Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ignltlon: COl YBlJlBhs XT3SO list Price: $4399 Dlspl8cemenl: 346cc EngIne type: Air-eooled. single-cytinder four-stroke Bore x stroke: 86 x 59.6mm Compresslon iatIo: 90:1 CIrtlurelion: 24mm Teikei Rear tire: 110/80-18 Front wheell'nlv8t: 10.0 in. Raar wheel travel: 8.7 in. Front brake: Disc Rear brake: Drum Finel drive: Chain Clelmed dry weight: 282 Ibs. Transmllslon speeds: 6 StartIng syst8m: Kick Fuel capllcily: 3.2 gal. WheeIbue: 55.9 in. • Rakallrall: 27.17'/107mm . Seet height: 33.7 in. Front tire: 3.00-21 YBlJlBhs Virago 250 LIlt Price: $3899 D~249cc EngIne type: Air-cooled Y·twin Bore x stroke: 49 x 66mm CompreesIon relio: 10.0:1 C8rtluretIon: 26mm Mikunl ignition: DigilaJ TCI Y"""" VInrgo 535 list PrIce: $5199 • D~:535cc EngIne type: Air-cooled V-twin Bore x stroke: 76 x59mm CompreesIon ratio: 9.0:1 ClrbIntIon: (2) 34mm M1kuni Ignition: TCI 1'ranImIIaIon spI8ds: 5 StartIng aystem: EI8cIric Full capdy: 3.6 gal. Wh88lIlIee: 59.8 in. RakIIInIII: 31.5'/125mm Seat I!eIght: 28.3 in. Front lira: 3.00-19 Rear lira: 140190-15 Flnel drive: Shaft Claimed dry weight: 401 Ibs. Yamah8 Vinrgo 535 Specisl Yamaha Virago 75(J Transmlallon speeds: 5 Starting sysl8lJl: Electric Fuel capeclty: 3.8 gal. WheeIbue: 60.0 in. Ral(ellrall: 32'/129mm Seat helg'ht: 28.1 in. Front tire: 100190-19 R_ tire: 140190-15 Yamaha Virago 1100 Yamaha Virago'110fJ Special DI~lQ63cc EngIne type: Alr-eooled Y·twin Bore x slrOIlI: 95 x 75mm Compraalon I'lIllo: 8.3:1 C8ItIlnIIon: (2) 40mm Mlkunl IgnIlIan: Tel D. Transmllslon speeds: 5 • S18rtIng system: Electric Full capeclty: 4.4 gal.. WheeIbIse: 60.0 in. Raka'lraIl: 32'1129mm 8elt1lelght: 28.1 in. Front lira: 100190-19 Raar tire: 14OJ9G.15 Transmlallon ~: 5 StartIng syst8m: Eiedric Fuel C8pIIClty: 3.6 gal. Wheelb8le: 59.8 in. RakeIlralI: 31.5·/125mm Seat height: 28.3 in. Front tire: 3.00-19 ReeJtlra: 14019Q.15 Front wheel travel: 5.9 in. A.- wheel travel: 3.4 in. Front brak8: Disc A.- brak8: Drum FlIlIII drive: Shaft ClaImed dry weight: 401 Ibs. Front wheel travel: 5.9 in. Raar wheel travel: 3.8 in. Front brake: Dual disc Rear brake: Drum Flnel drive: shali ClaImed dry weight: 483lbs. list Price: $7999 1)IIpIacemenl: 1Q63cc engine type: Alr·cooled Y·twin Bora x stroke: 95 x75mm Compraalon ratio: 8.3: 1 CIr1luratIon: 40mm Mikuni ignition: Digl1al TCI list PrIce: $8199 RakellreU: 32'/l20mm Seat height: 27.0 in. Front tire: 3.00-18 ~ tlra: 130190·15 Front wheellnvel: 5.5 in. Rear wheel travel: 3.9 in. Front brIke: Disc Allar brIke: Drum FlnII drive: Chain ClllmecI dry weight: 301 Ibs. Front wheel treveI: 5.9 in. Raar wheel treveI: 3.4 in. Front brIke: Disc Ra8r brIke: Drum list Price: $5499 DIIplac_tt: 535cc Engine type: Air-cooled Y·twin Bore x stroke: 76 x59mm Compraalon relio: 9.0:1 Clrburelion: (2) 34mm Mikuni ignition: TCI list Price: $8399 DIsplacement: 749cc EngIne type: Air·cooIed Y·twin Bore x stroke: 83 x 69.2mm ConqnIsIon relio: 8.7:1 CIrburetIon: (2) 40mm Mlkuni Ignltlon: Digl1al TCI Tranemllslon speeds: 5 SlIrtIng syllem: Electric Full ClJl8CIty: 2.5 gal. Wheelb8se: 58.7 in. Tranemlallon speeds: 5 StartIng system: Electric Full capeclty: 4.4 gal. Wheelbese: 60.0 in. R8keIlnU: 32'1129mm Seat height: 28.1 in. Front tire: 100190-19 R_ tlra: 14OJ9G.15 Front wheellnvel: 5.9 in. Rear wheel travel: 3.8 in. Front brake: Duel disc Rear brake: Drum FInII drive: Shaft ClaImed dry weight: 487 lb!. Front wheel travel: 5.9 in. Rear wheel travel: 3.8 in. Front brake: Dual disc Rear brake: Drum FInal drive: Shaft Clahned dry welghl: 487 lb!.

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