Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 03 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Patrick Byrno Peddicord , 73, di ed on Mar ch 3 in Ojai, Californ ia. Ped d icord was a profession al mot orcycle racer in th e la te 1940s, w inning seve ral races in cluding th e 1948 Sacr am ento Mile on a fa ctory prep ared Ha rley-Da vi d so n. In 1969, Ped dicord ope ne d Santa Barbara Su zuki, and he retired to Ojai in 1980. Th e Redu c Sportb ike As so cia tion . recently hon ored Eraldo Ferracci and D al e Q u a r te r l e y with i ts " Q u ack" awards. The awards were pr esen ted on beh alf of the 300 Reduc member s at th e Mid Wint er Banquet on February 24 in Lambertville, New Jersey, for their contributi on to the sport. The 11th Annual Palm Springs Co ncours d 'Elegan ce will feature a d isplay of vin tage and contemporary motorcycles a t th e O 'DOnnell Golf Co u rse in downtow n Palm Sp rings, Californ ia, on Ma rch 31. Tw o speci fi c m oto r cycle classes will be presented, one featuring pre-1950 an d one for 1950-1979 motorcycles . The Concours wi ll be open from 10 a.m . to 4 p .m. For more information, call 619/325-3696. Travel Craft has annou nced its Grand Pri x Tou rs 1996 pa ckage. The tour will include two back-to-back gra nds prix, beginning w ith the Dutch round of the .World Champion sh ip Road Race Series in Assen on June 27-29 an d concluding wi th th e G rand Prix o f Ge rm any on Jul y 5-7. The races ar e also ava ilable on an individual basis. For more info rmation, call 800 /241 -1223. .Bob Bl air, 74, died on M arch 16 i n Somers, Montana, after bein g bed-ridden for tw o ye ars as a result of a stroke. Blair, a flat track ra cer in th e post-war years, a lso w o rke d w ith th e Mu st an g Moto r Co rp oratio n an d la ter ZDS Motors, as western d ist ributor of Zu nd app, Du cati and Sachs m otorcycles. At the time of hi s death , Blair was just 11 d ays aw ay from his 75th birthday. Three-time Wo rld Ch ampi on Wayne Rainey will co m,pete in th e Toy o ta Ce leb rit y car r ace d uring th e Lo n g Beach Gran d Prix in Ap ril. Rainey was tes ting a Toy ot a at Will ow Sp rings Raceway in Rosamond. Californ ia, o n Saturday, March 16. Fo rmer Bultaco w o rks rid e r G i n ger Mo ll oy w ill rid e in two AH RMA Vin tage roa d races in Ap ril , beg in ni n g w ith the Las Vegas eve nt on Ap ril 5-6 and ending wi th th e April 13-14 eve n t The la r g es t World Ch ampion ship . Motocross Series cro wd of 1995 was mad e up of the 35,000 sp ecta tors who a tte n de d th e 125 cc G rand Pr ix i n Ind onesia. at Willow Springs in Rosam ond, Califo rn ia . The N ew Zeal an d e r w ill ride Bu ltaco TSS road racers provid ed by Lynn and D orothy Mob ley of Bultaco P art s in Mind en, N e va d a, a nd th e Garage Company. Both the U.S. Senate and Ho use of Representati ves h a ve rev ived effo r ts to m ove legislation d ealing with health care ins u rance discrimination, according to the Motorcycle Rid ers Foundation (MRF). The Hou se is expe cted to take floor actio n in late Mar ch and the Se nat e is sc h ed u led to be g in fl oor d ebat e on the Health Insurance Reform Act (5.1028) in mid-April. 5.1028, also known as the Kasseba u m-Kennedy Bill, has b roa d bip artisan su p port with 53 sponsors - 3 1 Republi ca n s a n d 22 Demo crats. Th e p rom oters of th e L.A. Motorcycle Weekend on April 20-21 a re offe ring race fans the opportunity to take a rid e aroun d the Pomo na ra ce track on their motorcycles. Specators can get a vouche r for free ·by buyin g th eir tick e ts in advance from a participating motor cycle d eal er or throu gh Race West Produ cti ons a t 800/ 364-6060. Vo uc hers wil l also be available on race d ay for a fee of$5. No rth American S port Bike (NASB) and Southern Californi a's Archer Travel have joined forces to p rovid e racers wi th a complete travel service. The Thi r d Annua l Biketoberfe st, sched uled for October 18-20 in Dayt on a Beach , Flo rid a, is e xpecte d to dr aw 50,000 rid ers, according to Jane t Kersey of the Dayt ona Beach Area Conventi on and Visitorsi Bureau. A T ri u m ph Super III Daytona w as used in th e tele vision show "Melrose Place" on Monday, March 18. The bike was ridden by tw o of th e show's sta rs Kimberl y and Michael. A help ing hand : th e AMA ' s International Help ' N Hands p rogram consists of nearly 8000 in d ividuals and busi n esses fr om the U n ite d St ate s an d Can ada com mitted to h elpin g eac h othe r in times of need . Help 'N Han ds members are given access to a toll-free phone number wit h operators who provide telephon e number s of the closest H elp 'N Ha nd s memb ers - 24 hou rs a d ay, se ven d ays a week. Although no an nua l m emb ership fee is re quired , mem be rs are en couraged to m ak e donations to offset .ad m inistration an d telephone costs . For more informati on; call 800/ AMA-JOlN. Rick Peterson Mo tor Sports (formerly YKP of Covin a's service dep artm ent ) is celeb ra ting its grand opening w ith a parkin g lot sa le on Mar ch 30 from 9 a.m . to 6 p .m. RPMs is located at 1011 W. San Bernard ino Rd, Covin a, California , 818 /967-0736. Ben Foote Jr ., 75, of Red ondo Beach, Calif ornia, d ied in his home on Ma rch 9. A racing and sports publicist / hist orian throughout his life, Foote was also w ei -r eputed in So uth ern Cali forni a racing circles as th e m an ager of the d ay-t o-day op er ation s a t Ascot Pa rk fo r hi s friend th e la te J.e. Agaj anian, a nd late r for Ag ajani an' s so ns Ca ry and Chris, from the '70s u nt il the facility close d in 1991. A fune ra l service is sched uled fo r Neighbo rh ood Ch u rch (3 10/378-9353), 415 Paseo De l Ma r, . Palos Verdes, Ca lifor nia, on March 29 at 1 p .m. More tha n 1000 San Fran cisco Bay Area mo torcyclists are expected to join Arlen Ness, the renowne d Harl ey-David son cus to m ize r, in th e Fo u rt h An n ual Mar ch of Dim es Miracle Ride - A Rid e for Healthie r Babies on Sunday, October 13. The two- ho ur rid e through the scenic backroad s of No rth ern Cali fornia starts and end s at the Bay Meadows Racecourse in San Mateo, California . Fo r m or e informatio n, call 415 /7882202. Acco rding to th e FIM, t h e l a r g e st crowd to witne ss a round of the World Championship Road Race Series even t in 1995 w as 195 ,120 a t the Spanish Grand Prix. The la rgest World Superbike crowd wa s 42,000 at Brand s Hatch in En gl and . The lar ges t roa d ra ci ng crow d of th e seaso n fl o cked to th e Suzuka 8-Hou r with a four -day-total of 218,000 atte nd ing th e Japa nese round o f th e World End u r ance Ch amp ionship. HIRE D: Donn Maed a, as Test Ed ito r of Dirt Rider Maga zin e. Maed a served as Associa te Ed itor o f Cycle News since 1991. HI RED: Cam eron Coa tn ey, as Assistan t Editor of Personal Wa tercraft Illustrated, sister publication of Cycle N ews. AUTOGRAPH S IG NING : A t D &S Kaw asaki in Arli ng ton , Te xa s, on March 22 fro m 7 to 8 p .m . Te am Kawa saki ' s Jeff Emig, Damon Huffman a nd Ry a n H u gh es a re sc he d u le d to a p pear. For m o r e in form a tion, ca ll 817/465-5454. AUTOGRAPH SIGNING: At Yama ha of Bu rbank in Burbank , California, on April 18 from 6 to 8 p .m. Team Yamah a' s Jamie Ja mes an d To m Ki pp are sched uled to appear. For more inform ation, call 818/845-8738 . AUTOGRAPH SIGNING: At Bloomin gton Power Sp orts in Bloomin gt on, Ind ian a, on March 29 from 7 to 8 p .m. Team Ka w a saki's Jeff Em ig, Ryan Hu gh es a n d Da m o n H uffman are scheduled to ap pear. For more information, call 812/339-0199. OPENED: EBC Brakes' home page on the World Wide Web. The address is as follows: http:/ / / ebc.h tml. AUTOG RAPH SIGNING: At Ho nda , Su zu k i, Ka w a sa k i West in Ta m pa, Flo rid a, on April 5 from 6 to 7 p .m. Me mbers of Team Su zu ki' s motocross team are scheduled to appea r. For more informa tion, call 813/968-7888. CORRECTI O N: We mi sidentified Les White as Scott Zampach in a ph oto capti on in last week's issu e. Th e photo, which accompanied our coverage of th e Dayto na BEARS race at Dayt on a Intern at io n al .Speed w a y, s h o w s w in ner Andrew Stroud lead ing Whit e an d th e rest of the pa ck ea rly in the race. AUT OGRAPH SIGNING: At Kawasaki of Riversid e in Riversid e, California, on March 23 from 10 a .m. to n oon . Team Green' s Ty Davis and Larry Roeseier are sched uled to ap pear. For mo re inform ation, call 909 / 683-8839. SIGNED: A five-year contract between th e Dunlop Tire Corpora tion an d the AMA Su percross Series to sponsor th e series th rough th e year 2000. ENG AGED: Grand Nat ional Dirt Track racer Kevin OIliges to his longtime girlfr ien d Jenn Crocetti. A May 10, 1997, wed di ng is being plann ed . BORN: Ni cholas Brisco Milner, to Tony and Monique Milner on February 21 in Yuba City, California. The Milners own and operate Yama ha Sports Center in Yuba City. 0 r-------------------------------- - ------------- --- -------- - ------, (iJill ~ SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM Name _ a This is a a New Subscri ption a Renewal Send to: (ll:ill ~ , Inc. P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 ~ . - - - 24-hou r FAX Order Line (310) 427-6685 - Toll Free Subscription Hotline (800) 831-2220 . - One year (50 issues), 2nd class Canada or Mexico and all other foreign cou ntries $78.00 (U.S. funds). First class and airm ail rates availabl e upon request. 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