secti o n for third, an d he immediately set
ou t after Ferry.
" I h ad i t i n reverse o r so m et h i ng,"
sai d Dow d, referr i n g to his ear ly r ace
p ace. " I wi sh I could hav e gotten going
a little sooner."
D owd bobb led on the ninth lap and
to ok a quick o ff- t r ack excu rsi o n that
sen t photographer s flying, and Deegan
w as abl e t o sn ea k b r i efl y back into
third. D o wd, h o w ev er, ga t her ed his
se nses an d easily m oto r ed b ack into
posit ion.
Ferry, m eanwh ile, bega n to loo k a little ragged on the 11th lap. Dow d closed
the gap a t a d ram at i c p ac e, and w as
soon b reathing d own th e Suzuki rider's
" I sta r te d m ak ing m i stak es, " said
Ferry. " Once I started making mistakes I
started to g et tir ed . You sta r t m aking
one m istake a lap, th en you start m aking
two. The next th ing I knew , Dowd was
right th ere ."
D o wd mad e h i s m o ve with thr ee
l ap s to go in th e far-right section of the
co urse and i m media tely put six seconds on Fer ry. Deegan also dosed in on
the ailing Su zuk i pilot, but Fer ry managed to hold on until the ch eck ere d
fl ag .
Deegan wa s f ourth , while Su z uki
Sports ' Sco t t Sh eak p iloted his K enny
W at son-tuned RMl 25 to fifth.
Daytona Intemat lonal Speedway
Daytona Beach, Florida
Results: March 9, 1996 (Round 7 of 15)
125 H EAT 1 (5 la ps , to p 9 tran sfer): Micka el Pichon
(Kaw ): 2. Tim Ferry (5u z); 3. Scott Sheak (Suz) ; 4. Da vey
Yezek (5uz) ; 5. Na than Ram sey (Suz) ; 6. Robbie Skaggs
(Kaw); 7. Je ff Yentzer (Ka w ); 8. He ath Voss (H on ); 9.
Sh a un Pe rolio (Ka w ); 10. Jeffr ey Pes tan a (Hon); 11.
Barry C a rsten (5u z); 12. Dav id Kr at z (Suz); 13. Scott
Carter (H on) ; 14. Mike Karin (Ho n ); 15. Ch ad Sa nner
(Kaw) ; 16. Shane Sla ther (Yam); 17. Jacob Dombro wski
(5uz); 18. Mike Treadwell (Suz ); 19. Adam Humphre y
(Suz) ; 20. Joel Den gler (Suz~
rune: 8 mins .. 10.12 sees.
125 HEAT 2 (S laps, top 9 transfer): 1. John Dow d
(Yam~ 2. Brian Deega n (Han); 3. [eff Curry (Suz); 4. Ty
Da v is (Kaw); S. Tom m y C lo wers Jr . (Suz); 6. Co ry
Keeney (Ya m) ; 7. An thony Pocorob b a (Su z) ; 8. Jim
Neese (H an); 9. Jam es Eikel (Yam); 10. Ton y Lo russo
(Ho n); 11. Shane O'Conn or (Han); 12. Pat Barton (Suz);
13. Ch a d Kresge (Su z ); 14. Jdfrey Bak er (Yam ); IS .
Sha ne Lawso n (Kaw); 16. Jim Pc vol ny (Kaw ); 17. Ryan
Duff (Han); 18. Kenn eth Jones (Han ); 19. Neil Wo m er
(Suz ); 20. Josh Steel (Suz ).
Tim e: 8 mins., 31.42 sees.
125 LCQ (4 la ps, top 4 tra n sfe r): 1. Barry Carsten
(Suz ); 2. Scott Ca rte r (Han); 3. Tony Loru sso (H an) ; 4.
Chad San ne r (Kaw ); 5. Mike Kati n (H an); 6. C had
Kres ge (Suz); 7. David Kratz (Suz); 8. Jeffre y Pestana
(Han); 9 . Jacob Dombrow sky (Suz); 10. Shane Law son
(Kaw) ; ll. Shane Sla the r (Yam ); 12. Pat Barton (Suz ); 13.
Neil Woerner (Suz ); 14. Kenneth Jones (Hon ~ 15. Ryan
Duff (Han); 16. Jim Pov olny (Kaw ): 17. Shane O'Connor
(Hon); 18. Jeffrey Baker (Yam ); 19 , Joe l Dengler (Suz~
20. Ad am H umph ",y (Suz ); 21. Mike Treadwell (Suz):
22. J
oshSteel (Suz ~
Time: 5 mins .• 41.23 sees .
Mi cka e l Pichon (Ka w) ; 2. Joh n Dowd (Yam) ; 3. Tim
Ferry (Soz ); 4. Brian ~an (Hon); 5. Scott Shea k (Suz~
6. Jeff Curry (Suz ); 7. Nath an Ramse y (Suz); 8. Cory
Keeney (Ya m); 9. Tony Lo rus so (Han) ; 10. Shaun
Perolio (Ka w); ll . Anthony Po co ro bba (Suz); 12. Ty
Davi s (Ka w ); 13. Robbie Ska ggs (Ka w) ; 14. To m my
Clo wt> (Suz); 15. Ja mes Eikel (Ya m); 16. Jim Ne ese
(Hon); 17. Je ff Yentzer (Kaw ); 18. Scott Cart er (Ho n); 19.
Barry Cars ten (Suz ); 20. Da ve y Yez ek (Suz); 21. Cha d
Sann er (Kaw ); 22. He ath Voss (Ha n).
Time: 21 mins., 39.81 sees.
PO INT STA ND INGS (Af ter 3 of 12 rounds ): 1. John
Dowd (87 / 1 wins); 2. Mick aet Pichon (74 / 2); 3. Ti m
Ferry (73 ); 4, Brian DeegiUl (54); 5. Na than Ram se y (46);
6. [TIE) Jim Neese /Je ff Curry (43); 8. Cory Keen ey (4 2~
9 . (TI E) Scott Shea k /Da ve y Yezek (36); 11. Ba rry
C ar sten (28 ); 12. Tom m)' Cl owers (27 ); 13. C harle y
Boga rd (22); 14. An th ony Pocorob ba (2 1); 15 . To ny
Lo ru !'l so (2 1); 16. Sha u n Pe roHo (Ka w ); 17. Robbie
Skasss (!!il",r (Yam); 16. Ma rt Burr (Ya m ); 17. Jason Dodds
(Ya m) : 18. C a ry Lu s s ie r (S uz ); 19 . Ed d ie Va n
Ballego oye n (Kaw ); 20 . Aaron Kop p (Su z ); 21. Ross
Johnst on (H on ); 22 . John Coen (Su z ); 23 . Joe Suba rt
(Ha n); 24. Craig Johnson (Yam).
Tim ~ 11 min s., 11 .96 ~.
250 MEAT 2 (S la ps, top 5 transfer l: 1. Ryan Hughes
(! Smail
(KTM): 9. Bud d y An t un ez (Ka w ); 10. Doug Stone
(Kaw); 11. Travis Hod ges (Suz); 12 Marro Du be (Suz);
13. M ike Trea dwell (Suz) ; 14. Travis Blackburn (Kaw );
15. Ju ston Bla ke (Kaw ); 16. Ge ne Nau m ec (Ya m ); 17.
Mlckael Pic hon (1) leads holeshot art ist
Brian Deegan (25) and Ti mmy Ferry (23)
early in the 12Scc feature.
Chris Pomer oy (Hen), 18. Mo rgan Jans son (Yam); 19.
Jo hn Davis (H on) ; 20. Homer Woois iayer (Ho n): 21.
Eddie Ray (Ho n); 22. Tommy Boyd (Kaw ); 23. Donald
Ba ke r (Ho n) ; 24 . Billy Sch lag (Kaw ): 25 . Carey West
(Suz ),
T ime: 11 mtns., 4.52 sees.
250 HEAT 3 (S l a p s , to p 5 trans fer) : 1. Steve
Lam son (Hon); 2. Jerem y McG rath (Han); 3. Da mo n
Bra d sh a w (Yam ); 4. Greg Albertyn (Suz); 5. Ronn ie
Tichenor (Suz) ; 6. Jeff Dement (Hon) ; 7. M ike Brown
(Hon); S. Denny Stephenson (Kaw); 9. Jeff Hedden
(Suz); 10. Jim Lamastus (Hon); II. Mike Jones (Suz); 12.
Caylon Dickson (Yam); 13. Jim Ch amberlain (Hon); 14.
Tim Pu stelak (5uz); 15. Richa rd Rogers (Hon); 16. Jeff
Hed den (H on) ; 17 . Allen Cavia r (Ka w); 18 . Scott
Kirkpatrick [Kaw ]; 19. Rob Longardner (Suz); 20. Kurt
McGr ath (Hon); 21. Jim Povolnv (Kaw); 22. Jim Jones
(Su z ); 23. Adam H u mphrey (Suz); 24. H e a th Voss
(Hon ); 25. Kyle Lewis (Yam ).
Tim e: 10 mins.,54.70 sees .
250 S EM I 1 (6 bp s , t o p 6 tran sfer): 1. Ry an
H uffman (Hen), 2. Kevi n Crin e (KTM): 3. Rich Taylor
(Han) ; 4, Cliff Pa lme r (KTM ); 5. Jeff Cu rry (Suz); 6.
Buddy Antunez (Kaw); 7. Kei th Johnson (Kaw); 8. Chris
Pom ero y (Hon); 9. Travis Hodges (Suz ); 10. Ca rlo COf'Il
(Suz); 11. Joh n Fes ler (Yam) ; 12. An d rew Ca ta nza ro
(Yam ); 13. Iascn Dodd. (Yam) ; H . John Davis (Hen): 15.
Eddi e Van Ballegooyen (Ka w); 16. Justi n Bla ke (Kaw) ;
17. Ros s Joh n s ton (Hon); 18. Ma rt y Burr (Ya m) ; 19.
David Castillo (K e..... ); 20. Joh n Coen (Suz); 21. Donald
Baker (Hon); 22. An d rew Kop p (Suz); 23. Bm Til ford
(Kaw) ; 24. Carey West (Suz); 25. Joe Subart (Hon ); 26.
C ra ig Johnson (Ya m ); 27. Eddie Ray (Hon ); 28 . Gary
Lussier (Su z ); 29. Shaun Ka los (Ya m); 30. Mike
Treadwell (Suz ).
Tbne 8 mins.,35.96 sees .
250 SEMI 2 (6 l.l:p!l, top 6 tr.ansf er): 1. Jeff Dement
(H o n); 2. Mike Brown (Hon ); 3. Denny Ste phenson
(Kaw); 4. Do ug Du bach (y am ); 5. Gene Naurn ec (Yam);
6. Mike Jones (Suz) ; 7. Heath Voss (Ha n ); 8. Jeff Hed de n
(Suz); 9. Jim Lamastus (Hon); 10. Lana> Smail (I..'TM ~
11. Travis Blackbum (Kaw ); 12. Doug Stone (Kaw); 13.
Jon Hedden (Suz) ; 14. Jim Ch ambe rlain (Han ); 15. Jim
Povolny (Kaw); 16. Billy Sc h la g (Ka w) ; 17. C ay Ion
Dick s on (Ya m) ; 18 . Rich r d Roge rs (H on ); 19 . Tim
Pus te la k (S uz); 20 . Jim Jon es (S uz); 21. Hom e r
Woolslaye r CHon ); 22. Ku rt McG rath (Hen), 23. Morgan
Jan ss on (Ya m) ; 24 . Alle n G av la k (Kaw); 25 . Ro b
Longard ne r (Suz ); 26. Tommy Boyd (Su z); 27. Marco
D ub e (Suz ); 28 . Sco tt Kirkpa trick (Ka w ); 29. Ad am
Hu mphrey (Suz) ; 30. Kyle Lewis (Yam ).
Timer 8 mins., 21.93 St"CS .
250 LCQ (4 laps, top 3 tr.ansfer): 1. Jeff Hedden
(Suz); 2. Keith Johnson (}(aw ); 3. Travis Hodges (Suz); 4.
Chris Po meroy (Ho n); 5. Do ug Sto ne (Kaw); 6. Travis
Blackburn (Kaw); 7. Carlo Coen (Suz ); 8. Heath Voss
(Hon); 9. Jim Povolny (Kaw ): 10. Jim Cha mberlain
(Hon ); 11. Jim Lamastu s (Hon ): 12. Gaylo n Di ckson
(Yam): 13. Lance Smail (KTM); 14. Marty Burr (Yam );
15. Billy Schla g (Ka w); 16, John Fesler (Yam); 17. Justin
Blake (Ka w ): 18. Eddie Va n Ba lleg oo yen (Ka w ); 19 .
Jason Dodds (Yam); 20. Richard Rage", (Hon) ; 21. Jon
Hedden (Hon); 22. Andrew Catanzaro (Ho n); 23. John
Davis (Hon); 24. Res.s Johnston (Hon).
Time: 5 mins., 35.51 sees.
250 MAIN: 1. Jeremy McGra th (Ho n ); 2. Dam on
Brad sh a w (Yam ); 3. Damon Huffm an (Ka w); 4. Ste ve
Lamson (Hon); 5. Jeff Em ig (Ka w ); 6. Bri a n Sw in k
(Hon ); 7. Phil Lawrence (Kaw): 8. Jimm y Bu tton (Yam );
9. Mike laRocco (5uz) ; 10, Mike Brown (Hon); 11. Larry
Ward (Hon~ 12. Je ff Dement (Hon); 13. ~ Albertyn
(Suz); 14. Bu dd y An tu nez (Kaw); 15. Keitfl Johnson
(Kaw); 16. Kevin Crine (KTM) ; 17. Oiff Palmer (Suz~ 18.
Denny Stephenson (Kaw); 19. Ryen Huffm.m (Hon), 20.
Jeff Hedden (Hon); 21. Tra vi s Hod ges (Suz); 22. Mike
Jones (Suz); 23. Larry Broo ks (yam); 24, Jeff Curry (Suz );
25 . Ryan Hu ghes (Ka w ); 26. Ron Tichenor (Suz); 27.
Rich Tay lor (Hon ); 28. Do ug Dubach (Yam); 29. Gene
Na umec (Yam~ 30. Doug Henry (Yam ).
Time: 28 mlns., 40.76 sees.
(Aft er 7 of 15 rounds): 1. Jere my McGrath (175/7 wins );
2. Damon H u ffm an (12 4) ; 3. Jeff Emig (111); 4. Steve
Lamson (106); 5 . Mike La Rocco (104 ); 6 . Damo n
Bradshaw (103); 7. (TIE) Phil Lawrence / Ryan Hu gh es
(90); 9. Michael Crai~ (79); 10. Brian Swink (75); 11. Ezra
Lusk (68); 12. M ike Brown (54~ 13. Kyle Lewis (52); 14.
La rr y Wa rd (48); 15 . Jimmy Button (4 3 ); 16 . Creg
Albertyn (35); 17. Jeff Dement (31); 18. (TIE ) Mickael
Pichon / Larry Brooks (30); 20. Buddy Antunez (25 ),
.,. Upcoming Rounds:
Round 8 - Houston, TX, March 16
Round 9 - Dallas, TX, March 23
si ing had no ef fec t on' Hu ffm a'~ ' s perfor -
· first 'appearance of ihe. 1996 season and easily
· qualified for the 250cc·ciass. main.event. Unf ortunately, Dubach was for ced to .retire w it h a
y ----'---,-,.----,-:••
JeH ,Em i g competed in the chrome-painted . rear. flat tire. " lt happened pretty early. before
the halfway flags, so I pulled off,- said Dubach,
In wi nning , ' J e r em y McG r a t h "ear n'e d'
Shoal YFX helmet that Troy ' Lee Designs
who was backed by Beach Sportcycles Yarna$10 ,000 share of the $5 0.000 250cc.class . 'gave him especlatly .for the A naheim Super:
ha. "I'll pro bably do about six supercrosses and
pur se. Runner-up D a mon B r ads h aw took . cross. "Daytonais big like Anaheim, so I figured
home $5000 . and third-placed Da mon HuH"
why not?" said Emig. "Maybe It will bring me Nationals this year." Dubach suffered a cracked .
hip bone at ,an off:seasori European supercross,
ma n made $3000. Eastern "Regional 125cc ' . luck. If it doesn't. rt'li go back in the Case." Em;"g
hence his failure to compete at the Anaheim
main ·event winner Mi ckael Pichon was ' wa'sn't ovedoyed with his fifth:place' finish. so
awarded 'a $2000 cut of the ' $ 1'0,000 125Cc. don't expect to see him wearing .the lid anytime · and Sari Diego events in his home state of Cali' fomia
purse. ..
· mance .·
a .
Jeremy McGrath and Sbtv e Lamson com- Team Suzuki' s Ezra Lusk elected to sit 'out
ThiS year's running of the Dayi ona. Supercross
· balled the cold-weather conditions wrth sheep- . 'the Daytona Supercross, as he is ,still feeling ·
'by Honda marks, the 26th.time.that wProfes- ,
skin forea rm wa rme rs. · " Cl iff W hite' s' mom ·the pain from a bruised tailbone that he suffered
sor" Gary Bailey has designed the track :
at th e Atlanta Supereross: Lusk tried to 'com-'
' made the m for us, " said L amson. :1 guess
·The co urse was nearly one·m"1e in len·gth. a nd
pete at the previou s we eke nd's Gainesville
· J ean :M ichel Bayl.e used to we ar the'm too .
wa's ,c onst ructed in th e grassy area of the
They' re ,supposed to ·help us keep 'our arms
125cC" Nati onal. but finished poorly in bot h
' speeOway' s tri:oval between the road track and warm' so they. don't pump' up 'out tlie re on the
motos because of 'his Injury: Lusk' is expeeted
, pit road.
· track. " ,
' .
·to return t o action at the Houston Supercro~s. · '
S t eve Lamson became only the secO rider
Kawasaki Team Green 's off roader extraordi· · Long .i ime Kawasaki Team Green' rider Roy
't o beat Jeremy McGrath in a heat race .. nair e Ty Davis c o m p~t e d' i n t he Eastern
Schellenberger suffered paralyzing back '
KaWasaki's JeH Emig was the first, doing, so
Regional t 25cc class and finished 12th irithe' i nj u r ie s in a qualilYlng crash. .Early reports
at the San Diego everit, Of his teammate' beat- main event after runn ing as high as 'sixth , have' it t hat ' t he 24 'yea r ol d 'r i,d e r from
';, g him at Daytona. McGrath said, - Actually,
GrapeVine. 'Texas., has been diagnOsed 'with a
: EveryOne seems to forget that I was the 1990
I'm kinda glad that .Lammybeat me . he had · We st ern Regional 125cc C hampion, " sai d 'displaced fracture of the thoracic spine. and is
' some better lines that r picked up while I livas Davis. "I was actually the last rider to beal Jere·
unable'to move from the chest down.
behind him, I may be the numt> guy, but · my. McGrath in a supercross ,series. I'm just out
even number one can ,learn. I was right on tiim•. here for fun, I stili ride a lot of this stuff to keep
Oklahoma ' ~ CliH Palmer made his first 250cc .
but he passed me clean and w e're buddies, so' ·me sharp.· Davis captu red his '90 champi·
supercross appearance of the season and fin·
there was no point in stuffing him. And besides,
onship title as a privat.eer Honda rider.
"ished, 17th in the 250cc feature aboard.a priva·
heat races don't matterl :
teer Suzuki.. "I've been racing Ihe Super Are·
Former All Japan National MX Champion' Ron- ·nacross Series," said Palmer; a former factory ,
Third'pl aced' DamonHuHma ~ h'a'da~ odd' · nie Tichenor co mpeted ' aboard a Perf or. . KTM rider and supercross regular.
. ..
mi dw eek experience ; "I wa s t est ing o n mance Engineering' backed Suzuki RM 250 at
.W ednesday and a bee 'hit me in the nose, "
Daytona marking his first American supercross' Honda of Troy/ Sinisalo rider M ike C raig did
said the Kawasaki factory ri der, - It hurt prelly
appearance since 1989. Tichenor ran at the
not compete at Daytona as planned. "His bro,bad when 'it happened. ·but that was about i!. ·head of the pack early iri the 250cc main event
ken leg 'just wasn't ready,'- ' said team manager
But then when 'I woke up the 'next morning I and finished an eventual 26th.
& ik Kehoe. Craig suffered a broken tibia in a
felt my fac'e was all swollen: I had to go
crash at the, At lan ta' Supercro s s, and was
Forrn.:.r Yamahafactory rider and three-time Vet
to the hospital and they gave me steroi ds to
unde rgoing ex tens ive ·therapy in hopes o~
retur,Tling .to ac ti on