Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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lap s in the 250cc Pro di vision . Com ing off the
second turn, Var nes bobbl ed ever so sligh tly,
givi ng Price the crack he need ed to take over the
Price was practically given the 600cc Pro win
wh en Varn es jum ped the start and wa s bani shed
to the third row . Price quickly took the lead, followed by Ricky Winsett, Ken Mohl er and Ken
Yode r. Yoder was by Mohler a t the end of the
opening lap and sta rted to pressure Winsett for
seco n d. Roy Miller a nd Ace Ph ill ips go t by
Mohler on the third lap whil e Yoder slipped by
Winsett. Then Miller got under Winse tt for third
coming off the fourth tum a nd p rom p tly slid
ou t, caus ing the closely followi ng pack to scatter. On this tight , small track, Varnes managed
to w ork his way up to the fourth spot by the
P /W JR: 1. Cadi Adams (tEM); 2. Aaron Ma xwell (KTM); 3.
Bra n d on D ietri ch (LEM); 4. Sco tt E. Dye (Ya m) ; 5. Sha un
Alleshoui'IP (KTM).
P / W SR: 1. T.J. Auten (Cob ); 2. Jeff Mort (Co b); 3. D us tin
Charcalla (Co b); 4. Greg Kaminski (Cob) ; 5. A.J. Hattery (LEM).
60: L Micky Marsh.tll (Kaw); 2. Troy Gou ld (Kaw); 3. Davi d
Ma ywell (Ka w); 4. Matthew Gow (Kaw); 5. Andy O'Donnell
(Kaw ).
MINI JR: 1. Micky Ma l1ihall (Kaw); 2. Troy Gould (Suz) ; 3.
David Max well (Kaw); 4. Chris Tal bo t (Suz); S. Dustin Adams
MINI SR: 1. Brian Gerth (Suz); 2. Paul Kiss ig (Suz) ; 3. Jason
Hitchcock (Kaw) ; 4. N athan Dallas; 5. Dan v fnez (Suz).
S /M1 r..'l: 1. Bria n Gert h (5u::); 2. Pa ul Kissig (Su::); 3. Pa ul
Hi tch cock (Hon); 4. Nick Ra pill on (Ho n); 5. C h ris O'Do n nd l
SOiBY: 1. Justin Sabo (Kaw); 2. Brian C ril> (Ha n ); 3. Nic k
Lauro (Suz); 4. Joe Adkins (Hon). 5. Erik Stringer (Suz).
125 C: 1. Billy Dittm an (Yam); 2. Jerem y Ad ams (Yam); 3.
[ames McCuinesto(Hon); 4. Brian Cris t (Hon); 5. Ryan To w (Hon).
125 B: 1. Sam Yanni relli (Hon ); 2. Mike O en den in (Kaw); 3.
Jaso n Rogers (Hon); 4. Roy Devore (Suz ); 5. Denny Lewis (Ho n).
250 C: 1. Kristia n Halley (Yam); 2. Brand o n Ma ther (Kaw); 3.
Eamie Ca ldrone (Hon ); 4. Ryan Tow (Ho n ); 5. Dani el Ga rdner
2SO B: 1. Jason Rogers (Ho n); 2. Brian Kamow (Kaw); 3. Dale
Slaba ugh (Suz) ; 4. Rich Christoff (Kaw); 5. Tim Hoover (5uz).
O PEN : 1. Kevin Deyhn g (H on ); 2. Dan Mo rgan (KTM); 3.
Joel Martin (KTM) ; 4. Dan Blair (KTM); 5. Jak e Stod da rd (Hon).
25+: 1. Da le Sla baugh (Su::) ; 2. Mik e Smi th (Su::) ; 5. Tim
Hoover (Su%) 4. Johnny Youn g (KTM); 5. Scott Bear d (Yam).
SR 0.1 : 1. Mike Sm ith (Suz); 2. Dan Morg an (KTM ); 3. Dave
Blauman (ya m); 4. Ray Co llier (Kaw ); 5. Johnny Youn g (KTM ).
SR 0.2: 1. Dan Morgan (KTM); 2. Brian O'Donnell (Suz); 3.
Joe Ca rlin (Suz); 4. Wayne Bays (KTM).
SR: 1. Butch Pownell (KTM); 2. Ted Allen (Yam).
BMBR: 1. Bob Or landi (Yam ); 2. Ian Makin (Suz); 3. John Tinney (Yam); 4. OecegeJobe (Hon) .
WM N : 1. Sheryl Bla1r (Hen); 2. Ang ela Moore (Suz); 3. Kriste n C roo k ha m (Hon); 4. Sam Snyder (Ka w) ; 5. M . Man s field
(Kaw) .
EXTRA: 1. Sa m Yanni telli (Hon); 2. Dohny Lewi s (Hon); 3.
Ph il Kamlnak i (Ka w); 4. Da n Nicora (S uz ); 5. Bill Sc h n eid e r
(H a n ).
Horton cooks at Camp Coker
By J. Stewart
Over 500 racers participated in the first round of
the Techn osel Caroli na Ult ra Series a t Ca mp
Coker Moto-X Park, with Team Green rider Robbie Horto n takin g the 250cc Pro-class win.
H orton h oleshot th e seco n d mota an d ran
aw ay at a blistering pace, on occasio n tri pling
in to the finish~line wh oop sectio n for an aerial
assa ult unmatched by any other in attenda nce.
Florida n ati ve Brian McElroy d id h is best to
keep up with H ort on thr oughout the race. but
every time he got within striking distan ce, Hor·
ton wou ld just grab another handful of throttle.
McElroy ended up with an overall third. Kevin
Walker was third in the moto and second over~
all. Mike Andrews' and Billy Liles batt led furiou sly for the fourth spo t, lap after lap. Liles
crossed Andrews' outsid e line , and bo th bikes
hit the ground . Liles was able to remo un t quick ly and salvage fourth overall.
Liles also raced in four of the A classes, taking h om e the o ve ra ll in th e Ov er 30 A a n d
fourth in the Over 25 A. He also earn ed anoth er
fourth in the 125cc Pro di vision.
In the 125 and 250cc B classes, Jon Boroff of
Tenn essee pu lled all four ho leshots. Boroff went
virtually U1;lchanenged thr oughout the da y until
a miscue in the final 250cc B moto handed the
lead to Mar cus Hendrick, who went on to take
the moto win . Boroff retai ned the overall with I 2 finish es. Hendrick took second ove rall with 5-1
fini sh es, w h ile Mark Wagn er of Fay ettevi lle,
North Carolina, filled ou t the podium posi tions
wi th 3-5 moto finish es.
250 PRO: 1. Robbi e Ho rto n (Kaw ); 2. Kevin Walk er (Yam ); 3.
Bri a n McElroy (Ya m) ; 4. William Lile s (S uz); 5. Da v id P rice
( ).
125 PRO : 1. Brian McElroy (y am); 2. Robbie Horton (Kaw); 3.
Kevin Wa lker (Yam); 4. Willi am Lilas (5uz); 5. Mitch e ll Hodgetl
(Kaw) .
250 B: 1. Jon Boruff (Hon); 2. Marcus Hendrick (Suz).; 3. Mark
Wagner (Kaw).;4. Jason Baldw in (Ho n); 5. Preston Rose (Kaw).
125 B: Jon Boruff (Hon ); 2. MiU'CWl Hen dri ck (Suz); 3. Brian
Lane (Yam); 4. Joshua Ca pps (Kaw ); 5. Mar k Wagner (Kaw) .
Bob Sweeten (82) Is pu rsued b y Mike
Klopp (1) and Roy Miller (2) In 600cc Aclass raci n g at Motorama In Ha rrisburg,
Pennsylvania. S weete n held on to the
lead, with Miller an d Klopp fin ishing
second and third, respectively.
U / L: 1. Wetlley Ca rm on (Kaw ); 2. [aeon Baldwin (Hon): 3.
Brad Edw ard s (5u); 4 . Eric: Ba rnes (Suz ); 5. Daniel Dai ley (Han)
25+ A: 1. Bria n McElroy (Ya m); 2. Kevin Walker (Yam); 3.
Gaylon Dickson (Ya m ); 4. William Liles (Suz); S. Kirk [chnscn
(Yam ).
25+ B: 1. David Sawyer (Kaw) ; 2. Michael Milen (Han); 3. Jeff
Mu shala (Yam); 4. Jam es Hayes (Ho n); 5. William e usavaugh
25+ C: Jim m y Pitcock (5uz); 2. Richa rd Edwa rds (Suz ); 3.
Tho m as Stover (yam); 4. Billy Harri son (Han); 5. Eric Ferg aso n
(Hon ).
30+ A: 1. William Liles (Suz); 2. Ron Jones (Hon).; 3. Michael
Church (Yam ); 4. Scott Ship ley (Suz); 5. Rick Wright (Suz) .
30+ B: 1. David E1mo!"@ (Kaw ); 2. Bin k GlOM (Suz); 3. Dan iel
Bell (Suz) ; 4. Stua rt English (Hon); 5. Joe y Sing leton (Hon).
30+ C: 1. Keith Nevers (Ha n); 2. RUM Pickett (Ho n); 3. Billy
Harrison (Ho n); 4. Dane Lanl ey (Hon) ; 5. Mik e Santo (Han).
250 C: 1. Ned Blackwe lder (Suz); 2. Ant hon y Finch (Hon); 3.
Jason Hartn ess (Kawl; 4. Robert Smith (Ho n); 5. Bran don Williams
(Hon ).
125 C: 1. Jay Brown (J