Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 78 of 175

,.",. XR25tJR IgnIlIon: Sofid.state CD LIlt Prlce: $4499 DlIplIcen'" 249cc EngIne type: Air-eooled. singIe-cytlnder Iour·stroke BoN II atrollr. 73ll 59.5mm ~1pIeds:6 COIllPflllllJi1I'l111o: 10.2:1 C8rblnIIon: 30mm pisbl-vaIve StII1Ing.,-n: Kick Full CIPICltY: 2.4 gal. WhIelbIIe. 55.1 in. AllllillII: 24.75"nll.44mm !ieIt IIIIgIll: 36.0 in. Frontlh: 801100-21 ReIr tire: tOOll00-18 Front wheII trIveI: 10.6 in. ReIr wheel1nMll: 10.6 in. FrDIIt!n1le: Disc ReIr Inke: Disc FInal cII1v8: Chain CllllIIIId dry ......: 240.3Ibs. Honda XIUOOR IIoncM XR600R LIlt Pltce: $4999 D1sp18c1men1: 591cc Englne type: A1r-eooled. single-cyllnder Iour-stroke BoN llllrakr. 97 x80mm eomprlllliliDII I'lIIIo: 9.0:1 -CII1lurIlIDII: 38mm piston-valve Ignlllon: Solid-state CD TrIIlIIllIsIIon speeds: 5 StIrlIng syst8m: Kick Full c.pecIIy: 2.6 gal. WlIeIlb8u: 57.3 in. AIIIa'IraII: 27"1104.14mm Sell IlIIghI: 37.6 In. Frant lire: 801100-21 Ignlllon: Solid-state CD LIst Pltce: $5099 DIIIpIac:enB1l: 397cc Engine type: Air-cooled, singl&-cytinder four-stroke Bore x 1IlnlIr8: 85 x 70rnm ComP*llIon ratio: 9.3:1 CIrburetIon: 36mm piston-valve T~mIIIIIIon epeedt: 5 Slar1lng syst8m: Kick FUll capIClty: 2.5 gal. Wheelbase: 56.1 In. RakeIlnIII: 2525'I93.9&nm S8lIl height: 36.6 In. FrDIIttlre: 801100-21 RnrtJre: 1101100-18 Front whelII1nIV8I: 11.6 in. RelIr whee11nMll: 1't.0 in. Front !nile: DIsc ReIr!nke: Disc FlnIIl drive: Chain CllIlIIIId dry weight: 27121bs. IgnllIoll: SoIid-sla1e CD Honda XR250L TrIJ_lllloii speeda: 6 LIst Pltce: $4299 StII1Ing.,....: Kick DIIIp/lIcInlIIIt: 249cc Englne lyJle.; AIr-cooled, single-cyllnder lour· FUll capIClty: 2.4 gal. stroke • WheIIbIA. 56.3 In. R8UIlrIJI: 26.1'/I04.14mm Bore I stroIat: 73mm x 59.5mm Comprelllllon retlo: 9.3:1 SMl hIlghl: 34.8 in. CartlureIlDII: 28mm piston-valve Front tire: 3.00-21 IItIn* XR65IJL LIlt PrIce: $5299 ~1t:644cc EngIne type: Air-eooled, 8ingIe-cyI1nder Iour-slroke BoN II atrollr. 100 x82mm <:Olllpl"lill an 1liiio: 8.3: 1 CIrbunIlIon: 42.5mm CV 19nIlIon: SoIicklale CD 1'1• • I .'an IpIeds: 5 a.rtIIg &yIIIIIII: EIedric Full CIIpICIly: 2.8 gal. n n I 57.3 in. ~: 27"/101.6mm SlIt IIIIght: 37.0 In. Frant 1ft: 3.00-21 R_tlre: 1101100-18 Front wheel1nMll: 11.0 in. ReIr wheellrllvel: 11.8 in. Front breIaI: Disc ReIr breIaI: Disc FlnIIl cII1v8: Chain CllIlIIIId dry Might: 256.8Ibs. ReIr tire: 4.60-18 Front wheel trawl: 10.2 in. RelrwheeltnMII: 10.2 in. Frant ......: Disc ReIr breIaI: Disc FInII drive: Chain CIIIIIIIId dry weight: 270.3 Ibs. ReIr tire: 4.60-18 Front wheel nnI: 11.6 ReIr wheel \I'IVII: 11.0 it FrontInll8: Disc ReIr breb: Disc FInal drive: Chain ClIImed dry welghl: 324.1 Ills. in: Honds CIIX250C Rebel TI'IIMlIlIIIon speeds: 5 Ust PlIce: $3999 D1~It. 234cc Engine type: Air-cooled parallel-twin Bore x Ilrakr. 53 x53mm Compreulon retlo: 9.2:1 CIrburetIon: 26mm CV Ignlllon: Solid-state CD Full cepacIty: 2.6 gal. WIIeeIb8u: 57.1 In. RlkeltreU: 3O.67'1111.76mm s.t height: 26.6 in. Front lire: 3.00-18 AlB'lIre: 130190-15 StartIng SylIIIIm: Electric Front wheel tnMIl: 4.6 in. Rear wheellnIV8I: 2.9 in. Frontlnke: DIsc ReIr Inke: Drum FInal drive: Chain CllIlIIIId dry weight: 306.4 Ibs.

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