Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 03 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I.·E E T V N S.. 'I Ames nailed both main-event wins in the 7- to Syear-old division, with Tanner Reed second and W.B. Wilson third overall. In the Pro divisions, Josh Demuth and Chuck Reed conti nued their battle for the series championship. In Satu rday's 125 A main event, Vincen t Karn ow w o n, with Demuth and Ch u ck Reed tagging along behind . Reed domina ted Sunday's 125 A main, with Kamow second and Tomm y Collier in third. Gaylon Dickson claim ed Saturday's 250 A m a in , w ith Karnow se co n d a nd Re ed th ird . Demuth nailed Sunday'S main after a brief battl e with Mike Katin and Mike Morgan. Joey Ballinger and Mark Burkhart carded the 250cc B wins on Saturday and Sun day, resp ectively. Mik e Ho gan smo ked th e Ov er 25 di vision with Chuck Nicholson chas ing him throughout. Iron man Jerry Bennet put in good. rid es in the Over 25 and Over 30 classes, and made a clean sweep of the Over 40 division. Results jus t fired up Dirickson as he regained his position in the next lap with Fabel slipp ing two positions behi nd Mu te. Muto erred in a loose righ thander before a small tabletop and Fabel went insid e to regain sixth place. In the last lap, CoheIan went dow n allowi ng Dirickson by. Fabel took a so il sam p le af ter swap ping ends on a sandy landing. so Muto, Clayt on Ross and John Miller mo ved by him. Ross an d Miller must not have been happy with the gift, so they hooked handlebars in a high-banked right-hander and went d own in a pile . Fabel steered by the tw o rid ers as Miler wa s getting up. Thorwald son, Morgan and Sutter to ok th e ch ecker s in that or der. . Mot o tw o w as not nearly as ev entfu l. Thor- waldson, Morgan and Sutter ran aw ay with first, second and third, respectively. Results P /W : 1. Joel Grossko ph (Suz ); 2. Doug Ness ler (KTM); 3. Tony N~r (KTht ); 4. NKhole 8.lrkky (1t.J. ). 60: 1. Jerome lCle~ (Ka w ); 2. Matt Hull (K.l w); 3. Mar k Hull (K.a. ). w 80 BEG: 1. Ryan Manh... (Yam); 1. Mike Bmtrick (Suz ); 3. Tommy Cook (Han ).' 80 JR: 1. Ryan Leyba (Yam ); 2. Rocky Audenfied (!Caw ), 80 INT: 1. Dra~ McElmy (Han). 125 BEG: 1. Dustin Eatherly (Yam ); 2. Cole Thurston (tc..w ); 3. Edd ie Moo re (Kaw); 4. Bron Tschumperlin (Yam ); 5. Seeve Seitz 1Suz, 125 JR: 1. Ad am Portue (5uz ); 2. Keith Burnette (5 uz) ; 3. ~ann.a Stillmock (Hon ); 4. je rem y Evans (lion); 5. Wes Cone la" (Suz ). 250 BEG: 1. Dmnis Den a ult (Hon); 2. Kenny Pirkl~ (Hon); 3. Neil Allan (Kaw>; 4. Dare Manning (Ha n); S. Rob Casey (Hon). 250 JR: 1. Richa rd IMrkf"r (Hon ); 2. Josh Lemm (Hon); 3. Ron Hcnea (Ha n); 4. Pete Cannizzaro (Hon ); 5. Tom Chaiffin (Han). 250 INT: 1. Ja n Boo dy (Ho n ); 2. Jus tin Ma atalk a (Han); 3. Kev in Ha rgett (Ya m); 4. Jon Vol e r (Han) . m 250 PRO : 1. Scott Stillmack (Ha n) ; 2. Bria n Eld t'T (Han); 3. Kenny La.'l (Suz ); 4. G reg Mu to (Ha n). h VET PRO : 1. Tim Dyer (lio n); 2. John H'allilhan (Suz) ; 3. Jay Hl1'ing (KTM); 4. Al McElroy (Ho n); 5. Jon Varn er (Hon). VET NOV : I. Rich Ho lland (KTM ); 2. Eddi e Moore (Hon); 3. Ter ry Wenger (Ha n); 4. Gilbert Otick (Suz); 5. Mark Hildeb rand (Ha n). VET l\'Ioi : 1. Jeff McCo llu m (Hon): 2. Jdck Morg.m (KTM ); 3. DAn Mills (Kaw) ; 4. Keith Man<; ietd (Yam). f OT B: 1. John Dirickson (Han); 2. Bob Fabe l (Hon); 3. John Millf"r(Kaw ); 4. Phil An dL 'TSOn (Hon ); 5. Jim Nvrehn (Kaw ). OT A: I. Richa rd Tho rw ald.'lon o·lon); 2. jack Morgan (KTM); 3. Sro n Sutter (Hon). 4. Tom Mu to (Hon); 5. Oayton Ross (Suz ). Butler kicks at LACR Motocross By Greg Robertson PALMDALE, CA. FEB. 25 John Butler rebo un d ed from a fall in the second moto to cap tu re the 12Scc Beginner-class overal l honors with a 1-2 score during California Racing Oub's Sunday motocross at los Angeles County Raceway. Bu tler ma de his inten tions clear by nailing the Mt-mot o holesho t ahead of Lars Lind strom. Ch ar les Cook and Justin Komoff. With only a lap com p leted Butle r wa s well ou t fro nt, with Ko m off fen di ng off Cook and Mike Mill er in secon d place. Butler continued to set the pace in the top sp ot as .Coo k overtook Komoff for the ru n ner ~ u p position. ,M iller d ived underneath Komoff in a tum to take over third. Miller tried a block pass on Cook, but stuffed his front wh eel over a berm and d id a hea der into th e sa nd . Komoff fought his wa y past Cook, with Coo k staying close until he went down hard on a fast, choppy straight and dropped out of contentio n. When the checkers fell it was Butler all by him self ou t fro nt. Ko m off came acro ss th e finish a lonely second . Miller held of Lindstr om du rin g the last couple of laps for a hard-fought third. Lindstrom gra bbed th e secon d~mo to s tart just in fron t of Komoff and Butler. A three- rid er ba ttle for the lead was sha ping up wh en Butler lost his front end in a tum and picked hi mself up off the gro und in fifth place. Lindstrom and Komoff diced up front for a coup le of laps until Kom off cr ash ed an d bro ke off his rear br ake Lex Malan (1) was first overall In the 125cc Pro class in California Racing Club's • Sunday motocross at Los Angeles County Raceway, Lars Lindstrom (303) was righ t behind him in the second moto, for a fourth overall. SAturday 125 PRO: 1. Vincen t Kamow (Kaw); 2. Chuc k Reed (Suz); 3. 'osh Dem ut h (Yam); 4. Caylon Dickson (ya m); 5. Tommy Co llie r (Suz ). 250 PRO : 1. Caylon Dic kso n (Yam) ; 2. vt ecent Ka rnow ) (Kaw) ; 3. Mike Karin (Ha n); 4. Ch eck Reed (Su:t. ; 5. Jim Jo nes (Suz) . MICRO (4-6 ): 1. Garret Gatre ll (KTM); 2. Tyler Maxel (KTM); 3. Corey Smi th (KTM) ; 4. Ryan Ivers (JCTh1 ); 5. Haven Ho ldcro ft (KThl, MICRO (1-8): 1. Zach Ames (KTM); 2. TiUU1er Reed (Cob ); 3. W.B. Wilson (LEM) ; 4. c.t. Westl er (LEM ); 5. Matt Spaulding pedal and called it a day . By the ha lfway point Lindstrom held a comfortable to-second adv antage over Mill er , w ho wa s a n eq ua l di stance ahead of But ler , who had make h is way in to third. Miller oversho t a tum allowing Butler to close to his back fend er. With the whit e flag out, Butl er slid underneath Miller to steal second pla ce. Lindstrom cruised to the second moto win. but it was Butler's come-from-behind ride th at ea rne d the b iggest tr ophy . Lindstrom picked up the second-place trophy with 4-1 finishes ahead of Miller' s 3-3. Results P /W YAM {D-6 ~ 1. Shawn Buder; 2.l"ick Robertson; 3. Bl,ab 4. frUllin 8«kwTth; 5. Chad Cllipuzio. S/STK (0-6): 1. Kyle Bergantz (KTM~ 5 /STX (7-9): 1. Robert M.lnoli (KTM~. 60 (0-8 ): 1. Tate Misiaszek (K.i.w ). 60 (9- 11): 1. Aa ron Bergantz (Kaw); 2. Anthony Barb aco vi (Kaw); 3. Troy Ti ttl ~ (Kaw). flO BEG: 1. Kit Kunat h (Yam); 2. Aaron Bergantz (Su z); 3. CbevneRemolds (Ho n). · 80 (7.1"1): 1. ShllneSmith (Hon). 80 (12-13): 1. Brent Gilliam (Yam ); 2. T)'!lM TIttlemif"r (Hon); 3. J.du· Stavana (Suz). 80 (14-16): 1. MicNel Young (Hon). BW: 1. Kenny Seely (Kaw) . 125 BEG: l , JOM Butler (Hon); 2. l "rs lindlOtro m (Ho n); 3. Mike Miller (Suz); 4. Kenny Yarnall (Yam); 5. Pau l Smith (Kilw). 125 NOV : 1. Du.ity Walters (Yam); 2. Scott Priputt'n (yam ); 3. ' Kevin Tawn!lt'nd (Hon); 4. Tylt'l' Buck (Suz) . 250 BEG : 1. Todd Brown (Yam) ; 2. Ke vin We h r (KTM ); 3. Cha rlf'!!St. Kom ain (Yam ); 4. Mike Embry (Yam); 5. Ca!lt')' Janll.'tCn (Hon). 2SONOV: 1. Cole Townsend (Ho n); 2. Brian Hill (Yam ). 250 INT : 1. Pa ul Gilmartin (Ha n ); 2. Shawne Chamberlin (Yam). 125 PRO; 1. LA Mala n (Su z ); 2. Te rr-.,nce Ma lan (Suz); 3. ", Jimm y Lavorci (Suz) ; 4. Erik Lindstom (Hon). JR VET BEG: 1. Roo ger Leitner (Hon); 2. P.uha Afsh.1.r(Yam); 3. Larry Page (Yam); 4. Adam Alush (Han). JR VET NOV: 1. Jimmy Roberts (Hon); 2. Gabi Aba you (Hon); 3. David Williams (Hon}. JR VETIl'I.'T: 1 .Geo ~Wa nacr( K1M ). JR VET EX: 1. Zahrt (Yam ). VET BEG: 1. Edd ie ~a (Yam); 2. Matt Mw Aran t (K.1w ); 3. M.Irk Nolen (Hon); 4. Greg H unsaIr.eT(Hoo ~ 5. Tom Patton (Yam ). VET NOV : 1. Dav;d Williams (Suz); 2. Eri c Barr (Han); 3. Ph ilip Kuhn (Ya m) ; 4. M.ario Ram os (H a n ); S. John Chapman (Yam ). VET L'lT: I. Mik Mc.'d illen (Suz); 2. G«Jrge W~ (KTM ); 3. Randy TItttl emieT (Hoo) . VET EX: 1. Jon ahrt (Yam ); 2. Eric Us.u (Yam ). SRBEG:1. Mi kr McMillen (Kaw) . SR EX: 1. lW1dy AndenlOn (Yam). OTH G BEG; 1. And y Mairs (Yam ); 2. Edd y McEnft (Hoo); 3. St~e Matson (Yam); 4. Umer o n Moo re (Ho n) ; 5. Bob Breach ~ 'on (yom. antG BEG (3S+): 1. RyanGtasz. OTHG NOV : 1. St~ Av~issian (H o n ); 2. Bla ke K~r (Yam); 3. Brian Burt (Yam); 4. Scott Whe\oler (Han); 5. John Currarwa (H=, OTHG NO V (38+) 1. Rick Robert. (H on); 2. Ken Yarne ll (Hon); 3. Kirk Lukrolb (Hon);: 4. Rarry Hal e (KTM ). OTHG !NT: 1. Phil Me ans (Hon); 2. Carl Powell (Hon); 3. David Rodrigues (Hon); 4. Tun Rash (Suz); 5. Roger Ha yes (Han). ODIC [NT (38+) : 1. J~Stnn (lion); 2. Dan ~ rdino (Suz ); 3. Rob T(JWTlIt>y;4. Louie Springer (Yam). OTH G EX: I. Da vid Farjardo (Ya m) ; 2. Matt Wood w ard (Hon); 3. RubEon Alv.arado; 4. Scott Burger (Yam); 5. Ca rl08 Johnaon (Yam ). o rn G PRO: 1. Marc Johnson (Suz); 2. C rai g Hofmei.ter (Hon); 3. Jim Henn (KTM). Ames on target at AMS Indoor Motocross By Carl Davis MARION, OH, FEB. 17 ·18 Zach Ames did some great work at rou nds six a nd seven of th e Ameri can Motosp o rts Oh io Indoor Championshi p Series. The Micro di vision provided some of the closest racing actio n of the wee kend, as the track see me d eusto m~ made for th e 50cc m ach ines . CLEM. 65 (1·11 ): 1. Will Browning (; 2. 0uU Whiteriilh ( ); 3. Mike Willard (Ka w ); 4. Kvle Preston (Ka w) ; 5. Oil Rhode. (Kaw}. . 80 (1~11): 1. Oris Whi tcraft (Suz); 2. Cody MaBtin (Su:t.); 3. Kyle Preston (Kaw); 4. K.A . Willard (K.I w); S. Oillon Rhodes (Hon' 1M) (12-13): 1. David Whitcraft (Suz ); 2. Derrick Dewitt (Hon); 3. loth I-Wnilton (Hon ); 4. JoeShatp (Yam); 5. Tiffany Re.!d (Ka w). 80 (14-15): 1. c.J. Leach(Yam); 2. MiUy Tumblom (5uz); 3. Amanda ....trin ISuzt 4. Denny (}lon, 125 SB.: 1. Ian Hammond (Suz ); :. Shaun Kuchler (Hon); 3. Scott Kuchl er (H a n ); 4. Ryan Lutz (Honl; 5. David Wh itcr aft • (Y~~ Josh Jones (Suz); 2. J~tin Saba (K.Jw); 3. Da rlene SdunitztoT (Suz ),; 4. Jason Haman (Kaw); 5. Matt Lasco (Suz }. 125 B: 1. Mark Bur~Art (Hon); 2. Joey B.lJinger (Han ); 3. Jwolin Story (Han); 4. Pat Thrall (Hon):: 5. D.armI Pitmnger (Hon ). 2SO C: 1. Adam Ross (Kaw ); 2. Todd B.anK"S (Suz); 3. Chad Walters (Yam ):: 4. RobDra.Jr.r (Suz); 5. Troy Putc"ntnier (Y.m). :zso B: 1. Joey Ballinger (Hon); 2. Barry Hall (Hon ),;3. G ~ H ubbs (Hon); 4. Brad Dixon (K.I w); 5. Richard Scott (Hon). 500: 1. Mike Russell (Hon); 2. Randy Ma.'ltin (KTM); 3. Steve AnneshansJey (Hon). 16-24 ; 1. Bury H a ll (Han ); 2. Da rr el Pits inger ( Ho n ); 3. Nathan Dickerson (H a n); 4. ju sti n Story (Ha n ); 5. Brad Ligh ter (SUZ). 25+ ~1. Gene Onail (Ka w ); 2. Mi k~ Ho gan (H a n) ; 3 . Jon Schm itz (Han); 4. Davi d Stover (Han); 5. Ouck NicholllOR (Suz ). 30+: 1. Jo n Sch mitz (Hon); 2. Steve Annt"5han s ley (Ha n ); 3. Je rry Benn ett (Ha n ); 4. Ch uck N ichol!lOn (Suz); 5. Em lighter (Hon). • 40+: 1. Cerry Bennett (Han); 2. Jim Ad a ms (Hon); 3. Ca rl Davis ()(.aw) ; 4. Joe Breeo wekt (Kaw); 5. Doug Sh ultt (Kaw ). WMN ; 1. Tiffany Reed (Hon ); 2. Kim Leach (Yam ); 3. Ama n· da Masli ng (Suz ); 4. Sherri Stephens (Kaw). Sun da y 125 PRO: 1. Ch uck Reed (5uz); 2. Vincent Kamow (Kaw); 3. To m my Collier (Suz); 4 _ Eddie Va nba Jlego (Ka w ); S. Chuck Nlchobon. . 250 PRO: 1. Josh Demuth (Yam); 2. Mike Katin (Ho n); 3. Mike Morgan (yam); 4. Vincent Kamow (Kaw ); 5. Ch uck Reed (Suz). MICRO (4-6) : 1. Tyl er Max e l ( KT M); 2. Gar re tt Gatreell (KTM); 3. Haven Holdcroft (KTM); 4. Ryan Ivers (KTM); 5. Cory Hught>s. MICRO (7-8): 1. lam Ames (KTM); 4. Ryan Iv~ (KTM ); 5. Cory Hughes. 65 (7-11): I. Otris Whilc"aft (KaW); 2. Will Browning (Kaw ); 3. Mike WWard (KaW); 4. J~ Pavlov (KaW); S. Oke)' Johnson. 80 (1-11): 1. Willy Browning (Yam ); 2. Chris Whitcraft (Suz~ 3. K.A . Willard (Han); 4. ~I Will.trd (Kaw).: 5. Cody Munn. 80 (12-13): 1. David Whitcraft (Suz); 2. 0reTrid Orwitt (Hon); 3. Joe Sharp (yam); 4. Josh Ha mi lton ( Ho n ); 5. Bran d on Ca r r 125 C: 1. (lCaw ). 80 (14-15): 1. C.I. Leach (Yam ); 2. Amanda Moutin (Suz); 3. Mike)'Tumblom (Suz);:4. Craig Ttehansky (Yam ). US 58 : 1. Sha un Kuchler (Ho n ); 2. Mike Mercn' (Suz ); 3. Scott Kucnk!or (Hon ); 4. Joe Sharp (Yl m );:5. J.D. Eidwr (Han); 125 C: 1. Josh Jones (Suz); 2. Derrick Holland (Xaw); 3. J.D. Echrr (Hon );: 4. Joe Sn yd er (Hon); 5. JCIOn HetnW\ (Kaw). 125 8 : 1. Ma rk BurlJwt (Hon); 2. Ian H unmond (Su:t.); 3. Joey&Dinger (lion); 4. Ju.omnStory (Hon); S. Dare! P\tsinger. 250 C: 1. Jemny Lu tz: (Hon ); ::..Adam Rou (lCaw); 3. Man (KTM );:4. Owl Walms (Yam); S. Jay Pening er (Hon). 250 B: I. Mark Bur khart (Hon); 2. Joey Ballinger (Hon); 3. JuMin Story (Hon); 4. Brad Dixon (Kaw); 5. Richard Scott(Honl. SOO: 1. Mi ke RIWeII (Han); 2. Sln"e Annnhansley (Hon); 3. Ca rl Davis (Kaw); 4. Rand y Mutin (KTM ). 16-24: 1. Justin Story (Hon); 2. Na than Dickerson (Han); 3. Barry Han (Hon); 4. Brad Dixon (Kaw ); S. RU::ha.rd Scon (Han). SOO: 1. Mik e Rus.o;ell (Hon); 2. Steve Annmarodey (Hon ); 3. Car l Davis (lCaw); 4. Rand y Mutin (KThi). 16-24: 1. Jus tin Story (Hon); 2. Na than Diilirson (Hon ); 3. Barry Hall (Hon ); 4. Brad Dixon (Kaw); 5. Darr!-II Pitsinger (Hon). 25+; I. Mike Hog an (Hon);: 2. Mike Morgan (Ho n); 3. o.uck Nicho l!lOn (Suz); 4. Steve- Anncshansley (Hon); S. Ge rry Bennett (Hon). 30+: 1. O ud: Nic ho lso n (Suz ); 2. R.andy Ma stin (KTM); 3. Gerry ~ (Hon); 2. Carl Davia (Hon); 3. jim Ad ams (Han); 4. Doug Shu ltz (Ka w ); S. Joe Bre:wwsJd (Kaw). WM N : 1. Amanda Mastin (Suz); 2. Kim Leach (Yam); 3. Tiffan y Reed (Hon); 4. Stephanie Reed (Hon); 5. Sherr! Stt>phena . Lockwood lands a double at Belden Hills Motocross By Kelvin L Herrala BElDEN HILLS, NY, FEB. 18 ATK-mo un ted ace Gary Lockwood storm ed to two class wi ns and took over the series points lead in both the SR B and the 251-{)pen class. Gary H ask ell blast ed off the line getting a beautiful holeshot , followed by Mike Schultze, Matt Murphy, Gary Lockwood and Joe Arcessi . But th e new layout in the woods proved to be too demanding for Mitchell, who went off course and dropped out of the top five. Everimproving Schultze assumed the lead and set a very good pace . Lockwood made short work of Murphy and th en se t hi s sigh ts on Sch ultze . Using his experience against the first-year rider Lockwood took ove r the lead. but Schul tze hung tough and stayed close right to the finish, turning in his best performance of the year. lockwood won with Schu ltze in second and Murphy finishing third. In 25l-{)pen action. Lockwood thundered off the line stealing the hole shot, followed by David Decay. Kelvin Herrala stalled his bike on the line and was forced to come from dead last. Lock wood. just ran awa y from the field, ridi ng a flaw less race with Herr ala on the move all the wa y up to seco nd pla ce, bu t Lockwood proved too fast to catch . Results SR B: 1. Gdry lockwoOd (AT K); 2. Mik e Sch ultz (Ya m); 3. Ma tt hew Murph y (Ka w); 4. Joe A l'Ct'8Si (Ha n); S. Gary Haskell (Suz). 201-250: 1. John Steward (KTM) ; 2 . Jam t!SSchu ltze (Yam ); 3. Hei nrich Sdnder (Kaw ); 4 . TIm Jackson (Yam ). SR A: I. Bruce Mill er (Ka w ); 2. Ja me s Spencer (Ka w ); 3. Kelvin Hernia (Hon). lNT /EX : 1. Ma rco Morello (Kaw ); 2. RUSIIeIi Bauer (Yam); 3. Kev in Brown (Han); ~ . Luke McN eil (KTM ); 5. Da vid Bra dl e y (Yam ). EX; 1. Scott Phe lps (yam); 2. Michael Green (Ka w) ; 3. Je ff Fru tchey (Kdw ); 4. Craig Es~IIe; S. James Mitrowitt (ATM). NOV ; 1. John Roys (Kawl; 2. Mike Perry (Yam ); 3. Dennis Canfield (Hon); 4. jo hn Richlin (Hon); 5. Jt'!If;l!' 8ert hla une (Kaw ). ~100 AM 1. Dan Hadaway (Kaw ); 2. Jim Sz:~k (Han); 3. Mki'wel WilIi.ams (Hon); 4 . George I..oomis (Yam ). 251.QPEN: 1. Gary Lockwood (ATK ); 2. ~Ivin He rraLa(Oss); 3. David Deca (Han ). y Ryan Rips 'emat Wailua Motocross By WIlliam Sm ith KAUAL HAW FEB.25 AIL Round two of th e Gard en Isl and Mot orcycl e Club 's High Point Series saw some exciting racing action as John Ryan took the 12Scc Expert class win. Ryan battled Keola Ebes u thro ughou t the da y. The heat-race lead changed severa l times with Ebesu co ming out the winner. When it ca me time fo r th e main e ven t, th e spe cta to rs were on the ir feet. The gate dropped, and the rivals went at it again, runn ing side by side entering tu rn one . John Ryan took th e insi de line, which gave him the lead with Kecla Ebesu rig h t behi n d him. Once again th e two ri ders exchanged the lead from lap to lap. With John Ryan in the lead with two laps to go, Ebesu cut to the inside un der John Ryan only to come up short and fall down, giving John Ryan·the mai nevent win. Other racing action saw 125cc Amateur-class rider Kikila McCullen lead his race from start to finish, thus mo ving up to the Expert class. Results 50: 1. Puna Gai la rdo; 2. Bran don Scribner; 3. Kyle Smith. 60: 1. Kala Gi ttril"l'; 2. Kawai Watana be; J . DUstinScribner. 80: I. Miby Mindo nJ';"2 Rabbi.. Silva; 3. Oarles Bronx.. . 125 AM: 1. Kikila McCullen; 2. J O!leph T"eira; 3. JeffBerry . l. US EX: 1. john Ryan; 2. Ktoo Ebesu.: 3. Rod Din. 250 NOV: I. Ke lly Fra ncisco ; 2. ' a mes Carvalho; 3. Burl "",,cha . 2SOAM: 1. Canen Hookano; 2. Rawlin Kanoho. VET: I . Rod Dill; 2.)eff Berry; 3. Ton y Fari as . TR: 1. R.a.wlin Kanoho 2. JOIot"ph Texeira. ; 4-STRK: 1. DarT't'fI H uhita te. MSTR: 1. Tommy Pereu. WMN : 1. M.aileF.ariu. Sellards solid at Summit Arenacross By Jeff Goodwin AKRON,OH,FEB.23-25 Brock Sellards overcame strong challenges from Mike Katin an d Keith Bowen to claim all six Proclass victori es at the Summit Aren across. Bowen look ed fast durin g Frid ay' s practice sessio n and rep uted ly w a s th e fas tes t rid er thr ou gh the whoop s in the l 80s, but crashed in the "Patri ot Pounders" when he slowed to le t Brock Sellards pa ss. Bow en d ep arted with an injured shoulde r. The l8-year -old Sell a rds won both of Frid ay's 12Scc A and 250cc A mains d esp ite poor sta r ts . Sellards h ol esh ot Saturd a y' s 125cc A mai n an d p roceeded to decimate the competition. Sellards lap ped the entire field an d sa id afterward, "They we re all ba tt lin g with ea ch other takin g insides , so I coul d use all the goo d lines." Saturday's 250cc A main was led by Vince Kamow for 14 laps before Kamow succum bed to Sellard's pressure. Sellards took the wi n with

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