Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 10 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I I I t take the first-round lead. Both Wilkins and Pinsonnault had slower, wheelieplagued second-round rides and would be forced to rely on .their first runs. Watson put his newly built Honda through the lights with a 6.8436, placing him in third on his first attempt of the day. Returning in round two, Watson queezed out Wilkins and Pinsonnault to take his first National career win on a time of 6.2682 seconds. "The first run didn't work out that good," said Watson. "I kind of screwed up on the jump, got a lot of air, but it went really fast and I figured if I kept it on the ground I had a chance at it (in round two) and it worked real good. I kept the throttle on and ended up nippin' Paul (Pinsonnault) for the win." Third-placed Wilkins had a little trouble figuring out the hill. "I just couldn't quite get that jump just right to day," Wilkins said. "I thought I had it right, but it didn't work. It (the bike) still sprang me back from the hill and did a little wheelie." Paul Pinsonnault, placing second, got some relief as his fellow competitor and _ and main rival in season points, BSAmounted Soter, faltered during both his rides and ended up in 20th place. As a result, Pinsonnault jumps to an eightpoint lead over Soter, 149-141. The 800cc class got under way with Russell Vanderveen. The Indianan blasted onto the hill only to have his first ride stop short at a distance of 140 feet. In the second round, Vanderveen clocked an 8.1728-second run to put him in 12th place at the end of the day. Jimmy Dingee put his nitro-fed Harley through the lights with a good first-run time of 6.2286 seconds. Dingee's return to the starting log produced an improved time of 6.0893 as he floated the front wheel through the timing lights to take third place, a victory for both him and his team as he had bent the frame on his XR750 last week at Middlebury. "Bob, Virgel and Joey did a good job getting the bike back together so I could go racing again. It's runnin' good (and) we're doing all right. We just got to hang in there." Steve Dresser clicked off his best ride in the first round, clocking a 6.0724. The New Yorker's second run was just slightly off the previous pace at 6.0778. The runner-up finish allowed Dresser to stretch his points lead over Gerencer, who finished fourth, to nine points, 149141. . . Veteran hillcJimber Reiser, aboard his new XR750 fuel-injected Harley, had a one-ride day, pushing his nitro burner over the top to clock a 6.0077. Reiser's return in round two came up short as he just got over the first breaker before stepping out at the 140-foot marker. Happy with the progress of his new hillclimber and also happy about his firstplace, Reiser said it was finally coming together for his team's bike. "Hopefully it showed off today. It was halfway decent as far as suspension. ow if we can get the horsepower up on it, then we'll be ready for the hunt!" 0White Rose M.e. Jefferson, Pennsylvania Septembe'r 24, 1995 540: 1. David Watson (Hon); 2. Paul Pinsonnault (Hon); 3. Ted Wilkins (Rtx); 4. Michael Pulver (Hon); 5. James Zucco (Kaw); 6. Scott McNeely (Hon); 7. William Price (Yam); 8. Paul Lowe (; 9. Kevin Zucco (K,.lW); 10. Jeff Thomas (Kaw); 11. Robert Shreiner (BSA); 12. Doug Klont (Tn); 13. Paul Garrcty (IlSA); 14. Jason Pelty (Kaw); 15. Charles Roberts (Kaw); 16. Bob Hawk (IlSA); 17. John Hislop (BSAI; 18. Terry Thompson (IlSA); 19. Ralph Kreeger (Tri); 20. IUchard Soter (IlSA); 21. Jack Macaulay (Han). 80&. 1. Tom Reiser (H-D); 2. Stwe Dresser (H-D); 3.. Jimmy Dingee (H-D); 4. Lou Gerencer Jr. (H-D); 5. Randy Gabriel (H·O); 6. Robert Castledine (H-D); 7. Wallace Fowler (Suz); 8. Rodney Williams (H-D); 9. Glendal Pelty Jr. (H-D); 10. Rodney Smith (Yam); 11. TIm Frazier (BSA); 12 Russell Vanderveen (A-D). 11'1111111111111111 Sinisalo Bullseye Jerseys Alpinestar. Boots from ......... $155 --,- C!V @ MlllSTREET ,..-/ 1.....Mill STREET EXIT (-...C!V @ ..J.- ~-)it~ from I, a \ ~ 2 for ..... ....... $15 $25 H'(J~.·. . ®:~ .24 Body Glove Spring Suits @ eJaVirt$'8.--[': ~@nt ~. :1167,88 @tJt . . . . .-1 C!V NO CREOIT CARDS 01 CHEm AlIEPlID ON PAlKING LOT SALE MnOWIOISE. QUAMTlT1B Alf lJllITBl. AlST COME ARSl smm. All m;UlAl fORMS Of PAYMOO ACCIPIBl fOl I.·SIOI£ MOtASB. I I I I I I I I I I '1 , I ~~ Scott 89S If;. 87 (Over Glasses) Goggles I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I 111111'11111111

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