Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 03 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Left) Mike Lafferty rode we ll, finish ing fourth overall. ' (Below left) Guy Cooper topped the 250cc class. (Below) National Enduro Champion Ty Davis was hoping to capture his first Alligator win but ended up fifth. (Right) Three-ti me Alligator Enduro Champion Joey Hopk ins finished s ixth. 3. S. Hendrickson (ATK); 4. Ga rr e tt Stibitz (Hus); 5. Rob in McOain (KTM) . ' B VET: 1. Richard Edmon ds (KTM); 2. John H arri s (Ka w) : 3, Henry Perrit (Hon); 4, Rex Atkinson (Hon); S, Mark Davis (Kaw). B 51\, I. Do u g Cochran (Hon); 2. Dorsey Bennett (Hon); 3, Gary Laisy (TK); 4. Glen G ifford (s uz); 5, Jon Entight (Kaw). B SlSR: 1. Ron Miller (Yam) ; 2. Bill Watkins (Hus~ 3. Terry Annas (Ho n); 4. Fra nk Erbe (Yam ); 5. Duke Finch (yam), C G-2ro. I . Tun Weber (Kaw ); 2. Jeff Walker (Kaw~ 3. J. Lawrence (Yam ); 4. Mik e Bakken (Kaw); 5. Chad Gilmer(Suz). e 201- 250: 1. David Wal sh (Ka w ); 2. Stev e lewi s (Suz) ; 3. Jim Mvri ck (Hon); 4. Mark Bor- ers (Suz); 5. d Tun Smith (Suzie lSI -OPEN: 1. M ike Co llie r (Ya m ); 2. David H uffer! (K1M); 3, Reggie Piech ota (CRE); 4, Richard Bell (Hen]. e 4·STK: 1. Pat Collins (Su z ); 2. G reg Johnson (Ka w ); 3, Haus Wilson (Suz); 4, Bryan Kennedy (Suz); 5. W, Lockwood (Hon), C VET: 1. Lee Allen (Han ); 2. An d y Ewing III (K1M); 3, Jeff Wake (Suz) ; 4. D. Burkhalter (Suz); 5. Bob Williamson (KTM ), pretty wide setup, bU it isn't that ~oticeable. I ' IMS 'is' making' me another version' that doesn't h li e' a Honda:' According,to Suzuki's Pat' ook k 'A le xa n d e r . Hatch 's bike is fitte d with the .un usual setup be ca us e .: "He's a gas hoq l Steve uses up gas t han any of the either , guYs on the team, and the other' tanks weren't ,' big enough.", ' , " '. ' mora Motociosser~tunied 'off·roader e~traordinaire Ty Da vis f9lt that large-capacity fuel tank would 'be a hindrance , and opte d instead to' The 'early minute AA nders may have had it ,install an auxiliary 2.S-quart fuel cell be hind the easier In the mud bogs , b~t they were forced . J -side number plate. The Foes Fabncation-' eft to cut the trans for the rest . "II's hard to be on made aluminum tank looked much sturdier' an early min ute here . " sa id Kawa'saki's Ty ' than the plastic ptec.. Davis .used last year..and Davis: who started 0'; minute 22. "TheY mark . was fitted 'with a one-way Bnggs and S tratto n the course way''up, \n the he:e; and it' s pe~k. ."ThiS ~~' I ,can .k eep the st?Ck,gas . ' hard to pay attention to the co urse markers , tank , sai d [)aVlS. This course Is so tight that andat the .seme time avoidthe tree roots and " you want to be ' able torncve :arouA freely. · d ',," . SlumpS:: '. " . ,. an(j ' hate big tanks. anyway:" a trees would've been happy to be in the top five, but sixth is a little disappointing." But Hopkins wasn't the most disappointed rider of the day. Last y e a r ' s winner Hawkins started the event with a repeat win on h is mind. Instead, he found himself back in the pits before the first gas stop. " T h e clutch broke inside," s a i d Hawkins. "There were some deep mud holes out the re, and I think it was hard on the clutch." A teardown later rev ealed s everal b roken fiber clutch pl ates. Also failing to finish even one loop was Hawkins' teammate Smith. The former GP m otocrosser got stuck in a hole early on and d e ci d e d to call it quits when several things w ent awry. "I came flying into this big mud hole, way too fast, but I was already committed," said Smith. " I got buried, and when I got going ag ain I had no brakes. I lost my right glove, I lost m y goggles a n d I lost m y brakes. Stuff was hitting me in the eyes and I thought, ' H ey, wait a minute: and I pulled in." 0 Daytona Dirt Riders Daytona Beach, Florida Results: March 8, 1996 Ale I. Steve Hatch (Suz); 2. Scott Miller (Yam) ; 3. Kevin Hines (CRE); 4, Mike Lafferty (K1M); S. Ty Davis (Kaw); 6, Joey Hopkins (Kaw~ 7. Keith johnson (Kaw ); 8. Allen G ravitt (K1M); 9. Alan Randt (KTM); 10. Steven Smith (Kaw). A 0--200: 1. Tommy Vea ct or (Kaw); 2 J.T. Bennett (Yam); 3. Davi d Stickel (Hon~ 4. John Carver (Kaw ); S. Gary Barr (Kaw) . A 201·250: 1. G uy C ooper (Suz); 2. Doug Ma sen cupy (Yam ); 3. Fre d Andrews (Yam) ; 4. Jeff Russell (Yam); 5, Ben Shafer (KTM), A 25t·OPEN; I. Mike G r izzle (KT M) ; 2, Mike Martin (Hon); 3. Travis Hayes (I (K1M), A 4-STK : 1. John Burleso n (Kaw) ; 2. j . Mitchell (Hon); 3, Cra ig Borders (Hon); 4. Ga ry Hazel (Kaw); 5. Vic Ely (Suz ), A 51\, Mike Shank (KTM); 2. Richard Daly (K1M) ; 3 . Hermansen (KTM); 4. Ja ck Potter (H us); 5. John .H offman (Yam ), A 5/51\, I. Di ck Burl eson (KTM) ; 2. Johnny Kirby (Ho n); 3, Jerry Harris (Kaw); 4, S. Wo lfenberger (Yam) ; 5, Johnny Thomas (Hon). B 0·200; I. Scott Green (Kaw ); 2. Floyd N ich ol. (Yam ); 3. Sonny Mo rab ito (Suz); 4, ¥ at Barbaree (Kaw ); 5, Ken Mill ard (Hon), B 201·250: 1. Matt Davidson (Hus); 2. Pete Sebelskl (Hon); 3. Shawn Brell (KTM); 4, Gilles Trepan ier (Kaw); 5, Allen Strong (C-A), B 251-DPEN; 1. B,J, Mo retz (Hus); 2, Bo Mdntosh (K1M); 3. Mik e Scott (Hon); 4, W . Lord (KTM ); 5. T. Smith (K1M). B 4-Snc, 1. Greg Clark (H on ); 2. Rick Spi vey (H us ); d~ai.s'u~pen~i~n C~~~o'~cia·' ;,' : ' S~cOOd:plac;"; ~ 'M iI/~r Pi~ked 'up'a:neW ., trick' mountain bikes ,sat in the pits of team Suzuki ' sponso '. following his surprise nmner"up,fini sh. Off Head me mbers Rod n'ey Smith an d . A girtl1Yfellow: Mmer is affectionately known ,Mini " Hyde. ,The ,Connecticut·bas ed ,biCYcle' as " Ch~seburger", ~",?ng his friends., Scott ' giant Will spo nsor the pair throughout the 1996 · Goggles &evo Forti · no small guy himself ' " , - . reports that he approac hed Miller and sa id.' season. . . .,' . , . "Scott•.1 like 'your' sty!eand I like your si ze, ' " " " , ", " Mctcc rosser and pa ~-time!,d~r K eith . . What ,kind of goggles do you wear1." F'?rti then ' ' J o h ns o n finished a 'cred ible seventh in the ' supplied Miller,with,eno ugh product tolast 'M class With 22 points. and had a funny storY:' quite a ,While . ," " " at the fi ish: ' There was ~a junip builtup for th~.-.' n . .. , '" photographers on the course , and.ldeclded to :' ,AMA:Motocross Referee Duke Finch com; hit it at its steepest polnt," he 'said: ."' feigot , peted in the' S uper Senior B class and,finished ' , that I had' my woods suspension 0'; and not " a notable fifth , dropping 9,2 pOif'ts. ' my s upercrosssteff. and ltbottomedout really'·' , . hard: 1aboutwent over the bars : I was holding ': Fo~er Gr8~d Naiionai Cross Country Chain: , the t~rOitle, wide open in the ,a ,ir." '" ' .',' ,, ' " pion Fred ' Andrews ' finishe d third in,the , ,250cc A class aboard his Andrews Yamaha , While' the Suzuki RMi ndden by Rodney S mith , Racing .rnachlne , ,"I ran out 'of ,gas one ,mile , "arid BaAdy Hawkins were filled With cus tom, .b efo re the first gas 's to p. and 'Kevin Hines IBrge.capa~ity , uel tanks. the tank ftttedto the ' pushed me back," said AndrewS: "l didn't real: , f "winning RM250 ridden by Steve Hatch was, "ize that there would be this 'much water. and actually a 3.6 gallon IMS Honda CRSOO unil. ' · my odometer dldn't work fOr the ,first hitlf of " "It feels pretty good.", sa id Hatch. of the fat the ~ce. But this is just fo, fun. and third isn't ,fueltank and Honda radiator. shro uds . "lt's a ' bad. .

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