Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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BMW of North America P.O. Box 1227· Westwood, NJ 97675-1227· 2011307-4000 BMW R85ORIRB5ORASS LI8l Prlca: $89901$10,690 DiIpIIIceIl8ll. 848cc EngIne type: Air/oil-cooled, horizonlaIIy. opposed twin Ben II SInIIIe: 87.8 x70.5mm Com~ IIlIo: 10.3:1 c.1JunIIIon: Electronic fuel injection IgnIlIon: Bosch MoUonic 1I••1I''''D11 tpIIdI: 5 Sldlg.-= Electric Fuel CII*llY: 5.5 gal. WIIeeIIIeM: 57.99 in. AIIllWlnIII: 26'/12Omm seat hlIlght: 29.9130.7/31.5 in. Front lire: 120170-17 Reartlnl: 160160-18 Front whelII tmeI: 4.7 in Rear whelIItravIl: 5.3 in. Front bnIke: Dual cisclAnIHock dual disc Rear bnIke: DisclAntHock disc F1nIl drtve: Shaft ClaImed dry WIiFI: 482 Ibs. BMW R1100R ASS LI8l Prlce: $12,290 DIspl8cement: 1085cc Engine type: Air/oil·cooied, horizontally' opposed twin Bore x moke: 99 x 70.5mm CompressIon ratio: 10.3:1 cartluretlon: Electronic fuel injection BMW RttOOGS ASS Us! Prlce: $12,990 ~1085cc Engine type: Air/oII-cooled, horizontallyopposed twin Bore II s1rok8: 99 x70.5mm Compression rallo: 10.3:1 cartluretIon: Electronic fuel injection ignition: Bosch Motronic TransmIsslon' speeds: 5 StIrlIng aysIIIm: Electric FUll CIpIICily: 5.5 gal. ~58.85in. Raluif'lnlll: 26'/111 mm SeBt height: 33.1133.8 in. Front tlnI: 110180-19 BMWRttOORS ABS BMW R1tOORSL ASS 19nIllon: Bosch Motronic r-issIon speeds: 5 ~1085cc SlIrtIng syslIm: Electric FUll CII*llY: 6.07 gal. WIlIelbae: 57.5 in. EngIne type: Air/oik:ooIed, horizonlalIyopposed twin Ben x1troIl8: 99 x70.5mm Contpl8IIon ratio: 10.7:1 Carblntlon: Electronic fuel Injection R....... 24.1'/104mm SIlII helght: 31.5 in. Front lira: 120170-17 Starttng sys\lIm: Electric Fuel capecily: 5.5 gal. Wheelbase: 57.99 in. RakeltraU: 26'/l20mm SeBt height: 29.9130.7/31.5 in. Front lira: 120170-17 Rear lira: 160160-18 Front ..... travel: 4.7 in Rear whelII travel: 5.3 in. Front brake: Anti-lock dual disc Ree, brake: Anti·lock disc Final drive: Shaft ClIImed dry weight: 482 Ibs. Reerllra: t5Ol70-17 Front whelII travel: 7.4 in Rear whelII tmeI: 7.8 in. Front bnIke: Anti-Iock dual disc Rear bnIke: Anti-lock disc Final drive: Shaft Claimed dry weight: 495 Ibs. Us! Prtce: $14,750 Displacement: 1085cc Engine type: Air/oil-eooled, horizontally. opposed twin Bore x stroke: 99 x70.5mm Compression rallo: 10.7:1 CBrburatlon: Electronic fuel injection Us! Prlce: $15,150 ignition: Bosch Motronic Trall8llllsslon speeds: 5 ignition: Bosch Motronic Transmlallon speeda: 5 StartIng system: Electric Fuel capacily: 6.07 gal. Wheelbase: 57.5 in. RakB/traiI: 24.1 '/104mm SeBt height: 31.5 in. Front lIr9: 120170-17 Rear tire: 160160-18 Front: whelII tmeI: 4.7 in Rear whelIItravIl: 5.3 in. Front: bnIke: Anti~ock dual disc Rear bnIke: Anti~ock disc FiIIII drive: Shaft CI8Imed dry WIlght: 506 Ibs. Rear lira: 160160-18 Front whelIItravIl: 4.7 in Rear whelIItravIl: 5.3 in. Front brake: Anti~ock dual disc R_ braIl8: Anti~ disc Final drtve: Shaft Claimed dry W81ght: 5061bs. BMW RttOORTASS Us! Prlce: $15,990 DllpIaC8i1i811l: 1085cc EngIne type: Air/oil-eooled, horizontallyopposed twin Ben llltroll8: 99 x 70.5mm ~ ratio: 10.7:1 e.tIureIIon: Electronic fuel if1ection 19nItlon: Bosch MoUonic Tnu..nIeeIon speeds: 5 Stirling eystem: Electric Fuel capecily: 6.6 gal. WheeIbese: 58.4 in. ~ 27.2'/122mm s.t hIIghI: 30.75131.50132.35 In. Front llrI: 120110-17 Rear lire: 160160-18 Front .... lr8vIl: 4.7 in Rear wheIIlr8WI: 5.3 in. Front brake: Anti·1ock dual disc Rear breIlI: AntHock disc FlnII drive: Shaft CIIImId dry Wght: 5631ls.

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