Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 03 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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he was cap able of running away, so I had to move fast," Davis said. "When I slid up and found a good line through three and four, I knew that I'd catch him though." Shortl y therea fter Poovey fell to last, which would pay just three points, when h is Rotax motor spit its rod through the cases. Davis was on cruise by lap 20, and he stayed there right to the checkered flag to become the sixth different winner in the history of the Daytona Short Track and collect the 23 championship points that go along with it. King and Varnes stayed in place for second and third while Landes led a traffic jam containing Price, Graham, Kopp and Jones - in that order - across the line. "Oh, my Lord, I can't believe it," Davis said afterward. "We're still achin' from last nigh t, but this feels much bet~" D Daytona Municipal Stadium Daytona Beach, Rorlda Results: March 9, 1996 (Ro und 1 of 22) HEAT 1 (to IlIps; 10 riders, top two tr.nsfed: 1. Brett Landes (Rlx); 2. Rich King (Hon); 3. Keith Jacobsen (WoR); 4. Johnny Murphree (W:R); 5. Pa ul lw anaga (Ra); 6. Shawn C1ark (Rlx); 7. Chris Evans (Rlx); 8. Greg Sims (Rlx); 9. Jay Skidmore (Rlx): 10. Craig Estell e (Rlx). Time: 3 min, 26.65 sec. HEAT 2: (10; 10 riders, top tw o transfer): 1. Ken Coolbeth Jr. (Rlx) ; 2. Will Da vis (ATK); 3. Roger Durkee (Rtx); 4. Geor"ie Price IV (KTM); S. Andy Tresser (Hon); 6. Don Wilson (Rlx); 7. Mickey Fay (Rlx); 8. Nate Wait (Rtx); 9. Robert Miller (Rtx); 10. Lonnie Kopp(WoR). Time: 3 min..28.94 sec. H EAT 3 (to taps; 10 riden. top two tnnsfu): t. Scott Parker (H- D); 2. Kevin Varnes (Rlx ); 3. Ronnie jooes (Rlx); 4. Doug O1loylo (Rlx); 5. J.R. Schnabel (Rlx); 6. Ken Yoder Jr. (Rlx ); 7. B. Myers (Rlx); 8. Russ Lynch (Rlx); 9. Paul Lynch (Rlx); 10. I:evin OlIiges(Rlx~ T ime: 3 min., 31.29 sec. HEAT 4 (10 ~ps; 10 riders. lop two transferl: 1. Joe Kopp (Rlx); 2. Jay Sprinl!"teen (H-D) ; 3. Ricky Gnham (Hon); 4. Jon Cornwell (Rlx); 5. Randy Lewi s (Rlx); 6. Pat Buchanan (Rlx); 7. ian s.g.dy (Rlx); 8. W~lie McCoy (ATK); 9. Randy Beroman (Rlx); 10. Joohua Butler (Rlx). TIme: 3 min., 29.82 sec. HEA T 5 (to b;p.; 10 riden, top two transfer): 1. Kevin At herton (Rtx) ; 2. Dan Buller (Rtx); 3. Mike Varnes (Rtx); 4 . Brent Armbruster (ATK); 5. Mike Ha cker (KTM); 6. Les Wa shbon (W -R) ; 7. Tommy Ha yden (W- R); 8. Paul Bers.strom C ); 9 . Steve Rtx Morehead (Rlx); 10. B. Pankey (Rlx). Ti me: 3 min., 31.73 sec. HEAT 6 no I ~ps; 10 riders, top trill\Sfed : 1. Terry Poov ey C Rtx): 2. Charlie Or r (Rtx ); 3. Davey Camlin (Rlx); 4. Paul Morgan III (Rlx); 5. Pat Behrle (Rtx); 6. Steve Beattle (Rtx); 7. Recil Hart (W-R); 8. Jim Sumner (Rlx); 9. Ken Mohler (Rlx); 10. John Nickens ill (Rtx). Ti me: 3 min., 31.56 sec. SEMI 1 (8 laps; 12 riden, w inner transfers): 1. Georgie Price IV (KTM) ; 2. Andy T res se r (Hon); 3 . John ny Mu rp h ree (WoR); 4. G re g Si ms (Rtx); 5. J.R. Schnabel (Rlx); 6. Chris Evans (Rlx); 7. Nate Wa it (Ra); 8. Pa u l Lynch (Rtx) ; 9. Robert Miller (Rlx); 10. Ke n Yoder Jr. (Rtx): 11. Kei th Jacobsen (W-R); 12 . Kevi n Olliges {Rtx }, TIme: 2 min. , 55.t7 sec. SEMI 1 (8 lap s; 12 ri den, w inne r trans fe rs ): 1. Ronnie Jones (Rlx); 2. Doug O 'Boyie (RlX); 3. Craig Es telle (Rtx); 4. Shawn ClarK (Rlx); 5. Pa ul Iwanaga (Hon) ; 6. Mickey Fay (Rtx); 7. Lonnie Kopp (WoR);8. Jay Lynch (Rlx); 10. Bobby Myers Skidmore (Rlx); 9. (Rlx); I I. Roger Durkee (Rlx); 12. Don Wilson (Rlx). Ti me: 2 min., 51.57 sec. S EM I 3 (8 !.a ps; 12 rid en, w inner transfers) : 1. Ricky Graham (Ho n); 2. Steve Morehead (Rlx); 3. Mike Hacker (KTM ); 4. Jon Cornwell (W-R) ; 5. Pat Behrle (Rlx); 6. Ian Segedy (Rlx); 7. Ken Mohler (Rlx); 8. Jim Sumne r (Rlx): 9 . Paul Morga n III (Rlx ): to. Brya n Pankey (Rlx); II. Les Washbon (WoR); 12. Willie McCoy (ATK). Time 2 min., 5-&.27 sec. SEM I 4 (8 t i ps ; 11 ri d e rs, w inner tnnsfen): 1. Mike Varnes CRlX 2. Davey Camlin (Rtx) ; 3. Ste ve ); Beattie (R tx) ; 4. Bre nt Armb ruster (ATK) ; 5. Pat Buchanan (Rlx); 6. Randy Lewis (Rlx); 7. Ryan Hart (WR); 8. Tommy Hayden (WoR); 9. Paul Bergstrom (Rlx); 10. R.>ndy Bereman (Rlx); 11. Jooh ua Bud er (W-R); 12. John Nickens m (Rlx). Ti me: 2 min., 51.62 sec. GRAND NATIONAL (25 laps; 16 riders): 1. Will Davis (ATK); 2. Rich King (Hon); 3. Kevin Varnes (Rlx); 4. Brett Landes (Rlx): 5. Georgi e Pr ice IV (KTM); 6. Ricky Graham (Hon) ; 7. Joe Kopp (Rtx); 8. Ronnie Jones (Rtx): 9. Kevin Atherton (Rtx); 10. Ken Coolbeth Jr. (Rtx) : 11. C ha rlie Orr (Rlx); 12. Jay Springs teen (H-D); 13. Mike Varnes (Rtx); 14. Scott Parke r (H-D); 15. Dan Bu tler (Rlx); 16. Terry Poovey (Rlx). Time: 8 min ., 44.91 sec. AMA G R AN D NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES PO INTS STANDINGS (After 101 22 rounds., 1. Will Davi s (23 points /I win); 2. Rich King (19); 3. Kevin Vames (16); 4. Brett Land es (15); 5. Geo rgie Price IV (14); 6. Ricky Graham (13); 7. Joe Kopp (12); 8. Ronni e Jones (11); 9. Kevin Atherton (10); 10. Ken Coo lbeth Jr. (9); 11. Charlie Orr (8); 12. Jay Springsteen (7); 13. Mike Va rnes (6); 14. Scott Parker (5); 15. Dan Butler (4); 16. Terry Poov ey (3). Randr Upcoming Rounds: Round 2 Pomona, California, April 20 Round 3 - Harrington, Delaware, May 4 UNCUT & UNCENSORED INTERVIEWED AND RECORDED LIVE BY FORMER SUPERCROSS & OUTDOOR LEGEND DAVID BAILEY HUFFMAN & LaRO C C O SPEAK THEIR MINDS ABOUT: IQ" TH E COM P ETIT ION IQ" THEIR N EW FACTORY R IDES IQ" J ER EMY M c G RATH AN D MUC H M O R E I 1-900-772-21&& THESE ARE EX C L USIVE INTERVIEWS NOT P UBLISHED IN ANY MAGAZINE 0 ;, o o FOR r r-r FIRST rJ,INUTE • ')9 CENTS FACH ADDtTIOf'JAl rJ1If'JUTE • UUST BE 18 YEAHS OR OLDER \0 0\ 0\ rl 0' N ] til ::E 21

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