Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 04 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Opposite page) Alex Criville (4), Michael Doohan (1). Luca Cadalora (3) and Tadayuki Okada (6) lead the allĀ·Honda front row at the start of the Malaysian Grand Prix, the opening round of the World Championship Road Race Series . (Right) Despite a bad start. Okada (6) managed to lead the GP on the all-new 500cc V-tw in Honda. (Below) Doohan (1) also led. until tire troubles and Luca Cadalora (3) pushed him back In the order; the race was redflagged after rain Interrupted the proceedings. Em ili o Al zamora fifth , ta ki n g th e lap recor d as compensa tion . Scuderia Alfa Ap rilia's Garry McCoy w a s 12th , th e Au stral ian racing hurt after banging his left hand and ankle in a Friday cras h. 500cc GRAND PRIX Th e start w a s though t cruci a l fo r O kad a' s V-twin, a nd h is fate seemed sea led when he was left trailing in sixth in to the first co rner; Cada lor a headin g Dooh an and Crivil le, who cras h ed on lap two . But far fr om b e in g o v erwh elmed, Ok ad a w as soo n moving forw a rd, di v in g inside Dooha n in to th e las t co rner co mplex on the th ird lap, and usin g his l ate br akin g 'an d fast corner -entry speed to resist all counterattacks . Th en he m ove d inside C ad a lora und er brakin g at th e en d o f th e main straight, and starte d to pu ll away slowly. The firs t sign of ra in ca me o n th e ninth lap, wh en Capirossi fell on the fast righ t before th e last bends. Th e nex t time aro u nd , Okad a also ran off. "I was leading, so 1 ha d no warning," he sai d. H e r an across th e grave l tra p a nd brush ed th e tire wall befor e man agin g to rejoin in seventh, losing 10 seco nds . Both Cadalor a 'a nd Doohan signaled to race control as they crossed the line, bu t the race went on . Next time rou nd it w as wor se, and aga in they gestured as th ey p as sed the p its. The y'd throttle d back of their own accord when the red flags w ere finally shown at the end of lap 11, an d results were take n from lap 10 for the restart . "They u su ally take a sign fro m th e Wor ld Ch ampion . Pe rhaps th ey were w a it ing fo r m e to crash ," fu med a n an gr y Dooh an, who w as classified secon d; four- tenths behind Cadalora. Th e t ra ck d r ied a s th e field ra n th rough the com pu lsory half-hou r extra p r a ctice, and th ey s ta r ted agai n on slicks. Okada was on the boil. He forced his way into the lead on the first lap, an d was going away as he sta rted th e second, only to crash at the first comer. "I w as go ing too hard before th e left side of the tire was warm," he explained ruefully. This left Doohan up front, but Cadalora leading on aggregate time. All he ha d to do was stay behind the Australian . Barros nosed between them on la p 22, giving Cadalora enough of a frig ht th at h e pushed again, m o vin g past Doohan on lap 28. The Australian a lready knew his cha nces we re over. "My rear lire started to feel strange after 10 laps. I thought it had sp un on the rim, and I was tryi ng to slow th e p ace a nd bloc k hi m . Then it starte d to vibra te, and I had to bac k off and jus t baby the bike hom e." A rogue Michelin had blistered . Cad alora 's victory was assured . "I th ink this is m y greatest day in all m y years of racing," he sa id. "No w I kno w I can wi n the title after sw itch ing to the H onda. " Barros w as second, Checa third, with Russell delig hted to overcome h is practice p rob lem s fo r fourth. "That' s m y best -ever GP finish, at my worst track," the American grinned. Marlb o ro Robe rt s Yamah a' s Je anMiche l Bayle was sixth after swi tchi ng bikes before the resta rt. ..... l-< 0.. < 7

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