Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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EVENTS . .Edited by.Seoll Rousseau.:. ' McCormick manhandles Monroe Arenacross By Allan 's Photos staff B EAVERTON, OR, FEB. 25. The final round of the Monroe motocross series promoted by Webb Hill Raceways wa s held at th e Salem Fairgrounds, w ith Jason McC ormick of Van cou ver; Wa sh ington , gra bbing the top 250cc Pro spot by winning both motes, Wa shington riders battled their O re gon co un te r parts for a w ell-ro unded CM C North w est sh oo to u t. Washington promoter Lee. Coll in s w orking wi th Oregon promot er Bob Leach, wh o run s both the Salem Arenacro ss and Alban y Supercross, p ut together an outsta nding sho w with near ly 400 riders in clu d ing som e of the Northwest' s finest competitors. The first 250cc Pro moto was McCormick all the way, with Ryan Terlecki of Turner, Oregon, finishing as ru nner-up . In the seco nd mota, Scot Steffy out of Snoho mish. Washin gton, gra bbed the hol esho t but was overtaken on the next lap by .l- Whipple from Gig Ha rbor, Wa shington, who led u n til the sixth lap. Then McCormick took over th e number-one spo t and kept it for the sweep. Terleck i again finished second. It wa s a di fferent story in the 125cc Pros as Ryan Terlecki took the over all, with McCormick secon d and Jimmy La ma stus from Po stfall s, Washington, in th ird . There we re so m any 125cc Beg in ners run ning the y had to hav e two main events, with the B main going to Bob Kivi sto fro m Sa lem , followed by Ryan Divelbiss from Snohomish . The A main w as won by Stan Stolp, followed by Sh a wn Ru ss e ll. Th ere w e re 33 ri ders in th is class, with Russe ll, Derek Nickerson and Travis . Hanson each winning a moto. . The Pee Wee Beginne r Stock class had 24 riders from 3 years up, mo st in the 4- to 8-year -old range. Age is not a factor as these kid s ride th eir heart s out with m any of th em catching"air off the jumps. Th e first main ev ent was wo n by Ryan He ll and the second by Maxw ell Pope. Results P/W STK 0-1: 1. Ryan Hell; 2. TY!'lOn May (KTM);3. Lindsey Du val (ltj); 4. Keith Aben droth (KTM); 5. CoreyBye (Suz). • P /W STK 0 -2: 1. Maxwell Po pe (LEM); 2. Ca me ron Smith (KTM) ; 3. Kyle Ha mmontree (Ya m ); 4 . Lanc e Phillips (KTM); 5. Austin Hoerner (KTM). r /w STK 0-3: 1. Bianca Steffy (Yam ); 2. 'levin Tap ia (Yam). P/ W MOD : 1. Maxw ell Pope (KTM); 2. Ryan Hell (KTM); 3. Kris Co llins (KTM); 4. Cameron Smith (KTM); 5. Lana- Phillips (KTM). • 60 JR: 1. Ju sti n Kee ne y (Kaw); 2. Randy Pesek (Kaw); 3. Colton Facciofti (Kaw); 4. Kenneth Ham montree (Kaw); 5. Ryan Hell. 60 SR: 1. Casey Huddleston (KClW); 2. Jack Mead ows (Ho n); 3. Nick Gilbertson (K.llw); 4. Ryan Abrigo (Ka w ); 5. Brian Sp ee r (Hon) . 01 80 BEG: 1. An dy Deatley (Yam): 2. Kyle Ve rsteeg (Yam ); 3. Greg Peters (Suz); 4. Jes.cwe Meiers (Hon ); 5. Scott Series (Hon) . 80 (9-11): I .Tyler Fid (Suz); 2. Bren t Line (Suz.); 3. [ack Mead OW ll (Hon); 4 . Billy Bough ttem (Yam) . 80 (12-13): 1. Davi d Frasier (Yam); 2. Bradley Spangler (Yam ). 80 (14-16 ): 1. Steve Sullivan (Kaw); 2. Ben Hale (Ya m ); 3. Ty le r Kaven ey (H a n ); 4. Rod ney S pangle r (Ya m) ; 5. N atha n Mcdonald (Ho n). MINI O PEN : 1. Tyl e r Ka va n ey (H on ); 2. Steve Sullivan (Ka w ); 3. Ba rrett Rup p (Kaw) ; 4. Dus tin Phillips (Kaw); 5. B~ Hale (Yam). • 125 BEG 0-1: 1. Stan Stolp (Yam ); 2. Shawn Rus.'lC1I (Suz); 3. Andy Smith (Xaw) ; 4. Dale Evanger (Kaw); 5. Jared Legan (Hon) . 125 BEG D-2; 1. Bob Kivisto (Hon); 2. Ryan Divelbi ss (Kaw); 3. Aaron Smith (lion); 4. Michael Hu tcheson (Suz); 5. Jakes Kroll (Han). 125 JR; 1. Tyler Kavaney (Han); 2: Michael Lmkhaar (Han); 3. Jeff Hinzman (H on); 4, Joh n Meusli ng (H on); 5. Eric Roth (Kaw). 125 INT; 1. Jason Dem psey (Kaw): 2. Mike Sto rm (Kaw); 3. Du sty Lenaburg (Kaw); 4. Mitch Merritt (Ho n); 5. Ma n: Hend er son (Suz) . 125 PRO: 1. Ryan Teriecki (Hon ); 2. Ja.IO Mccormi ck (Kaw); ' n 3. Jimm y Lamastus (Hon); 4. ScotSteffy; 5. Ryan Leach (Ho n). J. Whipple (2) and Scot Steffy (1) battled for the lead early In the secon-d 250cc Pro moto at the final round of the Mon roe Motocross Series in Beaverton, Oregon, but both finished behind overa ll winner Jason McCormick. 250 BEG.; 1. Sha un Coa tes (Yam ) 2. Eri c Bailey (Hon ); 3. Barry Moull (Yam) ; 4 . Craig H erzog (H on ); 5 . Travis Hanson (Hon). 250 JR: 1. Edd ie Beach (Ho n ); 2. Da vid Fox (Yam ); 3. Scott Tho mpsen (Han ); 4. Alex Dexter (Kaw); 5.Eric Dexter (Kaw ). 250 PRO; 1. [ascn McCorm id (Kaw); 2. Ryan Teriecki (Hon ); 3. J. Wh ippll!'(Han); 4. Ryan Leach (Hon) 5. Scot Steffy (Ha n). Krause king of Four Aces Euroscrams By Dave P. Meadows RED MOUNTAIN, CA,FEB. 10 Pau l Krause won two classes in th e Four Aces European Scrambles at Red Mountain, Califor nia . In th e fir st ra ce of th e da y, th e Ve t rac e, Krau se gra bbed the holeshot and ran away from the pack, enjoying a trouble-free ride aro und the eigh t-mi le course. A ba ttle for sec ond ens ued between john Ru dder and Chuck Miller, wi th Rudder coming out on top and taking first 250cc honors. Krau se's winni ng margin was just under fo u r m inutes, and h is lap times w ere righ t around 13:20. The Team Kawasaki rid er w as n' t through ye t, as he grabbed a quick d rin k, refueled hi s motorcycle, changed number plates and immediately headed to the startin g line for the combined 125/250/5OOcc Am /Ex race. Krause again domin ated the start and picked up th e trail first with about a lo-secoad lea d . Beh in d h im , jeff Capt, Billy Fullmer, joh nny Campbell, Stev e Hengeveld and Eric H allgath gave chase, all of them figh ting for position as they d isappeared over the hill. Krause started to ope n up a gap on the res t of the pack th at wouid reach over two an d a ha lf minutes, an d his lap times were almost one minute faster than in the previous race, at 12:.29. What makes those tim es so incred ible is th at in a little ove r two h ou rs Krause d id nin e lap s on th e course. The battle for second overall and the 250cc lead wa s heating up until abou t the third lap wh en Hengeveld blew th e shock on his KX, but the pace set by Hallgath was unmatched by anyone else behind Krause . H all gath pulled into the finis h about two an d a half minutes beh ind Krau se for second overall, first 25Occ. Capt looked smooth and fast on his big XR for third overall, followed by Campbell an d Fu llmer. john Braasch rode har d to finish first in the 125cc class . Results 0 / A: 1. Paul Krause (Ka w); 2. Eric Hallgath; 3. Jeff Capt; 4. Johnny Ca mpbe ll; 5. Billy Fulmer . 250: 1. Jeff Capt . 125: 1. John Braasch. Hallgath trumps Four Aces Hare Scrambles By Dave P. Meadows RED MOlJl'.<'TAIN, CA, FEB. II The Four Aces Motorcycle clu b u ndertook a n amb itious racing sched ule, following their Sat~ u rday Eu rosc rams wi th th eir trad itiona l Har e Scrambles on Sun d ay , at which Eric H allgath was the su rprise winner. As th e Experts bla sted down th e 2.5-mile b omb ru n towa rd th e trail, th e y sp read out qui ckly, giving each oth er a wide berth as many of the trails crossed and the racers moved ou t of their lines to try to stay dust-free. To everyone' s surprise, the first one to sort it all out an d se t a blazing pace past the bomb was 250 rid er Eric Hallgath . Next thr ou gh was Abe Bauman, lead ing an onslaugh t of ope n bikes ridden by Todd jerge nse n, Mike McGee, Billy Fu llme r, johnny Ca m p be ll, j e ff Ca p t, th en 250. rid er Ste v e Hen geveld . The front-runners se t a torri d pac e as Hallgath con tinue d to lead , and ever yone behi nd him was scra mbling to make up for bad sta rts an d ge tti ng cau gh t in the dust. H allgath com pleted the 36-mi le loop in just und er 47 minutes, with Krause movin g up to an incredible seco nd place just un der two minutes behind the leader after being 12th at the bomb. Hard on their heels wa s a chargi ng pack of rid ers led by Campbell, Capt, Bauman, and Hen~eveld. These first few riders were flyin g through the sandy, whoopedfilled section leading to th e pi ts. The seco n d loop wa s w ithout inci de n t for Hallga th, but beh ind the leader a lot was going on as Capt and Campbell p ounced on Krause about eigh t miles before the finish . After a bitt er fight to th e end, Campbell fin is hed secon d beh ind Hallgath , followed by Krau se, Capt and Hengeve ld . .Hallgath's win was his first in desert racing after a six-year absence. Results 0 / A: 1. Eric Ha llgath (Ho n); 2. Johnny Ca mpbe ll (Hon); 3. Pa ul Krause; 4. Jeff Ca pt (Hon) ; 5. Steve Hengeveld . OPEN : I. Johnny Campbell (Ho n); 2. Jeff Ca pt (Hon ); 3. Dan Richard.'IOn;4 . Pau l Scha rer. 250 : 1 . Eri c Hallg at h (H o n) ; 2 . Pau l Krau se; 3 . Ste ve Hengeveld 125: 1. Dana Van Stee. VET: 1. Abe Bauman. AM; 1. Justin Richardson. NOV: 1. Ola rHe Powell m(Suz ). WMN : 1. Am y Wright. S/ SR:1. Gus Paull. Elliott mighty on mini at Whitney MX By Kat Spann and the Beckster WHflNEY, TX, FEB. 18 Tra vis Ellio tt pulled off a double m oto w in in the 80cc Op en class in th e second event of th e 1996 GNC Points Program. Elliott hamm ered ou t the first-mo te holeshot in a class th at ga te d 32 racers . Chase Ree d , Derek Ge rd es a n d Bea u Boynton foll owed. Boynton chased down Gerdes in th e mid section of the course and went afte r Elliott and Reed, but as the laps co u n te d d own th e top four staye d the same. Bradley Barh am took fifth. Roy Schellenberger raced at the front of both th e 125 and 250cc Expert classes, winning all four motos an d both e v e n t wi n s. Ro y Boy sh owed no signs of having just recov ered from a collarbone injury as he smoo thly raced ou t front from start to finish . Results 50 STK: 1. Dustin Shows (1('Th.i) 2. Ma rsha ll Smith (KTM); 3. ; Lucas Wind ha m (KTM); 4. Trey Canard (LEM); 5. Land on Rector (KTM). 50 MOD: 1. Sha ne Squires (LEM); 2. Ad am Rescn (Yam ); 3. Michae l Pritchett (Yam); 4. And rew Jans ing (LEM ); 5. Trey Canard a~) . 60: I. L.G . Tretter (Kaw); 2. Brad Wolfe (Ka w) ; 3. Chad McNeill (Kaw); 4. Bryan Zachary (Kaw); 5. Matt Mose ley (Kaw) . 80 BEG: 1. Eric Whit e (Kaw ); 2. Ryan Wells (Suz); 3. Logan Iverson (Hon ); 4. Jt'lTOdNiema n (5uz.); 5. Shane Doughty (Kaw ). 80 JR (7-11); 1. Robby Shinn (Han); 2. L.G. Trette r (; 3. Tiffer Wright (Ka w ); 4. H unt er Elliott (Kaw ); 5. Matt Mosel ey (Kaw). RO SR (12- 13): 1. Ada m Mennenga (Kaw ); 2. Ch as e Ree d (Kaw); 3. Dere k Gerdes (Kaw) ; 4. Brad Barham (Kaw ); 5. Dustin Cantrell (Yam). 80 SR (14-16): 1. Travis Elliott (Kawl ; 2. Beau Boynton (Kaw); 3. Jake Jones (Suz ); 4. Scott Dietert (Suz) ; 5. Oaxin Har dag e (Kaw ). 80 OPEN : 1. Travis Elliott (Kaw ); 2. Beau BOynton (Kaw); 3. Chase Reed (Kaw ); 4. Derek Ger des (Kaw); 5. Brad Barham (Kaw ). 125 BEG: 1. Brian Wal ke r (Kaw ); 2. Brian Cro foo t (Suz ); 3. Johnny Qu ail s (Kaw ); 4. J.D. Qualls (Kaw) ; 5. Brandon Walton [Kaw ], 125 NOV: 1. Ryan Wallace (Kaw ); 2. Steven Man ley (Suz ); 3. Trae Vannoy (5uz) ; 4. Ryan Petty (Kaw ); 5. Bryan Piccirel li (Hon). US !NT: 1. [esus Marqu ez (Kaw ); 2. Jay Grimm (Suz); 3. Scotw ty Rice (Kaw); 4. Off Wood (K.1 ); 5. Kmty Shealy (Kaw) . 125 OPEN: 1. Shawn Smi th (Hon); 2. Shane Shimabur kuro (Kaw); 3. Will Kasson (Yam); 4. Ryan wenece (Kaw); 5. Ja y Grim m (Sut:). 125 EX: 1. Roy Schelle nberger (Kawl; 2. Mi chat'l Peacock (Hon ); 3. David Casa ba (Hon) ; 4. Case Cola (Hon). 250 OPEN /BEG: 1. Franz H yl and (Kaw ); 2. J.D . Q ua lls (Kaw); 3. Greg Corbin (Yam); 4. Rand y Malone (Hon); 5. Deweyne Wa lton (K.a ). w 250 NOV: 1. Ca !\ll")' Pinkston (Hon); 2. Paul Bish op (Kaw); 3. Michae l Carke (Kaw): 4. Cha d Ande~n (Suz); 5. Rod Bell (Kaw) . 250 INT : 1. D.L. Wood (Kaw); 2. Jes us Ma rqu ez (Kaw ); 3. Jason Eckho ff (Sw:) ; 4. Kristy Shealy (Kaw); 5. Keith Beaty (Kaw ). 250 OPEN: 1. D.L Wood (Ka w) ; 2. Keith Beaty (Kaw) ; 3. Casey Pink..ton (Han); 4. Tracy Powell (Kaw); 5. Jesus Marquez . (Kaw) . 250 EX: 1. Roy Sche lle n berger ( Kaw) ; 2. Ch ris To rra nce (Kaw ); 3. Casey Cole (Ho n); 4. Sprint Ha ynn (Yam) . OPE N 500; 1. Mi ke Klement (KTM ); 2. Ke lly Flee tw ood (Kawl ; 3. Hank Hod es (Kaw); 4. BiUHarrington (Hon). N OV (25 +) : 1. James Te nn yson (Yam); 2. Kevin H ough · (Kaw ); 3. Greg Corbin (Yam): 4. Steve Jones (Kaw ); 5. Chris Ho lloway (Kaw ). INT (25+ ): 1. Jerry Joiner (Kaw ); 2. Jainey Ic hnson (Suz ); 3. Dee Wood (Kaw ); 4. Jeff Tron (KClW); 5. Tod d Watson (Han). EX (25+) : 1. Joe Jord an (Kaw ); 2. Joey Hardin (Kaw ); 3. Sprin t Ha ynes (Yam ); 4. Mike Merlo (Yam ); 5. Lee Upton (KTM ). NOV (30+): 1. Steve Jones (K.1 ); 2. Kevin Hough (Kaw ); 3. w Ste ve He ste r (Kaw ); 4. Kinnie McGraw (Yam); 5. Bobby Meche (Ha n). INT (30+ ): 1. Ch ris Prit chett (Kaw ): 2. Je rry Joiner (Kaw ); 3. Hank Hodes ( Kaw); 4. Sk ipper Roberts (Su z ); S. Todd Watson (Hon). . EX (30+ ): 1. Joe Jord an (Kaw ); 2. Joey Hardin (Kaw ); 3. Billy Sm ith (Han ); 4. Danny Burnap (Kaw ); 5. Mike Klemen t (KTM). 40+ : 1. Billy Smith (Hon); 2. Myron Freund (Kaw ); 3. Edward Hays (Kaw ); 4. Steve Mct: omb s (Yam); 5. Mike Hayn es (Suz ). Larson bounces to Bethel Ice Race victory By Tim McBr ide BETI-lEL, MN, FEB. 18 john Larso n sav ed the best for last by wi nni ng th e Op en B main event at the fina l Dir t Track Riders Association ice race of th e season, hosted by th e Bethel Fire Department on Min ard Lake. Dan Zitu r and Joe Tromberg won th e tw o Op en B heats. Un fortunately, Zitu r su ffered a strained back during hi s pe rformance an d was un able to return for th e main event. Holeshot a ce Sco tt Ste n le led Larson, Vet A winner Verdeen Langland , Mark Deal, Tromberg and the rest of th e 10-rider field for the first fou r la ps. Larson tried to ge t ar ound Stenle on the ou tside in tum two, but slid w ide an d hi t one of th e many h oles in th e ice that produ ced lar ge .pud d les of open water on the bumpy quarterm ile oval. Larson held on for the save, recovered an d slid past Sterile on the next lap to take the le a d for good . La ngl and als o bu m pe d Stenle down a slot to ea rn second-pla ce honors. Deal and Trombe rg finished fourth and fifth, respectively. Chri s Larson pu lled th e holeshot at the start of the Mini class and quic kly opened up a comfor ta ble m a rgin ov er Cory Solnitsk y , Shawn Burr, Travi s Henrichs, ja cob Mata ya, josh Koch and Keith Swenson. At the halfway point Burr mounted a charge and reeled in Solnitsky. With two lap s to go, a lapped rid er balked Larson 's run into tum th ree. Burr cunningly slid to the inside of the duo to nab the lead and the win. After topping the Open Novice final , Luke Wiitala lined up for the Open C class. Although he su ffere d a bad start, Wiitala system atically began to pick off riders until he had race leader Todd Lind in hi s sigh ts. Wiita la then powered by Lind on the ba ck straight of th e last lap to score th e upset, while 250cc Novice winner Gary Goeden, Nathan Slater and Mick Durham filled out the top five of the 13-rider pack. Results VET A: 1. Verdeen Lan gland (Hon); 2. John Larson (KTM); 3. Scott Stenle (Ho n); 4. Jeff Milbran d t (KTM); 5. Harold Engberg (Hon). OPEN B; 1. Joh n Larso n (KTM); 2. verdeen Lang land (Hen ); Oe 3. Soott Ste nle (Ha n ); 4. Mark Deal (Ho n); 5. J Tromberg (Ho n): 250 B: 1. Gary Goe de n (Su z ); 2. Lloyd Turne r (Ya m ); 3. Qu entin Blomberg (Yam ). OPEN C: 1. Lu kt' Wiitala (Kawl ; 2. Tod d Lind (Hon); 3. Gary Goeden (Suz) ; 4. Na te Slate r (Ha n); 5. Mid Durham (Hus ). OPEN NOV : 1. Luke Wiitala (Kaw); 2. Chuck Chesler (Hon) ; 3. Troy Johnson (Han); 4. Troy Wiseth (Hon); 5. Do ug Bahn (Hon ). 250 NOV : 1, Troy Buffington (Kaw ); 2. Eric Rune! (Yam); 3. Ad am Henrichs (Hon) . 60: 1. Shawn Burr (Kaw) ; 2. Chris Larson (Kaw) ; 3. Cory Solrutsky (Kaw~ 4. Travis Henrichs (Kaw) ; 5. Jacob Mataya (Kaw ). MIN I: 1. Keith Swenson (Yam) . Walters winds up Carson City Motocross By Joan Tiearney CARSON OTY, NY, FEB. 18 Spu d Wa lters took the 125 and 250cc Pro wins at round fo ur of th e MRS / CM C Gold en State Nationals on Silver State Raceway. The pros op ted for 20-minute-plu s-tw o-lap races in order to beat an appro achi ng storm . Rick Ryan grabbed th e h olesh ot in the 125cc ra ce, with Dean Ma tson, Shan e Espo sito, Justin Tieamey and Spu d Walters rounding out the top five in the beginning lap . Ryan led th e race for six laps un til he jammed his already-sore leg and h ad t o back off. Tieamey laid it down in a tight turn, dropping to near last. Walters passed . the front -runners to take the lead at the halfway point. Ryan pu t the pain asid e and worked his wa y back to secon d p lace ah ead of Matson, who quickly repassed in the lon g whoo p section. At th e end of the 25-minute moto, Walters was first, Ma ts on was second, thi rd went to Ryan, and Esposi to was fourth. . Walters was ou t front earl y in the 250cc Pro race, bu t got plen ty of pressu re fro m Matson. Brian Elder, Scott Myers an d Ryan on the first la p . Esposito, Ism o Ven konen and Tiearney were in th e hunt as we ll. Ryan wa s passed by Esposi to and Tieamey early on and looked to be favoring h is leg th rou gh the wh oops. Tieamey