Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 03 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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than a minute dear of Davis, who conceded th e w in so mewhere in the last four miles of the race. Summers crossed the finish line with a lead of 63 seconds on Davis, who in tu rn was more than two an d a half minut es clear of Hatch. Following at app roximately one-minute in te rva ls were Sm ith , Andre w s and Plessinger. Seven th overall Coope r wa s nine full minutes behind the lead er, followed by Johnson, Hawkins and Tom No rton. 0 (Left) Rodney Sm ith , here banging bars with a lapped rider, fin ished fourth. (Below) Guy Cooper was an early leader but physically ran out of gas before It was all over. He would end up seventh. (Left) Steve Hatch (10) passed teammate Rodney Smith on the last lap for third at the finish. along and lapped riders were getting ou t o f th e way for. us , bu t once I h it th e lapped rider and hit the tree those other tw o guy s w er e gone. Lapped riders wouldn't get out of the way after that. I think that Scott has a big ad van tage in those situa tions becau se they he ar him com ing and they get ou t of his wa y. I was fighting and fighting to get by them but they just wo uld n' t m ove." Once Smith lost sigh t of what was left of the front-runners, the race broke do wn into a fin al two-ma n duel betw een Summers and Davis. Smith wo uld lose th e fin al podium spot to a late-charging Hatch. . As th e tw o lead ers began their last, franti c lap of just over 24 minutes, Summers made a loud statemen t by staying right on Davis' fender all the way aro un d the fast, slick. hard pack Ocala motocross track. The 28-year-old Kentuckian. never a motocros ser, even double-jumped his way over a 7o-foot downhill d ouble that only a few riders in the field were dearing. "I was wa iting for the last lap," said Summers. "You can save energy by followin g people, and I was actually getting a ridi ng lesson on the mot ocross tr ack each lap by following those guys. I don't ride that much motocross, and some of these other guys do. I watched the lines, wa tched what th ey were d oing, saved some energy, and then just let it all go on the last lap . My bike might have had a little bit of an advantage on the track at that point because it's so much heavier. I get traction on th e slick stuff whe re th ose guys can't." Havin g m atch ed Davi s through th e section tha t should have been to Davis' strongest advan ta ge, Summers w as in control because the race woul d be settled back in th e wo ods where Summe rs thri ves. Within a mil e th e big Ho nda w ould po w e r in to the lead . Within another m ile Summer s was th e clear lea de r, having pulled a handful of seconds on the Kawa saki off-road wizard. " Ty came up on a lapper and went w ide, an d I wen t o n th e insid e a nd passed both of them," said Summers of the final pass of the day. "I picked it up a nothe r not ch, and I in st antly pulled away from him. I figured that if I could just lu nge out from Ty and get away a little bit, he would ha ve a har d time catching up," said Summers. "I thought th at he migh t make a mistake at that poin t, w hich was exactly what hap pened . He disa ppeared from behind me and I took off. I'm really happy that he wasn't able to stay with me." -"On ce he got in front of me he took off, " ad ded Davis. "I was ready to go with him and see what happened at the end, bu t a couple of lappers got between us and that was it. In a race like this the lappers are as big an obstade as anything else . You ha ve to be a little lu cky out there.", In the wan ing mom ents of the race, Summers made an impromptu pit stop in on e of th e sa ndy fiel ds to give his Honda a quick dri nk of gasoline to make su re he mad e it to the finis h line. The b rief pi t stop was both necessary and meaningless, as Summers was now more Ocala Motorsports Complex Ocala, Rorida Results: March 5, 1996 (Round 1 of 12) 0Ik. 1. Scott Summers (Hon); 2. Ty Davis (Kaw) ; 3. Ste ve H at ch (Suz); 4. Ro d n ey Smith (Suz); 5. Fred Andrews (Ya m) ; 6. Sco tt P lessinger (KTM); 7. Gu y Cooper (Suz); 8. Keith [ohnson (Kaw ); 9. Randy Hawkins (Suz); 10. Tom Norton (Yam); 11. Fra nk Keeg an (Yarn); 12. Brian Keegan (Yam); 13. Scott Phelps (Yam); 14. Tim Shephard (Yam); 15. Daryl Conner (Yam); 16. Gene Onail (Kaw); 17. Todd Morain (Yam); 18. Mike Morri s (Yam); 19.)an Hrehor (Yam) 20. R.J. Bennett (K1M). PRO: 1. Scott Summers (Hon) ; 2. Ty Davis (Kaw), 3. St eve Ha tch (Suz); 4 . Rodney Smith (Su z); 5 . Fred Andrews (Yam). . 200 A: 1. Jim Iarrett (Yam); 2. Heath Bennett (yam); 3. Sh awn Mason (H on); 4. Kenneth Law (Yam); 5. Lee Daley (Yam). 2SO k 1. Daryl Conner (Yam ); 2. Gene Onail (Kaw ); 3. Todd Morain (Yam) ; 4. Mike Morris (Yam); 5. Ashley Brewer (Suz~ O PEN A: 1. Rodney Judson (Hon); 2. Harve y Whi taker (Hon); 3. Micha el Amede (Ka w ). 4. Rodn ey e Hastin (K1M); 5. Jeff veatey (KTM). 4-STRK A: 1. John Shaffer (Suz); 2. Craig Borders (Hon~ 3. James MitcheD (Hon ); 4. Ralph Thorn (Suz ); 5. Donald Bigley (Suz) . VET k 1. T un Shephard (Yam); 2. Jan Hrehor (yam): 3. Van", Earl (Yam); 4. Tom Carson (Suz) ; 5. Steve Ezell (Yam) . SR k 1. Rick Kresi c (Suz); 2. Terry Mealer (Yam~ 3. Scott Woldersberger (Yarn); 4. Jeff Harris (Suz); S.Jerry Randall (Hus). SlSR k 1. Emmett Cox J'. (Suz); 2. Harry Greenlee (Yam ~ 3. Dennis Wegner (Kaw); 4. Uoyd Widener (Hon); 5. Joe Lojak (Yam). 200 B: 1. Chris Gallt (Kaw~ 2. Terry Spencer (Yarn); 3. Craig Copeland (Hon~ 4. Randy Hale (Kaw); 5. Kevin Callahan (Hon). 2SO B: 1. Chris Hicks (K1M);.2. Michael Oamratosld (Hon ); 3. Pete Sebelski (Hon~ 4. Mickey Frantz (Yam): 5. Doug Masencup (Yam). OPEN B: 1. Robe rt Ledford (KTM); 2. Robert Lich (Ka w ); 3. W. Robi n McCl a in (l

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