Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 03 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Karnow, Dave Hand, Sean Hogan and Adam Martin rounding out the top live. . Mike Kalin drove all night from Atlanta after compeling in the AMA Supercross. Kalin's arri val created a mega-battle in Sundays 250cc A heal. Katin launched fir st from the backwardfalling start gate. Sellards, however, maneuvered into the lead in the first tum. Kalin and Sellards repeatedly executed block pass after block pass. racing bar-to-bar down the long straights. enter ing and re-entering the rocker section locked together. lap after lap. Kalin barely eked out the heat win when both riders motored into the whoops side by side , aiming for the checkered flag at the last rocker. Kalin held the better line, forcing Sellards back to second . Sellards went on to capture the final 12Scc A main with a tired Kalin 10 seconds behind. The week end end ed dramatically with the 250cc A main. Kalin seemed destined for vict0ry, leading for 18 lap s before a deflating tire slowed him, handing the win to Sellards. Results ANNOUNCING ATKJS 12·IVIONTH FENDER TO FENDER \NARRAN,-y; Never before has an off-road motorcycle company supported it's riders like this. From now until April 15, 1996, every ATK motorcycle comes standard with a 12-month limited factory warranty. Ask your dealer for details. He'll tell you why ATK is fast becoming America's _ W A Y 7D G O first choice in off-road motorcycles. Go ahead, ride hard. ATK's got you covered. Friday 125 A: 1. Brock Sellards (}(a w ); 2. Vince Kamcw (](a wl; 3. ~an Hogan (5uz);". Adam Martin (Hon); 5. C.l. Klein (Kaw). 250 A:. 1. Broc k Sellud. (Je. w); 2. Vince Kamow; 3. Da ve tund (H on ); '" A.cWnMMtin (Hon); S. Brian Be llinger (Sw: ). PfW 1'" 1. Koint (Cob~ s. A_ A.I· """"Y (UM). 60: 1. M ic ky ~ ",N; 1I (](a w): 2. Dnid M.vell (K. w); 3. Mitdww Cow (X,Iw) ; 4. Andy O'Donnell (K,Iw ); 5. T.J- Au tm (IC.ow~ MINI JJl ~ 1 : 1. M k ky MilBh.1ll (KAi ); 2. Dnid Maxw ell w (K.w); 3. Chris O"Oonnell (Hon); 4. M.atthcw Cow (lC,a ); 5. Jeff w ........ (Yam) . MINI JR [).~ 1. Duotin Adams (Yam~ 2. Donny PoYnd (Suzt 3. Andy CYDonneU (Hon ~ 4. /<11Smith (Ko wt 5. Lenny Ch ylik (Y;om~ MINI SR: 1. 8Mn Gmh (Suz); 2. P~ul Kiuig (Su.z) ; 3. Joe A nd ~ PuWr (Yilm); S. A.tron Katunneyer Shane ()(a w); 4. (Hon ~ S/ MINl: 1. JoeShAne (JC,aw),; 2. 8ri.ul O 'Donnell CHon); 4. And~ Gerth (Suz); 3. Chris PUSW (Yam); S. Denny PolAnd (Suz~ SCHBY L TID\ 5aoyrw (Hon); 2. BrYn Crist (Hun); 3. M.ri: : 80Wc (Sta); 4 . A.ron JohN(Yam); 5. JoeDUJon cs.a). 125 C ~ 1: 1. JA ~bmpa- (Suz:); 2. Ry.ul.TOW' (Hon); 1 y Joe l>uhowoky (H oo); 4. B..... KM....., (Suz); s. Erik Sprin.... (Suz~ 125 C 0- 2: 1. 8illy OUtman ~w); 2. Bill Schnridet ~ ); 1 Tim SIJillm iin ( ~w); 4. Jt'~my Ad~ ms (Y~m ,; 5. M~u Born (IC.ow~ 115 8: t . Sl m Y.nnitelU (Hon); 2. Mike Clendenin (~w); Bud Sn ydet- (Hoo); 4. Bri&n ....... (IC.owt 5. J->n Rogen (Hoo~ 250 C; I. Chris Spn>«r (Hon); 2. B ndon ..._ (IC.ow~ 3. .. E..mi e CaldtrJrW (Hon); 4. ICrisd.In tW1ey (Yam) ; S. Ryan Tow (Hoo~ 250 .. I. J->n Rogen (Hon~ 2. """ SIo ugh (Suzt 3. ..... " Clt'ndmin (XIIw); 4. Brntt CmtoI."ti (Suz ); 5. Ry.Jn JOrin (Suz ). OPEN : 1. Elrnar Kruu (KTM); :z. joel Mmin (K,Iw); 3. Chris Smith (Hon); 4. )d>n P'ppa (J:"lM). zs-. 1. Johnny Youn g (KTM ); 2. Mike Bbnlard ~w); 3. ElmIr Knu.I (JCTM) 4. Smtt 8ord. (Yam). ; SR ~t : Johnny Young (XTM); 2. DlIVe 81a~n (yam); 9. Ray Collier (Kaw); 14. Mike CUllspie (Yam); S. Mllrk lrowalsld ( - ). SR 0.2: 1. Wllyne BaY" (rrM); 2. Tom Kinney (Han); 3. BrWi 0"D0nnd (Soz) . 8MB R: 1. Mn k Wood. (Hon); 2. Jilek ClArk (Suz ); 3. Bob Orlandi (Y~m). WMN : 1. Shrryl Blilir (Han); 2. KNtm Crookham (Hon) ; 3. AIlselA Moo re (Suz) ; 4. Jennifer RobertI. (Suz); S. Sa m Snyder (IC.ow~ EXT'RA: t. Mike Pinchek (Suz); 2. OM N"arora (Suz); 3. Phil Kaminski (J:.w);" Bill ~ (lion); 5. Don Brown (Hon). ........y 125 A: 1. Brock xllArds ( )(a w) ; 2. Steve Crou (lITM); 3. Adm!. MMtin (Hon); .... VU'112 Kamow ~w); S. CJ. JJein (lC,aw). 2SO A:. 1. Brock Se1lud. (K,Iw); 2. Vince K.amow (Kaw); 3. Do.. Hand (Hont 4. .... Hopn (5uzl; S. Adam ....... (Hon~ P/W 1'" 1. Kenny Henry (Yam) ; 2. AMon M.xweII ():n.I); 3. Cod! Adams c. lllSU -.. SlnlIIr'tl """"-"'" sm _ _ 2lJ!l.T.J:Hl5BS _ _ >c. ~ 1[5.526-4122 ~T .. ... Z -., lR1lJI -D,de SQ1.lI67.JI293 TooniQuay_ 52G6c. .' Soat D,de Tho....- D,dI SlIw:It !lJ4.m-lEllJ _ o/ ~ 916-422-5454 Pametto~ ATK Jom~~ --e.c Bike &ATV 5(I2 ·96!HI329 <:,doWots 5(12-491-5002 .... ....- HIWlII MII:IIIW 5CS785-1929 m=.7283 61S-432 ·9501 .., ,,,,,",,,, Qrty'I D,dI S- IlIWA -Spns 515-285-8)14 616-846-5780 00I0r\l S- i SlIw:It 313-2fl9. 72!Il e...._D,dI IIWII B1Q..:117.a5'3 2lJl.7!J5.S!97 NORIH ClROUNA fIIl~ -- - _Soat '5n~151 3134lnSl67 """"-"'" Toonc.nor........,. = -4654 "boe'D,de 91Q.346.1Q10 ElinUD,de 717-738-11 84 D,dI. ... 919-834-5484 .>Hlet~ B14-36B-9944 lEW JERSEY SIIUlH I:AJIlIUJIA &9-72&1717 OlfRcod <:,do !mll32.aB11 c.nor """ i Quay <:,do 201-875-2111 WASRII&TlII D,de _ oiY Tom's\oVcr1d oflM1eeIs D,deBo-ntt ........ >c. 21!>357-525ll lIJ1.:J94.:J403 . . . .............. <:,doSpns tt-., 6CE-4S1-68!J3 J i C """"-"'" 2lJl.733-7222 5'J.222.()17C 4QXil63.3433 lImCllY --- Dn N - . s INOWIA 3)5.557 ·1311 91B-791-2lDJ OR 618-242.(224 lI()5.:J99.5928 ........,.--..c.nor 71&537-2313 REmN Ns <:,doSlIw:It . 913-234-61 74 Los' !lJ4.735-2!DJ Mae ~ Cert8' 's 004-2 45-:J:l55 ~_3 IIDIlWlA UIISAS LM&wo_ - . iSlro 4lJl.475,'J;19 _SpnsAll< 314.427·1204 . - D,dI 7lJl.7lI2-2J1 U Enc"s""""" -,- lIJ1-972ll725 612-752-1654 c.nor GrtnI""'~ ........,..........,..-- 818-449-37 42 ......, .... D,dI 619-872·1570 _-.. . . U1IlH L-.c,do lIJ1-544-224' 21653S<22D J iM 614-2E6- 040 1 61~ 78 B1~75 4(Il.294.:El3 ~ ---518-7S?-2791 21lJ.5!B3722 &om !lie !iQl 4t 7·77S7284 lbc. 815-7763341 71454Q.2920 S01-271 .Q7J3 . >c. S17-393-26CIJ RP - . , .... 81Q.693.6 715 IWIIOIS Wiu1'& ~ a.n c,do Spns - -....... _ 2CS263-1124 ....,. 007-243ro43 lRUJISAS ...... Cl>rn4WJ5 _0.2CJ>531-46llll lIlSCDNS11 ........... <:,do&wo 414-l1li5-6552 WEST VlmllA ATK of VYest Vrgirill 3J4-825.14' 2 IVYlIIIIINS ~<:,do -_ 003-232·7223 NEW MEl/CD SOUTH IIAlII1A EUet~ Ibca~ ~ 5lJ5.76S.fJl7C s... Quay Cldos _ _ 5lJ5.325.4 195 ~ 1DlAS ..... o . - <:,do"""" :lJ7-2fl6-.l93J CAIAIIA """'........,. aJ;355.292' _tt_ =786-SEB6 Sco1!mIl <:,do_ 702-641-6401 D,de_ B:5-797-7449 D,deToon_ 214aJ.1670 Dealers! Order Your Yearbooks NOW! SELL THE IN YOUR STORE For'the third year, dealers can sell the official event program of the Supercross Series in their stores! What beller way to create excitement in your slore during the months·of the entire Supercross Series? Everything about the Supercross season is covered: Faclory team line-ups, interviews, rider numbers, the tracks, top 12Scc and 2S0cc stars, 1996schedules,autograph pages and more! ORDER NOW FOR PROMPT DEUVERY Minimum Order 10 Copies, R Available efills Shipped with assembled magazine rack and sticke rs ... 1. Open It up, 2. Set on counler, 3. R eady for business! Over 80% Dealer Margin · Retail Cover Pri ce $5.00/copy

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