Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 10 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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!lc~ -=~~~~~8~th~A~n~n~u;;;a~1 SERIES !lc~ _ SPONSORSHIP ~~;;;;;~~ CALENDAR 200% PRO PAYBACK· WIN A SPONSORSHIP FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR OF 1996 (All Classes, Beg_. Nov.' Int.- Exp., All Bike Sizes,with 5 or More Riders) From _ A#:Q 8EH y~ 6IDmIiJ .A~lU p~.,N; ~Pit~~~,~.~" ~ ~~ ~ @> 0- $30,000 In Trophies lIlId SponIorshIp V... 2ClO% PIC PATUCX EACH WEIK'" 30% TaOI'HIU I'WS Nov. 19 I!LAC£ Edwards AFB Glen Helen 8:15am Pee Wee Ptactice 8:30am ENTRY FEES' Post 30.00 '3 roqWmIlO ...... _~1.<1&INn 3, 100f0JMjbad< 1996 CRC Menbenhip A,vaiLal* 125-250-500 NOVl1ntIPro 9:15am MX Nov. 26 LACR (RaJn Dale Dec. 3, LACR) Motocross - Mail 25.00 ~~c GREMLIN GP . Sunday, Oct. 15 Pee Wee Moto l' ENTRY fEES' • OELAWARE SHORT TRACK OoIaware MoIorspor1s Inc.. Qelaware Short Track ~ Series. Seaford Speedway, Sealord. Info: ILUNaIS VINTAGE MOTOCROSS • AHRMA Midwest Regional SariesI1.ilcoIn TraiIMolo"lJO'lS, casey. Into: 4141584- • KANSAS HARE SCRAMBLES· AMA, 12:OOnoon Parade I.Bp 12:3Opm DecadeNIIlIageIJr. Vets (+251 1:30pm 125-250-500 Beg. 2:30pm TeamRace 9:30am 80cc 10:15am PeeWeeMoto2" 10:3Oam CAe Vets (+30) Sr. (+40) • Pee Wee's will fill 2Mo!O's on aseperata track Grand Prix· Mail 25.00 • GEORGIA MOTOCROSS· Silver Cup Classic . And 5. Hog Pen IIX. Cairo. Info: 9121377-3109. INDIANA HARE SCRAMBLES • AMAllNIllJlfonships, Glen _ Raceway. San Bemerdino. Into: 7141754-7305. MARYLAND HARE SCRAMBlE • AMAlDiSl7/Antietam M.C., HagerslOWn. Info: 301I79H686. . CALIFORNIA HILLCUM8 • SotJthem Wyoming Dirt Riders Assoc., Tracy. Into: 3071786·2348. • MASSACHUSmS MOTOCROSS· New England Sports Comminee. Sou1hwick.lnfo: 4131172.()685. CALIFORNIA ORAG RACE - NHRAlAlIen Mahon, eatil. Fun Bike Drag, 5aclamento Raceway, Sacramento. Info: 9161921- • NEBRASKA MOTOCROSS - Outlaw MX Series, While Sands Raceway, Ashland. Into: 9131456-2516. • NEW YORK MOTOCROSS W.N.Y.S.C./Frozen Ocean Motocross Pall< I"".. Auburn. Inlo: 3151784-5466. NEW YORK MOTOCROSS· NAAlAce Motocross. 1995 ~ Point Series, Ace Mo1Ocll>Ss. Modena. Info: 9141463-2093. NORTH CAROUNA HARE SCRAMBLE • Mid East Hare SctambIe 5ories, SlaIeIine Hare SctambIe, GlOYBr. Inlo: 7004849000 or 7041937-9177. • NORTH CAROLINA MOTOCROSS • N.A.M.E., Fa! Series. Roling HiJIs Cyde Park. Reidsville. Into: 9101342-4492. OHIO MOTOCROSS - _ Aaci1g Assoc.ISandusI< Valley Riders,last poinIs race 01 1995, TIffil.lnfo: 419144].3054. OHIO HARE SCRAM8LE • CRAIProner Promotions. _5ones - Rnd6. Big Valley Raceway. EaSl PaIest,ne. Info: 2161538-2220. • OHIO MOTOCROSS· CRA. Malvem Molocross Pall<, Malvem.lnto: 2161262· 4945. • OHIO MOTOCROSS· sandusky Valley Riders M.C.. Tinin.lnlo: 419144].3054. OKLAHOMA CROSS COUNTRY· OCCRA, Stillwater.lnlo: 4051672-1423. DEALERS! TEXAS MOTOCROSS - Terry D. Cordray, Mosier Valey lAolocross Pari<, Euless. IntO: 817_15. Kansas Stale Forward Motion Hare Scrambles Championship, Nol1heast Kansas Mo1Ocll>Ss Tradt Westmoreland. Inlo: 9131836-9171. • OKLAHOMA MOTOCROSS - RSH Inc.. OJcIahoma State Championship, Motorcycle Raceway, OJcIahoma City. Inlo: 405175106616 or 4051355·1106. Tanya at: (4151 323·6m. . 3021422-8066. GEORGIA MOTOCROSS· T1u1der Creel< IIX, Hql F.... Into: 9121994-li63O. PENNSYLVANIA HARE SCRAMBLE • AMAlDiSl 6/FIying IJulchmen Moton:yole CItA> Inc.. DiSlricl6 Chan'jlionshjp, Pine Grove.lnlo: 717/345.s341l. PENNSYLVANIA MOTOCROSS· AMAlDist5lAacer - . . PA Slale C~P. BrownsvilJe ·lllzeme Pari<, Brownsville. Info: -'1157. • TENNESSEE MOTOCROSS AMAlChrisliana Raceway. Christiana Raceway. Christiana. Into: 6151896-3245. • TEXAS MOTOCROSS - T.... State ChaJrl>ionship Series • And 4. Swan Cycle Pell<. Tyler. Into: 9031882-4215. WASHINGTON ROAD RACE· WMARA. Seattle International Raceways, Kent. Info: 2061972-4499. 9703. _inc MISSOURI MOTOCROSS . AMAINMAlGNC. 1sl Annual Branson USA Motocross Championships, Branson MX PatI<, Branson. Inlo: 909/65706782. OELAWARE ENDURO· AMAiDetawaIe En

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