Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SUzuId RIIX25lJT lilt PrIce: $5299 ~249cc EngIne type: l.iquid"COOled, single-cyllnder two-stroke Bore II 1troIle: fIT x70.8mm CoiiiPJ_1on nilIo: 9.8-8.0:1 CIrbuNIIon: 38mm Keihin 19nIlIon: Electronic AeIr lIIr. 11(l(100-18 Front wlIIIl1nlWl: 11.8 In. AeIr wlIIIllrM: 12.8 In. Front braIl8: Disc lis IIII311p11d1: 5 StIrtIIIg .,-n: KIck Fuel CII*flY: 2.9 gal. WhMlbaI: 58.5 in. RlIIIIIlraII: 28.5'/113mm SlIt IllIIgIll: 37.6 in. Front lIIr. m00-21 AeIr brIke: Disc Final cIrIYe: Chain CliIImId di:y weIFt: 238 Ibs. SuzIIId DR125SET IgnIIIon: Electronic TiS. 1 I Nilplldl: 8 SlIrtlng IyItIm: EIeclric lilt PrIcI: $3299 1lI,,-ISIIlt 124cc EngIne type: Air-cooled, 8ingIe-cyIInder Iour·stroke Bortll IlnIIlI: 57 x48.lmn CoIIlpr...1on liiio: 9.5:1 CstlurelIon: 31 mm Mikuni SUzuId DR2I1I1SET LIlt PrIce: $3699 QI"'1IIlIIIl: 1~ EngN type: Air-cooled. ~bIr-sllOk8 Bortll . . . . 68.0 x48.lmn Co ¥ ulllllllD: 9.4:1 CstIuNllon: 31i111l1 MIui Fuel ~ 3.4 gal. WI.. ...•. 54.5 in. IWwf.III: 2!l"1112nm SaBt llIlglII: 31.5 In. FronttIN: 701100-21 RIIr..., *' SUzuId DR35DSET 19nIllon: Electronic Tla. .1I111J1l1pllCll: 6 StInIng Iyalan: EIecIric Fuel CIflICIIy: 2.4 gal. Wheelbale: 56.7 in. RekeIlraR: 27.5'/115mm Selit helght: 35.0 in. Frontllnl: 8OI11G-21 ~348cc Engine type: Air-cooled, siJ1Ije-cyIinder four·stroke Bore x mile: 79 x 71.2mm Compreulon ratlo: 9.5:1 Ca1luNlIon: 33mm Mikuni Ult PrIce: $5199 ~644cc EngIne type: Air-i:OOled, singIe-cyIInder tour-slroke Bort x IlnIIlI: 100 x82nm Compi ...Ion nilIo: 9.5:1 CIIbInllon: 40mm MIkuni ignition: EIe<:lronIc Trs_1IIon apeeda: 5 SlIrtlng Iyalan: 8eclric Full CIQdy: 3.4 gal. 1IIlIIIIIIII: 58.7 in.I58.1 In. RlllllGII: 28.5'/111mrn SaBt lIIlgIil: 34.81n.J33.3 In. Front lInI: 9OIllO-21 *' AIIr h: lCJ01lll)-18 Front wlIIIl ti'8IlII: NlA tniWl: NlA Front braIl8: Disc AeIr ....:Dnm FInIl *M: Chain ClIImId WIlghI: 249 Ibs. IgnIlIon: Electronic _ _ ' II n IpiIIdI: 6 SlIrtlng IyItIm: EIecIrtc Full ctpICIy: 3.4 gal. 1IIlIIIIIIII: 55.3 in. ~III: 2!l"1112mm SaBt lIIlglIt 31.8111. Front tIN: 701100-21 LIlt PrIce: $4499 Suzuki DR65DSET AIIr tIN: 9OIllO-18 Front wllIIIlIM: 8.tln. AIIr wlIIII tnNIl: 7.9 it Front IlraIII: Disc . AIIr IlraIII: Dnm FInIl dIM: ChIin ClIIIDId WItglIl: 251 Ibs. AIIr lInI: 11

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