Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ty and Al em a n cl a imed secon d and third. In the second moto it was all Sha wn Ellis . Ellis ju m ped into th e early lead and led the entire moto. Beatty knew that his second was good eno ugh for the overall, becau se Ellis finis he d back in th e pa ck in m ota one , and Fra nk was ou t of the race. Ron Gilbert ran with the lea ders early on, but ran into troubles and fell ba ck to eighth. Gilbert's mis take opened the door for Dunlap to take ove r th ird. When the race was ov er, Ellis scored the second- mota w in, but it was Bea tt y' s consis ten cy that ea rned him the overall. In other race action, Chris Blose was the big w in n er in the Pee Wee (7-9) class. Blose swapped moto w ins wi th Ryan Roybal, but Blose won th e all importa nt second mota to take the overall. J.J. Noon took th ird over Rick y H emme . a •• Quail Valley OHV Park Gorman , california Results: January 14, 1996 PIW (406) : 1. Dustin Enoche (LEM); 2. Cole Sea ley (KTM); 3. Man Lord (LEM); 4. Justin Whale r (KTM); S. Kyle Bergantz (KTM). PIW (7-9 1: 1. Chri s Blose (KT M); 2. Ry a n Ro y ba l (KTM); 3. J.J. Noon (KTM); 4. Ricky Hemme (LEM); 5. Michael La Paglia (KTM). PIW MOD: 1. Ricky He mme (LEM); 2. J.J. N oon (KTM); 3. Aaron Berg antz (KTM); 4. Michael LaPaglLa (KTM); 5. Co le Sea ley (KTM). 60 (11-8): L'Chris Bose (Kaw); 2. Mike AI "'; (Kaw); 3 . Ryan Ro yb al (Ka w ); 4. Ricky Oliver (Kaw); 5 . Bre tt Mountain (Kaw ). 60 (9~t1 ): 1. Sean Colli er (Ka w ); 2. Bill y Swapp (Kaw); 3. Daryl Ecklund (Kaw); 4. Andy Pierce (Ka w ); 5. Jaso n Medina (Kaw ). 80 BEG: 1. Richard Ow ens (Yam); 2. Steven Price (Kaw); 3. Buck Gulley (Yam); 4. Miles Bucks (Suz); 5. Do nny Erni er (Ka w ). 80 (7.I H : 1. Bo bb y Bond. (Ka w); 2. Emitt Kling (Suz) ; 3. Jesus Ca sliJlas (Yam); 4. Dy lan Lord (H on ); S. Da ta n Beavers (Hon). 80 (12·131: 1. Bry an McG av aran (Ho n); 2. Sea n . H am blin (Ya m); 3. Chri s Ro ge rs (Su z); 4. Jon a than Shimp (Hon); 5. Christopher Tocco (Suz) . 80 l14-I 6): 1. Billy Payne (Ka w); 2. Justin Buckelew (Yam) , 3. Danny Carlson (Hon); 4. Tun Langdon (Kaw); 5. Dustin Miller (lion) . S/ M INl: 1. Dann y Ca rlson (Hon); 2. Jus ti n Buckelew (Yam); 3. Bryan McGa varan (Ho n); 4. Sea n Hamblin (Yam); 5. Billy Payne (Kaw). 125 BEG, 1. N ick McBri de (Ho n); 2. Michael Kau tz (Suz) ; 3. Bria n Me rowsk y (Suz); 4. Robert Morgan (Ka w); 5. Art Salazar (Yam) . 12 5 JR D-1: 1. G reg Andrew (Suz); 2.. Je re m y Ch au see (Kaw); 3. Dusty Walter s (Yam ); 4. Andrew Lab rad or (Ho n); 5. Mare k Johoda (Kaw). 125 JR D·Z, 1. Casey Go u ld (H a n); 2. Jeff Se ifert (Suz); 3. Co ry Gibbo ns (H a n); 4. Brian Cox (H a n ); 5. Tim Genli(Kaw) . 125 INT: J. Jin Dostal (Suz) ; 2. Andy Anaya (Yam); 3 . Shaw n Ellis (Yam); 4. Je rry Ale man (Yam); 4. Brian Sweaney (Hon) . . 125 PRO: 1. Michael Brandes (Suz) ; 2. Casey Lytl e (Hon); 3. Jeff Willoh (H on); 4. David Vuill emin (Kaw); 5. Casey Johnson (Ka w). 2SO BEG : 1. Cra ig Wirth> (Ya m) ; 2. C had Shupp (Suz); 3. Aaron Ridell (Kaw); 4. Aaro n Rauio (Yam); 5. Wayne Zahrt (Yam). 250 NOV: 1. Je remy Chaus ee (Ya m); 2. Corte Flicki naer (Hon); 3. Glenn Aguilar (Yam), 4. Oay Cullen (Ka w): 5. Jere mia h Browe r (Hon) . 25D INT: I . Ti m Beatty (Yam ); 2. Shawn Ellis (Yam) ; 3. Mi ke Dunlap (He n), 4. Andy Anaya (Ya m ); 5. Jerry Aleman (Yam ). . 250 PRO : 1. Mich ael Brandes (Suz) ; 2. Ty Da vis (Kaw ); 3. Jeff Willoh (H an), 4. Casey Lytle (Hon); 5. Kim Ashkenazi (Suz). • SOO PRO: 1. John Nelson (Han); 2. Dan Berg (Han); 3. Ze lenka (Hon ); 4. Ca rl Ga za fy (H on); 5. Gary Dogg ett (Han). . UTH AM: 1. Joe Merrian (Hon); 2. Charlie Flippen (Suz); 3. J.J. Petchel (Hon); 4. Steve Platton i (Suz); 5. Kev in Mont goinery (Suz). urn MSTR, 1. Billy Frank (Ka w ); 2. Damn Hoeft (Suz ); 3. Mike Dunlap (Hun); 4. Jon Zahrt (Yam ); 5. Ron Gilbert (Kaw) . UTH P RO : 1. T y Da v is (Ka w) : 2. Dag Boyesen (Suz); 3. Terry Flo wer (Ka w); 4. Sh awn Wynne (Suz) ; Geoff Woods (Hon). VET BEG: 1. Jac k Pea rso n (H on ); 2. Rich McC o rd (Hon); 3. Gilbert Re id (Yam ); 4. MiJ

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