Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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hol eshot with Hammon d right be hind . Hammond got cross-ru tted swi ng in g through the
sweeper and went down. losing an y shot at the
title .
Tyl er Max el took th e Micro (4-6) cha mpi onship with a convincing win.
1996 United States Round
125 PRO: 1. Chuck Rftd (Suz); 2. J08h Drmuth (Y am) : 3.
Tommy Conilet'(Stu); 4. Mike BLaJr (Yam); S. Craig Oemmt (Han).
2SO PRO: 1. }o.h Dnnuth (Yam) ; 2. Tommy Collin (Suz ); 3""U Morpn (Yom~ ' . """" 8W<(Yom~5. """" Hopn (lion).
MICRO (4-6 ): 1. c.rmt c"tn!U (KlM); 2. Tyler (1CTM);
3. tbvm IioL:krott (K1'M); 4. Cory Hugtws (LEM); S. Ryan 1V'fT'J.
MICRO (1,,~ 1. z.m ""- (ICTM); 2 . _ " " ' - (!.EM);
3. W.B. WWion.
f6 (7-11): 1. Chri. Wh ilcnft (Kaw); 2. WiD Browning (K.Jw);
3. Mike Willard (X.Iw); 4. Ky le Prnton ~w); 5.}eM' hvlov.
!IJ (1-11): 1. Willy Browning (Y"m); 2. IC.A.Willard (Han); 3furuny Fox (Kaw); ... M dwd WiJI• td (~w); S. Chris Whi trnft
May 25&26
Ste ping Stu eRanch.
Exeter, Rhode lsi
~ to AI.-Ica
by P..... PralIllIIDaI
80 (12·13): I. Jeff G&l.on (K.Iw); 2. o.vld Whitcraft (Suz) ; 3-
Josh lWniIttxl.(lion): 4- Mike AmoM! (Han): S. Joestwp (Y~).
ProaIIy _'lid by:
World's Best
80 (14-15): 1. C.r. Lorach (Yam); 2. Ama ndl Mastin (Suz): 3.
America's Best
elF[lJ ~~
Tickets on sale NOW! ClIII MlI'CIIIt 1-8l1lH127·3399lor tielS, dIIaIlIIt pacbges liIlIlJ'aYBilnIormatlon
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1f::Jr-•• =.IlIIInI,.
MWy T umblom (Suz); 4..Cra ig Tidwns1r.y (Yam ).
125 58 : t. Jeff C hon (lU w);2. Ian H.1mmond (Suz ); 3. Sh.1un
Kuchkr (Han); 4. Ryan Lutz (Hon); S. Mike Mercer (Suz).
125 C: 1. J.D. &:her (lion); 2. Mike Mercer lSuz); 3. Joe Snyder (Hon) ; 4. Marcus DI (Ya m); S. Jodi Jones (Su.z).
, 125 8: 1. Mull. Bl.aril.tuIrt (Hon ); 2. Ja mes Kee (Suz) ; 3. Justin
Story (Hon); 4. Jeremy CAudlll (Yam); 5. Onld Sand ridge (Suz).
250 C: 1. leftmy l utz (Hon); 2. kev in Dqac (Hon); 3. Min
M.1thiu (KTM) ; t. Jay Pen.ingn (Hon); 5. Robm: [Qu (Suz ).
250 8 : 1. M.uit BurkNrt (Han); 2. Barry Hall (Hon); 3. Greg
Hubbs (}ion) ;" Brad DillOn(a::. ... ); s. Tod d (Suz ).
SOO: 1. Mik Ru.eU (Hon); 2. Stn'!' ~ (Han); 3.
Randy Mamn (ICl'M) " Ad.>m 5andn1 (lion).
16-24: 1. Mon k BurkNrt (Hon ); 2. Jft"mly Caudill (y am ); 3.
Jw;tin St ory (Hon); 4. Brad Dillon (KAw); S. De rrick Ho U.and
25+, 1. ..... Morpn (lIon~ 2. Miu Hopn (Hon); 3. Chuck .
N'odooloon(Suz~ '.
H _ (lIont 5. Co ')' ....... (Hon~
30+ : 1. Chuck Nkhobon (Suz); 2. Jeny 8cnnd1 (Hon); 3.
steve An rw5h.AIU I~y tHon ); 4. K~vrtl Oe~e (Hon); 5. R.andy
Mamn, '
""', I . Cony
(Hon t 2. """' o.;.c(I<.ow~
(Suzt 2. Oulaw Sduni_ (Suzt
3. TlfWly Reed (Iion);t. Kimbmy tr..-h {;5. Sua IClamfoth.
TheAmerican ~IOlorcydisl Association
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125 PRO: 1. Je-h Drmuth (; 2. Tomm y Collirr (Su.z.; 3.
"""" Blair (Y..,~ .. Chuck ...... (Suz); 5. WillioGroomo (Hon~
25DPRO: 1. Tommy Collin' (Suzl; 2. Joih Dnnuth (Yun.); 3Quack Kftd (Suz); 4. Mik Hogan O-lon); S. Mib BWr (Yam).
MIC RO (4-6): 1. Tyln Mlul (1Cl'M); 2. tbvt'n Hokicroft
(JCTM) ; 3. Ry.m IYrrI (KlM); c. c.rmt CamU (KTM); S. John
MICR.Q (7-8): 1. Ja red Burvu (LEM); 2. A1c-..ndn Roui
(Cob); 3. Amn (Jcr'M); 4. T.mnrr Reed (Cob); S. Troy Stuut
65 (7·11): 1. Will Browning (lC.1w); 2. ChriI Whitcraft (;
3. Mic:tYeIWillard (Kaw);4 . Kyle Pmton (IC.Iw);S . JrswPoIvlov.
80 (7·11): I. Willy Browning (; 2. Chris Whi tcraft (;
3. K.A.. WiJ1ant (Hon); " . JImmy folI (Suz); S. Tom 0ihcN1ow&Jd
(I<.o w~
80 (12·13): 1. Jeff GIh80n (Ka~ 2. o.vid Whi tcraft (Suz); 3.
Josh Hamilton (Han); 4.101! Sharp (yam); S. Darid Dnritt.
80 04-15): 1. CJ. lftch (yam); 2. Aaundl MMtin (Suz); 3.
Miby Tumblom (Suz); 4. Justin TftT'ftI (1Caw); S. And~ Davia
(I<.o w~
12!i58: 1. Ian Hammond (Suz); 2. JrEf Gib.on ( ); 3. SNun
Kuchler (Hon); 4. o. vid Whi lcraft (Y.m); S. Justin Bn1ssN
125 C: 1. Mike M~ (Suz); 2. JIX Snydft (Hon); 3. wry
Sch ro yer (Hon); 4. And now Wh ltmo~ cra m); 5. Denn y Be.rd
125 B.: 1. Mark Burklwt (Ron); 2. Sha un Kulcher (Han); 3. L1n
Hammond (Suz); " J..... Story (Hon).
250 C: 1. Lutz (lim); 2. Marau Bi.ggs (Suz); 3. Robert
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April 6-7 , Las Vegas International Raceway Las Vegas. NV
April 13-14, Willow Springs Raceway Rosamond. CA
Four days of racing. four
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Drake (Suz ); t . Brian Aldridge (Hon); 5. Matt Mlthiu (KTM).
2SO 8 : 1. Mark Burkhart (Ho n); 2. Joey Ballinger (Hon) ; 3.
Brad Dixon (l(&w); t . 0w:I Soinoai (lCaw); S. Justi n Story (Hoo).
SOO: 1. MiU R~U (Hon ); 2. Stt-v~ AnnesJwwkoy(Ron); 3.
R.lndy M.utin (KTM);'" Adam s.ndetlin (Hon).
16-24: 1. JustinStory (Hon) ; 2. D.1rrell Ptbfngrr (Hon); 3. Josh
Jones (SUZ .... DeTrld;. Hol1lnd (Lw ); 50AdMn Rou """ w).
25+: 1. Mike Morgan (Y.m ); 2. Mike Hog~n (Hon); 3. Jon
Schmitz (lion);'" Otuck NKhoOOn (Suz); S. St..-ve~.
30+: 1. }ftry 8mN-tt (lion); 2. Richard RobiMon (Hon ); 3. Jon
Semilz (Hont • . Chuck N _ (Suz); 5. TIm_ . (Yam).
"0+ : 1. Carl Davis (Hen); 2. Doug Schultz (KAw); 3. 0Kar
o.;.cpc.w);'. john Iluoh Olon~
WMN : 1. Kimbmy lAoach (ya m); 2. Tiffany Rftd (lion); 3.
lJluImr Semi..... (Suz~" ......... ........ (Suz); 5. Su. KWnloth
125 PRO: 1. Tommy Collier (Suz); 2. Joah Drmuth ('tam ); 3.
Cnrl Kftd (Suz); 4. Mik Blair (Y. m); 5. Otuck N'1ChcUon (Suz).
2SO PRQ l """ o...uth (Yomt 2. Chuck ""-d (Suzt 3. john
00 ';' (Hon~ " Tommy CoIIicr (Suzt 5. ............ (Hon~
MICRO (U): 1. TyJn Mu~1 (UM); 2. H.tvm Holdaoft
(r1Ml; 3. 'y~ I.... CICTM); • . Doug Douglo. (YAM); 5. <:my
Hughoo (l(TM).
MICRO (1-8)0 1. _
" " ' - (!.EM); 2. z.m ""- (l(TM).
3. TDmeT Itftd (Cob ); 4. W.B. WUMJnC1.EM); S. Mike Itobrru
6S (7.11)::1. WiDy Browning; (K.w); 2. 0uiI Whitcraft (J:aw);
3. LA. WUJard (Ka w); ... Ky ~ Preston (Ka...); S. Jege P.vlov
80 (1·11~ I. Chrio Whi taa/1 (Suzt 2. WiUy - . . . . . (Yom>.
3. K.A. Ww.rd. (H«l); 4. MicNd WillMd (lCaw) ; S. Jim Fox (J:aw).
80 (12-13): 1. David Whitcnft (Su.z); 2. Orrrick I:)rw;n (Hon );
3. Joe ShMp (bm); 4. Joah l-Wmilton (Hen); S. TlfUny Rt'f'd (Kaw).
80 ()-l-I5): 1. CJ. lac:h (Yam); 2. Aaund.l M.wtin (Suz); 3.
Mike)' Twnbbn (Suz); 4. ha tin Temoll (lCI w ); S. Cra ig Simpkins.
125 S8: 1. SMun Kuchler (H on); 2. Miu ~ (Suz); 3.
Bry~ Nooh (Suzt • . )oo Sho'l' (Yom); 5. J.D. EkM (Hon~
125 C: 1. Joe Snyd~r (Hon); 2. MiJr.. Mftur (Suz) ; 3. Josh
JDnrIo (Suz); 4. Drrrid (KAw); S. Omn y a...,rd (K.1w).
125 B: 1. Mark Burklwt (Hon); 2. J!dri n Story (Hon); 3. David
Sandridge (Suz); 4. l&n Hammond (Suz); 5. Ryan Lutz (Han).
2SOC: 1. Jay p~ (Hon ); 2. Brian Ald rid ge (Hon); 3. Rob
Drake (Suz); 4.