Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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r 5corpB Essy 280 - Photo not available Ust Price: $5670 Displacement: 272.8 Engine type: Liquid-eooled, single-qlinder two-stroke Bore x stroke: 72 x67mm Compression ratio: NlA C8rtIuretlon: 26mm DeIl'Orto Ignlllon: Electronic Transmission speeds: 6 Starting system: Kick Fuel capacity: 1.0 gal. Wheelbase: 52.0 in. Rake/lral~ Front wheellravel: NIA Rear wheellravel: NlA Front brake: Disc Rear brake: Disc FlnIl drive: Chain Claimed dry weillht: 171.6 Ibs. N/A seat height: 27.0 in. Front tire: 2.75-21 Rear tire: 4.00-18 . American Suzuki Motor Corp. 3251 E. Imperial Hwy. e Brea, CA 92621 e 714/996-7040 SUzuki JRSOT list PrIce: $1099 DI8pIacement: 49cc engine type: Air-cooled, singHH:ylinder two-stroke Ben x stroke: 41 x37.8mm CompresIIon ratio: 5.9:1 CarllunItIon: 12mm Mikuni R_ tire: 2.50-10 Front wheel travel: NlA II.- wheel travel: NlA Front brake: Drum II.- brake: Drum FlnIl drive: Chain Claimed dry weight: 82 Ibs. Ignition: PEl . Tr-.nlsslon speeds: 1 S1artIng system: Kick Fuel capecIty: 0.53 gal. Wheelbale: 33.9 in. RakeIlraII: 25°l37mm seat height: NlA Front tire: 2.50-10 SUzuki DS80T U8t PrIce: $1799 ~79cc Engkle type: Air-cooled, singl&-cylinder lWO-stroke Bore x stroke: 49 x42mm Comprll8lon ratio: 7.3:1 CIrbur8tIon: 20mm Mikuni Suzuki DR350T Ult PrIce: $4399 DI8pIacement: 348cc EngIne type: AifloII-eooIed, singHH:ylinder Ioor-stmke Bore x stroke: 79 x71.2mm CompresIIon ratio: 9.5:1 CarbunIlIon: 33mm Mikuni ignition: Electronic T~II*dI:S SlIrtIng aystIm: Kick Fuel capecIty: 2.5 gal. ~:S7.1in. RakeIlraI~ 27.5°1118mm Sell helght: 36.2 in. Front tn: 80/100-21 U8t Pi1ce: $2819 Displacement: 82cc Engine type: Liquid-cooled, single-qlinder two-stroke Ben x s1roke: 47.5 x 46.8mm Compre8lion ratio: 9.35-10.83:1 c.buretlan: 28mm Mikuni Suzuld RM125T Dlspllcemenl: 124cc Engine type: Liquid-eooled, single-cylinder two-stroke Bore x stroke: 54 x54.5mm Comprwsion ratio: 8.9-10.9:1 CarbunItIon: 36mm Keihin ignition: Electronic TransmlIIIon speeds: 6 Starting sylltllm: Kick Fuel cap8CIty: 2.0 gal. Wheelbase: 56.9 in. RlIkWaIl: 27.7So/111mm seat height: 37.4 in Front tire: 80/100-21 RIIr 1InI: 3.00-12 Front wheII travel: 3.9 in. AlII' wheIl travel: 4.3 in. Front bnIke: Drum AlII' bnIke: Drum FInII drive: Chain ClIIIlIId dry W8IgIlt: 127 Ills. Rllrtlre: 1101100-18 Front wheel travel: 11.0 in. RIIr wheel travel: 11.0 in. Front brake: Disc RIIr brtke: Disc . Final drive: Chain Claimed dry weight: 249 Ibs. Suzulrl RMBOT Ust PrIce: $4749 ignition: EIectronlc TrInImllllon IflIllClI: 5 StartIng IYSlJlm: Kick Fuel capIIClty: 1.2 gal. WIIeeItl8Ie. 41.7 in. FIIU/lnIII: 28°nsmm Sell height: 25.6 in. Front th: 2.50-14 Ignlllon: Electronic Tranamlaalon speeds: 6 Starting system: Kick Fuel capacity: 1.2 gal. Wheelbase: 48.8 in. RakeltraU: 28°/87mm SelIl height: 33.1 in. Front tire: 701100-17 Rear tire: 90/100-14 Front wheellravel: 10.8 in. Re8rwheellravel: 10.9 In. Front brake: Disc Rear brake: Disc FlnIl drive: Chain CWmecI dry ftight: 1411bs. Rear lire: 100190-19 Front wheellravel: 11.8 in. Rear wheel travel: 12.4 in. Front brake: Disc Rear brake: Disc FlnaI drive: Chain Claimed dry weight: 194 Ibs. Suzuki RM2SOT Ust PrIce: $5499 DI8pIacement: 249cc Englne type: Liquid-<:ooled, single-cylinder two-stroke Ben x11roke: 67 x70.8mm CompreIaIon ratio: 9.(}-9.8:1 C8r11urellon: 38mm Keihin ignition: Electronic Tranamllllon speeds: 5 StartIng system: Kick Fuel capacity: 2.2 gal. Wheelbllae: 58.1 in. Rakellrall: 28°/117mm SelIl height: 37.4 in. Front lire: 801100-21 ~ tire: 110/9(}-19 Front wheellraveI: 11.8 in. ~wheeltnMII: 12.4 in. Front brake: Disc ~ brake: Disc FInal drive: Chain CI8lmed dry weight: 2131bs.

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