Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- -0 -0 0- r o o ~?!:.AL ~ > NEW 1996 MOTORCYCL.£S, ACC£SSORI£S & DISPLAYS rv N $100 FOR THE BEST RIDER COSTUME < ~ saturday, february 3rd 1996 Sunday. febraury 4th ~ ~ 0- 8 ~ 00- ~ r ~ ~ - rv > m III!trWI 0* m ---. _ lJ*: N Q:: Bp No""_ ....... _ _ -lMlll.IIIItOO, 966~ AZ e ijO.:t >tOO, 966~ AZ e ~o .-x1rY of O.E.M. MIlia Parts, Pipes and other to soft the Racer 1fcIer alike Billy Lavorcl (303) grabs the early lead during 12Scc Novice action at the LACR motocross. Kevin O'Brien (56) scored the overall win. up, and at the drop of the fulg Clark shot off the line for the lead. Frehe nailed down second with Cathy Reilly claiming third and McCarty assuming fourth. Clark was again able to control the pace of the field until the fast, four-racer &eight train ran into lapped traffic. McCarty refused to settle for fourth and two laps later made a textbook pass on Reilly to grab third as they entered the horseshoe. On the next lap Clark was frustrated by a slower rider in the horseshoe tum at the end of the straight and gave the lapped rider some extra room, effectively killing her drive through the ern. cane. This was what Frehe had been waiting for, and after an early drive out of the stadium chicane, she successfully made a bid for the lead with an inside pass on the chicane's exit heading out onto the fast tum-four sweeper. For Clark, the cat was out of the bag. and all she could do was try to stay in touch with the new leader and protect second place from McCarty. In the battle for fifth, Douglas and Barb Landry were dicing back and forth while they charged al'Olind the roller-coastcr course, Landry drafted Douglas and made a pa s tick in the tum-one horseshoe only to have Douglas snag the position back through the chicane. Once Frehe had a dear track, she took advantage by stretching out a lead to take the win followed by Clark, who held the advantage over McCarty. Reilly brought home fourth with Dou/lIas fifth and Landry si>.1h. Results STK: 1 K~n Takeda (Yam); Z. Tim Rush (Yam); 3 Dan Merlino (Yam); 4. ""\tId Crorge (Yam); 5. Bruce UtzIH(Yam). SS: 1 Ken Takeda (Yam); 2. Tim RUlih (Yam); 3. Michael Lynn (Yllm);4 Art Maml"lf.'Z(Yam):S. Shawn R~iIIy (yam). S/BK.: 1. Ken Takeda (yam); 2. David George (Yom); 3. Michael Lynn (Yam); 4 Paul Vanze(Yom); 5. Art Martinel (Yom) 80 cr· I jerry I:b.Jg.lil!; (Yam); 2. Tim Ru5h (Yilm); 3. Ene Graham (Yam); 4. Pat Hush (Yom); 5. Ray Itugglell (Kaw). B/W, L Dan Merlino (Suz~ 2. jeff Sheppard (Kaw); 3. Jamt"$ SwItzer (Hon ~ VeT, I. jeTy Oou~ (Yam); 2. Pit Hush (Yam); 3. Ray Ruggle"i (}Caw); 4 Art Moutmez (Yam).: 5. Shawn Rt"IUy (Yam~ WM, . 1. ~ F~ (Su%).: 2. Susan Oark (Yarn): 3. Teres. Md:arty (Yam); 4. Kathy RftIly (Yam);'s. LaUT" Doug.Ias(Yam~ ,OV: 1 Mx:haeI ~(Yamt2. e;.,m johnson (Yam); 3. Stew Andersen (Yam~4. Bnan ~(Yam); 5. Don Dinger (Yam~ NOV SS-S/BK I MIke PIefU (Yarn); 2. MKhaeI Hanrw (Yam); 3. Mile Cullen (Yam~ 4, c:harles TsegdetoI (Yam); S. Alex Wagner (Y=~ NOV DA H: 1. Charles T~g~let~ (Yam); 2. Geoff Eppes (Yam); 3. Mike CWIen (Yam); 4 Sam ~ (Yam); S. John Daker (Y=~ LACR Trophy Series Motocross to O'Brien By Greg Robertson PAL\IDALE. CA. DEC 3 W., It C G"" Stiebr T"" 10-11 FEB. 1\)011 O".R"I ",t,re,el, CASINO(619) 244-0397 RUN CIIl: (909) 711-6510 or fEB· 96 CYC~ Sales • Parts • service . DiYIIIon of EmenId City RacIng, Kent, WA (206) 630-2784 • (206) 631-9540 Shop Being in the right place at the right time, and a little misfortune on his competition's part, enabled Kevin O'Brien to walk away with the 125cc Novice-class overall honors during the opening round of the California Racing Club's annual Trophy Series at Los Angeles County Raceway. Billy Lavorci nailed the first-moto holeshot over Kevin Townsend, Mike Gibson and Alvin Zalamea. Gibson quickly got around Townsend and latched on to the back fender of Lavorci. The next few laps saw Gibson showing Lavorci his front fender at every opportunity before outdragging him down a whooped-out straight to grab the lead. Townsend was next to make a move, shooting past Lavorci while coming down off the over-and-under jump to move into second place with one lap remaining. Townsend overshot a tum on the last circuit and quickly went from second to fifth place. Lavorci dosed back in on leader Gibson to make a close finish. O'Brien, who had slowly been working up through the field, kept the throttle on longer down the back strajght to overtake Zalamea for third at the checkered fiag while Gibson took the win. I.avorci proved quickest 'off the line in moto two, but tried a no-footer off the big infield double jump and proceeded to overshoot the following tum, handing Gibson the lead. Lavorci ...-entered the track in second just ahead of O'Brien and Zalamea. Lavord studied Gibson's lines for a cOU pie of laps before stuffing him at the base of the over-and-under jump to retake the lead. A second·moto win by either Lavore or Gibson would sew up the overall, as the two riders pulled away from the field. But with just over a lap remaining, Lavore lost his front end in a high-speed sweeper and went down hard. Gibson was too close to avoid Lavorci and plowed right into him. O'Brien. motored past the downed front-runners 10 win the mota and overall honors. Townsend came all the way from a ninth-place start to finish second. Gibson got up and going again to take third and second overall. Jerod Pederson got around fast starter Scott Minster oli the opening lap of the first 125cc Beginner molO only to go down a lap later and hand the lead back to Minster. Pederson came back from a lQ-second deficit after his crash to repass Minster and easily pull away for the win. Dave Riley put in a great ride coming from a 14thplace start to get around Charles Cook with two laps left to take third. A bobble by Minster in the whoops on the first lap of moto two erased his holeshot advantage and allowed Pederson to shoot past. Pederson continued on uncontested for the second-moto wiT\. The battle for second lasted the entire molo and went down to the wire, with Minster finishfN ing a wheel ahead of Chad Neal and Riley. w Results P/W 8-2: 1. Cody Miles (Yam); 2. A.C. Jolley (yam); 3. Dylan TylorHemme(Yam). Goetze(Yam~4. P/W 6-1 1. Bry~ Ternan (KTM). 2. MltdwJI Miles (K'Thf): 3. Shawn Butler. P/W A~ 1 Ricky Htmme (l.EM'~ 2. EdwuS6ef (L£M).. • P/W MOO IJ.J Noone (\.EM) 60 BEG: I. Edward Hemng (Kaw): 2. 5Nn ~k (Kaw); 3. T"unothy M~ (Kaw). 6D (0-8): 1 Ricky Hemme 0'-); 2. Ryan Roybal (KAiw): 3. J.J. Noone(Kaw)o4 jaredT~(Kaw~ 60 (9-11)~ I Troy Tittlenuer (teaw); 2. Matthew Contreras (Kaw);3. Scott Knnyu(K;lw). 80 BEG~ 1. Bmu CiUiam (Yam); 2. jeff Versepul (Suz\; 3. Tl'llvis Pursley (Yam); 4. Kurt Nemn (Yam); 5. Juon Beauchesne (Yam). 80 (7-11): 1. Scott Howe (Yam); 2. Scott Sil1'O'l (Suz); 3. Smith (Hoo);<4. Cerard PabnJr. (Yam). 80 (12·13): 1. SNwn Scott (Suz); 2. T)'M" Tlttlmtier (Hon); 3. sa- 8oI>by Ste/bn (Su%~ 80 (14-16): I. MIChael Young (Hon); 2. Ja9Ol"l Webb; 3. Devtn ~ (Y=~' Spn>uI (lion). 125 BEG; J. Jerud Pederson (Hon); 2. Scott Minster (Suz~ 3. 0."" Riley (Su%~'" Chad N'" (Han~ S Art SoI4zM (Yom~ 125 NOV: 1. Ke'Vln O'Bnen (Suz); 2. Mib Gibson (Hon); 3 Kevin Townsend (Hon); 4. Alvm Zaumea (Su%); 5. Kns laVOie (Yom~ 125 L''T 1. Shawn a8ritn (Suz); 2. Keny TemK.'CIrino (Hon); 3. Brian Swe>ny (lion)." Gmt Sl>oponI (Su%~ 125 PRO 1. T~ Malan (Suz); 2. Erik Uncbtrom (Han); 3. Milt &teman (Yam); 4. Nkk Mall'05e ('Suz.~ 2SO BEG 1.Marlc:.fotws (Yam); 2. Johnny Tergo (Y.lm~ 2SO NOV: 1. Chuck Kober' (5\1z); 2. Bryan Lamborn; 3. Cole Townsend (Hon); 0&.. ShawneChambeiin (Yam).; S. Dan King (Yam). 2SO INT: I. Paul Gilmartin (Hon~ 2SO PRO: 1. Donald Upton (Hon); 2. Te-rance Malan (Suz); 3. Nick Milirose (Sut). 500 BEG: 1. Tim O'Donnell (KTM~ 500 NOV: I. Hllrold Smith (KTM). JR VET BEG: l. Greg Benton (Hon); 2. Cllbi Abayou (Hon); 3. Mike Mohacsi (Yam); 4. Chuck Shannon (1-100); S. Bob Kelley (Yam). jR VET NOV: 1. John Tumer (Suz~ JR VET !NT: 1. Marty Estes (Kaw). VET 8EG: 1. Miguel Santos (Yam); 2. Chud:. Shannon (Hon); 3. John Sullivan (Hon); 4. Jack Tanner (Yam); 5. Karl Goetze (Suz~ VET NOV; 1. Mike Carr (Hon); 2. john Knisht (Hon); 3. Qeg Robertson (Hon); 4, MArk Neal (Yam); S. Roy Stafford (Kaw). VET INT: 1. 8rnce Tdxl (Hon); 2. Mike Webb (Suz); 3. Randy Tittlemift- (Han); 4. Harold S.,.uth (KTM); 5. Steve Wilbams (Hon~ VET EX; 1.)00 Zahrt (Yam); 2. teoSiul (Hon). SR NOV: 1. Charles Howt>!1 (Yam); 2. Bob Breach (Yam): 3. Rulhann.Rt-naw: (Hon);4. W.ltt'r" Mile!l (Han). SR EX: t Mik~ Webb (Suz); 2. Mike Knnyak (Hon); 3. Ken Renaux (Hon).

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