Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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(Left) Mike Lafferty rode we ll, finish ing fourth
(Below left) Guy Cooper topped the 250cc class.
(Below) National Enduro Champion Ty Davis
was hoping to capture his first Alligator win but
ended up fifth.
(Right) Three-ti me Alligator Enduro Champion
Joey Hopk ins finished s ixth.
3. S. Hendrickson (ATK); 4. Ga rr e tt Stibitz (Hus); 5.
Rob in McOain (KTM) .
B VET: 1. Richard Edmon ds (KTM); 2. John H arri s
(Ka w) : 3, Henry Perrit (Hon); 4, Rex Atkinson (Hon); S,
Mark Davis (Kaw).
B 51\, I. Do u g Cochran (Hon); 2. Dorsey Bennett
(Hon); 3, Gary Laisy (TK); 4. Glen G ifford (s uz); 5, Jon
Entight (Kaw).
B SlSR: 1. Ron Miller (Yam) ; 2. Bill Watkins (Hus~
3. Terry Annas (Ho n); 4. Fra nk Erbe (Yam ); 5. Duke
Finch (yam),
C G-2ro. I . Tun Weber (Kaw ); 2. Jeff Walker (Kaw~
3. J. Lawrence (Yam ); 4. Mik e Bakken (Kaw); 5. Chad
e 201- 250: 1. David Wal sh (Ka w ); 2. Stev e lewi s
(Suz) ; 3. Jim Mvri ck (Hon); 4. Mark Bor- ers (Suz); 5.
Tun Smith (Suzie lSI -OPEN: 1. M ike Co llie r (Ya m ); 2. David
H uffer! (K1M); 3, Reggie Piech ota (CRE); 4, Richard Bell
e 4·STK: 1. Pat Collins (Su z ); 2. G reg Johnson
(Ka w ); 3, Haus Wilson (Suz); 4, Bryan Kennedy (Suz); 5.
W, Lockwood (Hon),
C VET: 1. Lee Allen (Han ); 2. An d y Ewing III
(K1M); 3, Jeff Wake (Suz) ; 4. D. Burkhalter (Suz); 5. Bob
Williamson (KTM ),
pretty wide setup, bU it isn't that ~oticeable.
' IMS 'is' making' me another version' that doesn't
h li e' a Honda:' According,to Suzuki's Pat'
ook k
'A le xa n d e r . Hatch 's bike is fitte d with the
.un usual setup be ca us e .: "He's a gas hoq l
Steve uses up
gas t han any of the either
, guYs on the team, and the other' tanks weren't
,' big enough.", '
, "
'. '
Motociosser~tunied 'off·roader e~traordinaire
Ty Da vis f9lt that large-capacity fuel tank
would 'be a hindrance , and opte d instead to'
The 'early minute AA nders may have had it ,install an auxiliary 2.S-quart fuel cell be hind the
easier In the mud bogs , b~t they were forced . J -side number plate. The Foes Fabncation-'
to cut the trans for the rest . "II's hard to be on made aluminum tank looked much sturdier'
an early min ute here . " sa id Kawa'saki's Ty ' than the plastic ptec.. Davis .used last year..and
Davis: who started 0'; minute 22. "TheY mark . was fitted 'with a one-way Bnggs and S tratto n
the course way''up, \n the
he:e; and it' s pe~k. ."ThiS ~~' I ,can .k eep the st?Ck,gas .
' hard to pay attention to the co urse markers , tank , sai d [)aVlS. This course Is so tight that
andat the .seme time avoidthe tree roots and " you want to be ' able torncve :arouA freely. ·
. ,. an(j ' hate big tanks. anyway:"
would've been happy to be in the top
five, but sixth is a little disappointing."
But Hopkins wasn't the most disappointed rider of the day. Last y e a r ' s
winner Hawkins started the event with
a repeat win on h is mind. Instead, he
found himself back in the pits before the
first gas stop.
" T h e clutch broke inside," s a i d
Hawkins. "There were some deep mud
holes out the re, and I think it was hard
on the clutch."
A teardown later rev ealed s everal
b roken fiber clutch pl ates.
Also failing to finish even one loop
was Hawkins' teammate Smith. The former GP m otocrosser got stuck in a hole
early on and d e ci d e d to call it quits
when several things w ent awry.
"I came flying into this big mud hole,
way too fast, but I was already committed," said Smith. " I got buried, and
when I got going ag ain I had no brakes.
I lost my right glove, I lost m y goggles
a n d I lost m y brakes. Stuff was hitting
me in the eyes and I thought, ' H ey, wait
a minute: and I pulled in."
Daytona Dirt Riders
Daytona Beach, Florida
Results: March 8, 1996
Ale I. Steve Hatch (Suz); 2. Scott Miller (Yam) ; 3.
Kevin Hines (CRE); 4, Mike Lafferty (K1M); S. Ty Davis
(Kaw); 6, Joey Hopkins (Kaw~ 7. Keith johnson (Kaw );
8. Allen G ravitt (K1M); 9. Alan Randt (KTM); 10. Steven
Smith (Kaw).
A 0--200: 1. Tommy Vea ct or (Kaw); 2 J.T. Bennett
(Yam); 3. Davi d Stickel (Hon~ 4. John Carver (Kaw ); S.
Gary Barr (Kaw) .
A 201·250: 1. G uy C ooper (Suz); 2. Doug
Ma sen cupy (Yam ); 3. Fre d Andrews (Yam) ; 4. Jeff
Russell (Yam); 5, Ben Shafer (KTM),
A 25t·OPEN; I. Mike G r izzle (KT M) ; 2, Mike
Martin (Hon); 3. Travis Hayes (I