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. . ··.D T-T AC
Daytona Beach M n
u icipalS m Youth .AniateilrShortTrackChampionship .
our or a en
By Dave Hoenig
Photos by Flat Trak Fotos
he rainy Florida skies cleared just
in the nick of time for the seventhrunning of the American Motorcycle Institute /Southeast Amateur/Youth
Regional Championship at the Daytona
Beach Municipal Stad iu m . A record
number of riders turn ed out for the
event, as 361 riders signed up on Sun- .
d ay. Monday's total was down to 260
but still a high for the second day.
Wet weather washed out the previous day's race at St. Augustine, so after
struggling th rough Sunday's event, the
riders were gree ted with a much
smoo ther , albeit dusty, race track early
on. Infam ous fo r its long days, Mond ay' s event was over by 8:30 p .m.
Owensboro, Kentu cky's Nicky Hayd en rode his Earl's Racing Rotax to four
wins, as h e swep t th e 504cc and the
Open class both days. In the Open class
Hayden had to rebuff Michigan's Bryan
Big elow. Bige low finished second in
both Open mains but won both of the
250cc finals in the only other class he
competed in.
Chris Waite brough t his Honda all
the way from Shelton, Washington, to
nail a win on Sunday in the 85cc (7-11)
division. He returned on Monday and
registered two second-place finishes to
Illinois' Rob Pearson and California's
Tony Meiring.
Meiring also captured the 85cc (1215) class on Monday after running second to Justin Velicky on Sund ay.
Tennessee's Tommy Sisson dominated his on lyclass, riding his Yamaha to
victory in the Senior 40+ class both days.
Eugene Copeland and Richard Washak
were Sisson 's main threat over the two
Roger Lee Hayden kept the Ear l' s
Racing Team in the winner's circle when
he scored a victory in the 125cc main on
a Yamaha. Also Yamaha-m ounted was
Benjamin Miller, who came back to win
the class on Monday after a disappointing LOth-place finish on Sunday. Joe
Zydinsky and Cory Roth trad ed second
and third both da ys.
In th e tiny 51cc class, Blak e You ng
a n d Ad am Ca rpineIl o, b ot h ri di ng
Cobr as, eme rged victorio us .
Minnesota's MikIe Lattman snatched
the 30+ Sen ior class on Sunday then
returned and ran second to Robert Babcock on Mon day. Frank Carpinello finishe d second to Lattma n on Sunday.
Oh io ' s Ch arli e Italia h ad a goo d
weekend. Italia rode his Kawasaki to a
first and second in the 65cc class, as well
as a third and fifth in the 85cc (7-11)
division. Jared Mees, also on a Kawasaki, wo n on Monday after placing third
on Sunday.
Rob Pearson powered his Kaw asaki
to a win and a second-place finish in the
85cc (7-11) cla ss . Pearson also too k a
third in the 85cc DTX bout won by Chris
Waite. Tony Meiring won Sunday DTX
race, with Waite taking second .
As is normally th e case, the 600cc
Pro-Am class was the largest of the two
days with 44 riders competing each day.
Pennsylvania's Richard Winsett took
both wins on his Rotax. Roy Miller finished second on Sunday, Scott Shinn on
The 250cc Pro-Am class is growing as
evident by the 20 entrants each day..Virgina's Tim Eades won the first da y over
his brother Joe, while young Exper t
Mark Kornely showed the Pro-Am's
how it 's done on Monday . Kornely
topped Mike McKee and Eades.
With races going on at the Barberville
half miles, the Expert turnout was low less than 10 riders each day. California's
Randy Bereman topped Ken Mohler on
Sunday, while Bobby Myers finished
ahead of Mohler on Monday.
Daytona Beach Municipal Stadium
Daytona Beach , Florida
Results: March 3-4
S unday
51: I. Blak e Young (Co b); 2. Adam Carpinello (Cob);
3. Marial Andres (Cob); 4. Christopher Sh ank (Yam ); 5.
Pa trick Johnson (So2).
65: 1. Charlie Itali a (Ka w ). 2. Jesse Jan isch (Kaw); 3.
Ja r ed M e e s (Kaw); 4. Bla k e Yo u ng (Ka w) ; 5. Eric
Kvi nl ang (Kaw).
8S (7· 11): 1. Chris W ai te (H on); 2. Rob Pe a rso n
(Kaw ); 3. Scott Morris on Jr. (Kaw ); 4. Tom Ne well
(Ka w ); 5 . Charlie lta lia (Ho n).
85 (12-15): 1. Justin VeHcky (Ho n); 2. Ton y Meirin g
(Hon); 3. Mik e Mash ew ske (Yam); 4. Nick H ammer; 5.
Matt Osborne (Kaw).
85 DTX: 1. Chris Wa ite (Hon); 2. Mike Ma shewske
(Yam); 3. Rob Pearson (Kaw) ; 4. To ny Meiring (Hon); 5.
Scott Mo rriso n Jr. (Kaw) .
125: 1. Roger Lee Hayden (Ya m ); 2. Joe Zydinsky
(Hon); 3. Cory Roth (H on ); 4. Kristin Edwards (Hon); 5 .
Nicholas Jan es (Yam) .
250: 1. Bryan Bigelow (Yam) ; 2. Roger lee H ayden
(ATK ); 3. Jeremy DeR uyter (Ho n); 4. James Fisk (Ho n);
5. To m McGrane Jr. (Ma i).
504: J. N icky Ha y d en (Rtx); 2. David Dunn (Hon); 3.
A lle n Weinberg (H on) ; 4. Don P re v ost (Hon); 5. Bill
Co ndon (Yam) .
OPEN: 1. Nicky Hayden (Rtx); 2. Bry an Bigelow
(Rtx ); 3. To m McG rane (Ho n); 4. Frank Ca rpi ne lJo (Rtx);
5. Mik le Lattman (Yam ).
SR (30+) : 1. M ikl e La tt ma n (Ya m ); 2 . F r ank
Carpinell o (Rtx ); 3. Phil Wolf (Hon); 4. Fre d Broshjeit
(Yam); 5. Bill Con do n (Yam) .
(Top) Nicky Hayden
racked up four cla ss
wins at the Youth
Amateur Sho rt Track
Championship at
Daytona Beach
Municipal Stadium.
(Above) Chris Waite
walked away with a
victory In the 85cc DTX
(Left) Adam Carpinello
topped Monday's 51cc
class after finishing
second the previous
day .
100: 1. Frank Nye (Hon); 2. Ma rk Crozier (H on) ; 3 .
Chris Ientzen (Hon) ; 4. Scott Ru sse ll (Hon ); 5. David
DeCam p (Ho n) .
SR (40+): 1. Tom m y S isson (Yam ); 2. Eugen e
Copelan d (Rtx ): 3. Ric hard W ashak (Rt x ); 4. Wade
Summers (H on ); 5. Davi d Dunn (Hen).
600 EX: 1. Ra ndy Be re man (R tx) ; 2. Ken Mohl e r
(Rtx); 3. Les Washbon (Rtx) ; 4. J oh n Wi nsett (Rtx); S.
Mark Kornley (Rtx); 6. Trapper McD anie l (Rtx); 7.
Bobby Myers (Rtx) .
250 PRO-AM: 1. Tim Eades (Hon); 2. Joe Eades
(Hon); 3. Roy Mill er (Su z ); 4. Mark Kornely (H o n ); 5 .
Mike McKee (Suz); 6. Francois Dum as (H on); 7. Marco
Morell o (H on); 8. Jeremy D eRuyte r (Ka w ); 9. Ca se y
Burton (Hen): 10. Christo p her Gu rda (Suz); 11. Jason
Tyer (Hon); 12. Ke nny Dahlin (Hon).
600 P R O -A M : 1. Richar d W insett (Rt x); 2. Ro y
Miller [Rtx] : 3 . Robe rt Weiss (Rtx): 4. Robert Babcock
(Rtx); S. Bobby Decker (Hon).
M on day
51: 1. Adam Carpinello (Cob); 2. Lee M ies (Cob ); 3.
Maria An dres (Cob); 4. Chri st opher Shank (Ya m) ; 5.
Tyler Myers (Yam) .
65: 1. Jared Mees (Kaw); 2. Charlie Itali a (Kaw); 3.
Eric Kvinla n g (Kaw); 4. Ben jamin Glisso n (Ka w ); ~ .
jordan Jones (Kaw).
85 (7- 11) : 1. Rob Pea rso n (Kaw): 2. Chris W a i te
(H o n ); 3. Charlie Italia (Hon); 4. Sco tt Morrison Jr.
(Kaw ); 5. Tom Newell (Kew) .
85 (U -1S): 1. Tony Meiring (Hon); 2. Ju stin Velicky
(Ho n ); 3. Mike Mashewske (Yam); .4. N ick Ham m er; 5.
Mall Osborn (!