Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 10 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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OFF~ROAD 70th International Six Day End~ro t this pain t, all that was left was a short, 3D-mile trail and the always-popular final MX special test that attracted thousands of spectators. Barring any unseen catastrophes, the Italy Trophy team had things all wrapped up going into the gala event, but not until Arnalda Nicoli crossed the finish line in fourth place in the 35Dcc F / 5-class mota - the second-to-last mota of the day - could the Italians officially start celebrating, something they do quite enthUSiastically. Unquestionably the most highly anticipated mota of the day was the first 175cc mota, which featured Peterhansel, Edmondson, Pellegrineili, Hedendahl, Bernard, Gallina and former GP motocrosser Rodney Smith going heads up against each other. Peterhansel ended up 5coring the win, leading from start to finish, while Smith salvaged fifth after stalling his bike and having a wooden course-lining stake tangle up in his handlebars on the first lap. Bernard finished second, followed by Gallina, Holland's Jan van Oorschot and Smith. Edmondson was running among the leaders before suffering engine problems with his Gas Gas. The American team went winless on the day. A Jelenia Gora, Poland Germany; 3. 80humil Posledni (Hbg) Slovakia; 4. Eric Lejeune (Hbg) Belgium; 5. Oscar Gallardo (Hus) Spain; 16. Jon Nielsen .(Hus) USA; 22. Greg Zitterkopf (KTM) USA; 25. Scott Meyer (Hbg) USA; 27. Tommy Ady (Hbg)UsA. WORLD TROPHY: 1. Italy (559.85); 2. France (768.98); 3. Finland (1413.81); 4. Great 8ritllin (1720.57); 5. Germany (2174.51); 6. Netherlands (3042.88); 7. Belgium (385.5.50); 8. Czech Republic (3872.71); 9. Switzerland (4681.02); 10. USA (6307.87); 11. Australia . (13169.00); 12. Poland (14512.40); 13. Spain (18940.29); . 14. Portugal (39836.97); 15. Sweden (19402.68); 16. Canada (46834.83); 17. Austria (49121.20); 18. Hungary (75728.93). . JUNIOR WORLD: 1. Australia (1521.56); 2. sweden (1790.99); 3. Spain (1829.54); 4. Czech ~ublic (2365.07); 5. Finland (24%.39); 6. Greal Britain (3030.26); 7. France (3161.96); 8. Italy (4053.63); 9. USA. (5589.71); 10. Germany (5754.92); 11. Netherlands (6283.26); 12. Poland (10231.47); 13. Portugal (27404.81); 14. Switzerland (32195.41). USA COLD MEDALS: Jason Dahners (KTM); Randy Hawkins (suz); Chris Smith (TM); Rodney Smith (5uz). USA SILVER MEDALS: Jeff Fredette (Kaw); Patrick Garrahan (Kaw); Jim Gray (KTM); David Rhodes (Kaw); Drew Smith (TM). USA BRONZE MEDALS: Tommy Ady (Hbg); Eric Ducray (Suz); Tom E~ersole (CRE); Brian Garrahan (Kaw); Rodney Goehring (Hon); Scott Meyer (Hus); John Nielsen (Hus); William Perkins (Yam); Matt Spigelmyer (KTM); Marty Walden (Suz); Greg Zitterkopf (KTM). USA NON-MEDAL: Steve Hatch (SUL. broken piston); Scott McLaughlin (Ho~ holed engine case); Mike Callaghan (Hon, knee injury); Lori Taylor (Suz. ignition); Carol Williams (Hon. knee injury); Lisa Ann Gibson (Suz. houred out); Kerry Clark (I-lon, iHness); Kevin Bailey (Yam, iniury); Mark Ruple (KTM, illness); Ron Lawson (KTM, re-impound); John May (Hus. ignition); Mark Kerling (Yam. illness); Russell Cherry (Jibs. houred out); Ron Schmelzle (Han, houred out); Jim Conner (Yam, illness); Bill Rush (Suz, houred out). (Right) U.S. Trophy team rider Jason Oahners rode consistently aU six days andwes rewarded with a gold medal In the supercompetitive 175cc class. 70th ISOE Jelenla Gora, Poland Result: september 18-23 125: 1. Cyril Esquirol (Hon) France; 2. Giorgio Crasso·(Yam) Italy; 3. Petteri Silva" (Hus) Finland; 4. Paolo Fellegara (Hon) Italy; S. Roman Michalik (TM) Czech Republic; 7. Chris Smith (TM) USA; 13. Randy Hawkins (Suz) USA; 25. Patrick Garrahan (Kaw) USA; 35. Drew Smith (TM) USA; 59. Marty Walden (suz) USA; 67. Eric Duany (Hon) USA. 175:' 1. Stephane Peterhansel (Yam) France; 2. Tullio Pellegrinelli (Hus) Italy; 3. Joachim Hedendahl (Suz) Sweden; 4. Rob Sartin (Yam) Creat Britain; 5. Eric Bernard (KTM) France; 8. Rodney Smith (Suz) USA: 22. Jason Dahners (KTM) USA; 29. David Rhodes (Kaw) USA; 34. leU (Left) U.s. Junior World rider Scott McLeughlln and his father examine the hole In Scott's engine ca_ caused by a thrown chain. He would drop out after day one. (Below) U,S, Trophy team member Greg Zltterkopf struggled on day four due to the muddy conditions, the flu and a sticky throttle. Fredette (Kaw) USA; 69. Brian Garrahan (Kaw) USA; 89. William Perkins (Yam) USA; 96. Tom Ebersole (CRE) USA; 98. Rodney Goehring (Hon) USA. 350 4·STRK: 1. Anders Eriksson (Hbg) Sweden; 2. Arnalda Nicoli (Hus) Italy; 3. Svenerik Jonsson (Hus) Sweden; 4. Christian Boulet (Hus) France; s. Otakar Kotrba (Hus) Czech Republic; 11. Jim Gray (KIM) USA; 26. Matt spigelmyer (KTM) USA. SOO 4-STRK: 1. Karl Tiainen (Hus) Finland; 2. Dirk von Zitzewitz (KTM) ,Brief·IY...:COay· SiX) arid can exercise. that right without risk of losing bronze-medal status.. . ., When a.1I ·was sa,id· and· done,. the .oiler.all . Bolluinll "BlJbba" 'Posleclnl had a.dlfficu~ view .ofthe Polish Six Days. was. seemingly . P:fter finishing out the first day in· · positive. Top.American Rodney.Sinlth·said, , eighth ,in the 500cc F.our-Stroke class and ~Ifwas definitely a good Six·.Days. The trails climbing .to ·s.econd by day five, th·e Slova·· were 'g.ood and. tebhnical.; wasri't deadly. ki!!n saw ·any ·chance he,had of ,catching tough but wasn't eas.y, eit~er. The only class leader· Kari Tiainen slip away· when . thing ihat wasn·'t fun was having io baby.sit his.Husaberg .faiied to start within. his my bike to the finish." When asked 'if he minute and was penalized 20 points, The.n, would· like to ride the ISDE·next year in Rriin .the final MX test, Posledni crashed hard land, Sm·ith responded witli a definite "yes." while. running among the leader.s .and would . en.d up ·finishin:g 10th in the ·moto. As a reSUlt, Po.sledni dropped from second 10 . Chris. Smith was happ:y with the event as · well. "They didn't pull any garbage tricks; . third in. lhe final standing·s,. just 4,43 seconds behind' runner-up Dirk von Zitzewitz of didn~ have impossible sections, or anything . , IIl1e· that," saId Smith who had. lhe· second- . Ger'!1aoy:· lowest evaluation point· total of lhe Americail contlngeht. "It was a gbod·,.tough event i"ellow·Slovaklan:Jan, Hi-ehor competed in· ·and, without· a dolibt, the·most t!llented rider Poland .. Like .f;lo$ledni, Hrehar spent ·about won.~ .. :' 'two· year'.s here in the .Unit!'ct States compel[Iig .in many ~-road Nationals. The 6k-. · Stili suffering ihe· effeCts of the" flu, ·l:rophy. al>le.. rider tOok h.ome. a S.i1ver .medal' ·in· · rider Greg ~erkopf chose· not to- parl[ci·- . Poliind, fmis~in\l 39th. in ·the 125cc class on · pate jn·the final in.otoc':Oss speciellest. Zit-· a Sl!zllkL. .. .. • terkopf rode ~e 30· mi.les ot trail to the test" wlthQut any prob.lem·s. but just didn't h·ave .Of" the 364 riders who offi~ially. stlIrted· the ttie energy. \0 compete ·In the. motocross·, . event, 221 toOk home mlldals: 71 in the Ac"i::ordinl;l·to.·ISD.Erules,.a · ·not 125cc <:18s.5, 98 ;n the 1.75cc class, .and 26· in both Pour-Siroke: c,as~s. . . . req~ired to .p.articipate II) the nmil. MX. test

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