id . "We 'll try more static clu tch an d less secondary." A fter a rainy Sa turday the te ams w ent into Su n d ay 's elimi na tions with little opportunity for a djustme n t and Arana to ok him se lf out o f th e fir st round by jumping the start. Also falling prey to th e dreaded jumped start wa s Gary Ton glet, advanci n g Gen o Scali to the next round with a solid 7.588-second run. Meyers, abo ar d th e Snap-On / Star Performance Parts Suzuki, overcame the 0 .435 re a ct ion ti m e of C.J. Sm ith's Kawasaki and marched onward to meet Reggie Showers in the qu arter-finals. D

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