Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVENTS Edited by Scott Rousseau Dailey and Floyd continued trading places throughout the moto till Dailey made the final pass on the last lap. Inscoe scored his first 250cc B mote win with an eight-second lead over secondplace finisher Dailey. Floyd crossed the line in the shadow of Dailey while local Yamaha rider Robert Talbott took fourth place. Inscoe was stoked over his first-moto victory and was looking to make it a perfect score the second time around. Floyd upped the pace and looked trong with the holeshot in 250cc B moto two, but Inscoe was again able to get past ewton quickly and make a bid for the lead. Inscoe caught up to Floyd by the end of lap one and secured the lead by the end of the first lap. Inscoe rode smart but was unable to pullout to the comfortable lead that he had enjoyed in moto one because Floyd was much fronger the second time out, never letting Inscoe get more than four seconds away at any given time. But 1nscoe held on for the moto win and an impressive overaU victory with Floyd and Dailey rounding out the top three. Talbott netted fourth over Newton and Troy Downs. Results 50 (4-6): I. Matt Pier9(m (YlIm~ 2. Austin Cooper (yam); 3. Brett Ou.tham (LEM); 4. Brad Hear (Yam); 5. Haily Cardella (Yam). 50 (7·8): 1. Tyler Shumale (Cob); 2. W,lIiam JOOe'f (LEM); 3. Cory Ghol9on (Yam); 4. Randolph Jones (LEM); S. Buddy Biagi (LEM> 60: J. Stephen Martin (Kaw); 2. Josh Dexter (Kaw); 1 Cha~ Dean o..y (Kaw); S. Thomas Hayes (Kaw). JR MINI; 1. Justm Gibbs (Kaw); 2. Isha Wood (Sw:); 3 Ptnllip Ranke' (Suz); 4. Stephen Martin (Kaw); 5 Cory Gholson (Yam). SR MINI: 1. Bobby Ranker (Suz); 2. Brad H~ (Su7.); 3. James Barnes (Hon); 4. Karl Hoffine (Hon); 5. Joe CcMey (Yam). S/tl.1lN1: I. Bobby RanUr' (Suz); 2. Justin Gibbs (Kaw); 3. Ben Thornp§on (Kaw);4. Brad H~ (Suz); 5. Phillip Rank@r(Suz). 125 A 1 Jim Neese (Hon); 2. Troy Brewer (Hon); 3. Gaylon Diclo..§on (Yam); 4. Myles Scarano (Suz); S. Terry Kennedy (Hon). US B~ I. Doug Neighbors (Hon); 2. Dantcl Dail~ (Hon); 3. Stcmer Rc:.(Kaw).; 4 KW1lrt!1COt'(Kaw);S.JeffField! ( 125 C: 1. Kevtn Weeks (Kaw); 2. Justin Cambell (Kaw); 3. Gad Lohr(Hon); 4. Rw.§ Pickett {KIlw);5.}osh Wood (Kaw). 125 [} L (nVld Vaughan (Hon); 2. Robbe Poole (Hen); 3 BIU Annstrong ("""~' M>choeI v " , - (Kaw~ 5 Seo« ou- (H<>n> 2SO A;. I Jim NeI!se (Han); 2 Gaylon ~ (Yam); 3. Troy 8...-. (Hon~' Sa>tt Shopley (Soz~ 5. ""'"' Eastwood (Kaw) Shuma14~ (Kaw); 4. 2SO B I !Curt Insale (Kaw); 2. Ow;tm Aoyd ('Suz.); 3. I>.uueI Dalley (Kaw); 4 Robert Talbott (Yam); 5. Ketth N~ (Suz). 250 <: I. Brandon Wilbatm (Kaw); 2. Nebn Mcfarlan (Kaw); 3 Kevin Wee (Kaw); 4. I)w;lYne Hodge (Kaw); 5. OjHord Plerce (H<>n> 250 D: I Bin CamprO (Kaw); 2. Randy ARm (Hon); 3. Andrfw I..ankford (5uz).:4 TonyTwner (Yam); 5. Billy Ipdd (Hon). 25+ A 1. Caylon Dickson (Yam); 2. 5o::Jtt Shipley (Suz); 3. Mike wtwood (Kaw); 4. John Edwards (Suz); 5. Allen Alford (Yam). 25+ B: 1. Doug Neighbors (Han); Z. Robert Talbott (Yam); 3. Nelan Mcfarlan (Kaw); 4. Thomu Jennings (Suz.); S. Larry Colden (Hon). 30+ A;. l. Scott Shipley (Suz): 2. Sonny Mitchell (Kaw); 3. Brad Crouch CHon); 4. Jay Hau!Jel' (Hon); S. Sidney Williams (Kaw). JO+ B: I. William Hobson (Yam); 2. 1'hQma, Jennings (Suz); 3. John Pritt (Kaw); 4. Lany GoIck!n (Hon): 5. Robert Hamel (Hon). 35+' I. Barry Gantt (Kaw): 2. Paul Mundt (Hon); B. Roger AmoId (Yam); 4. Mark Smith (Suz.). 40+: I. Sonny Mitchell (Kaw): 2. David O\aney (Hon); 3. David Mtador (Suz). OPEN 8: I: Todd Marshall (Han); 2. AI Bender (Hon): 3. John Moore (Kaw); 4, Tom Haar (Hon), U/L: 1. Stoner Ross (Kaw); 2. Kurt Inscoe (Kaw);3. Chad Lohr (Han); 4. Zach McCoy (Hon); S. Chris Cillesple (Suz). World Finals close AMAIProstar season By MlItt Polito Neese, Inscoe close out Birch Creek Motocross By Jay and Sharon Hauser 90 DANVILLE. VA. NOV. 19 Jim's Motorcycle Sales-sponsored Jim Neese finished his season nicely as he easily took both overall class wins in the 125 and 250cc A divisions at Birch Creek's season finale. Neese took his Pro Circuit/O'Neal/Dunlop-backed CRs for a walk through the park on his way to four m to wins over the battling pair of Troy Brewer and Gaylon Dickson. Brewer and Dickson fought for runnerup honors in all fow: pro motos. Brewer picked up the spot aboard the 125 while Did.son grabbed runner-up honors behind Neese in t~e 2SOce class. Kurt Inscoe had a stellar day in his first outing in B-elass racing. 1nscoe turned in a top-five ride aboard his Kawasaki in the 125cc B class with a fourth overall. But after having just come out of the C division. 1nscoe was really able to turn some heads on the 250. Dustin Floyd jumped out front at the drop of (Top) Tony Lang needed only to qualify for the AMAIProstar World FlnaJs lit GaI~I" RacewlIy to clinch his Iirst Top Fuel title. Lang quaJlfled number one and then went on to win the class. (Center) Shawn O'Brien (70) blasted to the 125cc Intermedlat&-elasa win during the final round 01 the CRC Sponsorship 5erles lit Los Angeles County Raceway. (Above) Dulltln Floyd (47) and Keith Newton diced early In the 250cc B action at the Birch Creek MX IInale. Kurt Inscoe (not shown) took the class win. the gate in 2SOcc B mote one, with Keith Newton sliding into second pushing Inscoe back to third. Newton worked past for a brief ride up front, but once lnscoe was on the gas he was past the frontrunners in short order. Floyd was doing his best to keep Inscoe in sight when Danny Dailey came hammering up fast and went to worK on Floyd. GAlNESVILLE. FL NOV. 12 Over 700 entries vied for $160,000 in purse and contingencies as the racers of the AMA/Prostar drag racing series ended their 1995 season with the World Finals at Gainesville Raceway. The competition included the four professional categories, five sportsman classes and the popular Metzeler 600 SuperSport Series, but the only real professional championship up for grabs was in the Vance &, Hines Pro Stock Shootout where Star Racing's John Myers held a slim, nine-point advantage over title rival and reigning champion Dave Schultz. Myers, benefiting from a late-season performance surge, qualified number one at a recordtying 7.489-second elapsed time followed by Schultz' Sunoco-backed Suzuki at 7.547. Fresh off his NHRA Pro Stock championship, Myers, the only rider to eclipse 7.50 on a Pro Stock bike, recorded three straight 7.4Os in eliminations, including a quickest-ever 7.439 in his secondround bye. Myers faced off against Schultz in the final and, with the championship on the line, turned back Schultz 7.440-7.516 to lock up the title. Tony Lang needed only to qualify to garner his first Top Fuel championship, and he did it in style, grabbing the pole with a 6.360 at 216 mph. 11,e Top Fuel riders were perplexed with the ideal atmospheric conditions at Gainesville and the added power it provided, and keeping the 1000plus horsepower to the asphalt was a difficult task. Tire smoke was a common occurrence. After making constant clutch and fuel-system adjustments, Lang was the most consistent of the fuelers. In fact, his only aborted run in eliminations came in the second round, where he was the beneficiary of an Elmer Trett red light. Lang took his second straight World Finals event title, tum- ing back Canadian Dan Butlers in the 6nal, 6S'..£- 7.m The yearlong story in the Orient Express Funnybike Showdown has been the turbo-alcohol imports against the thundering injected-nitro Harley Davidsons. Coming into Gainesville, Harley rider Jim McOure held a healthy points lead which could only be mathematically challenged by the Kawasakis of Keith Lynn and Jerry Graves. But the title was assured as Lynn was shut out when handling problems kept him from qualifying and Graves went out in round one after drifting off course. The 6nal came down to the Harley Davidson of Bob Spina and the injected-nitro Suzuki of Ron Johnson. Spina took his first-ever AMA / Proslar event title, 7.09-7.17. Results T/F: I. Tony Lang(Suz); 2. Dan Butter! (Kaw). Fl8, 1. Bob Spina (H·D); 2. Ronnle/oonson (Soz). P/M: I. Bill Vase (Suz);2. Mike Phillips (Suz). PIS: 1. John Myers (Su.z); 2. Dave Schultt (Suz). T/G: 1. Todd Moore (Suz.); 2, Derrick Calligan (Suz~ SIC:. 1. Brutt Seuer (Knw); 2. Jimmie Nlcho19 (Kaw). SIC: I, Ralph Medrano Jr. (Suz): 2. Dennis Powell CHon). 6OOSS: I. Keith Dennis (KlIW); 2. Billy n(l()k (Kllw). PRO ET: 1. Ed Crot:hus (Kaw); 2. Joe Men:r. (!

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