Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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• d ominant that he was able to reach the chicane on the back straigh t jus t as his nearest competitors we re corning off the w est end banking d urin g the second la p . Rog ers finished a d istant second ahead of BSA-mounted Bobb y Winte rs. "1 guess Rop er didn't start the race, and I didn't know w ha t Rog er s was go ing to d o," Math ew s said . "Nobody was giving me any signa ls, so I di dn' t k now wher e I was ou t there. After a w hile, I looked back and I di d n't see anyo ne." Meanwhile, He nning was looking for hi s second wi n in as many attemp ts as th e 350cc GP di vision shared the track wi th the Classic '60s. Once again, Hen ning was tou gh as he moved u p to d ice wi th Rogers and left second-placed Jack Seaver and third -finishing Jason Bessey far behind. "That bike has only ever been beaten twice," Henning said. "There again, the motor in that one is all my own stuff ." Henning's chance for a pe rfect wee kend was derailed when the engine let go o n hi s H ond a 500 d uri ng th e 500 cc Sportsman event. Instead, Aue r stepped up and took his first win of the weekend a11bard a 1960 BMW RSO in th e cras hshortene d ev en t. Sea ver and Mi ch ael Math ews collected th e pla ce and show positions, respectively, on a pair of Hondas , Henning returned later in the d ay with a different 500cc motor in the same chas sis and proved once agai n th at his bikes m ak e' plenty of horsepower by narrowly d efeating Ed Sall ey fo r th e 750cc Sportsman win while giving aw ay some 250cc of disp lacement. D ave Rosno holeshot the Formula 500 class on his '76 CB400F and held the lead for several lap s before Chuck Huneycutt carne calling on a shrieking Barber' s 1974 MV 500. Rosno.did ail that he could to hold off th e charg ing Huneycutt, but lapped traffic carne into pla y on th e last of the six laps and se t the stage for a shoo tout to the finish . Huneycutt got a good d ri ve as th e lead pair came off the west end banking and then hurtled past Rosno on the back straigh t before the chicane. That was all the ad van tage that Hunycutt would need as the superior spee d of the MV allowed . him to pull away. Rosno still finished a noble second over Rick Newman "That's the first time that I'd ever ridd en the bike," Huneycutt said. "1 was trying to be safe on it, becau se it is what it is, and 1 didn't want to bring it back in a wad. 1 didn't think I would catch him, but there he was: ' Mathews was looking for a simi lar result on th e Barb er' s MV 750, but he carne up sho rt as Robert Holden disappeared from.sight to tak e the victo ry on a 1969 Triumph. Kurt Lieb mann fin is he d third a boa r d a 19 70 H ond a CR750. Liebmann finishe d ou t h is da y on a higher note by w inni ng the "o pen" For- . mula Vintage event. After a seesaw battle with the MV-mounted Huneycutt an d Richard Moore on a Triumph triple, Liebmann pulled out all the stops and passed Huneycutt for the lead in turn on e on la p three. After Huney cutt' s mount faltered, Liebmann was in the clear. It was a pleasing vict ory for th e former BMW factory rider, who h ad high p raise for his crew. "We holed a piston yesterday," Liebm ann said. "We flew in th e parts, and my guys got it together thi s morning. Team Amol rules!" And with that, AHRMA Classics Days drew to a close, not to return again until next year when the rid ers and fans will most certainly return to "remember when" all over again. CN (Above) Stephen Mathews opened Tuesday's vi ntage eve nts at Dayt ona with total domin ati on over th e Classic '60s class. (Right) Chuc k Hun eycutt topped th e Formula 500 cla ss on a Barber's MV Agusta. Dayt ona Int ernati onal Speedwa y Daytona Beach, Flo rida Results: Marc h 4-5, 1996 Monday 200 GP : 1. Ton y Sm ith (Ma il; 2. David Fabian {Mail; 3. Bob Barke r (H-D); 4. Chris LaCru:ze (Bul ); 5. Charles Sexto n (BuI); 6. Pe ter Squires (Yam); 7. Mike Kirby (Bri); 8. Eric Smith (Ho n) ; 9. Michael Gontesky (Due); 10. Stephen DeCamp (Hon) ; 11. Eric Pritchard (Tri); 12. Dennis Macal uso (BSA); 13. Butch Sp rai n (H on ); 14. Ru ssell C riswell (Hon); 15. Bill Pill in g (Hon); 16. Ro n Kala nquin (Bul); 17. Curtis Harper (Hod ); 18. William Murar (Sea) . PRE -l94O: I. Stewart Rogers (Nor); 2. Ralph Auer (BMW); 3. Butch Baer (ln d); 4. Doc Batsleer (In d ); 5. AI Kna pp (H-D) ; 6. Beno Rodi (N or): 7. Tim Droege (H·D); 8. Terry Kubiak (Ind); 9. Erich Bley (BMW). F-2S0: 1. Richa rd Merhar (Yam); 2. George Tay lor (Yam ); 3. Brad Palme r (Yam); 4. John Turner (Yam); 5. Rich Barger (Yarn); 6. Joey Urbanowski (Yam); 7. Sakis Vasilopoulos (Yam); 8. James Coe (Ya m ); 9. Charles Lu ndy (Ho n) ; 10. Tupper Rob in son (B ul); 11 . John Easton (C-A); 12. Jerry Kinz l (Yam ); 13. Pete Furkey (Yam ); 14. Joh n Louck (Rok ). CLASS C: 1. Stewart Rogers (Nor); 2. Ralph Auer (BMW); 3. Norman Ne lson (No r); 4. Erich Bley (BMW); . 5. Pat McH en ry (lnd); 6. Mark Sa m uel son (N or); 7. Ca rleton Palmer II (Vin ); 8. Fred Mork (No r); 9. Stuart Ha ll (BSA); 10. Tho mas Kerr Sr. (Vin); 11. Doc Batsleer (In d); 12. Thomas Hei d (H·D); 13. AI Kna pp (H-D); 14. Be no Rod i (RE) ; 15 . Arthur De lor (Ind); 16. Mike Hawthorn (Vin); 17. Kenn y Pru itt (Mus); 18. Bob Barker (Gil); 19. Bu tch Baer (lnd); 20. Arthur Moon M ullin (H · D); 21. Leo Anthony (H- D); 22. Pierre Baril (H- D). 250 GP , I. Jay Richardson (Due); 2. Charles Sexton (Bu l); 3 . Kemp Archibald (Due); 4. Siegfried Guttner (H D); 5. Alex MeLea n (Suz); 6. Jimm y Yarbrough (Bul); 7. Sandra Cap rara (MV); 8. David Kay (Aer); 9. Reg Bolton (Due); 10. Larry Poons (Du e); 11. Jam es Varn es, (Due); 12. Richard Bon elli (Yam) ; 13. Greg Bonelli (Suz) ; 14. Lee Florin (H·D ); IS. Da vid Gol dstein (BuI ); 16. Curtis H a rper (Bu l); 17. Barry Hatter (Du e); 18. Mike Kirby (Bri); 19. Robert Brangaccio (Due); 20. Den nis MacAl uso (BSA); 21. Bill Pil ling (Due); 22. Jeff Moreh ouse (Due); 23. Davi d Fabian (Mai); 24. Tony Sm ith (Mai); 25. Bren t Wragg (Bu l) ; 26. Bu tch Sp rain (Hon); 27. Ru s sell C riswell (Ha n ); 28. Michael Gon tesk y (Du e); 29. Eric Smith (Ho n ); 30. Jody Han ce (Due). 350 GP: 1. David Roper (AJS); 2. Thomas Marquardt (H o n ): 3 . Chuck H uneycutt (H on ); 4. Joe Lach ni et (Yam ); 5 . Johnny Dem oise y (Tri) ; 6. Jay Richa rdson (Du e); 7. Ad rian Sellars (Nor); 8. Bru ce Redding (AJS); 9. Werner Carper (Aer); 10 . Rus s Mowry (D u e); 11. Edward Sense nig (Due); 12. Neville H all-Reace (Due); 13. Davi d Rhyneh art (Hon); 14. Gregg Bonelli (Suz); IS . Richard Bonelli (Yarn); 16. Kouichi Matsuda (Hon); 17. A llan johncock (No r); 18. Step hen McKinl ey (y am ); 19. Barry Hatt er (Due ); 20. Charles Sexto n (Bul); 21. jody Ha nc e (Due); 22. Keii chi A wa e (Hon); 23 . Kenneth Bak er (D ue ); 24. A le x Mcle a n (Su z) ; 25. Edw ard LaCruze (Du e); 26 . St e wa rt Roger s (Due) ; 27. Don Fromm (Du e); 28. Joh n Kain (AJS). 500 PREM: 1. Todd Henn ing (Hon); 2. Stephen Mathews (Ma t); 3. Gian franco Bonera (MV); 4. Ch uck Huneycutt (See); 5. Stewart Rogers (Ma t); 6. Kurt Liebman (Hon); 7. John Lon g (Du e); 8. Larry Peo ns (See); 9. Don Vesco {Nor ): 10. Alan Windwr (See); 11. Patrick Mooney (Nor); 12. John Rimmer (See); 13. Ralph Auer (BMW); 14. Dick Miles (No r); 15. Fergus Warwick (Vel); 16. Rick Patrolia (Tri); 17. Lon McCroskey (Ma t); 18. Geoff Ryan (Tri); 19. Sro tt Strickler (BSA); 20. Tupper Robinson (No r); 21. Randolph Stoike {Tri]: 22. Roger Sperling (BSA); 23. John Cransh aw (Mat); 24. Craig Mclean (Ha n); 25. Pa t Conroy (H-D); 26. John Cooper (BSA). Tu esda y CLSSC ' 60s.: 1. Stepehen Ma thews (Mat); 2. Stewart Rogers (No r); 3. Bobby Winte", (BSA); 4. Rusty Lowry (H -D); 5. Diek Mile.. (N or); 6. Mi ke Hawthom (Yin) ; 7. Fr ed Mark (Mat ); 8. Cliff Mu rr a y (BSA ); 9 . Bru ce Reddin~ (AJS); 10. Allan Joh neock (No r); 11. Randolph Stoike (Tri); 12. James Robertson (Nor); 13. John Cygnor (H· D); 14. Jeff Morehouse (Vel); 15. An dre w Cow en (BSA); 16. Bob Barker (N or) . 350 SPTSMN: 1. Todd Henni n g (H an ); 2. Jack Seav er (H on); 3. Jason Besse y (Han); 4. Ha rold Page Jr. (H e n): S. T imothy St a ncill (Hon); 6. Jerry H erman (Han); 7. Steve Stase r (Hon ); 8. Donni e Wa rf (Due); 9. Kirk Cossa irt (Hon); 10. Tom Grimmel (Hon); 11. Robert Caso (Ho n ); 12. Rick Panettieri (M-M); 13. Gary Platt (Ha n ); 14. Robert Will iams (H on) ; 15. Beasley Ayers (H on ); 16. T om Clark (Hen): 17. Erik Eskildsen (Du e); 18. Barry Hatter (Due); 19. Michael Mathews (Hon); 20. Stu art Cart er (Due); 21. William Alston (Han) . 500 SPTSMN: 1. Ralph Au er (BMW); 2. Jack Seave r (Ho n ); 3._Micha el Ma th ew s (Hon ); 4. Jeffery Cai azzo (Due) ; 5. Tim Joyce (T r t): 6. Rick Patroli a (Tr i ); 7. Tim oth y Stancill (Hon) ; 8. Tim Lile (BSA); 9. H arold Pag e Jr. (H an); 10. Jerry Herman (Hon ); 11. Roger Sp erlin g (BSA ); 12. Swiss Ne ld erberg er (BSA) ; 13. Ronald Luebk e (Tri); 14. Eric Pirtchard (M-M) ; 15. Paul Danilowicz (Tri); 16. Stu art Ca r te r (D ue) ; 17. Ste ve Stase r (Ho n); 18. Snuffy Smi th (Tri); 19. Mark Na delkov (Ho n); 20. Larry Ca m pbell (BMW); 21. Anthony Frye (Hon); 22. Robert Caso (Hon); 23. ran Gunn (BSA); 24. Gary Platt (Han) ; 25. Rick Panettieri (M-M); 26. Charles Vromey (Hon ); 27. Pau l Bates (Hon) ; 28. Tod d Henn ing (Hon); 29. Fred H opp (Ho n); 30. Don Jagger (Ho n); 31. Danie l Jacobs (BSA ); 32 . Jas on Bes se y (BSA) ; 33. Kenneth Baker (Due ); 34. Bob Gerbe rich (Ho n); 35. Chris Deminco (Hen), F· 500: 1. Chuck Huneycutt (MV); 2. Da ve Rosn o (Hon); 3. Rick Ne wman (Yam ); 4. Brad Palm er (Yam ); 5. Sean Dwyer (Yam); 6. Pete Fur key (Yam ); 7. George Ta y lor (Ya m ); 8 . Mark Sturte vant (Ya m ); 9 . J im Sh arkey (Hon); 10. Harold Page Jr. (Yam ); 11. Willia m Lentz (Ya m); 12. Geo rge Fitz (H on); 13. John Christner (Ya m) ; 14. St eph e n DeCamp (Hon ); 15. Ste p he n Spencer (Ha n ); 16. Joe y Urbanowski (Yam); 17. Chip Larkby (Yam ); 18. Karl Smolenski (Han ); 19. Willia m Murar (Yam ); 20 . Karl Bungerz {H en) : 21. George DeCamp (Ha n ); 22. Richie Bau lch (Kaw); 23 . Charles Lu ndy (H on ); 24 . Er ic Kal ama/'a (Su z); 25. Tupper Rob ins on (Bul); 26 . David A t as (Su z) ; 27 . Ha rry Wil s on (Ya m ); 28 . Henr y Kella r (O ss); 29 . Rich a rd Bonelli (Yam); 30. Sak is Vas ilopo ulos (Yam ); 31. John Long (Yam ); 32. Richard Merhar (Yam ). , F·750: 1. Robert Ho lden (Tri); 2. Stephen Mathews (MV); 3. Kurt Liebmann (Han); 4. Richard Moo re (Tri] : 5. Jerry Woo d (Du e); 6. Colin Faira ll (Su n ); 7. Alan Windsor (Tri) ; 8. An der s Fridm an (Rob); 9. Kenneth 'Baker (Du e); 10. Will Ha rding (M-G); 11. Dav e Russell (BSA); 12. Robert Goodpaster (Nor); 13. Gary Slabaugh (N or); 14. Keith Campbell (H -D); IS. Stan Key es (No r); 16. Robert Jacob s (Ric); 17. Micha el Burke (BMW) ; 18. Sha un Borley (Ho n); 19. Steve Von Borstel (M-G); 20 . John Cranshaw (BSA); 21. Ralph Yenn e (Hon ); 22. Dave Lloyd (No r); 23. Jon Schultz (H-D); 24. Mieah Stevenson (H -D ); 25. Peter Anderso n (Trt ). 750 SPTSMN , 1. Todd Henning (Hon ); 2. Ed Sa lley (Yarn); 3. Frank Sh ockl ey (Tri); 4. John Ellis (Yam); 5. Jim Stroke (Nor); 6. Don ald Weiss Jr. (Yam); 7. Jess Morris (Tri) ; 8. David Temple (Yam ); 9. Oifl Murray (Yam); 10. Paul La ubach (Tri); I I. Craig Weeks (Yam ); 12. Michael Mat h ews (Hon); 13. Crai g Ch ar les (Tri ); 14. Jef fre y Ca iazzo (Du e); 15. Paul Hans on (T r i); 16. G le n n C ampbell (BMW ); 17. Jeff M o rr (Ya m ); 18. Ed Bri tt (Nor) ; 19. Mike Weesn er (BMW); 20. Mike Azz ar (Tn); 21. M.W. Jord an (N or) ; 22 . Mark Dolan (Tri) ; 23. Jim Hend ersh ot (BMW) ; 24. Dave Tod d (Nor) ; 25. Ian Gunn (BSA); 26. Wendell Woldt (Tri ); '17. Mickey Meyers (Tri); 28. Kevin Johnson (Nor ); 29 . Craig McClean (Tri ): 30. Steve Staser (Yam ); 31. Micha el Castell (Tri); 32. Rona ld Lu ebke (Tri) ; 33. Geir j acobsen (Ric); 34. Todd Welch (Tri ). F-VINT: 1. Kurt Lieb mann (Ha n); 2. Richard Moore (Tri ); 3. Dave Rosno (Han); 4. John Long (Tri); 5. Doug Staddon (Yam); 6. Brad Palmer (Yam ); 7. Will Ha rding (M-G) ; 8. Wo lfga ng Stropek (Ma t); 9. Ralph Yen ne (Ha n); 10. Don Vesco (Nor); 11. Sean Dwyer (Yam); 12. Stan Keyes (N o r); 13. Joh n Rim m e r (See) ; 14. C r aig Charles (Tri ); I S. George Fitz {Hen], 16. George Taylor (Yam) ; 17. Pau l H anson (Tri) ; 18. Ed Britt (No r); 19. Mik e Azzar (Tri) ; 20 . Lo n McC rosk ey; 21. G le nn Ca m pbell (BMW); 22. Karl Bunge rz (Han); 23 . Richie Ba u lch (Kaw); 24. Chuek H u ney cu tt (MV ); 25 . Karl Smolenski (Hon).