Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 75 of 175

Harley-Davldson FLSTC Heritage SoftsJI ClassIc list PrIce: $14,435 Displacement: l340cc Engine type: Air-cooled V-twin Bore x stroke: 88.8 x l08mm ComprElion ratto: 8.5:1 Carbunlllon: 40mm Keihin IgnitiOn: Electronic TrInsmlssIon speeds: 5 Sbw1Ing syslllm: EJeclric Fuel e&pICIly: 4.2 gal. Whedlue: 63.9 in. RaIleIIraIt 32'/147.3mm S8lIt height: 26.5 in. Front tft: MT9O-16 Rur tire: MT9<>-16 Front wheellnIVeI: 5.1 in. Rur wheellnvel: 4.06 in. Front bnIke: Disc Rur brake: Disc Final drive: Bell Claimed dry weight: 704 Ibs. Hartey-Davldson FLSTF Fat Boy Ust PrIce: $13,930 D~I34Occ EngIne type: Air-cooled V-twin Ben xllnllll: 88.8 x 108mm CoInpr-.Ion ndIo: 8.5:1 CarlIlnlIon: 40mm Keihin ignition: Electronic ~ FlSTN HtItitsge SdWI Sp«:/III Ust PrIce: $14,655 1'rInImIiston speIIII: 5 Dllplacement: 1340cc SIarIIng 1yItIm: Bectric EngIne type: Air-cooled V·1wIn Fuel c:apICIIy: 5.2 gal. Ben xIlnIlII: 88.8 x 10emm WIll Ell 63.89 in. cu..... I ilion I1IIU: 8.5:1 CI1tIInlIon: 40mm Keihin ignition: EIeclronic a ~. 32'/147.3mm SIIIIt I1IIglIl: 25.75 in. Front tIIr. MT9O-16 ,.,...nbIIlon speeds: 5 StartIng system: Electric Fuel CIIpIClty: 4.2 gal . . . . . .:63.89in. ~: 32'/147.3nVn S8lIt height 25.75 in. Front lIr8: MT9O-16 R8Ir tire: MT9O-16 Front wheel trawl: 5.1 in. Rear wheel trawl: 4.06 in. Front brake: Disc Rear braIce: Disc FInst drtve: Bell Claimed dry WIIght: 638 Ills. IWtey-DavIdson FLHRIFLHRI EJec1ra Glide Road KIng Hllrfey-Davldson FLHT EJec1ra Glide SIlIndBrd Ttwwmlsslon speIIII: 5 StartIng syItIm: EJeclric Fuel c:apICIty: 5.0 gal. . . . . . .: 62.68 in. RIkIIlraII: 26'/156.5mm S8lIt height: 28.0 in. Front lire: MT9O-16 Cl-...cIdrywelght 631115. R8Ir tire: MT9O-16 LIst PrIce: $14,4351$14,835 DIIpIacImInl: l340cc EngIne type: Air-cooled V-lWin Ben xstrokl: 88.8 x l08mm CompreIsIon ratto: 8.5:1 Carburattun: 40mm Keihinl Electronic fuel injection list PrIce: $12,235 DIIpIec:eI.1II1l: l340cc EngIne type: Air-cooled V·twin Ben x IlnIlII: 88.8 x 108mm c:ompr.aIon ndIo: 8.5:1 Carblnllon: 4Qnvn Keihin ignition: Electronic Front wheel travel: 5.1 in. AB wheel travel: 4.06 in. Front lInD: Disc AB ....:Disc final drtve: Bell IgnMon: Electronic Tt.....IIIDII speIIII: 5 StartIng . . .: EJeclric Full c:apElty: 5.0 gal. WheelbIs8: 62.68 in. RaIc8llrall: 26'/I56.5mm seat height 28.2 in. Front tire: MT9O-16 IlIIrtire: MT9O-16 Front wIIIIIlmeI: 4.6 in. FlaIr wheellmeI: 3.0 In. Front brake: Dual disc Rear bnIke: DIsc final drive: Bett ClaImed dry weight: 6921bs. Rear tire: MT9<>-16 Front wheellraYeI: 4.6 in. ReIIr wheellnvel: 3.0 in. Front bnIk1: Dual disc Rear bnIke: Disc FlnaI drive: Bell Claimed dry weight: 711 Ills. ~ FLHTClFLHTCI EItK:trII G1lde CIasIc Ust PrIce: $14,41MI5,210 ignition: Electronic ~ l340cc Trall8l9h'Iun spseds: 5 Engine type: Air-cooled V-twin StartIng EIecIric Ben x1lnIlII: 88.8 x 108mm Full cap8CIly: 5.0 gal. Coil'" ilion ndIo: 8.5:1 WIleIIbIse: 62.68 in. ,,111m: Call1uieUolI: 40mm Keihiil! Electronic fuel ir1ediOO RaI-...111: 26'/I56.5mm SIIIIt helgIlt 28.0 in. FronttiIe: MT9O-16 AB tire: MT9O-16 Front ..... lnIveI: 4.6 in. AB wheel travel: 3.0 In. Front braka: Dual disc 1lIIr....: DIsc FIIIII drtve: Bell Claimed dry weight 741 lis.

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