Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 72 of 175

Gas Gas JTR250 Ull PrIce: $5349 237.9cc EngIne type: Uquld-cooled, single-cylinder two-stroke Ben llllnlllr. 71 X 60mm COmpnIs8Ion milo: N1A CIItIlnIIon: 26mm DeII'QrIo O..-m: ~ lIr8: 4.00-18 Front whMIlnMII: 6.8 in. ~ whMIlnMII: 6.8 in. Front brIIre: Disc ~ brIIre: Disc FlMl drM: Chain CIBimecI dry welgIlt: 171.61bs Ignlllon: Eleclronic ,.......... 8p11C1a: 6 SlII1Ing ays1IIm: Klck Fu8I CIpdy: 1.04 gal. W ........:52.0in. ~N1A 5eIt hIlghl: 27.7 in. FnlIIt1h: 2.75-21 Gas Gas Contact JTR370 UBI PrIce: $5349 Ofslll-t: 338.2cc engine type: Liquid-cooled, single-cyllnder two-stroke Bore x stroIclI: 83.4 x61mm CompressIon ratio: NlA C8rtluretIon: 26mm De/I'Orto Gn Gas PBmpars 250 Usl PrIce: $4949 OI8plaeement: 237.7cc engine type: Uquid-cooled, single-<:ylinder two-stroke Ben x stroke: 71 x60mm ~mIIo:N1A CIl1lunlllon: 26rml DeIJ'QrIo Ignlllon: Electronic '1l'WwmI88Ion speeds: 6 Wh8eIlI8e: NlA -AaIIII'lnII1: NlA Sell height: N1A Front lire: 2.75-21 ~: LIst PrIce: N1A Diapllcamlnl: 124.8cc EngIne type: Uquid-cooled, si~ two-stroke Bore xstroke: 54 x54.5mm Compnulan ratio: NlA ClIrburetlon: 38mm Kelhin ignition: COl Electronic Trenamlalon apeeda: 6 StIIt1Ing system: Kick Fuel capacity: 2.4 gal. NlA RaIc8IlraR: NlA 5eat height: 36.6 in. Front !Ire: 90190-21 AeIr!lre: 11018().18 Front wtlI8IlnMIl: 11.2 in. AeIr ..... trewI: 12.4 in. Front br8ke: Disc ReII' br8ke: Disc FInIl dl1w: Chain CIeImed dry weight: 2091bs. Gas Gas JTR 160 - Photo not available WheIIlIse: 52.0 In. RIMIIreII: NlA Sell height: 27.7 in. Front lire: 2.75-21 RMr!lre: 4.00-18 Front whIIIlnMII: 6.8 in. RMr ..... tnIV11: 6.8 in. Front br8b: Disc RMr br8b: Disc UIl PrIce: $4895 ~143.1cc engine type: Uquid-cooled, single-cyllnder two-s1roke Ben II stroke: 56 x SO.6mm . Complllli Dlll'lllo: N1A CIrbIntIon: 26m oetrOl1o ignition: Electronic TIwI8o......... 8pIICIa: 6 SlII1Ing ayIIInl: I

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