Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1994 Honda F2 B~594 . (30 1-04) rting Out: 1988/89 CR125 Sharloo 51 ., ., A SOlo Qul auwClMAnwa II =~-G 31,52,li.63 c.;.- _ I" lbl~ '" ClJRoq Cll ..... ... ." .. .. .. . .. .. 51 1:1>.... CllbM Rat:ilg Q tl c....m I" ""''''''-. CItbcIl TId' CSl= =~~ a.._ Cda_ It . o.,.oon Qo~ " Ol Ol _ ....eo " .. 59 . .. cu..... -QIA c.. r. . . I" 59 II II II Copo Il!a1 ,-G.-_ ~- 12k miles, extras. $2 ,650 . (209) 385-9905. CA. (303-04) Att PW50 Dirt Trackers R350 and "S" Swing Arms! inall y a re~1 sw ing arm, no mo re flex I Ta king rders now, limned quantities. CaD (B1B) 248-8IKE. A. (204-QSIP) *KTM**KTM**KTM** emo sale on 1996 360SX , only $4,799 . Bike is in rfecl condition. Arriving as Ihls ad is wntten are ew 1996 mode ls. Call for deta ils. Wilson 's (BOO) 6-2925 or (209) 237-02 15. CA. (202-04) * Ducati* * Ducati* * Ducati* * emo sale on 19 95 900CR wit h le ss th an 150 ile s , only $6,699 . Also ava ilable 1996 900SP in tock now. Call Wilson's tor details (BOO) 956-2925 (202-04) r (209) 237-02 15. CA. 4 ZXl1 FRONT END wheels, electronics, tank, eedlight, bolls. (714) 725-0204 . CA. (202-04) R7SO KNIGHT frame late style motor race ready. (303-05) 15,SOOIobo. (209) 334-6722 . CA. artsFor GSXR,75011100 993 GSXR 7SO frame clean title $1,70010bo. 1992 SXR 1100 trame cle an t itle $ 1,300/0bo . 1992 SXR 750 49 sta te motor with carbs and Muzzy xhaust $1,5001000 Parting out 1993 GSXR 1100 . verylhing bul frame and mO lor. Best off ers. Call Her 6:00 p.m. West Coast time. Bob (510) 22B7 . CA. (103-04) anted '93,'96 ZX11 Parts r whole bike less motor . Please call (6 17) 777052. MA. (103-06) ANTED: '93-'95 Husky WXE 360 good cond ition (103-06) Iy. Reasonable. (714) 846-9522 . CA. We specia lize in lrac k prov en perfo rma nce pa rts and servtee 10make your 'PW a race winne r. call for tree parts list. (6 14) 522-5333 . OH. (303-Q6) 9 GlCr! 9 ClOo e ClOo Sloo c,:M.... 0I* s.. ClOo _SdlFoClOo _T_ ClOo-. ...... Ctde P.c d ClOo_"'" DlD _ ClOo _ .... 51 "' II lflPPmrtl. L t.O. II iIIIr-5rMl ClCo II _eos-. IT .JJ _ _c... _ _-. 10.11 '5.9 ::"":"J.".~ -_ --....-_ Corbin Seat 1995 GPz 1100 Black basketweave with candy red welt. Nev er used. $2OO/obo. (Bl 0) 727·1429. MI. (303-04 ) II . " ... ~..", "",~ ~ _ II Ol II I" .... .. .. ., .. t:"";:'~=G 51 llCt lloC""",,, c " .,...... ... Pl:IIInv., '-W; .. _ " T_ .\ It II 50 A I" ....... RlllClOo !G T .. II II 51 '- M .," ' '"" .. • 51 -ClOo .... "'" ... _"'" ~ _"~WC'I illS SsO_ g.,.- l' "' I" --_ _._ --... $11<- " fllj ljl5 ~Rsq T_ b>SIlI "'" II 'I Spocln>OII.-. A 59 '\ .. ...... " .. 9 Ol Ol .. 9 SOr;I '"" '1l!a1 _ _ lAo II _ _ US .. " .. • .. .. So'!'I _s,'" S'OO...... T .c.n.IYSR . Coos..-- '-""-t.. T .._ Ii • ""co,.... ""-'-'r.'" _"",uama lUl R"l " .. - "",.. ~ "'CIM_ ...""'- 9 _ClOoPn IT ...... '1 . . . :::..~ II I" " .., ~ " V T DYXSdaf q II • T Doloo "'" .. T T s..IIl Cl M TGlaI ~'" "' .51 T ....CaIoyClOo _ _• T "", Fooc T _ I" A .. Z"'" " Wl:ri:I ErQIllAiOIDWER " ..... T _ _ 59 E>lo>_ ..., -"'ClOo_ .....eos-. 52 II ENo""'. Eri:'J IttDt'IdI co II ..... ....c... 50 I" IT I" =~r. II -c,oos...., .. ..... . .. ' .," ,."..-.c... 01RoC Sprmb . 1~~'1 _ . =~ " """''''s..-- WlCoMI r.:'" WlCoMl ...... a. PIIbmn::I Pm". II Ol ., '.." ."''" W!I>COl> '" -~sng. 59 r,,",ClOo'"' .. " .. ....--. . .... II I" T-o e.- Pcilg 51 ~ .. . ., . .. 1SR '" IISl T_ ., -"'" " 251 :Y!31 " ClOo Y anrua N o II II .. Zoo ....... r------------------------------, ICllm I ) \\ 1 11 ~ PRODUCT O R D E R FORM . .' Fill out completely and print clearly . Send order to: Cycle News Products, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach. CA 9080 1 24 HR FAX Order line (charge ordeIS only p lease) (310) 427-6685 Name _ Ad dress _ Zip Slate Payment method: 0 Check 0 Money Order, (so rry, no COOs) Charge m y 0 VISA 0 Mastercard (SS.OO minimum for charge ord ers) Card holder's Nam e _ Exp. Date Credi t Card Number Embroidered Cycle News Hats "CN - on FronL - Cycle News" logo over back arch (1st color is hat lo p, 2nd color is hat bill) _> _ _CN "Not En o u gh"@ $11.95 (5;'" M L_ _ XL_ _ XXL _ I _ _ __ CN "We Don't Care""@$11.95 _ _ (5;'" M _ _ L _ _ XL_ _ XXL __ ) _ _ _CN '#1 Pla te" @ $11 .95 I (Si.., M _ _ L_ _ XL_ _ XXL _ 1 _ Lithograph _ _CN Umbrella @$29.95 _ __ MX Cat Comic Book @ .75 _ _ _ Team Smitty Comic Book T-Shirts CN "Athletic Dept" @ $11.95 L_ _ XL_ _ XXL_ _ I _ _ _ Tea m Smitty @ $11.95 (Size: M L_ _ XL_ _ XXL_ _ > Miscellaneous _ _ _Cycl e N ews @ $29.95 (Sir.e: M L_ _ XXL _ (Si7..e: M _ _ _ _ "35 and th e Vol cano" - $150.00 _ _ by Jeff Gundlach MX Jerseys _ _ _ _ _Gray/ Red@$16.95 _ _Gray/Black@$16.95 1992 XR100 low hours. $1,000. CT90 $300. (805) 492-6259. CA. (303-04 ) II I(!IICI_ I(!II,,",-"" '-1(00 M 9 9 .\ s."", ~ Raa'!gPnrtd' ~- 51 P f JlhD J1 .. -"" "' ., ... SIlO_ ., -.. .. .. ... ., -"" ... SIDa_.. .. I" 50 TZ fairings new paint , new '35mm f1a tslides. Fox shoc k. $2,500. (317) 4B3-943S. IN. (303-04) Yamaha T Y350S 19B6 with 160 ml. All original, $1,700 . Call Ron (208) 835-5152 .10 . (303-05) • .. ' .." lbaIlIl.... _ _ _White/Black @ $16.95 Trials Bike II ,. -.. . _&cINIP_ '84 RZ350 1992 WERA CLUBMAN National winner. This Ascot has ~ all. Engine is brand new. 590 krt, big valves , pcrted head , Carillo rod , CBR F-l Iront end, elec tronic tack. Has run 1.04s at Talladega . Hundreds of dollars worth 01new and used spares $2 ,000. (205) 539-4665. AL (303-05) 51 A Fresh 1127 engine. Tilled . rolling chassis. Call also, '9 4 YZ F7 50 , many extra s , fas t money win ner . (303-05) Contact Dave M. (704) 23S-B400. NC. '93 R-W -B $1,000. '95 F3 pla stic $1,300 . Other (303-05) mise. parts . (908) 246-0940. NJ. 15 V Phone( _ _ ) F2-3 Plastic • "' ... City F2 Frames SS II _ --..._"'" ....--... ""'... ."" _ .. - 1 -- -_ --- --- -- .. -_ _-- ---""" c.,. ... Parting '91 GSXR1100 2):91 frames $1,000 each. '93 frame $l ,3SO. Clean (303-05) titles. (908 ) 246-0940 . NJ. 9 15 ~ ... RICIl;Int. ."' ., ............. . = fe;ClOo "• .... "" 0I.iIt ....... ... t""SlNhH-/l 1991 DR650 Suzuki --_ ------... 1>'1 "'" r;.,_",SaI Very sl rong. new lop end. great cond ilion , spare pipes. lank . rims and more. Senior rider one owner . $1.200. (805) 682-3245. CA. (303-05) 51 lWI!taItf'" Dmo_"'_ Durabl e goat skin. Var ious colors, great graph ics $ 11.95 plus $2 S/H . V ls a/MC eccep ted . Call Calilomia Innovations. (916) 677-4321 . CA. (303-06IP) FIE"'" Hlih ttMa D!RI31 DirtBike Gloves _ _ s._ ...,.T..... .\ (103-04) I" 'a" • a • ... . • ., "' . -~ - . _.lbl ., ...-... "-'" A OM~ 996 KTMs most models available . look a t the uality leatures and design. BSMC (B1B) 337-1483. 9 FlIIII8 I 'S' 'I lllJEl\' =.""'" FIIIS, _ '51 " '" 1Oi.v:JS ..... JrtA,K ..... I. WC' F "",eos-. . I" ........e.-_ FIl."'-r F _ _~ ::..~ FIliIbLNpmrts II! ,fdDnv. . . . OE:dlal """""_ 00 iog for a few good men (or women )? Get the est in the business by advertising in Ihe Cyc le (504) ews "Help Wanted" classifieds! :. ADVERTIS R INDEX ES .... ., '" "' I·:: . OJ.O. ealers... A. - ~ rting Out R600 F2. You need it, 1 got it. (805 ) _ @ $2.95 _ _ _C ycle News Stickers 2 FREE with S.AS.E. Tota l CA res, add 7 '1.% sales tax LA County add 8 '1,% sal es tax Shipping and Handling in cl u d ed Foreign ordeIS add $15 S/H Order Tota l .J --------- ------- - - - - - -------~ 71

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