Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 10 11

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·mr1!.:tf!~~,Series·~ Round 22: Cal-Expo State Fairgrounds Kopp (H-D); 7. Lance Jones (H-D); . Paul Bergstrom (Hon); 9. Clint Vahsholtt (Hon); 10. Les Washbon (H-D). 6 min., 11.47 sec. SEMI) (8 laps; 11 riders, top 3 trolnsfrr): 1. Dale Jennemoln (H·D); 2. Steve Morehead (H-D); 3. Steve Beattle (H-D); 4. Dan Butler (H-D); 5. Ben Bostrom (HD~ 6. Lance Jones (H-D~ 7, Jess Roeder (H-D~ 8. Andy Tresser (Due); 9. Steve Mayfield (A-D); 10. Eric Bostrom (H-D); 11. Allon McBee (H-D). Time: 5 min., 01.63 sec. SEMI 2 (8 laps; 10 rid..., lop 3 !ra¢er); 1. Garth Brow (H-D); 2. Will Davis (Hon); 3. Rich King (Hon); 4. Brett Landes (Hon~ 5. Joe Kopp (H-D); 6. MIke Hacker (H-D); 7. Olris Evans (H-D); 8. Poul Lynch (H-D~ 9. Les Wa5hbon (H.-D~ 10.Oint Vahsholtz (Hon). Time: 5 min.. 00.75 sec. SEMI 3 (8 tap; 9 riders. top 3 lr.ansfe.r): 1. Larry Pegram (H-D~ 2. Kevin Varnes (Hon~ 3. Geo Roeder D (H-D); 4. Ted Taylor (H·D); 5. Matt Wa.t (Hon); 6. Lonnie Pauley (Hon); 7. MIkelnderbitzen (H-D~ 8. Paul Bergstrom (Hon); 9. Jay Springsteen (H-D). Time: 5 min.. 02.50 sec. GRAND NATIONAl. (25 Lops; 17 rid...); 1. Chris arr (H-D); 2. Scott Porker (H-D); 3. Kevin Atherton (H- D~ 4- Teny Poovey (Hon); 5. Davey Camlin (H-D); 6. Larry Pegram (H-D); 7. wm Davis (Hon); 8. Mike Hale (Hon~ 9. Ronnw Jones (Hon~ 10. Ken Coolbeth Jr. (HD); 11. Rich King (Hon); 12. Garth Brow (H-D); 13. Steve Morehead (Ii-D); 14. Kevin Varnes (Han); 15. Steve Beattie (H-D); 16. Ceo Roeder n (H-D); 17. Dale Jermeman (H-D). Time: 15 min., 20.78 sec. AMA GRAND NATIONAL CHAMPIONSH.IP SERtES POINTS STANDINGS (After 22 of 24 rounds): 1. Scott Parker (280 points/S wins); 2. Rich King (204/1); 3. Chris Carr (l88/3); 4. Will Davis (177/1); 5. Kevin Atherton (171/1); 6. Steve Morehead (146/1); 7. Jay Springsteen (137/1); . Ronnie Jones (117); 9. Kevin Varnes (112/2~ 10. Davey Camlin (95/1); 11. MIke Hacker (86~ 12. Steve Beattie (n/l); 13. Larry Pegram (63~ 14. Terry Poovey (61): 15. Joe Kopp (60); 16. Brett Landes (53/1); 17. Dan BuUer (51); 18. Kenny Coolbeth Jr. (47); 19. Georgie Price IV (43); 20. Davey Durelle (41). AMA 883ee NATIONAL (12 I~p.; 11 riders): 1. Mike Hacker; 2. Matt WaH; 3. Ene Bostrom; 4. Ben Bostrom; 5. Doug Beattie; 6. ate Wait; 7. Jay Springsteen; 8. Dale Jenneman; 9. Lance Jones; 10. Paul Bergstrom; ] 1. Donald Paul; 12. Jess Roeder; 13. Joe Winston 1ll; 14. Clint Vilhsholtz.; 15. Tony Herrera; 16. Cary Rogers; ]7. John Wincewicz. AMA 883ce NATIONAL CKAMPIONSH.lP SERIES POINTS STANDINGS (After 15 of 17 ro~nds); 1. Jay Springsteen (212 points/S wins); 2. Mike Hacker (211/3); 3. Joson Fletcher (112); 4. Georg;e Price TV (l07); 5. James Hart (90/1); 6. Doug Beattie (85); 7. Na'" Wait (78); 8. Matt Wait (77/1); 9. Lance Jones (75/1); 10. Jess Roeder (60); 11. (fIE) Keith Jacobsen (48)/Beo Bostrom (48); 13. Dale Jenneman (47); 14. Bre' Beyer (43); 15. (Above) Matt Wait leads (95) leeds Jay Springsteen (9) Mike Hacker (67) and Eric Bostrom (20) durlngs the 883cc National final. Hacker pulled on the win. (Right - left to right) Atherton, Carr and Parker let It fly on the podium. This victory celebration could mark Carr's final appearance on the box at his home race. plan. T still want to do good on the 750, but J really want to win that 883 National Championship now. I know it's gonna be tough." That may be, but Hacker's win combined with Springsteen's seventh-place result has allowed the Moroney's rider to pull right up alongside the three-time Grand National champion in the points race. Springsteen leads Hacker by a single point with two rounds left. Unlike the 750cc class, this championship battle should go to the wire. ('N Cal-Expo State Fairgrounds Sacramento, California Results: Sept. 30, 1995 (Round 22 of 24) HEAT 1 (10 laps; 9 cidft'S, top 2 transfer): 1. Scott Parker (H~D); 2. Chris Carr (H~D); 3. Dale Jenneman (H. 0); 4. WUI DoWis (Han); S. Ted Taylor (H·D); 6. Steve Chris Carr' eamed $5400 from the purse plus $3200 from Harley-Davidson and $500 from Aral Helmets for a $9100 paycheck. Scott Parker picked up $3400 jn purse Slough plus $300 from Bell Helmets for a $3700 haul. Kevin Atherton came away with' $2875 from the purse, Aral Helmets and Dayco Products. Good Samaritan Kevin Atherton had an interesting slory to tell about hi.s trek to Oalifomia for the Sacramento Mlle. "It was about 1 a.m., and we were on the way through Nevada," Atherton said. "And I saw this guy standing next to his motorcycle on the side of the road_ So I wheeled ~ off the road and backed up. It tumed out he was out of gas. I didn~ have any in my can, SO I had to gIVe him the race gas out of my Ducati 916. Then his battery was' dead, so I gave him a push ·to get him started. He said it was his first bike, and that he was on his way to see his brother In Portland. He said he was havin' a ball." Nice people, these dirt trackers. ....., ..... I-< (J) .g ..... u o 6 Road racer Jimmy Filice was seen' hanging out in the pits at Sacramento. Fresh off his win In the final round of the AMA 2fiOcC Grand Prix road race the wee~ bef0r~ the- form~r. Yamaha and Eddie Adkl~ Racing-backed mile special, ist had come to visit with old frierids. "I don't get the chance to see 100 many dirt tracks anymore·," Filice said: "I'm just here cheCking things out and sayln' Hi to Springer. This Is where my roots are at. Former 250cc World Champion John Kocinski was also in attendance at the mile. Tommy Colson (36); 16. Eric Bostrom (34); 17. Paul Bergtsrom (30); 18. Robert Miller (25); 19. Randy Texter (24); 20. ReciJ Hart (17). Upcoming Rounds: Round 23' - Pomona, CA, OCtober 7 Round 24 - Del Mar, CA, October 15 Beattie (H-D); 7. dvis Evans (H-D); 8. Lonnie Pauley (Hon); 9. AUon McBee (Hon). Time: 6 min., 11.04 sec. HEAT 2 (10 l~ps; 10 riders, top 2 transfu): l. Terry Poovey (Hon~ 2. Davey Camlin (H-D); 3. Larry Pegram (H-D); 4- Steve Morehead (H-D); 5. Rich King (Hon); 6. Matt WaH (H-D); 7. Jess Roeder (H-D); 8. Paul Lynch (H-D); 9. Chance Darling (Hon); 10. Eric Bostrom (H-D). Time: 6 min., 13.93 sec. HEAT 3 (10 laps; 10 riders, top 2 transJer): 1. Ronnie Jones (Hon); 2. Ken Coolbeth Jr. (H-D); 3. Jay Springsteen (H-D); 4. Brett Landes (Hon); 5. Ben Bostrom (H-D); 6. Geo Roeder D (H-D); 7. M;ke Hacker (H-D); 8. Andy Tresser (Due); 9. Mike Inderbitzen (HD); 10. Steve Mayfield (H-D). Time: 6 min., 14.14 sec. HEAT 4 (10 l.aps; 10 riders, top 2 transfer): 1. Kevin Atherton (H-D); 2. M;ke Hale (Hon); 3. Garth Brow (HD); 4. Dan Butler (H-D); 5. Kevin Varnes (Hon); 6. Joe Jeff Eklund was on hand at Sacramento, ml\·e young Califomlan's first time to the races since suttering his near-fatal accident at the' Du. Quoin Mile on July 3. Although somewhat frail-looking and In need of a cane to get around, Eklund was in high spirits and looking forwa,rd to getting back to training. "I'm stili going to therapy, but the doctors tell me that in a year or so thaI there's no reason that I shouldn't be able to do any1hlng that I did before," Eklund said. "I asked them If that meant even motorcycle racing, and they said yes if that's what I wanted to do. But I'm not going to race again. I'm sitting here watching these -guys go by, and I'm thinking, 'no way.~ But I still have my XR100, and I hope to be able- to go play with Breit (Landes) pretty soon." . (Right) Hecker (center) ra~ the 883cc National flrstplace trophy In triumph while being flanked by Bostrom (left) and Walt (right). The Virginian has now caught Jey Springsteen In the .-las standings with two races left. ' . . attempt on th'e .part of Honda 'to keep ihe Texan In the U.S. bn a Smokin' Joe's RC45 for another season. Smokin' Joe's Honda crew chief Ray Plumb said tha't the bike will be retumed to its pl!1ce in' the company "museum." With a little help from his friends: Michigan rider Garth Brow made his retum to the Sacramento Mile a successful one, and the rider they call "Gonzo' wanted to make sure that proper cred~ was given to those who have helped in his comeback bid_ "I want to thank the people at TCR and my pal Randy Brady," Brow said. "Randy has been helping us for these last three races. I also want to thank Ricky Greham. I've been staying out here w~h him, and he's been helping me a lot." ment bike and captured the series title as well. Hacker landed the win Ir the. 883cc main eyent. Rich King and the Garvis Honda team had a rather forgettable race al Sacramento. "flight away' we broke our miler and we were forced to get on ou-' backup bike, which is set up for Pomona. We dOn't know where we're at willi ~ here." King said that the change in ~self was not a bad thing. "My miler is the bike that I won the Denver tla~ Mile on, and this ha~ miler gave me my best finish ever on a mile, at Indy this year." The backup bike appeared to be quite competent, with King making it Into the main event through the semi, but his first-tum melee with Dele .Jenneman de-tuned both King and the bike. The team made the restart, and King finished 11 tho Team Undo owner Jim Landes, the father of Speaking of Ricky Grahem, the three-time Grand Natfonal competitor Br8lt Lande. orgaGrand National Champion was seen cruising As expected,. Chance DIIr1lng made his Honda nized another benefit auction to help Jeff the p~ with his rightarrn in a sling white recovering from a recent shoulder surgery, and was debur on the RS750 belonging to California Eklund' defray his tremendous medical owner TIm "Taco" TorreclJlas and met with expenSes_ ~ ooers chjpped in with memprOViding Garth Brow, Ted Taylor, and Kevin orabilia to sell t~ . et. The proVarnes with hints to get around Sacramento disastrous results. Darling looked fast in nis ceeds fro~ the Sacramento aucllon 001TTbined-_Ql.!!gk...!L "I've ~n doing this for sO long," Grascratch heat but suffered a bad start In' the regwith t~ose from another one held at th!l ham sa . AAfj~ help someone go fast ular hea.t-~, The bike then grenaded, forcing Knoxville Ha~ ~lIe totalled $~400. Anyone still ~y telling the!11 what I Kilow-from alI..1!lt years,_ ttle t8!lm 1<;l"Call.1t a night. Loea! Expert ~ wishing' to pontrlbute. can, do so to the. Jeff - then I want to dO that." Graham's advic~ule¥.w~o aboard a Taco Racing Eklund Trust Accou~t, Acct. #6014-094095, cia have help.ed as b.oth Brow and Varnes FlS75JJ.~~CLcle Bow star failed. to First Commercial Bank, P.O. Box 1204, Campthe main event and Taylor looked to be headed . mak9 It oo!'o1.h,s. seml~~e 17 ~ell, CA 95009"1204. there before his run-in with Jay Springsteen. . ride!'sj'l,~~a~~ Eiv'?nt w~re ~onda-~ed. made • The Mike Halelfactory Honda RS750 tour has come to' an abrupt end, and the bike, at least, will not be at the Del Mar Mile. Hale refused to confirm it at Sacramento, but sources have revealed that he has signed w~h the Promotor. Oucatr squad and will ride in the World S~perbif

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