Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. R~D· RACE . North American Sport B Series ike Round 4: Brainerd International Raceway (Left) HMC Hansen Racin g's Scott zampach (11) ran away from the pack to take his third vict ory of the season in t he Triumph Speed Trip le Challenge. Early leader David McGrath (66) finished second . (Below) The battle for t hird between James Hanrahan (10) and Shawn Conrad (43) lasted for the better part of the 12-lap race ; Hanrahan preva iled. experience riding Harleys where you go t to keep your sp eed. I' ve trained myself to use the maximum track width to keep my speed up . If you can do that and no t make mistakes you can gain a tenth or two here and there and it adds up. Those are neat bikes and they work well but they're big an d heavy and tall and you got to set 'em up tall to get the ground clearance you need, so the y' re up the re. The side winds mad e it tough to put it on the same line lap after lap where you want to be." Brainerd Internat iona l Raceway Brainerd , Minnesota Results: May 19, 1996 (Round 4 of 8) MOBIL 1 TRIUMPH S P EED TRIPLE CHALLENGE: 1. Sco tt Za mpach; 2. David McGrath; 3. [a mes Hanrah an ; 4. Shaw n Conra d; 5. Rick Kirk; 6. William Whi te; 7. John Scheehser: 8. Steve Johnso n; 9. Ty How ard ; 10. Th om as M ur ra y; 11. Ray H ixon; 12. Michael Gage; 13. Blaine Pau lus; 14. Devin Bartley: 15. ' Benjamin Welch ; 16. Michael Fitzpa trick. Time: 20 min . 38.000 se c. Dis ta nce: Lllaps, 33 m iles. Average Speed: 95.961 mph. Margin of Victory: 4.840 sec. MOBIL 1 TRIUMPH SPEED TRIPLE CHALLENGE CHAMPIONSHIP POINT STANDINGS (Afte r 4 of 8 rounds ): 1. Scott Za m pach (128 / 3 w in s ); 2. Jam es Hanraha n (117/1 ); 3. Dav id McGrath (99); 4. Michael Fitz patrick (96); 5. Joh n Schee hse r (94 ); 6. Rick Kirk (90); 7. Willi am White (8 4) ; 8. Shawn Conrad (83); 9 . Benjami n Welch (82); 10. Devin Bartley (68); 11. Tho mas Murray (65); 12: (TIE) Ty Howa rd / Trip p Nobles (64); 14. Michael Gage (48); 15. Ray Hixon (39); 16. Thomas Fournier (37); 17. Blaine Pau lus (33); 18. (TIE) Davi d Hu ll/Rick Shaw l Adam Lewis (32). Upcoming Rounds: Round 5 - Elkhart Lake. Wisconsin. August 4 Round 6 - Portland, Oregon, August 11 then Tim Johnson and Devin Battley got by him. Hendricks tried hard to chase down Bodine but ran out of time. Bra inerd International Raceway Bra inerd, Minnesota Resu lts: May 19, 1996 (Round 3 of 7) HARLEY-DA VIDSON TW INSPORTS: I. Scott Za mpa ch: 2. Tod d Evans; 3. Br ian Bodi ne; 4. Roger Hen d ricks; 5. Tim Johnso n; 6. Devin Battley; 7. Mich ael Friberg; 8. Brian Con ley. Time: 14 mi n .• 17.000 sec. Distance: 7 lap s. 21 miles. Average Speed: 88.215 m ph. Margin of Victory: 21.320 sec. HARLEY -DAVIDSON TWINSPORTS CH AMPIONSH IP POINT STAND INGS (After 3 of 7 round s): 1. Scott Za mpach (87/1 win ); 2. Ma tt Wait (70/2 wins); 3. Tod d Evans (68); 4. Brian Bodine (58); 5. Brian Gibbs (57); 6. Ben Bostrom (56); 7. Micha el Friber g (53); 8. Ron M cG ill (50 ); 9. Br ia n Co n le y (49 ); 10. (T IE) Tripp Nob les ZH ikaru Mi ya gi /R o ge r H e ndr ic ks l Ra nd y Texter (45); 14. De vin Bartley (42); 15. Da ve Estok (32); 16. Daigar o Suzu ki (29); 17. (TIE) Eric Bostrom / Robbie He rm a ns (28); 19. Tim John son (26); 20. (TIE ) Chuck Blackm on / Jim Whitaker (25) . Upcoming Rounds: Round 4 -Elkhart Lake. Wisconsin, August 4 Round 5 - Portland. Oregon. August 11 NASB Harley-Davidson T Sports Series win Round 3: Brainerd Interna l Raceway tiona ZAMPACH AGAIN By John-Flory B RAINERD, MN, MAY19 h e conflic t with t he AMA H omest ead National caused a s m a lle r - t h a n- us ua l fi e ld fo r th e Harl e y-David son Twin Spo rts e ve n t and th e race i m me di a tel y became a Scott Zampach se mi na r on how to rid e a H arley 883 qu ickl y as he smo othly took contro l of the race on h is Hans en Racing Harl e y and r a p i dl y left the fi e ld b eh ind . Hi s secret : "You mi g ht as well put it in fifth ge ar a nd take the shift lever o ff - it's a ll r o ll. Now that th e t r ack ' s repaved it's alm os t to o smooth, too w id e, a nd too fast fo r th es e Harl eys, if yo u ask me! " Th e fie ld soon strun g ou t behind h im : Todd Evan s, Brian Conl ey, Brian Bod in e, each riding a lone, a nd then Michael Friberg leading the rest of the pack. Friberg lost ground ove r the last few la ps . Fir st Roger H en dricks and T (Left) Scott za mpach topped a spa rse fi eld In Harley-Davi dson Twi nSports rac ing . (Above) Loca l racers Shawn Conrad (43) and Brad Zajic (36) worked the ir way through the pack to land first and second, respe ctively, in the EBC Brakes Sportbike class . EBC B rakes Sportbike Round 3: B rainerd In rna l Raceway te tiona LO AL ONLY C S By John Flory BRAINERD, MN, MAY 19 Pair of local riders beat the series , re gul ar s handily in a ra ce that w as easily as hotl y contested as eithe r o f th e.two F-USA races. JS Racing 's Jim Lester got the ho leshot but was A

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