Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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American Dirt Bike 5430 Union Pacific Ave. • City of Commerce, CA 90022 • 213/722-8880 American Dirt Bike AV8f1ger 350 MXlES Ignltlon: NlA Us! Price: As quoted Displacement: 348cc engine type: Air-cooled, single-cylinder four-stroke Bore x stroke: 79.5 x 70.4mm Compnaion ratio: NlA C8rtlur8lion: 38mm Mikuni Transmission speads: 6 Starting sySl8m: Kick/Electric Fuel capeclty: 2.5 gal. Wheelbase: 58.0 in. Rak8Ilrail: NIA Seat height: 35.5 in. Front tire: 801110-21 Raar tire: 110190-19 Front wheel travel: NlA Rear wheel travel: NlA Front brake: Disc Rear brake: Countershaft disc Final drive: Chain Claimed dry weight: 235 Ibs./247Ibs. American Dirt Bike Avenger 35OCClE5 US! Price: As quoted Displacement: 348cc EngIne type: Air-cooled, single-cyllnder four:stroke Bore x stroke: 79.5 x70.4mm Compnalon ratio: N/A C8rtJuratlon: 38mm Mikuni American Dirt Bike Avenger 35005 Ignition: NlA Ust Price: As quoted Displacement: 348cc EngIne type: Air-cooled, single-cylinder four-stroke Bora x stroke: 79.5 x70.4mm Compression ratio: NlA Csrbun!lIon: 38mm Mikuni T..-mlsslon speeds: 6 St8rtIng system: Electric Filii ClIplICIty: 2.5 gal. WhelJIII8l: 58.0 in. Rakellrail: NlA Seat height: 35.5 in. Front tire: 80/110-21 Ignlllon: NIA Transmission speeds: 6 StarlIng system: Kick/Electric Fuel capacity: 2.5 gal. Wheelbase: 58.0 in. Rakellrail: NlA Seat height: 35.5 in. Rear lira: 110190-19 Front wheal travel: NlA Rear wheal travel: NlA Front brake: Disc Rear brake: Countershaft disc Final drlve: Chain Claimed dry welgl1l: 2471bs. American Dirt Bike Avenger 6OOMXlE5 Ust Prlce: As quoted DIsplacement: 598cc Engine type: Air-cooled, single-cylinder four-stroke Bore x stroke: 97 x 81mm Compression ratio: NlA Csrburetion: 38mm Mikunl American DIrt Bike Avenger 600CCIES ignition: NlA Ust Price: As quoted DIsplacement: 598cc Engine type: Air-cooled, singte-cylinder four-stroke Bora x stroke: 97 x 81mm Compression ratio: NlA Carburetlon: 38mm Mikuni Transmlealon speeds: 5 StIrlIng system: KickIElectric Filii C8plICIty: 2.5 gal. WheelblIse: 58.0 in. Rakellrail: NlA Seat height: 35.5 in. Front tire: 801110-21 Front tire: 80/110-21 Rear tire: 110190-19 Front wheel travel: NlA Rear wheel travel: NlA Front brake: Disc Rear brake: Countershaft disc Final drlve: Chain Claimed dry weight: 235 1bs.l237Ibs. Ignltlon: NlA Transmlsslon speeds: 5 Starting sySl8m: Kick/Electric Fuel capacity: 2.5 gal. Wheelbase: 58.0 in. Rakellrail: NlA Seat helght: 35.5 in. Front tire: 80/110-21 Rear tlra: 110/100-19 Front wheel travel: NlA Rear wheel travel: NIA Front brake: Disc Rear brake: Countershaft disc Final drive: Chain Claimed dry weight: 235lbs.1247 Ibs. Rear lira: 1109/100-19 Front wheel travel: NlA Rear wheel travel: NIA Front brake: Disc Rear brake: Countershaft disc Final drive: Chain Claimed dry weight: 237 Ibs.l247 Ibs. American Dirt Bike Avenger 60005 Ust Price: As quoted Displacement: 598cc Engine type: Air-cooled, single-eylinder four-stroke Bora x stroke: 97 x 81mm Compre88lon ratio: NlA CarburetIon: 38mm Mikuni Ignlllon: NlA Transmission speads: 5 Starting system: Electric Fuel capacity: 2.5 gal. Wheelbase: 58.0 in. Rakellrail: N/A Seat height: 35.5 in. Front tire: 80/110-21 Rear tire: 11091100-19 Front wheel travel: NlA Rear wheel travel: NlA Front brake: Disc Rear brake: Countershaft disc Final drlve: Chain Clalmed dry weight: 2471bs.

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