Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 85 of 175

KatrasaId Motors Corp., U.S.A. ·9950 Jeronimo Rd. -Irvine, CA 93718-2016 - 7141770-()4()() KJIfItIAId KX88 lilt PrIer. $2199 0I;'1_1t6llcc EIIgIne lp: LiqlickooIed, ~~ a- X IlraIlI: 43.0 x41.6mm C $I '.,1110: NlA CIIIlInlIon: 24mm MIIuIi 19nIIIon: Electronic CD T-..IaIon IPIIds: 6 StIltIng ayIlIm: Kick Full CIIpICItJ: 0.92 gal. . . . . . . . 42.5In. RllrdiIl:NlA SIIIIlIlgIlt 28.0 in. Front IN: 601100-14 R88f II,.: 801100-12 Front 1rIveI: 7.9 in. A.lnMl: 7.9 in. Front brlIIca: Drum A.- brlIIca: Drum FlnII drive: Chain CIIImed dry weIgIIt 111 Ibs. KBaIII'j KX80 IgnIlIon: DigItal CO rr..'1iIIIolI1pIIlII: 6 SlatIng IyItWlI: Kick Full CIpICIty: 1.5 gal. WIleeIb8Ie: 49.2 in. Il8bIInIII:NlA SlllIIlIIgIlI: 33.1 in. Front tII8: 701100-17 LIlt Pltcr. $2799 DlIpIIIcemeIll: 82cc EngIne lp: Liqukk:ooIed, slngle-cylinder two-stroke Ben x IIroIaI: 48 x45.8mm CampI ••• 'nn 1'lIlIo: NlA CaibIBetialc 26mm KeihIn KaI I 1"# ICXt. LIlt Prlcr. $3199 l"Ii' *99a: EngN lp: I..iqrick:ooIII singIKyIndBr twlHlRlkII . .X IlraIlI: 52.5 x45.8nIn C; IlIulIIo: NlA CIItLs...-, 26mm Keihin ItnIIkJn: 0igIlaI CD 11• • ' 'nn IPIIds: 6 SlatIng ayIlIm: Kick Full CIIpICItJ: 15 gal. . . . . . . 50.41n. Rd ItnII: NlA SIIIIlIlgIlt 34.3 in. Front IN: 701100-19 R88f tire: 9011 00-16 Front lnMl: 10.81n. A.lnMl: 10.8 in. Front brlIIca: DIsc RB brlIIca: DIsc FlnII drift: ChaIn aIIIIed dry -'lJhl: 1471bs. • IgnIlIon: DlgiIBi CO T1a_lIIa1aR IpIIlII: 6 SlIrtIng ayIlIm: Kick Fuel capecIly: 2.2 gal. Whe8lblIJe: 57.3 in. AIlaIIlrd: NlA SIll haIght: 37.4 in. Front lII8: lllWl00-21 01'1_ ••nt 249cc EngN lJpI: uepd-cooIed, ignition: 0igIlaI CD Trallllllliulcln IpIIlII: 5 SlatIng syIIIIn: Kick Fuel cIpICIly: 2.2 gal. singIe-cyIIndlI two-sIRlIal Ben IIlnlIIa: 66.4 x 72mm 111",liiio: 9.G-l0.8:1 CIIIlInlIon: 38mm Keihin RIIr6'lrJIl: NIA s.t h8lgtIl: 37.6 in. Front IN: 80/100-21 Kalil' lid ICX25D LIlt Prlcr. $5599 CcM.. ~57.5in. RB lII8: 901100-14 Front lnMl: 10.8 In. RB lnMl: 10.8 In. Front brlIIca: DIsc A.- brlIIca: Disc FInII drive: Chain ClIIIIIlId dry weIgIIt 140 Ills. R88I' lII8: 100'90-19 Front .... lnMl: 122 In. R88I' wh1lIIlnMl: 13.0 In. Front brake: Disc R_ bnIke: Disc FInII drive: Chain ClIIIIIlId dry WIight: 191 Ibs. R88f tII8: 11 0190-19 Front wh1lIIlnMl: 122 in. R88f ..... lnMl: 13.0 in. Front brake: Disc A.- bnIIle: Disc FInal drtv8: Chain Cl8lmed dry weIgIIt 2131bs. KaliS' I I'd KX5DIJ LIlt Pltcr. $5499 DlIpIIIcemeId: 499cc EngN type: Liquid-cooled, sIngIe-cyIInder IWO-slroke Ben x IlrlIIIII: 86 x86mm Ctc¥ Ian 1lIIIo: NlA CabuIIIIon: 39mm Keihin IgnIlIon: DigIlaI CO T1a. 1111111 IpIIlII: 5 SlatIng .,.-.: Kick Full CIplIDIly: 2.6 gal. WhJJIIlIIe: 58. 7 In. FlJIIafbJl: NlA SIll IIlIIgM: 37.4 in. Front In: lIlw.1(J().21 R881'lII8: 12lWo-19 Front lnMI: 122 In. RB lnMI: 13.0 In. Front braIIJ: DIsc A.- braIIJ: Disc FlnaI dIM: ChaIn CIaImad dry Walgbt 22111l11.

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