Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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·Q IKS O U HP If you dJJ nwre than just admire your fi nhzge Bihe you need Works Performance srupension. r;.~ ',.'4] : 11- o Personalized Suspension o Hand-cro/l ed, lTuill -w-order . hocJu for et'ery tinhzge nwtorcyde_ ,lfotocro.., trials or road raa. Then and Now. Champions race on Works. ~ 210450sb0meSt Conoga Parl<. CA913)4 VISA, II/C AIIEX , PERFORMANCE UPS C.O.D. Mo d ific a tio n & Service Quick Servic e - 3 Days 1/IM,rE ~~al (SUbleCt to parts ovoilablhty) _"'CTl-t,.,..~ Performance Guarantee E iL..1lc::lC:: c::I !2i3AYAIlAHA" N SUZlIU IIOImIl Dnlen 1180019'18-3529 Fax 213-728-8060 3014 Tonog. A r v•• Icmmerce, CA 90040 :A Center KYB Showa Ohlins WP TOLL FREE1--800-342·1681 IoxL22) TOLL FREEFAX1-800-341-1681 (24 ..... 'TdlIp.-..It) 2233 N.W.1Ir'* SL. ~ TN37121 ~ Ph. (818)701-10 10 MEGACVCl£ FAX (81 8) 701·9043 ~CAMS TH E CO M PETITIVE.EDGE IN CAM DESIGN Performance • Reliab ility • Serv;C6 • • • • HONDA SUZU KI YAMAHA KAWASAKI • OUCAn • NORTON . UVERDA • MOTOQUZZI • HUSQYARNA • TRJUMPH /B$A • RelAX/CAN AM • A£R MACCH I NEW BILLET REPlACEME NT CAMS HAROFACEO CAMS AND ROCKE R ARMS M ANU FACTU RED NEEDLE BEARING CAMS Complete Catalag and Decals - $3 90 M,te/l ell Blvd. • San Rafael. CA 94903 (415) 472 ·3195 CM ~.-=:ronc: OODmIt.f IS 1U1l " ' 9.95 1'1'16I. tor Pro 3 adCllaysIT'e .1I'OJldbtl· t:Oft'(lW1SlOl'l tel YOU' 000. Also '"99S FAX (415) 472 -1497 . t r u m ent Guard. Macl'w'wtl homIClIid I lunwtum bilIeI. Ifle lingle guaro lot'en. ICCII'lItrumerl II SU 95 TACHS WOOD ClASS SI.JCl(S QJP ONS CIlANJ(W()RK AND TOP c.AMPS FORt< BRACES KEVl.AR BRAKE! PADS RElATED COMPONENTS SHlXKS-WHEB..S STEEL BRAIDED UNES-IGNIT1ON5-SWlNGARM BUSHtNGS BOX AlUMINUM SWlNGARM-FORK KJTS.Q.lITCHES--ETC .............. 408-484-1 921 FAX:408-484-1 956 (813) 797·246 & 11 SAN 8OWCIO C'VN AD ~"O:N':J:>.A. CHOSE ERION RACING So SHOULD YOU! ~ E R I C J ENS EN 'S ~qqb ERIC'S ~996 MO T O RCYCLE CO. ATX L«!i!f ~ AWCO And Now. the F. ntutlc New Swedi ah-S ultt _ TIME TO MAKE ROOM FOR TIlE 1996's Plt/ormanct R",i-9 Parts & fa, ~AM HARESCRAMBLE. C-HAMPI&NSHIP . ..:.APR /096 I l20, 9 ~ Info: SATtnlDA H )/JADSIM/Nr s.·/Il OOAM (6 14)594-6686 SIINDA'H/KCS ONLY /0 ,00 AM , LOTS OF VINTAGE MECHANICAL PARTS. HOlfJtI M"tll",cI , . _ . W6 .Ie CALL FOR PRICES ON ALL Leftover '95's ClUDD & ClI/9DD •~ Ohlins & Wllite Power Exper1S·Suspension -Porting Heliarc Welding-Precision Boring-Machine Shop 5.,.,1,. NEED PARTS ? U PS Daily NEANDERTHAL CYCLE SALVAGE lpeciaIiziDc in /qMotoftJdes 1361 E. Walnut St., Pasadena, CA 91106 ( 818) 449-ERlC 1200 N ' alSI.. Waf ', CA 92 . '06 (714) 630·8850 • Ord.r D epl. (800)700·3599 Made In The USA Special Order s • {!{!~g Custom Applications Pe rsonalized Service I & 2 pc suits, jackets, gloves , boots, protective gear and more. ~~ : 800·628-4040 }. ...«RRc:B. ~ .. .~ l . . 19059 Valley BMl,514 B Iooninglon. CA 92316 (909)87 H590 Fax (909 1 87~ 1 WHOLE SALE TO DEA LERS CYCLE CONCEPTS (805) 252- 7819 FAX (805) 252-631 9 2684 1 Ruethe r A ve. Sui,. A s.n~ Cl6riU . CA 9 135 1 AVeN A7IC . The Perfo rmance Tire Contingenc y & Tech nlcal lnf ormat1an - -- - (800) 624-7470-- - - HANSEN MOTORCYCLES MADE TO TURN H EA DS I - BOO- ArK B 7 24 . . . H _OSOFTlt£ HOTTEST MOTORCYCLE m CUR DESIGNS! Manitowoc, WI Wi ~ &3 ~ l Du cari . bimota' Sup.rTl'1pp 'n~n Inc. 4540 W 16mb SI,.II. Clmllind. OH441 PIlon. : 216265-UOO est 35 (414) 684-0237 \ ( 21 6) 974 - 1077 8767 East Ave . Mentor OH 44060 J"~W.E.R STEERING DAMPERS arou>edbyGuy~r ,Fred ~ I. • ~ _ Andrew., ~ HaWkins. Kevin Hines, s_ Halth, Rodnev Smiih, otd THE sesrn .. ConpIo1e 011 Road/Endano Sus;>ension SeMces Su.pensicn [)yno Setvico • Bar Enol. 0 .JacI: Sbld. W .E.R. (9 0 8) 637-6385 LIGHTWEIGHT PRODUCTS TITANIUM AXLES " BOLTS " BARS LARGE SELECTION · Call or Send For Price li,t 144 No rth Alta V i ~ to Ave.. Monrovia, CA 9 1016 Ph. 181813S7·2722 FAX /8 181 359 8370 ifilLEY VID EO 'S MX SCHOOl. P.O. BOX 130, AXTON, VA 24054 (540 ) 650- 1759. FAX (540) 650-2120 65

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