Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.R RACE· O\D . Round 4:B rainerd International Raceway . Sunoco Race Fuels Formula U Series SA Double winner Sadowski was treated to a vi ct ory r id e o n the back of English stuntman Gary Rothwell's GSXR1100. ou t and start winning again - and stick i t in t he winner 's circle both times and walk away without limping." " Once we get r olling I think we're the fastest bike on the track," Kling said, " I gave them seven seconds (at the beginning) and by the end I o n ly gave them one and a half." H e figured h e d id h is bes t lap in the seco nd race, a 1:40.8: "I got m oti v ated to d o a little better . I didn' t want to get third again - I knew that! Second w as good because I had both Val voline guy s behind m e." ~ Bra inerd Intern atio nal Raceway Bra inerd, Minnesota Results: May 19, 1996 (Round 4 of 9) FORMULA USA RACE ONE: 1. David Sadowsk i (H a n); 2. Da vid Stanton (Suz ); 3. Fritz Kling (Yam ); 4. Tra y Batey (Suz); 5. Chris Taylor (Hon); 6, Ch uck Gr aves (Suz); 7. Glenn Szarek (Suz ); 8. Scott Zampach (Tri ); 9. And y Death era ge (Kaw); 10. Curtis Adams (Suz ); 11. Ray Yod er (Ka w ); 12. Jeff rey Ste m (Suz ); 13. joe Pittman (Kaw); 14. Scott Rueh le (Kaw ); IS. Bryan Okubo (Yam ); 16. Brett Metzger (Suz) ; 17.lohn Sharrad (y am ); 18. Mike w alsh (Yam); 19. Seth Hahn (Suz); 20. Chris Bliss (Hon ); 21. Devin Bartley (Yam); 22. Michael Fitzpatrick (Kaw ); 23. Jeffrey Purk (H an ); 24. Robert Thomas (Yam); 25. Andrew Trevi tt (Han ); 26. Ma rc Chido (Suz) ; 27. Doug Polen (Suz~ 28. Rog Hendricks (Suz ~ er Briefl ••• About 85 percent of Bra inerd Interna tio nal Becewey's track was repaved just over a week beFore the NAS B/F-USA event. The sec tio ns which were not repaved included most of the tum s in the back section starting w ith tum three: the straights between these tums were repaved, as was the entire section from.the bridge before the final tum, through the final tum, all the way down the front straig ht•.through tu rns one and two . and up to tum three . Most racers Found the smo other track a big improvement . and the smoother surface should reduce tire wear . But several racers commented that many of the transitions between old and new pave ment were abrupt. Rothwen also recruited six road racers to equal his world -record seven-pers on whee lie. He sits on the handlebars to do thisf) For a finale he put David Sadowski on the back for a victory lap of wheelies and stoppies after Sadow ski"s second F-USA Win. Sadowski said: - W e were running into the bus-stop tuni

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