Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ARENACROSS PJ1Super Arenacross Series ' . Round 5: Lazy EArena (Left) Guy Cooper was a big hit at the Lazy E Arena In Oklahoma. On Saturday night, Cooper registered wins In both the 125 and 250cc Pro classes. (Below) Cliff Palmer (3) leads defending Arenacross champ J immy Gaddis (1) In a 125cc main. Palmer fared better Inthe 250cc on Friday when he won. By Kat Spann Photos by Jeff Cox GUTHRIE, OK, JAN. 12-13 he ra cing rai sed th e roof on the Lazy E Arena Saturday night when Guy Cooper da zzled the packed house by winni ng both th e 125 and 250cc main events at the fifth round of the Pjl Super Ar en across Seri es . Tw o o ther Oklahomans, Cliff Palmer and Robbie Rey nard , se t th e cro w d abl aze when they raced at th e fr ont of th e Fri day night ma in events. . . The trio o f wi n ners adde d to a n alread y very competitive list ofeven t w inner s, b ringin g th e tot al to 10 differ ent winners in 19 m ain events th us far . Th or / T eam Kaw a s aki -b a c k e d jeromy Buehl, points leader going into the Guthrie round, suffered an off week end. " I ju st can' t see m to ge t in sy nc here," he said. "My timing is off and I just can't get the star ts." Fellow Th or /Team Kawasaki racer Jimm y Gaddis moved in to a tie for the series po ints lead with Buehl by the end of the w eeken d by g ra bbi ng sec ond place finishes in both of Frid ay nigh t' s races, and two third-p lace fin ishes in Saturday's races. . T FRIDAY 8 Texan Grayson Goodman nabbed the holeshot in the 125cc Main, even though he h ad an unfortunate ge t-off in the Jump-Off Contest during intermission. Go odman led Gaddi s in to the ea r ly turns, but Gaddis took over the charge befo re the long wh oop section. Prim al Impulse/Fox/Honda rider Robbie Reynard squared -off the tum before the first double an d moved into second. Cooper ra ced in. fourth at the end of lap two behind Goodman , as bot h Gaddis and Reynard battled out front. The end of the fifth lap saw Reyn ard take an inside line out of the wh oops and square off th e co rner bef ore th e d ouble to take th e le ad from Gadd is. Two laps later, Coope r closed in on Goodman and passed in the air over the triple for third. Charl ey Bogard wicked it up to close in on Goodman for fourth, but Goodman held his mark in the side-by-side battle thro ugh the last lap and on to the check ered flag . Goodman chased Reynard, Gaddis and Cooper across the finish line. The 250cc Main was exciteme nt from the get-go as four different riders traded the lead in the 20-lap race. Goodman nabb ed the holesh ot with Cooper in second an d F&S Suzuki' s Cliff Palmer in third. Cooper grabbed the lead in the tum be fore the the wh oo p s, and Palme r m oved in to second. Gadd is al so displaced Goodman for third. Gad dis was on the gas and used the only flat su rface o f the ind oo r co urse to charge afte r Palmer. He passed him an d then reeled in Cooper. Gaddis took th e lead from Cooper before the triple. At the halfway point, Gaddis was at th e head of th e pack, with Coop er and Palmer in tow . Palmer passed Cooper in th e whoops and raced to cat ch Gadd is. On lap 12 Palmer used the wh oops to steal the lead. " I had too many m ish ap s in th e wh oops," said cooper. "My hat is off to both Jimm y and Cliff. They rode rea lly good." "Cliff is riding really we ll," said Gad dis. "After the smaller arenas and then corning to the Lazy E, wh ich is bigger, you have to really be conditioned ." "I've been training really hard this week, and I know it has he lped a lot," sai d Pa lm er . " I' ve been out all week testing the suspension wi th my dad, and it really worked for me!"- SATURDAY Gaddis nailed the holesh ot in front of Cooper and Palmer in the 125cc Main. Reynard o nly completed a single lap befor e he cras hed near the end of th e whoops and his bike land ed on him. Boga rd held fourth until the third la p, when he la n d ed w ron g in th e whoops a nd jarred hi s a lready sore knee . This kno cked him ou t of co ntenti on, allowing Buehl to step up into fourt h. Coo per stayed w ithi n str iking di sta nce of Gaddis and began to close in. Lap after lap , Coo pe r in ched hi s way toward Gad dis. With only fou r laps to go, Gaddis took a tumbl e in the wh oop s. Cooper was so close that he had to gra b some brake and tum his RM quick ly to avoi d hitting Gaddis. "I wa s trying to ge t throu gh th e whoop s as goo d as I could, but th en when I fell and rem ounted, I lost my momentum, " said Gaddis. Palme r also passed Gaddis whil e he was on the gro und, but Gaddis was able to remo unt and keep a third-place position. "I've been out there trying to win all th e races I can," said Palmer. "I knew that someo ne was close behind me, but I just wanted to keep up with Guy and Jimm y." It too k so m e tim e before the full hou se calmed down a bit for Cooper to speak. "I rode hard and did n't know how to get around jimm y, bu t wh en he fell he kind of gave it to me. Thank you , Jimm y!" Morgan was the first off the .line in the 250cc main, but Coop er mad e short orde r of his lead wh en he took ove r in tum two w ith Palmer hot on his heels. Morgan raced in thi rd with Gad dis and Brad Woolsey close beh ind . Gaddis chased Morgan d own and passed hi m for thir d after the trip le jump. Palmer kept Cooper close an d mad e a pass on lap three. Cooper edged back in to th e lead be fo re th e w hoops, but Palmer stru ck back in the next comer. Palmer stretched his lead ou t and led for seven m o re laps befo re Cooper gassed it up and took over the lea d in the end-field do ubles. The crowd rose to th eir feet and screa me d "Coop! Coop ! Coop!" as he mad e his way around the aren a for the remainin g seven lap s. " I put it to g eth er ton ight," said Coop er. "1 thought Cliff m ight be able to pull off the w in wh en I messed up and he got by me. Then I started to shave off a second here and a second there, and I just d idn't give up !" 1":\ Lazy E Arena Guthrie, Oklahoma Results: January 12-13, 1996 Friday 125 PRO: 1. Robbi e Re ynard ( Ho n ); 2 . Jimmy' G ad d i s (Kaw ); 3. Gu y Cooper (Su z ); 4. Gra y s on Goodman (5uz ); 5. Charle Boga rd (Suz); 6. Cliff Palm er (Suz ); 7. Erick Vallejo (Kaw ); 8. Isaiah Joh nson (Kaw); 9. Shawn Mo rgan (Ka w ); 10. Bra d Woo ise (Ka w) ; 1l. Ie rom y Buehl (Kaw ): 12. Trey Owens (Kaw) : 13. Andy Bowyer (Kaw); 14. Ca leb Leath (Kaw); 15. Brian Ston e (Kaw ); 16. Chfford Ad c ptan te (Hon). 250 PRO : 1. Cliff Palm er (Suz ); 2. Jimm y Gad d is (Kaw ); 3. Gu y Cooper (Suz ); 4, Shawn Mo rgan (Kaw): S. jeremy Buehl (Kaw): 6. Trey Owens (Kaw ): 7. Isa iah Johnson (Ka w): 8. And y Bowyer (Kaw) : 9. Bran d on La cey (Suz ); 10. Mark Morris (Ya m); 11. Jason Cams (Ka w); 12. G ifford Adoptant e (Hon); 13., Brian Stone (Kaw): 14. Brad Woo lsey (Kaw); 15. Charley Bogard (Suz); 16. Gra yson Goodman (Suz). 5'" I. Ch ad Blank ( LEM~ 2. Michelle Ma rella (LEM), 3. Tanner Tliergesen (KTM); 4. Ryan Wilson (LEM ); 5. Josh Mull endor (KTM); 6. Tre y Jon es (LEM); 7. Tr ey Canard (LEM ); 8. Justin Marley (Yam ); 9. Kan d is Yearb y (Yam ); 10. Iered 5 itz (LEM ); 11. Michael Pritch ett; 12. Lev; GilHam (KTM); 13. C raig Fritz (LEM); 14. Ch ad Givens (LEM ); 15. Michael Carder (tEM). Saturday 125 PRO: 1. Guy Coo pe r (Suz); 2. Cliff Palmer (Suz); 3. Jimm Cadd is [Kaw): 4. Jeromy Buehl (Kaw ): 5. Erick y Vall ejo (Ka w); 6. Shaw n Morg an (Kaw ): 7. Isaiah Joh n s on (Ka w ); a. And y Bow yer ( Ka w): 9 . Br ad Woolsey {Kaw); 10. Mark Morri s (Yam); 11. Caleb Lea th (Kaw); 12. Brian Stone (Kaw): 13. Clifford Adoptan te (Hon); 14. Trey Owens (Kaw ); 15. Charley Bogar (Suz ); 16. Robbie Reynard (Han ). . 250 PRO: 1. Guy Cooper (Suz); 2. Oiff Palmer (Suz ); 3. Jimmy Gaddis (Kaw); 4. j er em y Buehl (Ka w ); 5. Shawn Morgan (Kaw); 6. Brad Woo lsey (Kaw ); 7. Isaiah Joh nson (Kaw); 8. Andy Bowyer (Kaw); 9. Trey Owens (Kaw); 10. Caleb Leath (Kaw); 11. Brian Ston e (Kaw ); 12. Mar k Morris JYam); 13. Jason Cams (Kaw); 14. Travis Trieb (Kaw); 15. G ifford Ad (Kaw) . AMA NATIONAL ARENACROSS SERIES POINTS ST ANDINCS (After S of 12 rou n d,): 1. (TIE) Jimm y Ga ddis 3 win s/Jeromy Bueh l 5 wins (330); 3 . CliH Pal mer (25 1 /1 ); 4. Todd OeHoop (233); 5. C rayso n Goodman ( 1 93 ~ 6. Shawn Morgan (ISO); 7. Guy Coo pe r (135 / 2); 8. Cha d Pede rs on (1 26 /2); 9 . (TIE ) A ndy Bowyer /Bra d Woolsey (124); 11. Mark Morris (120); 12. Charley Bogard (110); 13. Mike Jon es (68/2); 14. Denny Steph en s on (67 /2) ; 15. G reg Rand (62); 16. Is aiah Johnson (59); 17. (TIE ) 5<0t! Sheak /Trey Owens (58); 19! Barry Ca rsten (56); 20. Jeff Curry (53).

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