Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Cylindennd_ CyIiIIB cIIImIter New: 76.044, 76.048 and 76.042mm Now: 76.078, 76.064 and 76.074mm Verdict: Liners slightly conical, within tolerance taken all the original measurements when the bike was built on March 16, 1992. PROBLEMS We identified three things that would improve things for the future. First, Nikasil-plated cylinder liners would reduce the piston clearances - as on Kseries BMWs. Second, the gudgeon-pin and connecting-rod materials don't match mechanically - we found grooves de!'!p enough to need bushing. Third, the generator kissed its housing - a minor flaw. If you ride two-and-a-half times around the world, you are going to find a few things that annoy you. Our biggest problem was the starter sprag clutch. It had to be replaced three times (at .16,156, 34,177 and 52,819 miles). The parts have now been modified by the factory so the starter runs faster, the engine slower and the triple starts better even when the battery is low. From the 1994 model year, the battery is charged from 1500 rpm up, improving things for ci ty riders. Once in a while the Triumph mastered its rider, deceived by good handling and surprised by the top-heavy nature of what is a heavy bike. The damage was slight: indicators, a footrest, a mirror and a rear brake pedal. At 29,827 miles the clutch clearance was reduced from 0.3 to 0.2mm. After that the rough patch between 2500 and 3500 rpm (unique to our bike) disappeared. Triumph now fits a Teflon-coated plate 'to reduce clutch rattle. At 31,691 ·the gearbox shift-shaft oil seal was leaking, and the clutch push rod was replaced at the same time. The speedo cable broke twice, the throttle cable once. The Givi saddle bags (original Triumph accessories) were used a lot and got good reviews. They're waterproof, easy to fit and have good carrying capacity. Only the red, plastic part of the key broke. After three years they are no longer quite lOD-percent waterproof and move around a bit on their mountings. Other areas where things .could be improved are the allen screws, which collect water and rust; the center stand which loses its coating and rusts; and the clutch-fluid reservoir which also lost its coating. Toward the end of the test, the bike became more and more difficult to put on its center stand, the ignition switch wore out, and the writing on the fuel tap and monoshock damper was womaway. . TIRES The newer, the better. The original Dunlop K455F/G or Michelin A/M59X last well and do nothing wrong. The latest GT tires from Pirelli (MTR03/04 Dragon GT) and Bridgestone (BT54) give better handling and are more stable and more comfortable. They turn the Trident into a real bend swinger, easy to set up fcir a corner, neutral on the-way through and easy and safe to change line witn. Deep drainage sipes make them better in the rain than semislick supersports tires. But the best thing about GT tires is their phenomenal life span: The front PireUis lasted between 10,500 and 13,000 miles and the rear Pirellis over 9000. The Bridgestone BT54s might last as long, but we only had them for the last 6000 miles. . For the guys who need more grip, Bridgestone BT50~ do the job. MO-man Wolf-Martin Riedel raced the nearly 50,000-mile Trident on them in the BEARS race at the Ducati Speed Week at Zeltweg. At touring speeds, the BT50s lasted 6835 miles. . Piston d1l111l1ller New: 75.970, 75.968 and 75.972mm Now: 75.950, 75.945 and 75.940mm Verdict: No marks, hardly any depostts, minimal wear PIston cIelnnce New: 0.079, 0.080 and 0.07Ornm Now: 0.128, 0.129 and O.l34mm Verdict: At lower end of tolerance Top ring lIlIP New: 0.356, 0.305 and 0.305mm Now: 0.043, 0.040 and O.04Omm Vnicl: Nearly like new 5econd ring lIlIP New: 0.589, 0.559 and O.559mm Now: 0.700, 0.750 and 0.7OOmm Verdicl: Nearly like new 00 ring Verdict: Not much tension· may be the reason for slightly higher oil consumption at end of !est Gucllleoll-pin diameter New: 18.996, 18.997 and 18.995mm Now: 18.995, 18.995 and 18.995mm Verdict: Like new in diameter, but scratched (see photo at right) Connecllng-roclllttlHnd dIameler New: 19.006, 19.006 and 19.008mm Now: 19.040, 19.060 and 19.045mm Verdict: Deep scratches, oval, new bushing reqUired (see photo at right) BIgoencI dIamet8r New: 40.952, 40.953 and 4O.953mm Now: 41.065, 41.055 and 41.045mm Verdict: Within tolerances CrIIIkIhIlIlllIIn-bIIrIng joumII diImIter New: 37.965, 37.967, 37.967 and 37.967mm Now: 38.055, 38.035, 38.Q30 and 38.035mm VII'dIc:t: WIthIn tolel8l'lC8S CrankIhIft IIlIin-bllrlng cIeIrIncII New: 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 and 0.38mm Now: 0.09, 0.09, 0.065 and 0.07mm VII'dIc:t: Within tolerances ORlUIlP VenIIct 100 percent flat CylInder ' - ' Verdict: 100 percent flat Inlet CII1lIIlIft jo-.I cI8mel8r New: 22.982, 22.960, 22.960 and 22.!l55mm Now: 22.980, 22.960, 22.960 and 22.955mm Verdict: Nearly Uke new Exhaust CIIIIah8ll JoumII dilneIer New: 22.985, 22.961, 22.961 and 22.957mm Now: 22.985, 22.960, 22.960 and 22.960mm VenIIc:t: Nearly like new Inlet camsh8lt 11ft New: 37.051 to 37.061mm Now: 37.035 to 37.055mm Verdict: No marks, nearly like new Exhaust CIlIlIIhaft 11ft New: 36.791 to 36.812mm Now: 36.790 to 36.805mm Verdict: No marks, nearly like new VaIve-8tIm dilunlIl8r New: 5.463 to 5.475mm Now: 5.455 to 5.475mm Verdict: Nearly like new ~ ctilInl8tlIr New: 5.51Ornm Now: 5.51Omm Verdict: Nearly Uke new Inlet ¥lIMI . . wIdtII Ner.0.9mm Now: 1.2mm Verdict: Wrthin tolerances Exhlult VlIIve 8IlIl wIcIlh Ner.l.1mm Now: 1.5mm Verdict: Within tolerances VaIvHprIng ouIIIr"nner free Ilelght New: 41.0 to 41.3mrn/37.0 to 37.1 mm Now: 41.0 to 41.3mrn/37.0 to 37.1 mm Verdicl: Like new Clutch frietIon-plate thickness New: 3.812 to 3.826mm Now: 3.810 to 3.82Ornm Verdict: Like new, 100 percent flat Clutch steel-plBl8 thIckneas New: 1.375mm Now: 1.375mm Verdict: Uke new, 100 percent flat CIutl:h b8IIcIt Verdict: Like new 57

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