Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ifontesa Tryats Shop - RD 1 At. 38 -locke, NY 13092 - 3151497-2904 ~CoI1I314R lilt Pl'Ice: N1A DIIpIIcIIMIIt 261.3cc EngIne type: LiquId-<:ooIed, slngle-cflinder two-slroIlie BIn 11lroIllI: 71 x66mm e-ps , "' l1iiio: 7.9:1 C8rburIIon: 26mm Del'0rl0 19nIlIon: EIedronic COl AeIr lint: 4.00-18 Frllnt wheel tnmI: 6.7 in. AeIr ..... tnmI: 6.3 in. Front braIle: Disc IleIr brake: Disc Finli drive: Chain ClaImed dry weight: 184.81bs. TrlllII11lulan speeda: 6 SIIIt/ng tyIl8m: Kick Full CIpIIClty: 0.8 gal. . . . . . . . 53.4in. AMIIbIl.N1A SlIt IIIIgIIl: 29.7 in. Frllnt 1ft: 2.75-21 MotoGuzzi MotoAmerica Inc. -1004 Main Street - Ullington, NC 27546 - 9101893-3807 Moto Guzzi Sport 11(10 Moto Guzzi c.IIfomI8 1100111001 lilt PrIce: NlA DIiipI&cei,Md: 1064cc EngIne type: Air-cooled V-twin Ilont I stroke: 92 xBOmm e-pr.elon I'lIlIo: 9.5:1 e.tlunidon: (2) 36mm OeIrOrtoi weber fuel injection IgnIIIan: 0I!j1aI elecIronlc Tl_lllion IpMlII: 5 SlIrllng .,...: Electric Full CIpIIClty: 4.8 gal. WheeIbIIe: N1A IlIU/lrIII: N1A SlIt hIIghl: 29.0 in. Frllnt 1ft: 110I9G-18 rr.-nlsalon speeda: 5 LIlt Price: N1A DIsplecement: 1064cc EngIne type: Air-cooled V-twin Ilont I stroke: 92 x80mm Comprwalon l'lIlIo: 10.5:1 c.bureIton: (2) 40mm OeII'Orto 19nIlIon: Digital eIeclronic StartIng 1yst8m: Eleclric Fuel cap8Clty: 5.3 gal. Wh8elbaII: 58.1 in. A8IltIlnIII: 26'1101.6mm Seat height: 31.5 in. Front lint: 120170-17 Rear lire: 160160-18 F,. tnmI: 5.2 In. AeIr lmIII: 5.0 in. FtonI brake: Dual disc Rear brake: Disc FlnII drive: Shaft ClaImed dry weight: 441 Ibs. ReIr lint: 14MlO-17 Front wheel tnmI: NlA Rear wheel tnmI: NlA Front brake: Dual disc AeIr brake: Disc FlnII drive: Shaft ClaImed dry weight: 540 Ibs. MZ American Jawa ltd. -185 Express St. - Plainview, NY 11803 - 5161938-3210 MZ Silver Star CIHs/c 500 list PrIce: $5995 IlIIpIacemenI: 494cc EngIne type: Air-cooled, s1ngle-cyllnder lour-slroke BIn I atroke: 89 x79.4mm Compi"',I'lIlIo: 92:1 c.burelIon: 33mm Bing MZ SIMI Star Gespann IgnllIon: N1A LIlt Prtce: $7995 DllplacenMd: 494cc EngIne type: Air-cooled, single-cytinder TrllIIIIIIIIIon IpMlII: 5 StIrlIiIg 1JIdIm: EIeclricIKick Full CIpIIClty: 3.4 gal. four-slroke ~53.98in. BIn 11lroIllI: 89 x79.4nvn Aak6'lrIII: NlA Sell hIIghl: 32.3 in. Frontllnt: 3.25-16 ConIpIwIIon 1'lIlIo: 9.2:1 C8Itlca.uort. 33mm Bing IgnIIlon: NlA rr-mlIIIon IplIIdI: 5 StIrlIng . . .: EleclricIKick Full CIpICItJ: 3.4 gal. ~.53.98ln. FlIIaiIInIII: NIA SlIt IIlIlgId: 32.3 in. Fnlnt lire: 90190-18 ReIr lire: 110180-18 Front ..... 1nMl: 6.5 In. ReIr wIleeI trawl: 4.1 In, Front Ink8: Disc FleIr Ink8: Drum FlnII drive: Chain CII1nIId dry welgId: 3221bs. ReIr lint: 125 R-15 Front wheel tmeI: 6.5 in. ReIr ..... tnmI: 4.1 in. Front brIk8: Disc IleIr brake: Drum FInlII drive: Chain ClaImed dry welgId: 4941bs. MZS8xon Tour 500 Wit Prlce: $4795 DIIpJ-m: 494cc EngIne type: Air-cooled, s1ngle-cylinder four-stroke BIn 11trOk8: 89 x 79:4mm Comprllllon I'lIlIo: 92:1 CIIburelIon: 33mm Bing 19nIlIon: NlA ReIr lire: I1lY8O-16 Tr8nImlIlIIon speeda: 5 StIrlIng syIlem: ElsctrIcJI(jck Fuel CIpIIClty: 5.0 gal. WhMbI8e: 53.98 In. RIk8IlnIII: NlA Seat IIlIlgId: 32.3 in. Front lire: 90190-18 Front .... tnmI: 7.310. ReIr wheel trIVeI: 5.3 in. Front brlIk8: Disc ReIr brake: Drum FInII drive: Chain CIIImId dry welgId: 3221bs.

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