Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 09 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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THE BMW ROAD TO HAPPINESS SWEEPSTAKES ENDURO PARK IS TO MOTORCYCLE FANS WHAT THE WORLD'S BIGGEST TOY STORE IS TO KIDS. EVEN THE MOST GROWN-UP MOTORCYCLE FANS GET VERY EXenEB ABOIR 11'. There aren't many things in life that can reduce a grown motorcycle enthusiast to tears of joy. BMW's Enduro Park in Hechlingen, Germany is one of them. It's a test track with every riding challenge you could imagine. A track that dares you to demonstrate your skills and extend the limits of your experience. Visit your BMW Motorcycle dealer and fill out a Road To Happiness Sweepstakes entry form.* You could win a 5-day, all expenses paid trip for two to Germany, with quality time at Enduro Park. And while you're there, drop in on the BMW factory and see how the most amazing motorcycles in the world are developed and manufactured. Even see the model BMW you already own, or are about to buy, being made. Your local dealer is waiting for you. But try to control yourself and act your age when Q~ you come through the door. FOR THE WBJJ AHEAD. _1lUl!S-.1ESTMIE. __ To enter, complete an 0fI'dal Entry Fom1 according to dII'ectIons or hand print on a 3-)( 5- card yOl#' n&(l'le, 9ddres5 and home telephone number. Mall 'fOOt,entry (limit one entry per ~ via f!rst cIaSI meII to: BM'N'I!J Road 10 HappIn8ss~. P~O. Box 4376._ 8Iai', NE 68009-4375. For ellQiblllty, entries must be received by December 31, 1995. WInner will be selected In 8 random draWIng to be conclJcted no later !han Jenuaiy 15. 1996 fI'Orri M'lOf"I08I all elgible entries received by O. L BlaIr, Inc., an Incfependent ~ OtQanIzation. whOSe deCI8lons are final. No t8SPOOslblllty Is 8SSl.I'ned lor lost, Iale. mlscirected or oon-deIivefed mall. MutNaled or lIegIbIe entries wi be daquBIfled. PrIze consIsta of a five-day trip for two (at IeBst one traveler must be 18 ~ of age or older) to Munich. Germany. PrIze IncItJcIes round·trip c:oech air trensportatlon from the commerclal airport neaest wInner's hOme. acx:ornmod8t:kl (one room. double oc:cupency), ground transportation to and from Ml.ri::h airport and hOtel, 11'l9BI8, l.rlimIted aetnIsslon to BMWs Enckxo Perk and use of 8 BM'vV motorcyde of INInner's choice for the duration of stay in Mlri:::h (approxIrn8te prize value: $8,(00). TI'8'o'8Iers (and parentJguardian of a minor) a'8 responsbIe for ~ and ncIdentoIs and must execute and retlm a AeIeese of U8biIily prior to Ir8WlI, Travel must be completed by January 31, 1997. No cash eqt.WaIent at substitution for prize wiI be permitted. Sweepstakes open only to licensed driVers who are 18 years of age or older and 8I'e residents of the United States (except Puerto RIco). ErrPoyees of BMW 01 North America. Inc.. their de8kn. aclverti9ing, printi'lg and promotion agencies lWld memberS of their InvnedIate families are not eIigWJIe. WImer wi be ~ by mall. Odds of wimIng are determined by the I'U'Tlber of 9I1tries recei\Ied. Taxes are the sole responsibility of the v.inner. Offer Is 8lIbject 10 aI federal, stale, and local laws and A9Jatlons and Is void prohibited by law. Potential prizewimer must SVl and return en AIftdavit of Elglblllty wttlWl tl'*ty (30) d8yB of attempted notIflcatlon. No lOOi liplial108 wittW1 that time period mav resut in ~ a'ld ..... aIlemate wimer may be se6ected. /4n; prize notII'Ic8tIon 88 Lndei'verabIe may I'8SlAt In the 8W8ttIng ollhe pnze to en tWtemate wnner. Entry and ac:c::ept1nce d prize oI'ter8d constitutes permission to use wkYlef"I rwne, photograph or other ikenBss for the pupo98 of adYerti9ing, trade and promotion on behe/f of eMN of North America. nc. without lrther ~ 10 the wInlw, U'lIl!lss prohtljIed by law. Fa IWll8 of wInlw (avaIetie after Februory 15,1996), send 8 seIf·ada'e8sed, stamped envelope to: ~ Aoed to Happress wmer, p. o. Box 4378, 8Iair, NE 68009-4378.

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