Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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HARE SCRAMBLE ·' R d3: CA'IRA ' aun '" N ETRA H Scram Series are bles (Lett) An overabundance of moisture turned the CATRA Hare Scrambles Into a survival run. (Above) Josh McLevy was In contention for the win before crashing and damaging his radiator. (Below)Winner Kevin Hines leads McLevy and runner-up Tom Norton at the end of the first lap. By Cheri Allx F1SHOUSE, NY, MAY 12 now in May? Evidently, anything is possible in upstate New York. The conditions in the East for rid ing this year have been wet and muddy, and this year's CATRA race was just that . The area h a sn ' t seen su n in weeks. Lu ck ily the terrain is loaded with rocks, keeping the grou n d so lid and ridable - well , at least if you' re from the Northeast you' d conside r it rida ble. CATRA is known as the nastiest track . in th e East , as th e course co nsists of nothing but ruts, roo ts, rocks and mud hol es. Ju st what the top Ne w England rid ers like and many were in attenda nce. After a w et GNCC race in Br ow n s v ill e, Pennsyl v ania, the d a y befo re, NETRA Hare Scrambles champ Tommy Norton, NETRA Enduro champ Kevin Hines and former ch am p Scott Phelps all were ready to do battl e again. Luckily the skies cleared just before the sta rt and it actually go t wa rm - reaching abo ut 40 degrees. The race was origi nally scheduled for six laps aro un d the 6mile course, but due to the conditions it w as cut short to only four laps. At 1:15 p.m. the flag went up, with Man chester Honda's Josh McLevy getting th e holesho t followed by Tod d Levesqu e. Las t off th e lin e w ere CRE rider Hines and SCR/ Yam aha's Norton, but they quickly began working u p to the front of the pa ck and, before the lap was half ove r, the Scott / Bel Ray-sp onsore d N ort on too k over th e lead wi th Hin es close behi nd . N ort on stretched his lead to 10 seconds but we nt down in a ru t, allo wi ng M cLevy, Levesqu e an d Hines to get by. McLevy took a bad line going through a swampy section, allowing Levesqu e and Hines to get by before settling into thi rd . Meanwh ile, Norton had recove red from his cras h and soon had control of fourth place. ~ By the e n d of th e lap, it was Levesque - wh o wo n the Lembo Lak e race last m onth - lea ding the pack o f Hin es, McLevy and Norto n. Th e fou r riders had a 24-secon d lea d over fifthplace Wes Clarke. Phe lps, wh o usu ally rides a Yamaha was ba ck in sixth place on a bor rowed Kawasaki. The course was compl etely devastated before they headed out on the second lap. There we re ruts everyw here with running water coming down every hill. The swa mp sections were full of standing water, ma king it anyone's guess as to what was lurking at the bott om . Luckily, with the smaller-than-normal turnout of rid ers, lappers were not a problem for the front-runners, allowing for an all-out battle agai ns t the elem ents and each othe r. Th e fou r fro n tr u n n ers cont inued trad in g pl a ce s throu ghout th e se co n d la p u n t il Levesque w ent d own, allowing M cLevy, Norton a n d Hine s to p ull away. Hines soo n went down, too, and Norton ran over hi s bi ke. No damage wa s done and the CRE rid er was back in th e hunt, taking over th e lead once agai n before the end of the lap. Mclevy slid back into second com ing aro u nd only five seco nds behind Hin es. Norton wa s in third down another five seconds back. orton was also running a stock tank and had to make a pit stop for gas . With barely being able to make the 24mile ra ce on a stock tank, he wasn't goi ng to push it. After only a 16-second pit fo r gas a nd goggles, N o rton was ab le to get b ac k out an d catch u p to Hines and McLevy . Levesqu e was back in fourth d own 30 seconds, but he had to pit for gloves and goggles pu tti ng him back anoth er 30 seconds and out of the lead pack. "My pit took so long." a disappointed Levesque said . "Once I was out of the pack, I wa s unable to keep up the pace ." McLevy was a lso soon out of contention. After swapping th rough a rock section, he laid it ove r and smas hed his ra dia tor. Ev en a ft er a w o r se -th a n expecte d finish, McLevy still had a smile on his face, "I'm psyched, " he sai d . "I wa s keep ing up with the big gu ys." H ines and Norton continued sw ap ping places till the final lap when Norton did a wild cras h on a car t road, allowing Hines to pull away and take th e win . No rton took second down some 90 seconds from Hines. Levesque held onto thi rd abou t two minu tes back. Maki ng for a s pectacu lar fi nish was KTM rider Br ian Tu cker a n d Sco tt Phelps. The two riders came f1yin~ out of the woods banging bars thro ugh the last turn. Tucker held it on till the flag. just barely edgin g out Phelps for fourth p lace overall. Exp ert 250cc ri d e r Ar ther Me nzel was the top -p lacing A rider taking ninth overa ll, whi le Am ateur 250cc rider Chad Hedges took th e B Hi gh Point award . Hedges and Brian O'Ne il, also a 250cc rider, were the only two Amateur riders to complete all four laps. Earlier in the day, Honda 125cc ride r Rona ld Dan iels too k th e C-c1ass win, edging out 250cc rider Jason Stella on adjus ted time . Stella took the ho leshot and held the ph ysical lead for the entire race. In th e Ju nio r event, it wa s Yama h a rider Brian Lawson taking the win with a co mfo rta ble m a rgin o ve r Eri c Rouqeau. Jason LaRocco took the win in the Mini class. In the Women 's class, it was Michelle McKinnon taki ng the class win and being the only rider in her class l~ to comp lete all laps . CATRA Hare Scrambles Flshouse, New York Results : May 12, 1996 (Round 3 of 18) GRAND CHAMP: Kevin H ines (eRE). A O /A:. 1. Arthur Mt'T\.l£ 1(Kaw ). BOlA : 1. Chad Hedges (Hon). eO/A: 1. Ronald Daniels (Hon). AA: 1. To m N o rt on (Ya m); 2. Todd Levesque (Yarn ); 3. Brian Tu cker (KThl); 4. Scott Phelps (Kaw~ 5. Patrick Timothy (Ho n). 2$0 A: 1. Ke v in Pa ine (Hon ); 2. Rory Eas tman (Hon); 3. Harry G ra n t (Yam). 200 A: 1. Ken Law (Yam ); 2. Luke McNeil (KThl ); 3. Hans Ne ff (KThl) VET A: 1. Russell Bain (H on ); 2. Do uglas Hansen (Hen). O PEN A: 1. Jim Simcock (ATK ); 2. Ma rk Budick (KTM); 3. Pau l Planqua rt (H on ). SR Ie. I. J erry Rand all (Hen). .a..STRK A: 1. Chris Moore (Kaw). :!SO B: I. Brian O'Neil (I

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