Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SWEEPS A 11M e: Enter now for a chance to win a 6 day / 5 night vacation for two to Daytona Beach, Florida for the running of the 55th DAYTONA 200 hy ~ and the 19% celehration of - Traveleralt Bike Week paCka~!IUding GMOTORCVCL~ Airline Travel, Hotel/Rental Car Package for Two (2) for 6 days/5 nights - One year subscription to CErn ~ - Two VIP tickets to events including. . . k...... • . . . .~ II!!!!:' ~ ~ DAYTONA BUDWEISER 600cc NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP ~ ~ Friday Night, March 8, 1996 A-MA--G-R-A-N-D-N-A-T-'L-C-H-A-M-P-IO-N-S-H-IP-S-E-R-IE-S-O-P-EN-E-R-I 2ND PRIZE - Two ~ Regent Helmets - One Year Subscription to CErn ~ Saturday Night, March 9, 1996 26th DAYTONA SUPERCROSS by HONDA Saturday, March 9, 1996 3RD 55th DAYTONA 200 by ~ Superbike Classic Sunday, March 10, 1996 Prizes and promotional assistance provided by: PRIZE - ~ Darien Jacket and Pants or Roadcrafter Suit. (Winner's Choice) - One Year Subscription to CErn ~ ~ lRAVEL CRAF(TM JMYrOfM~ • INTERNATIONAL SPEEDWA Y r-----------------------::::=-~:~~:----::~~~~:~l:.:::::~~~y~~:::,~~~~:te;edi~----o No, I don't want to subscribe, but i I I i Q Bill 3 EZ payments of $12.67 each Q Enclosed is my check or money order Name Charge my Q i Address - - - - - - - - - ; : - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _-'! City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State Phone # m Q Please bill me one payment of $38.00 please enter me in the sweepstakes. j I I- ~ Zip Q Charge Card# ~ Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp. Date Order Date One Year (50 Issues). 2nd Class Canada or Mexico and all other foreign countries $78.00 (US Funds). First class and airmail rates available upon request. _ _ _ Send To: Cycle News, Inc. 1996 Daytona Sweepstakes P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 No Purchase nece8S&ry. Aft out the official 8fltry form (or a 3~x5~ lacsimlle), Including your name. address, city, stale, zip code and phone number. Entries (one Rer pel'3on) must be received by CvcIe News, Inc. by January 10, 1996. Final drawing will be held on January 13. 1996. The odds of winning will be determined by the number of entries received, All entries become Ihe property 01 Cycle News, Inc. Winners nama will be available after the drawing u~n request. Contest Is void where prOhlbhed. SUbject to all lOcal. slate and lederal regulations. Winner shall be required to sign a statement releaslng , ~~~j~;:a~~s~~a~~,c:,~:~,:;o.r:.o~r:r; l:rU:~a~~n~rlj~II~~~:~Ur=:~~~~::~aFtr:.~~~~I~::~~:;~:~:~;~~~~~ :u:~tut:~~c:<~s~c:;==~~~l~~~r;:: ~~de4~~=~~C::: :;~:~:~~u:em=.;~~~~=:~~:~:~.,~~~~ the prize. the winner orenls CycJe News. Inc. permission In promole and publicize his or her photograph and the prize woo. All employees of Cycle News, Inc., Daytona InternatIonal Speedway, Camel Pro, Aerostlch, Aral Helmets, Travelctatt and their famYles ai'll not eligible. -------------------~--------------------------------------------_._--------_._--------------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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