Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 03 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SCHEDULE · MARCH 16. 1996 8"10a.rn. " Practice sessions: 600cc Supersport; Harley-Davidson Super'Iwins; Superbike 11 a.m, " 600cc International Supersport Challenge lOOk (18 laps) Noon " Harley-Davidson SuperTwins Final (25 laps) (Op pos it e page) The 600cc Supersport race was twice red"f lagged before being ca lled off because of ra in . Rain al so forced the postponement of the Harley"Davldson SuperTwins race and the big one " t he 55th runn ing of the Daytona 200 by Aral. A ll three races have been rescheduled f o r Saturday, March 16. (Below) The race for the pole on Th urs d ay happened under sunny and dry condit ions. Anthony Gobert qualified for the f ront row of t he 200 . 1:30 p.m. " 55th Daytona 200By Arai (57 laps, 200 miles) th e rac e track on Monday morning, many probably just taking a peek out of their hotel windows t o see the sev erity o f the w eather. Team ow n ers, crew, et c., were busy changing p lans f or a race that will run a week later than scheduled. With qualifying in the books (see qualifying sidebar), the one-day pro" gram will fe ature practice and the three ra ces th at were r ained out. "It d o esn't worry m y h ead at all," pole- sitter Troy Corser said upon h eari ng o f th e p o stponement . " We' ll j u s t come b ack next w eek and h ope for bet" ter w eather." I~ ' ".' ' I"y ,BrIefI:,'',.,• .. It was learned during Camel MotorcYcle Week ' same ," Johnson also said that Gobert'sbtkes ' hair,'W ith the hair ,grow ing back, Cre vier's skin that during the ' Michelin t ire test in December, we re buili ,n Muzzy's Bend , Oregon, facility prior ' i was a tad irritated, The Canadian also .had the T roy Corser blew through the chicane on the ' to the Daytona tire test in December, Both we re misfortune of crashing at ,h ig h spe~d during , .. , _ ..', ' W ednesday 's practice: " I don't know w hy, bur' back 'straight of the Superspeedway to clock a correct. The engines,in Gobert' s bi~e carne from flying lap and was radered at the finish line strip ' Japan. but the bike was built at MuzzY's , ' , The ,questiO~ of th'e Ducati's legality ' was 'again ' , when I letoff t~e brakes the , front tuck ed . . .... at 325 ,kph • 2 02 mph - on .hisProm otor ' raised at Daytona, W ith the teams running 955s . under," Crevier seid .: W hile .the bike suffered Duceti, Corser immediately slow ed down at the Rob M uzz y has ' moved his European World , th ere was some questiorr as 'to their homolog a- " -. heavy damage. Crevier escaped unscathed " end of the run with a chunked rear tire, ' S uperqike .headquart ers to Barcelona. Spain : . tton . AMA officia ls say that D u c a t i has until . ' , after several years. of the team being ' based in ' June 1 to produce 50 of the 955 sto meet AMA : ' Several of t he top factory riders crashed during The ever-~onfid~nt Anthony Gob e rt seemed Germany.. The new quarters are in t he same homologation rules. The bikes will be' complete W edn.esday' s pract ice, including defe'nding AMA bell-bent .on winning the Dayt ona .200 .in 1996 ' complex as the Marlbor o Roberts Grand Prix and not kitted , with the Ducali factory _not EralS up e r b ik e ' N at io nal, Champion Migue l after cras hi ng o ut of last year's rac e 0f1 his team. do Ferracci . building· the bikes, D uHame l . Yamah a Wo rld Superbike hopeful , C o li n Ed w a r d s '" and Promoto r D ucat t' s Mu zzy Kawasaki. "This year rneens a lot more On~ man ' who had eve ry reason to be happy' Formula USA Lid , issued a pr ess releas e on Mike Hale, DuHamel and Edwards went dow n , , to me because last year I thought I was tre ated really bad by the team , " Gobert . said , " With after qualifying was Fast By Ferrac ci roo ki e ' Thursday, March 6 , regarding their claiming of .: to geth er. with the French Canadian losi ng the Scott Russell and the way he was doing alot of Larry Pegram, The dirt tracke r turned road Do ug Chandler 's Muzzy Kawasaki in the F. frontend of his,HondaHC4S while going under test ing and he was here the week beforeracinq. ' racer ended up 10t h on the grid, despite his lack ' I 'USA race.iheld at Dayton a International"Speed. ' ' Edw~rd s in the co mer t hat leads to th e west of experience in the class and on, th e Du cati way an March 3 " "The claiming rule is intended • ban king" ,', ' . And I was sitti ng .at home in Australia, .I feel I was really the underdog -last year and I led the 955, He too had suffered with t he Ducat i wo b' to discourage the use. of special one-off , wo rks- " " . ' . ' bles early in the weeK. a prob lem that was later type race bikes and works-type parts that are , Texan Mike Hale we nt, thro ugh most of prac- , race for a while , I really only lost contact with fixed, " I don't know what it was, " Peqrarrrsatd. not available .to all F ormula USA compelitors," . t ic e and qualifyi ng wi t h an unpainted. w hite' Scott because of my lack of experience: I didn't know how fast you could come into .the pit lane: " I think it was tire related .' W e've got somethin g the release states: "The Mu zzy Kawasaki Super. , Dainese. helmet. ''I've signed a rnult i-year deal I lost a lot 'of time the re. but th ere's so much now that 'we' can adjus t around. but I' only got bikeclaimed by FUSA Ltdhas a gear cam drive, ' with them, (Dainese) , head to toe ." Hale said, thatI've learned f;om last year, Ithink come the ' about 40 laps in all week: t am getting confident This is a true works-type performance rnodific a- . ' The Prom oto r Du cat i rider will wear Dainese race we're gonna be there . Tve been practiCing on t he. bike 'now,' but yesterday (Wednesday) tion . The spectal gear came drive is not available leathers. helmet , gloves and boo ts, He said the just hammering it coming off the banking there, I r, was a scrap, I had .a good 'session this morning on' production-based Kawasakl moto rcycl e's and , helmet. would be painted prior to the. Dayt ona have n' t been on t he bike since' D ec emb er . and found a good 'race' tire , I'm not pushing that is not offered through co nimerc ial cha nne ls , ' 200, and with an extra week that shouldn't be a , That' s quite a break,' It doesn 't bo ther me as hard.• lwtsh I had becausea half seco nd quicker Therefore, this modification is beyond the spirit " problem, Hale wore an Arai helmet in 1.995, much whe n I know I can miss out on the test and I'd been locked on the fron t row ," ' of Fonmula USA rules and specifically. prohibited . in Chapt erj O. Paragraph 5, " Ge neral Equipment , The qu,?te of the day on Thursday we nt to Hale.. sessions that the other guys have been doing and still come here and be just as fast as these The factory S~zukjs all featu red diffe;ent' susParamet er s;" of t he 199 6 Formula USA rule- ,The second-fastest qualifier had the following to guys straightaway, I just want to ,,!in here really pension co mponents , W hile Scott Russell's , boo k, " Upon seeing the re lease. Rob Muzzy ' , say when asked w ha t t he di ffe re nce .wa s bad, I wa nt to win it to beat Scott Russell , to Luck y St rike bikes w er e f itt ed wi th Kilyaba said that since the cla imed bike is now in the betw een his qualifying session and his pole-sitprove last year thatl sho uld have been given units. t he Yo shimur a bikes of Pascal Pic ott e hands of the "pu blic " he will indeed offer _for a , ' ting teamma:e Troy 'Corser, " Broken shit and equal treatment , I could have shown last year were fitted with Ohlins suspension. "front and price . spare parts fo r the gear cam drive, " If running shit. Hale said In reference to the fact what I can do. so this -is my year to show , I can't rear , while his teammate Aaro n Yates used 'a so mebody en ds up bu y ing it t o rac e and it that Cor ser didn't suffer the same engine prob wait for Sunday,' In faimess, 'it 'm ust ,be note d ' Showa shoc k snd Ohlins fo;k , The Suzuki W orld doesn 'tend .up in a museum, it' s only fair that ·iems with his Ducati that Haie had suffere d, that Gobe rt missed one of the team's European , -Superbike team, meanwhil e, was stm' debating part s are available to the buyer," Muzzy said. ' , , , Friday 's quote of the day can be attribute d to ,tests due to illness , betwe en Showa and Kayaba up uritil race time, 'The GS XRs come standard with Kayaba units" ,Retired road racer Dale Qua'rterley fared the " Colin Edwards II. who in regard to his .quali. Wh en asked t he differ ences between the new best of t he motorcycle racers who ,competed in ' fying sessio n the day prior had this to say: "YesKawasaki super bike .and last year's, Gobert ' S uzu ki was notic e ab ly p rou d of t he ir new ' the Gatorade Flonda Legend s Senes car race, " terd ay the bike was kinda castrated - today we said: "I thinkits basically the same bike, It' s got GSXR750 and the impact it had onracinq in· its ' held on March 6 at Muni cipal Stadium, Quarter- . found some balls.", Edwards ended up qualifYing r ley ended up finishing.!ifth in the race. one spot " sixth ~fter bettering his Thursday time on Friday: :, a bit better handling and little bit more horse- -fi. st AMA' Nat ional. The com pany issued a press ' power, We sti ll seem to be -down a litt le bit on release, b reaking down the , entry lis ts for the ahead of five-time AMAGrand .National Charnpithe new Suzuki and the Ducati, I think the, guys , Sup erbik e and 750cc Superspoit classes,' with ' on Scot t Parker. Former AMA and W orld ' A few riders 'had a hard ti me co nverti ng t heir Sup erb ike C hamp ion ' D oug P o l e n fin ished , ' 750cc Supersp ortblkes back to Supersp ort - " know what we need to d o, so with a littl e bit of ' the follow ing res ults: 37 percent of all the motor' 11th' with Lucky Strike Suzuki' s Scott R ussell ' specs in time for750cc Supersport qualifying on' time w'e 'li beall right, I'm not sure {if thebtkeIs , c y c le s 'e nt e re d in " t he Dayt on a 200 were Thursda y afternoon , After us ing hisBuzuk l ' bett er at this point inthe year than it was last ,Suzukis.. 23 percen t wereKawasakis, Yamaha finish ing 17th ,· D irt tracke r S t e v e M orehead GS XR750 in S uperbike qu a li fy ing , Ricky year) : probably because they (M uzzy's team) held'1 7 ' percent 01 theentries. Duca ti had 16 ended up 2Oth'in the 22-car fteld. . ," . , Orlando w ent out and qualified third for t he ' didn't do it. The. Japanese are here and, they'd percent . Harley-Davidson' had six per cent and ·The rece ntly marri~d Steve Crevier Was still 750cc S uperspo rt race, There wa s onl y o ne done most of it. Their .help behtndus has been Hond a had two percent.Tnall thE"'~ were 32 itching when he got to Daytona, but,not froin the , ' problem " he'd failed to replace his racing slicks good, If they can remain behind us fo r the 'sea- ' Sozukts thatmade the field for the Daytona 200 , pure excite ment of being there, During Crevier's with DOT t ires . Orland o was di squa lified from son. t hat will help us. " M uzzy, team manager 'By Arai, The 'numbers we re 'even more stagger: bachelor party" a few of his closest friends held the .750cc Supersport class for the blunder, ' St eVe Johnson. however. said Gobert's bike is ' ' ing, in the 750cc ,Supersport class, where 55 , him dow n and shaved a number" 4 " in his chest ' ..c ompletely different - t he axle si ze i,s the po:rc ,mt of aU who ent~red did so 'with a S~zukL .. . I : a

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