Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 02 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 51 of 51

FAcT: It Will rain the day after you wash the car. - FAcT: You will never date a supermodel. FAcT: You can't get a great deal on agreat bike. • • $ IN ACCESSORIES 300 INTRUDER 1400 % FINANCING RF900R 'R h ,w give y ig tnow e'll ouBOO towards accessories weny h oubuyon th oh ttest bikes in our showroom.• P up anew, V-twin Intruder@ eof etw o ick 1400 with gleaming chromean laid-back lo th ssicAericancruiser,orth dthe okof ecla m estunning RF900R th performs even better than it looks, at for only 9 APR. Then, g it y r own personal touchw ~JOO in extras. Choose from items like jackets, helmets, and saddlebags, or any .9% ive ou ith other Suzuki Genuine Accessories.· In fact, during SuzukiFest '9 6you can select from a variety of finance options on our best bikes and ATVs, Choose from Low A PR...Zero Down...First-time By u ers..,and more!But hurry, because on April JOth this offer is history. A that's afact, Jack. nd With approved credit, 9.9 % APR. See participating dealers for details. Offer ends 4/30/96. Accessory items shown are for illustrative purposes only and may exceed $300. Please ride safely. Always wear a helmet and protective riding apparel.

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