Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Yamaha Royal Star Usl PrIce: $13,499 DIsplacemenl: 1295cc EngIne type: Uquid-cooled V·four Bore I stroke: 79 x 66mm Compression ratio: 10.0:1 Carburellon: (4) 28mm Mikuni Ignition: Digital TCI Front wheel tnMlI: 5.5 in. R8' wheel tnMlI: 3.8 in. Front brake: Dual disc Re8r brake: Disc Anal drive: Shaft Claimed dry weight: 672 100. T,alSiilisslon speeds: 5 Starting sysl8m: Electric Fuel capacity: 4.8 gal. WheeIbasa: 66.7 in. Rak8llrall: 3Ool129mm seat height: 28.3 in. Front tint: 150180-16 Rear tint: 150190·15 Yamaha Tour Classic US! PrIce: $15,399 DlspIaclIment: 1295cc engine type: Uquid-<:ooled V-lour Bore I stroke: 79 x 66mm CampressIon rstlo: 10.0:1 eatIurelIan: (4) 28mm Mikuni ignition: Digital TCI Yamaha V..vax TramnIssIon apeeds: 5 Us! Price: $10,199 StartIng systam: EIeclric capIICIty: 4.0 gal. WheeIIae: 62.6 in. Dlspllcemellt: 1198cc EngIne type: Uquid-cooled V-four Bore I slrak8: 76 x66mm Compntsslan ntIIo: 10.5:1 C8rbuntlIon: (4) 35mm Mikuni ignition: Digital TCI F'" Aaka'lnlI: 29"1119mm seat height: 30.1 In. Front tint: 110190-18 A.- tint: 150190-15 YamshB sees " Yamaha FZR600 four-eyllnder Bore I stroke: 59 x54.8mm Compntsslon ratio: 12.0:1 C8ItlunttIon: (4) 32mm Mikunl Front wheel tntvII: 5.5 in. A.- wheel travel: 3.8 in. Front bntIria: Dual disc A.- bntIria: Disc FInal drive: Shaft CI8Imed dry waIght: 725 Ibs. Front wheel mel: 5.5 in. R8' wheel tnMlI: 3.9 in. Front brake: Dual disc A.- brake: Disc FInal drive: Shaft Claimed dry weight: 580 100. Us! Price: $5299 Dlaplace"ISi'1. 599cc Engine type: Air-cooled, In-line Iour-eylinder Bore 11I1nlke: 58.5 x 55.7mm CampressIon ratio: 10.0:1 CerbunttIon: (4) 26mm Mikuni 19n1tIon: D~I TCI Ust Price: $6399 Displacement: 599cc Englne type: Uquid-eooled, in~ine TntnnIsIon speeds: 5 Starting system: E1ecIric F'* C8peC1ty: 4.8 gal. WheeIbaIe. 66.7 in. RaIaIIlnil: 3Ool129mm seat height: 28.3 in. Front tlrr. 150180-16 A.- tint: 150190-15 RaIla/Inil: 25'194mm Seet height: 30.9 in. Front lire: 11 0170-17 Yamaha 'fZF6ODR Ust Price: $7499 Displacement: 599cc engine type: Uquid-cooled, in-line four-cylinder Ben I stroke: 62 x 49.6mm Compmslon ratio: 12.0:1 C8ItlunttIon: (4) 34mm Keihin Yamaha 'fZF75OR 19nItIon: DIgital TCI S18rtIng syltllm: Electric Fuel capecIty: 5.0 gal. W!leelbIse: 55.9 in. RaIIa'InIIl: 24'/108mm seat hllIgIIt: 30.9 in. Front lire: 12Of1G.17 TntnsmIssIon speeds: 6 Front wheel tnMlI: 5.5 In. ReBr wheel travel: 4.3 in. FnInt brIIIe: Disc Re8r brIIIe: Disc FInal drtve: Chain CIIImed dry waIght: 408 100. Rear tint: 140/60-18 Front wheel tnMlI: 5.1 in. Rear wheel tnMlI: 4.5 in. Front brake: Dual disc Rear brake: Disc Rnal drive: Chain Claimed dry weight: 3951bs. Ignltlon: Digital TCI Transmisalon speeds: 6 Starting system: EleclTic Fuel CIIpIICity: 4.8 gal. WheeIIatle: 58.1 In. Lilt Price: $10,499 Displacement: 749cc Engine type: Uquid-eooled, Iour-cyllnder four-stroke Bore 11I1nlke: 72 x 46mm Compntsslan ratio: 11.5:1 CIrbunttIon: (4) 38mm Mikunl TntnsmlsaIon speeds: 6 S1lIrtlng system: EIecIric F'* capIICIty: 4.5 gal. WheeIblIse: 56.9 in. RaII8IlntII: 25'l97mm seat hllIgIIt: 30.3 in. Front tint: 110180-17 II.- tint: 13017G-18 Ignition: Digital TCI Transmlsalon speeds: 6 Starting systlIm: Electric Fuel capacity: 5.0 gal. WheeIb8Ie: 55.7 in. Rallll/lntll: 25'/97mm seat height: 31.3 in. Front lire: 120160-17 ReBr tint: 180155-17 FrontwheeltnMll: 4.7 In. Rur w!lelIIlntvel: 5.1 in. Front brake: Dual disc Rur brake: Disc FInal drlvr. Chain ClaImed dry weight: 428 100. Rear tint: 160160-17 Front wheellntvel: 5.1 In. Rear wheal travel: 4.7 in. Front brakI: Dual disc Rear brakI: Disc FInal drive: Chain CIaiIIllId dry IIIight: 4081bs.

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