Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 03 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, .'. •... ... .. ·1 ' .. Kawasaki '93 ZX7R Supe rbikelstreet Fuillactory '95 race motor. Ohlins front and raa r suspensio n. Seriou s inquirie s only . John (516) 36S-71BS. EST. NY. (310-12) Private Collection For Sale Used 1988 D uca ti 85 1 C orsa raceblke tr i-color, never raced, with spare parts kit Used 1990 Honda RC30 wilh extras. Serious offers. Cosh talks . Days (516) 365-3373 or leave message (516) 335-0890 or fax (516 ) BB3-3205. (310-11) Tough case-ha rdened chromoly steel countershaft sprockets. 1994 YAMAHA BANSHEE. Family owned . very little hours, like new. $5,100. (573) 756-9438. MO. (310-11) Light 7075 T-6 aluminum Triplestar rear sprockets. ZXT MUZZY adjustable cam sprocket kit new neve r used 5175. (805) 828-4633. CA. Durable heat-treated high-earbon steel rear sprockets. No w accepting resum es for 1996 Road Race Sponsorship (310-11) 1986 RGSOO; frame and ~ excellent condilion $250. Blue and white tall section $75 . Right hand lower lai ring $75. (805) 828-4633. CA. (310-11) 4555 Carter Co urt, Chino , CA 9 1710 Used by cha mpions like TeamSuzuki Endurance. (909) 628-4722 FAX (909) 59 1-2198 10 time WERA Endurance Champions. MMF Aluminum Llftstand Light weight, quicl< release . $74.9S. Dealer inqulries inv~ed. (800) 42~. CA. (308-11/P) PARTING '9 3 - ' 9 5 GSXR750 never race d or (310-11) downed. John . (608 ) 257-1926. WI. World's Best-Selling Line of VZF750 SuperbikeEngine II~11 Premium ·· I ~ • 0 . Quality Motorcyc~e and 1 '0 . ~. ATV Lubncants. P.O.Box 526, Farmingdale, NJ 07727 ' - - - --(908) 938-242 1- - - -' 1 Race kit crank, rods, pisto ns , trans ., cams and oil pain . (805) 828-4633. CA. (310-11) '93 Cdn. VZF750SP Wilh lactory race kit in box . never raced. As new. (604) 276-2552. CAN . (210-13) Honda CR Engines New '96 CR 125 $2 ,095 with carb oNew '96 CR 250 $2.595 wilh carb o New '95 CR 250 $2,295 In stock, price includes COl and ce il. Can UPS . Williamson Honda, MiDHall, PA. (717) 726-3343. PA. (210- 12) '96 XR250 200 miles. Extras warranly , will help deliver. $3.800 . (60 1) 632-1246 . MS. (110-11) •Best Price &Delivery • 1991 GSXR Race Parts • 'l1 Y Experience • ears ( 2 1 6 ) 246 ·6301 •Guaranteed Workmanship &Parts • • Complete Machine Shop & Fabrication' • Five-AngleValve Jobs &Flow Bench Porting' •A Types of 2-Stroke &4-Stroke Cylinders ' n • We UPSDaily • T itled fram e. Lindemann forks. Perfect set ra ce glass with tank. Fox shock. Dampe r. Wheels. Many moto r and street parts. Low price s. (206) 485-51 63. WA. (110-11) 1982 Ford Race Van 3 ,000 miles on new motor, New tires on alum . rims . burglar alarm system, stereo, air comprassor, generator, 100 gal. waler tank. $9.000. (805) 399-9337. CA. (310-11) Legacy Motorsports, Inc. (6 19) 745-3444 W antedWrecked FJ1200 Need motor in good cond ition . Also need rear shoclt for '93 KLR650. (619) 375-1965. CA. (310-13) ~fl:€ d~m IC( ( Send $2.00 1995 KTM Duke 32 page eatliOll. Beller th an new condition , 50 0 m ile s. H ea lth requires sale . $7 ,500. Evenings (81S) 282-D810. IL (310-11) lorournew K'enllft Research 1 eye'- P., ~ht FiywtM,ei. foro " 'O' 1ClI .sp.elallsfs 1 3Q N~~ Caono. CA Q1 720 909-272 -8480 ~NDREWS HONDA. SUZUKI Kawasaki COME EXPERIENCE WITH US BEAUTIFUL & EXCITING TRA IL RIDES. WHILE BEING TREATED UKE A KING IN THE PROCESSII If you ride a Honda, you 're in~ iii"" ~ of belonging to a special breed. H~A R>e'" JIlllI_ JOIN old=lD: ~~ rses ?". Simply 1M IJaIfor ~ 0 ... 0 U y OIU Road Racing "iX,. Associatio n (704) 684-4297 rIE~ . USED PARTS n 0 & ACCESSO RIES I'" Japanese bike. 70'. & 80'. UPS Daily - Me & VISA 1-800-573-9495 Fax 30 3-24 2-9 4 9 6 0 ·call for your EaJl1.MotorcyclB/A TV/ Wstercrsft Piston catBlog 0 720l lndusrrial Park Blvd. ltfenlDr, OH 44060 ~ Buell" DIFFERENT IN EVERY SE NSE· 1-800-49 0-9635 C&J Honda CR500 Dirt Tracker America's Premier 5.. m4 eun.lo. NY 142«1-1109 ."g.DVN.£DP 0 CAWNG AU RED RIDERS. &: Custo m Sl eev es Northwest Sleeve, lnc., 15lHl NE Victory, Gresham, OR 97030 (503) 666-8430 Camps . Schools . P rivate L essons (916) 755-2799 i FAX (916) 751-7233 6JlO u.s. I. N. • P.O. Box 3567 • SL Augustine, Fl )208S-)~67 ill. 904-8243+13 _ 11=I '--~I LWOlJUuc!ion - Race Prooen Perfumuzna - ----- cal: 1_ MOTOCROSS ACADEMY CYLINDER LIN ERS * WHAT A GIlEAT GI FT IDEA * IMlIIp ."'fCIIlft Mlft IncIIn, [ill]~ orthwest Sleeve, Inc. CYLINDERSERVICE ON LY S 1115.- PER PERSON POLARIS (}(wr/e Ilrvr~etr ( 800) 84;-4722 for info. Used 6 races , spa res and rain tires $4.995. Jam ie aft er 5p .m. (604) 985 -1022. CAN . (310-15) UtUeton. CO 80126 ' ·IIOO- OOSE-IT M rr AWESOME FOOD & DRINKS rr COMPLETE CAMPING ACCOMMODATIONS rr T-SHIRT.ENERGY PRODUCTS. PRIZES Canfield, Ohio (216) 533-2241 Salem, Ohio(21 6)332-8534 M em be rs enj oy rallies , r eap benefits and feel the pride 1994 RS1 25 39 11 Norwood DrWe Umt G . OH· Roed Riding ACUAO riH A 2 DAY RIDE INCLUDES: YAMAHA SEDr...~aa Enduro S~aion M od. ~O·C4L ren~'N~ TOfl~ BIG BORE POWERI (216) 951-6600 .-----H o n d a Part.'- Hayward Hond8/Suzukl u rge Dina. StIset Inventory • - -- CR fu~1"e.1et ---, iiii Con;~us. .~ 27955MISSlOI1 BM1.HI'/WItll.CA94544 (5101~ Single shox. shorttrack frame, ST. n , RR & Ice race setups. 41mm lorks adj . damps very sano & low hours . $5 ,SOO/obo. (303) 688-6845. CO . (3 10- 11'P) '90 KTM540 Clean. senior owned, good condition. $1.300 . (Bi B) 333-5737. CA. (310-11) '85 Yamaha RZ350S '85 RZ350 race bike. Welded crank. Toomeys, folX brace, steering damper, rear sets, clip-ons. spare engi ne, earns , body parts, etc . $1 ,800 . '84 RZ350 streel bike, stoc k. Red/whilelblue body from '85. Spare set pipes . $1,500. (404) B75-2063 . GA. (310-11) 1989 Honda RS1 25 1994 cases and carb, spare wheels with rains. Very reUable . $3 ,300 /0bo . (970) 224 -9737 , (303) 7814483 . CO. (310-14) Need RZ250 OEM Solo Seat Or any info . Help l Todd (304) 62~94. WV. (310- 11) 1989 KTM 250 . Desert ready . $1 ,000. (3 10) 861(310-11) 9957. CA.

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