Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

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AMA Teamline 750cc SupersportSeries Round 4: Homestead M olorsports Complex Collarbone cured By Pau l Carrut hers Pho to by Henn y Ray Ab rams HOMESTEAD, FL, MAY 18 oshim u ra Suzuki's Pascal Picotte has been sayi ng for the past three races that things wo uld get much tougher wh en hi s tea m ma te A a ron Yat es returned to health. Well, things just go t mu ch tougher. W ith hi s broken collarbo ne healed, Yates m an aged to beat Picotte by som e six seco n ds a t th e Homestead Motor sp orts Complex, the Geo rgia n's seco nd victo ry of th e ye a r movin g him ba ck into title conte n tion in the title chase as he now tra ils Picotte by jus t six points, 136-130. After trailing both Picotte an d ea rly lead e r Mic hael Ba rn es early on, Yates took over at the fron t of the field on the thi rd lap and he never looked ba ck, leaving Picotte an d Barnes to battle for second pl ace . Th at fight for second ended up going to Picotte, with the sorewristed Barnes bravely hol di ng on to finish third on th e EBSCD In d ustries Suzuki GSXR750 logging his first AMA , Supersport podium finish since 1992. The fir st n on-Su zuk i - qui te an achieveme nt in a season dominated thus far by th e new GSXR750 - to cross the fini sh lin e was the Kinko's Kawasa ki ridde n by Thom as Stevens . The Floridian got the best of a race-long duel with a host of riders to finish fourth, ahead of Team Suzuki Spo rt's Mark Miller. Team Suzuki Sport's Mark Black ende d the 17lap, 37.5-mile race in sixth, just clear of Kinko's Jason Pridmore, the Californian having ran as high as fourth before running s t r a ig h t at the e n d of th e back str aight and h aving to start his charge allover again. . EBSCD' s Mark McD aniel (ri d in g with a re cently sepa ra ted right sh oulder), Hudson Valley Me's Richard Ale xander an d Dats Trucking' s Da le Kieffer filled the top 10 positions. With Picotte and Yates perched atop the cha mpionshi p point stan di ngs, th e next best is th e EBSCD' s Barn es who narrowly leads his teammate McDaniel, 108-107. Miller is fifth with 106 poi nts. The first AMA road race ever held at the new Hom estead Motorsp orts Complex fitti ngly got und er way with florid ian Barn es lead ing the w ay into the fast do uble-left, tu m one ! two combination. The Yosh boys were tuc ked in beh in d and it was those three w ho qu ickl y drew away from the pack. Do u g Cha n d ler a n d th e Mu z z y Kawa sak i di dn 't last lo n g, with ' the Supe rb ik e N ati ona l Ch amp ionship points leade r pulling the bike on to p it late on th e second lap. "Firs t gear wa s bad," Chandler said. "But th en I s moked the clutch a b it. There was no po int in it (continuing)." Yates took over the lead for the first time on the th ird lap , di ving inside of Barnes on the entrance to tum six. That was all she w ro te. Yates cleared away, eventually winning by 6.006 seco nds. "I feel pretty good now," Yates said in regard to his healing collarbone. "I had my supersport bike working reall y good and I'm reall y comfortable on it. I looked back a few time s and I wa tched my pit board. I had a five-se cond lead Y (Above) Mark M cDaniel (10), Michael Barnes (34), Pascal Picotte (21) and Jason Pridmore (7) lead eventual 750cc Supersport winner Aaron Yates (9). (Right) Ben Bostrom was in a class of his own In the SuperTwlns final at Homestead. and it dropped to four, maybe th ree . I was looki ng around, keepi ng track. The race went reall y quick. It's so smooth. It's really easy and short." Th ings beh ind the Georgian weren't so clear. Barn es and Picotte conti nued to go at it, wi th Barnes doing most of the leading. Pridmo re, meanw hile, was the m an on th e m o ve, clo s in g in on the Ba rn es ! Pico tt e ba ttle a t the h a lfw ay mark and appearing to be very capabl e o f cat ching th em . That all we nt w rong on the 10th lap wh en he ran straight at the end of the back straigh t, com ing to a stop to tum around and rejoin the race ba ck in 10th p lac e. Pridmo re w oul d fight back, eve ntu ally finishing seven th. A lap later - on lap 11 - Picott e took over from Barnes for second, a sp ot he w ould h old to th e fini sh . Barnes, too, w ould keep hi s composure - riding in pain to third p lace. The race for fourth we n t to Steven s over Miller and Black. "It feels pretty good," Bames sai d . "I haven't been on the pod ium in a Su perspo rt race since '92 wh en I was on my own Kawasaki . I really ha d to step it up a litt le bit, especially to ru n with these guys. I thought I was going to be able to run w ith Pascal, but I w as ob vious ly holding him u p a little bit. My w rists were a little sore; I go t off th is morning on my Harley (VRl000 su perbike), went u p h igh in the air an d landed on both . wrist s. You look at the n u mbers a nd we ' re all in contention for the cham pi onship. I just wan t to put in a cons istent, real goo d year. I'm really looking for a championship and I'd love to win one of these because it's been awh ile." "When we tested here I did a lot of time on my su perbike and Aaron did a lot o n th e s u p ers por t b ik e," Pic o tt e exp lained . "That's wh y I think I'm faster on my superbike and he's faster on the su pe rsport bike. I had a really hard time this weekend making my bike pe rfect. I know I was stronger than him the last two races, but now he's back in shape. But s till I' m leading and I'm rea ll y happy. Mike (Barnes) was ahead of me and I was really having a hard time with deep braking; my bike was really humping. I w as a litt le faste r th an Mike, for sure, in a coup le o f corners. Aaron (Yates) rode a really good race and I want to give him all the credit." Homestead Motorsports Complex Homes tead, Florida Results : May 18, 1996 (Round 4 of 10) T EAMLINE 750 SUPERSPORT FINAL: I. Aaron Yates (Suz); 2. Pasca l Picotte (Suz); 3. Mike Barnes (Suz ); 4. Thom as Stevens (l

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