Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Triumph TbUlrdtNblrr/ LIlt Price: $10,495 ~:885cc Engine type: Uquld-eooled, in-line three-cyUnder Bore x stroke: 76 x65mm CompressIon ndIo: 10.0:1 CartlunItIon: (3) 36mm Mikuni CV 19n1lIon: DigIlaI inductive rr-tisIIon speeds: 5 SlaI1Ing 1ySlllm: Electric Fuel CIpIClly: 4.0 gal. Wheelbae: 61.0 in. Raklf'lrlll: 27"I105mm Stet height: 29.5 in. Front tIrt: 110180-18 AM' 11111: 1eo or 150180-16 Franl wheel travel: 5.9 in. Reer wheel travel: 4.3 in. Franl brlIke: Disc Reer bl'llke: Disc Flnel drive: Chain Clelmed dry welgIIl: 484 Ibs ignition: Digital inductive Triumph Adventurer LIlt Price: $10,995 Dl8pI8cement: 885cc Engine type: Uquid-eooled, in-line Ihree-cylinder Bore x slnlke: 76 x 65mm Comprealon ratio: 10.0:1 C8rburelIon: (3) 36mm Mikuni CV Transmission IP"ds: 5 SterlIng 1ySlllm: Electric Fuel capIICIIy: 4.0 gal. WheeIbae: 61.0 in. RakeIlraIt 2r1105mm Stet height: 29.5 in. Front tIIII: 110180-18 Rssr tIIII: 160 or 150180-16 Front wheel tr8vel: 5.9 in. RelIr wheel tra1IeI: 4.3 in. Front bnIke: Disc Rssr bnIke: DIsc FlnaI drive: Chain CIIlmecI dry WlIIght: 482/bs. ~ ttre: 160160-18 Front wheellrmIl: 5.9 in. ~ wheellrmIl: 5.0 in. Frontlnke: Dual disc lilt Price: $8995 DIspIawi••1l: 885cc EngIne type: Uquid-aloled, in-line ignition: Digital inductive Tr8IIIlIIIaIon . . . .: 6 SIIrtIng aystem: EIec:lric Fuel ClIIIIdtY: 6.6 gal. lhre&-cylinder Bore xstroU: 76 x65mm ~ndIo: 10.6:1 Cerburetlon: (3) 36mm Mlkuni CV ~.59.4in. ~Inke:Disc RIIl8IlnIlI: 2r1105nYn Stet hIIgIIl: 30.5 in. Front Ill'll: 12OfT0- 18 Final drive: Chain Cl8lmed dry weight: 466 Ibs . Triumph Trident 900 Triumph Speed Triple list Price: $10,995 DIIplacemenl: 885cc engine type: Uquid-eooled, i~ine 1hree-cylinder 80l'il x stroke: 76 x65mm Compression ratJo: 10.6:1 e.tlIntIon: (3) 36mm Mikuni CV Triumph Sprint List Price: $10,495 Displacement: 885cc EngIne type: Uquid-cooled, in~ine three-cylinder Bore x stroke: 76 x65mm ColnprwsIon ratio: 10.6:1 CeIbuIIIlIon: (3) 36mm Mikuni CV Ignition: Digital inductive Tranemlsslon speeds: 6 Slarllng By8lelII: Electric Fuel cepeclty: 6.6 gal. WheeIb8Ie: 58.7 in. RaJra'lnIII: 2r1105nYn Sell height: 30.5 in. Front tIrt: l2OfT0-17 Triumph Trophy 90011200 80l'il x stroke: 76 x65mrn CompressIon ndIo: 10.6:1 Carburellon: (3)/(4) 36mm Mikuni CV Triumph 1JtIytDM 9tJfJIt2lJ(} ~1: 885cc1118Occ Engine type: Uquid-eooled, in-line Ihree-cyllnderlfour-cylinder 80l'il x stroke: 76 x 65mm ConIprIIIIon 11IlIo: 10.6:1/12.0:1 CerbunIlIon: (3)/(4) 36mm Mikuni CV IpIIlIon: DigIlaI induc1Iv9 Tr8I_I•• allplllla: 6 S1Irtlng syIIIIm: Electric Fuel CIIpIClty: 6.6 gal. WheeIbIa: 58.7 in. RakIf'lrIII: 2r/105mm Sell hIIght: 31.1 in. Fnlnt tIrt: 120170-17 AM' tire: 180155-17 Front wheel travel: 5.9 in. Ater wheellrmIl: 5.0 in. Front bnIke: Duai disc Reer brake: Disc Final clrlve: Chain C111mec1 dry WlIIght: 460 Ibs. .RelIr ttl'll: 170/60-17 Front wheel tr8vel: 5.9 in. Rear wheel tr8vel: 5.0 in. Front bl'llke: Duai disc . RelIr bl'llke: Disc FlnaI drive: Chain ClaImed dry weIgIIt: 473 Ibs. lilt PrIce: $11,5951$12,995 DI8pIlIc:ement: 885cc11 180cc EngIne type: Uquid-eooled, in-line lhre9-cyIinderlfour-cylinder LIlt PrIce: $11,5951$12,995 ignition: Digital inductive T•.-nIe8Ion 1P"dS: 6 Starting aystem: Electric Fuel cepeclty: 6.6 gal. Wheelbe18: 58.7 in. RakeIlraU: 27"/105mm Sell height: 31.1 in. Front tIIII: 120170-17 ignition: Digitat inductive Transmission 1P"dI: 6 StartIng system: Bectric Fuel ClIIIIdtY: 66 gal. WheeIbIse: 58.7 in. RakeIlraI; 27"/105mm Seel hlIIght: 33.4 in. Front 11111: 120170-17 RIIr tIIII: 180/55-17 Front wheellrmIl: 5.9 in. Rear whee/'IrmIl: 5.0 in. Front brlke: Dual disc Rssr bl'llke: Disc FlneI drive: Chain ClaImed dry WIIight: 469 IbsJ495Ibs. Ater linl: 170f60.17 Front wheel travel: 5.9 in. AM' wheel tr8VIll: 5.0 in. Front bnIke: Dual disc AM' bnIke: Disc FlnaI cIrIw: Chain CIIlmecI dry wight: 485lbsJ5151bs.

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